Monthly Archives: March 2013
Sweet Easter treats

By Nicole DaughheteeCourier Staff
I have an incredible sweet tooth and must admit that confectionary delicacies are certainly a treat I enjoy during the Easter season. Without a doubt, my favorite Easter candy is the Cadbury Crème Egg.
John Cadbury made his first “French eating Chocolate” in 1842, but it was not until 1875 that the first Cadbury Easter Eggs were made. Progress in the chocolate Easter egg market was slow until a method was found for making the chocolate flow into the molds.
The modern chocolate Easter egg owes its progression to the two greatest developments in the history of chocolate — the Dutch invention of a press for separating cocoa butter from the cocoa bean in 1828 and the introduction of a pure cocoa by Cadbury Brothers in 1866. The Cadbury process made large quantities of cocoa butter available, and this was the secret of making molded chocolate or indeed, any fine eating chocolate.
Symbols of Easter
The Easter holiday and its celebrations around the world are rich with symbolism. Included below are just a sampling of Easter-related symbols and how they came to be.
The Easter Bunny
: The exact origins of this mythical mammal are unclear, but rabbits, known to be prolific procreators, are an ancient symbol of fertility and new life. According to some sources, the Easter bunny first arrived in America in the 1700s with German immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania and transported their tradition of an egg-laying hare called “Osterhase” or “Oschter Haws.” Their children made nests in which this creature could lay its colored eggs. Eventually, the custom spread across the U.S. and the fabled rabbit’s Easter morning deliveries expanded to include chocolate and other types of candy and gifts, while decorated baskets replaced nests. Additionally, children often left out carrots for the bunny in case he got hungry from all his hopping.
What is Easter?
Christianity’s most sacred and important holiday, Easter celebrates Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection from the dead. There are several Catholic, Lutheran and Anglican traditions prior to Easter Sunday that have interesting historical and Biblical significance and tie into Easter.
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent in the Western Christian calendar that occurs 46 days before Easter. According to the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the desert, where he endured temptation by Satan. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of this 40-day liturgical period of prayer and fasting or abstinence and sacrifice.
Courier Obits 3-27-13
EASLEY — Bobbie Sentell Tompkins, 77, of 4808 Old Easley Bridge Road and wife of James M. Tompkins, died Sunday March 10, 2013 at her home.
Mrs. Tompkins was born in Pickens County, the daughter of the late James Perry and Ethel Albertson Sentell. She retired from Jesus Loves Me Daycare and was a member of Mount Carmel Baptist Church.
Surviving in addition to her husband are a daughter, Mellissa Tompkins, of Easley; a son, Rodger Tompkins (Loretta); three sisters, Sue Hudson and Eloise Parsons, both of Easley and Shirley Tollison, of Liberty; two grandchildren, Kayla Tompkins McCollum (Tyson) and Chad Tompkins (Shalane) and four great-grandchildren.
Courier Classifieds 3-27-13
Do you own an antique or modern U.S. or foreign military vehicle? If so, “I WANT YOU” to join our veterans club, USMTM, please email for info: TFC
AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified – Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-367-2513. SW
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Surprise stop at City Hall

Pickens city employees were shocked Monday afternoon when a Ford F-150 came crashing onto the front steps of City Hall. The driver of the truck lost control on S.C. 178, eventually running over the sidewalk and nearly onto the building’s porch. According to police chief Rodney Gregory, no one was injured in the accident. Emily Wright/Courier
ECU rate increase goes into effect on April 1
EASLEY — Easley Combined Utilities (ECU) customers living inside the Easley City limits received a notice in their most recent bill stating that beginning in April a new line item, called a Municipal Fee, will appear on their bill.
The Municipal Fee will equal 5 percent of the amount of the total utility bill, excluding taxes, and will be forwarded to the city of Easley.
For the last 15 years, the City of Easley has collected a fee from ECU at a rate of 3.35 percent of the total bill, but the fee has not been listed as a line item prior to April 1.
Rusty Jones of Trophies Unlimited in downtown Easley has had some concerns over the ECU’s recent rate increases and new line item.
“The city is now asking ECU for 5 percent instead of the 3.35 percent, and they have decided to just add a 5 percent fee to our bills while also raising their rates due to the higher cost of their supplier,” said Jones. “Effectively, ECU is keeping the 3.35 percent that was already built into the rates, adding the 5 percent that the city wants to our bills and then raising their rates to compensate for the new cost of energy. That is over a 10 percent increase in rates and no improvements in quality to their customers.”
Central man killed after kayak overturns on lake
SALEM — A Clemson University graduate student was killed Saturday after a gust of wind overturned the kayak he was riding in with his wife on Lake Jocassee.
Anlin Wang, 25, of Central, drowned after the accident, according to Pickens County deputy coroner Gary Duncan.
Wang and his wife, who survived after swimming for an estimated hour to shore, were in the middle of the lake when their kayak capsized at approximately 4:30 p.m. on Saturday.
Clemson shooting suspect arrested
CLEMSON — Police arrested a suspect Saturday in a March 4 robbery and shooting at a Clemson apartment complex.
Montrez O’Brian Jones, 23, was arrested in Seneca and charged with possession of a firearm during the committal of a violent crime, three counts of kidnapping, three counts of armed robbery and attempted murder.
The Clemson Police Department received a 911 call on March 4, reporting that someone had been shot and robbed at the Goldenwoods apartment complex, located on Georgetown St.
Officers arrived to find a male victim shot in the upper leg and robbed of cash, along with two female victims who had also been robbed.
The witnesses told police a black male wearing a black hoodie entered the apartment with a pistol asking for money. After receiving money from all three of the apartment’s occupants, the suspect demanded more cash before shooting the male in the upper leg and fleeing the area in a white Ford Crown Victoria.
The subsequent investigation led to the identification of Jones as a suspect and arrest warrants being issued.
Jones was denied bond by a Clemson judge and is currently being held at the Pickens County Detention Center.
Students spend spring break volunteering

Rocky Nimmons/Courier
Tom Seley of Pickens County Habitat for Humanity, right, works with Greg Lark of the Hotchkiss School during construction last Friday on a house in Pickens.
By Nicole Daughhetee
Courier Staff
PICKENS — Two groups of students from up north decided to forego the traditional spring break shenanigans, instead opting to spend their time in Pickens County working on a Habitat for Humanity house.
The choice of the students, from Whittenburg University in Springfield, Ohio, and Hotchkiss Boarding School in Lakeville, Conn., impressed Milledge Cassell, a well-known Pickens businessman and philanthropist.
“These kids could have gone anywhere and done anything during their spring break, and they decided to come to Pickens, S.C., to work on a Habitat House,” said Cassell, a longtime Habitat for Humanity volunteer who established Pizza Inn in Pickens.
Headed up by Jill Evans, director of Habitat for Humanity in Pickens County, construction on the house, located on Shady Grove Road, began approximately two weeks ago, and Cassell estimates the house will be completed by the end of the summer.