Monthly Archives: March 2012
Watson signs with SWU
CENTRAL — Continuing a recent trend of successful distance runners from Pickens High School, Blue Flame senior Rebecca Watson inked last Friday to continue her cross country career at Southern Wesleyan University.
Unusual early spring calls for change in turkey tactics
Just in case you haven’t noticed, the seasons are all out of whack this year. We had one of the warmest winters on record.
For the first time in my lifetime, we had no snow to speak of and very few frigid nights. By mid-February, when they should have been shivering in below freezing overnight temps, spring peepers were already peeping in 70-degree weather.
Obituaries for the week of March 28
Liberty — Jaelyn Mae Pilgrim, infant daughter of Britnie Noel Pilgrim, died Monday, March 19, 2012.
She is survived by a large loving extended family.
Funeral services were held at 1 p.m. Saturday at Faith Baptist Church, Norris. Burial followed in the church cemetery.
Flowers accepted or memorials may be made to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, 262 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105.
Condolences may be expressed online at or at the funeral home.
Classified Ads for the week of March 28
AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for high paying Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified- Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (866) 367-2513. SW
DISH NETWORK. Starting at $19.99/month PLUS 30 Premium Movie Channels FREE for 3 Months! SAVE! & Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL – 877-617-0765 SW
Do you own an antique or modern U.S. or foreign military vehicle? If so, “I WANT YOU” to join our veterans club, USMTM, please email for info: TFC
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SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. WIN or Pay Nothing! Start Your Application In Under 60 Seconds. Call Today! Contact Disability Group, Inc. Licensed Attorneys & BBB Accredited. Call 888-431-6168. SW
TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 2012, IS THE LAST DAY to redeem winning tickets in the following South Carolina Education Lottery Instant Games: (427) Giant Jumbo Bucks & (478) Beach Bucks. SW
HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA FROM HOME. 6 – 8 weeks. ACCREDITED. Get a Diploma. Get a Job! FREE Brochure. 1-800-264-8330 Benjamin Franklin High School SW
Secret service raids Easley business
EASLEY — U.S. Secret Service agents raided an Easley business last Thursday after a complaint was filed against its owner, a former Anderson County councilman, by the state attorney general.
Last week, S.C. Attorney General Alan Wilson filed a complaint accusing Ron Wilson and his company, Atlantic Bullion and Coin, Inc., of defrauding investors in an alleged Ponzi scheme.
Spring Fling this Saturday
EASLEY — Downtown Easley will come alive this Saturday with the city’s ninth annual Spring Fling, sponsored by the Easley Downtown Business Association.
Tower gets historic logo
Steve Marlow/
Drivers along Main Street and U.S. 178 in Pickens can now get a glimpse of the city’s new logo, which has been painted onto the face of the historic water tower behind Main Street. Above, Roger Ray of McLean Tank Company works on painting the logo on the tower Sunday afternoon.
Shelton goes in-depth with SDPC bond issue
Editor’s Note: This is the first installment of a new multi-part series of interviews conducted between Courier staff reporter Nicole Daughhetee and SDPC board trustee Jim Shelton, a former board chair.
For those readers who followed the Greenville Plan series, and for those readers who are just joining in, I recently conducted a series of interviews with School District of Pickens County board trustee and former chair Jim Shelton in the hopes of illuminating for the public some of the more “behind-the-scenes” thoughts and discussions that are part of any governing board.
Daughhetee wins two SCPA awards

FOLLY BEACH — After just two years experience in the newspaper business, Pickens County Courier Staff Reporter Nicole Daughhetee was honored by her peers with a pair of awards at Saturday’s South Carolina Press Association awards banquet in Folly Beach.
Daughhetee, who covers a wide variety of topics ranging from human interest feature stories to meetings of the School District of Pickens County’s board of trustees, received a first-place plaque in the Critical Writing category and a second-place plaque in the Faith Reporting category across all divisions of weekly newspapers in the state.
Local historian recalls tragedy
SIX MILE — Julia Woodson remembers the night of the Six Mile tornadoes because the lights flickered in her home in Liberty.
“We were lucky the storm didn’t hit us in Liberty,” Woodson said.
Woodson was 11 years old at the time. Her father sold cotton gins, and several of his customers lived in the Six Mile community.
“He knew a few people in Six Mile and he felt close to the community,” Woodson said. “So he thought it was only appropriate to attend the funeral.”