2 charged with aiding escapees

PICKENS — The Pickens County Sheriff’s Office arrested two people last week on charges of aiding escape from prison after the escape of two men from the Pickens County Stockade the week before.
According to sheriff’s office chief deputy Creed Hashe, police believe Semeca Danyelle Oglesby, 21, arranged for transportation and was present when inmates Jeffery Shane Mauldin and Dustin Ryan Floyd were picked up June 9 after walking away from the stockade.
Hashe said Oglesby and the two inmates were taken to a home in Easley, where police believe they were later picked up by William David Burns, 46, and taken to Greenville County.
According to an arrest warrant, a convenience store video camera picked up footage of the four together in Burns’ vehicle.
Burns, of 138A Rasor Drive in Greenville, was arrested without incident June 16 at a home on Ridgefield Circle in Easley, Hashe said.
Oglesby, of 131 N. Norris Drive in Liberty, was taken into custody without confrontation at a home in Norris on June 17, according to Hashe.
Floyd, 29, and Mauldin, 28, were caught on June 10 and June 12, respectively, and each face an additional charge of escape on top of their previous family court convictions.
Burns and Oglesby were each released from the Pickens County Detention Center on a $7,000 surety bond.