Monthly Archives: April 2013
Representing Pickens

Pickens was well-represented in the 2013 Senior SPA Women’s Spring National Championship in Pensacola, Fla., on April 11-14. Sandy McJunkin Preusz played with the 45+ Carolina Snipers from Summerville. Her skills at first base, hard hitting, and base running helped her team to come in as first runner-up in that age group. Donna Duncan Garrett played with the Southern Stars, a 60+ team comprised of players from Tennessee, South Carolina and Georgia. She played outfield at times and second base in other games. Jackie Roper McJunkin was most impressive with the 70+ Kentucky Thoroughbreds team. She had many incredible plays on first base and also an impressive show at bat, and was selected to the All-Tournament Team.
To be, or not to be
Life As I Know It
By Nicole Daughhetee
I don’t go to movies too often, and I’m not certain why, because I enjoy the theater experience: freshly popped buttery popcorn, surround-sound enveloping the larger-than-life screen upon which the film unfolds, holding the hand of someone I love in the darkness.
Perhaps one of the reasons I don’t see movies in the theater very often is the exorbitant pricing. Once tickets, popcorn and a soda are purchased, I think to myself how I could have waited for the movie to come out on DVD and watched it in the comfort of my own home, which includes the ability to pause the action for a bathroom break.
Sometimes animals are more human than people
On The Way
By Olivia Fowler
An old friend was telling me about taking her 18-month-old grandson to the Asheboro Zoo in North Carolina. She said the giraffe family had a new baby, as did the gorilla family, and they were all enjoying the sunshine of a pleasant spring day.
The mama gorilla was asleep, holding her baby, when the daddy gorilla came out of his entrance and looked around. He left and soon returned with a bundle of hay, which he carried carefully out.
The spectators thought he was being very sweet in bringing hay out for the mama and the baby gorilla. That is until he spread the hay carefully onto the ground and then lay down on it and went to sleep.
All aboard for fun! Central Rairoad Festival is this Saturday

Welcome to the Town of Central and to our fifth annual Railroad Festival. This insert is your guide to everything you need for an unforgettable day of fun for your whole family. As you read it you will find maps, schedules and information about the day’s exciting activities, as well as the details of our sponsors who have once again helped us provide all the day’s activities free of change.
This year’s festival offers so many opportunities for entertainment and fun: National banjo champion, Charles Wood will be performing on the main stage, along with the Southern Wesleyan University Jazz Band, local singer/songwriter Tony Tidwell, and the popular 1960’s oldies band, The Flying Saucers. The kids are in for a real treat this year. Ziggy’s Music and Magic show is sure to delight our young audience members, and they will be amused by the antics of the RU Safe Clowns. As always, the Hot Foot cloggers will entertain us all with their award-winning dance routines.
What is Earth Day?
Founded in 1970 as a day of education about environmental issues, Earth Day is now a globally celebrated holiday that is sometimes extended into Earth Week, a full seven days of events focused on green awareness.
The brainchild of Sen. Gaylord Nelson and inspired by the antiwar protests of the late 1960s, Earth Day was originally aimed at creating a mass environmental movement. It began as a “national teach-in on the environment” and was held on April 22 to maximize the number of students that could be reached on university campuses.
Courier Obits 4-24-13
Elizabeth “Betty” Cruickshank
Clemson — Elizabeth “Betty” Henry Cruickshank, 81, wife of Charles A. Cruickshank died Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at the Cottingham Hospice House in Seneca.
Born in Rochester, N.Y., she was the daughter of the late Russell B. and Mildred Doty Henry. Betty earned an Associate degree in Dietetics from Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, N.Y., her B.A. in English Education from the State University of New York, Geneseo and a Masters from the State University of New York in Brockport in 1973. She was a high school English teacher and guidance counselor. She was a life-long Presbyterian and was ordained as a deacon and elder. She was a member of Fort Hill Presbyterian Church where she was active in Presbyterian Women and teaching ESOL for 15 years. Betty retired to Clemson 29 years ago. She was an avid gardener and volunteered at the South Carolina Botanical Garden for 28 years. She was a member of the Foothills Garden Club, Clemson Garden Club and Master Gardeners of the Foothills. She was a member of the original advisory board of the South Carolina Botanical Garden in 1992. She and her husband established the Cruickshank Hosta Garden at the South Carolina Botanical Garden in 1995.
Courier Classifieds 4-24-13
Do you own an antique or modern U.S. or foreign military vehicle? If so, “I WANT YOU” to join our veterans club, USMTM, please email for info: TFC
AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified – Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-367-2513. SW
MEDICAL CAREERS begin here – Train ONLINE for Allied Health and Medical Management. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 888-220-3872 SW
Azalea Festival 5K Race To Pay Tribute to Boston Victims
The Azalea Festival 5K Run/Walk sponsored by the Pickens Women Association (PWA) scheduled for Saturday, 04/20 will pay tribute to the victims in Boston. ” We will be handing out green streamers to all our race participants at the 3 mile point along the race to honor the 3 persons killed and the over 170 injured at Monday’s Boston Marathon bombings”, stated PWA Co-Race Chair Karen Roper. We chose green streamers as many of the Boston Marathon participants were wearing green to honor the Sandy Hook victims.
The 5K Run/Walk Race is a key part of the Azalea Festival weekend events. The race is for runners and walkers of all ages and will begin at 830am Saturday morning, 04/20. The race starts and finishes inside the Pickens High School Campus. The course is certified by US Track and Field and is the same course utilized by the Pickens High School cross-country team.
Azalea Festival Friday activities canceled

Saturday’s Azalea Festival events will go on as planned!
PICKENS — With rainy weather in the forecast, Azalea Festival officials have made the decision to call off Friday’s festivities in downtown Pickens.
Saturday’s events for the 29th annual event will go on as scheduled, Azalea Festival director Russ Gantt said Thursday.
In addition to Friday’s events, which included a cruise-in and concerts featuring bands such as The Tams, festival title sponsor WSPA-News Channel 7 has canceled scheduled broadcasts featuring Jack Roper and Kimberly Kelly live from Pickens on Friday.
As always, admission and parking will be free for Saturday’s Azalea Festival events, which begin with the annual Azalea Fest Run/Walk in the morning and end with a main stage concert by chart-topping country music group Little Texas at night.
Clemson president Barker steps down

1970 CU graduate plans
to return to classroom
CLEMSON — After nearly 14 years serving as the 14th president of his alma mater, Clemson University President James F. Barker has announced plans to retire from that position and return to the classroom.
“Last week, I asked the board of trustees to begin a search for the 15th president of Clemson University,” said Barker, who recently returned to the post after having heart surgery. “I have pledged to remain until the new president is on board. I will then begin preparing myself for my next career as a faculty member in the School of Architecture.