Daily Archives: 03/13/2013
Azalea Festival Friday will offer both classic cars and classic music

PICKENS — Spring has always been special in Pickens County, with warm, sunny days and cool crisps evenings. And the second weekend in April offers the best way for area residents and visitors to Pickens County to say goodbye to the chills of winter with a two-day event filled with activities to thrill all age groups.
The 29th annual Azalea Festival, slated for April 19-20, is shaping up to be a weekend to remember by everyone planning to attend, Russ Gantt, director of the event, said.
“A lot of work, planning, and organizing is going into the 2013 Azalea Festival,” Gantt said. “Everyone working on this year’s event wants this to be the best festival to date.”
Pew: Board’s invocation vote not a prayer ban
Dr. Kelly Pew
School District of Pickens Co.
Recently, the School District of Pickens County board of trustees passed first reading of a policy that provides for board members to deliver an invocation in the form of a non-sectarian legislative prayer at the start of their own meeting. Prior board practice has been to invite students to deliver the invocation.
Tips for romance
Life As I Know It
By Nicole Daughhetee
Bravo’s The Millionaire Matchmaker is primarily watched by women — if I had to guess — but should be watched by men. Patti Stanger can be crude at times, but she always tells it like it is. While she earns her bread and butter as a love guru for the wealthy elite, her advice is certainly translatable to the average Joe.
Media should lay off of Nuk
All About Ben
By Ben Robinson
Last week I was listening to a sports-talk radio show, and the announcer spent a good amount of time complaining about a Clemson player who completed a pro day session for the NFL and after the session did not take time to talk with the media.
Special election set for May 28 in Liberty
LIBERTY — The city of Liberty will hold a special municipal election on Tuesday, May 28, to fill the unexpired term of councilman Walt McJunkin, who passed away March 2.
Registered voters who live in the city of Liberty’s Ward 2 will be able to file as candidates from noon on Friday, March 22, until noon on Monday, April 1.
A filing fee of $25 will apply, and candidates must turn in a paper copy of their Statement of Economic Interests and Statement of Intention of Candidacy form at the same time and with the same official as well.
Liberty makes plans for spring festival
LIBERTY — The city of Liberty will host its second annual spring festival and cruise-in while kicking off its Music in the Park sereis on Saturday, May 4.
In addition, The Parenting Place’s “Ride for the Child” will end in the city and an awards ceremony will take place as part of the festival.
“We are so excited to be able to partner with The Parenting Place’s ‘Ride for the Child’ this year,” Liberty Festival and Events Chair Tammy Clark said. “It will be a great addition to our event, bringing even more business to the city.”
Railroad Festival rolls into Central April 27
CENTRAL — Get on board for fun, food, festivities and more Saturday, April 27, in historic downtown Central for a celebration of the town’s railroad heritage, with music and railroad festivities.
The Railroad Festival begins at 10 a.m. and runs until 6 p.m., featuring entertainment, food, music and arts and crafts vendors.
“The Central Railroad Festival has activities for the entire family,” said Ken Paynter, festival organizer. “Come spend the day, enjoy the entertainment and the great variety of food. There are tons of free activities for the kids.”
Famous Firsts in Women’s History
First women’s-rights convention meets
in Seneca Falls, New York, 1848
In July 1848, some 240 men and women gathered in upstate New York for a meeting convened, said organizers, “to discuss the social, civil, and religious condition and rights of women.” One hundred of the delegates — 68 women and 32 men — signed a Declaration of Sentiments, modeled on the Declaration of Independence, declaring that women, like men, were citizens with an “inalienable right to the elective franchise.” The Seneca Falls Convention marked the beginning of the campaign for woman suffrage.
Women’s History Month
Celebrating the contributions of women
Growing out of a small-town school event in California, Women’s History Month is a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture and society. The United States has observed it annually throughout the month of March since 1987. The 2013 National Women’s History Month theme, “Women Inspiring Innovation through Imagination,” honors generations of women who throughout American history have used their intelligence, imagination, sense of wonder, and tenacity to make extraordinary contributions to the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields.
Courier Obits 3-13-13
CENTRAL — Margaret Alice Pazel Donofrio, 88, of Central and widow of William Donofrio died Monday, March 4, 2013 at Capstone Health and Rehab in Easley.
Born in Vandling, Pa., she was a daughter of the late Frank and Margaret Kleinbauer Pazel. Margaret was formerly of Randolph, N.J. and moved to Central in 2006. She was a former payroll clerk and was of the Catholic faith.