Monthly Archives: May 2013
Memorial Day event scheduled in Six Mile
SIX MILE — The Town of Six Mile will hold a Memorial Day Celebration at the Six Mile Town Hall on Monday, May 27 beginning at 10 a.m. to honor the four Medal of Honor recipients from Pickens County. The medal is the highest military award in our nation and Pickens County has more Medal of Honor recipients per capita than any other county in the United States.
All four recipients were awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously. All four men gave their lives carrying out amazing acts of bravery. Furman Smith of Six Mile and William McWhorter of Liberty served during World War II:, Charles Barker of Six Mile served during the Korean War and Donnie Howe of Six Mile served during the Vietnam War.
Enrollment under way for Appalachian music lessons
UPSTATE — The next session of the Evening Music Program will begin the week of Monday, June 3.
This program is designed to teach students to play Appalachian music, with acoustic instruments. Lessons are open to all ages (third grade through adults). Instruments include guitar, mandolin, fiddle, and banjo.
The six-week sessions will be held at the following locations: Easley First Baptist Church in Easley (Tuesday nights), Pickens Senior Center (Monday and Thursday nights), Saint Paul United Methodist Church, downtown Greenville (Thursday nights), Clemson (new location and day to be determined).
Cost is $60 per six-week session and instrument rental is available for $25 per six-week session. The enrollment period is from May 20 through June 3. Anyone interested in signing up for these sessions should contact one of the following program directors: Easley & Greenville: Susan Ware-Snow (864 979-9188 or, Pickens: Steve McGaha (864 283-4871 or, or Clemson: Ryan Wilson (864 360-4763 or
Six Mile teen set to perform at New York’s Carnegie Hall
NEW YORK — A Six Mile teen will get the opportunity to sing on one of performance’s grandest stages when she joins the Chicora Voices Choir at Carnegie Hall this Sunday.
Aubrey Evans, a Daniel High School freshman, is traveling with the exclusive Greenville-based youth choir for a five-day residency in New York CiAty.
The singers will have the chance to explore the cultural wonders of the city, as well as attend a pair of Broadway shows, before performing on the Carnegie Hall stage as part of a choral festival sponsored by MidAmerica Productions.
Evans, who plays the violin and piano in addition to singing, is the daughter of Andy and Dee Evans of Six Mile. Her grandparents are Tom and Ruby Evans of Six Mile and Virgil and Phyllis Palmer of Athens, Ga.
If it was good enough for the Roman Empire
On The Way
By Olivia Fowler
I was surprised to learn that although the Roman Empire rose and fell, standard measurements they put into place 2,000 years ago may have determined the size of the rocket boosters used in the American space program.
My good neighbor, Brian Dismukes, told me about this when he was curing my computer of yet another nasty virus that had wormed its way into the system.
Please bear in mind that the following information was gleaned from various Internet sources, and of course we know everything on the Internet is true.
The standard gauge for the width of American railroad tracks is 56.5 inches. Why is this?
Making it, with help
Life As I Know It
by Nicole Daughhetee
One year ago I would have never imagined the following words pouring forth from my heart or my mind. As with everything else in my life, I write about those things that I feel passionate and, quite frankly, God was not one of those things.
I’ve experienced some profound changes in my life this last year. My husband and I separated, and though I know it has been for the best, the reality of it was not any less painful for me or my daughters. I’ve had my heart broken in more ways than I ever imagined. Every month I struggle to pay my bills and provide for the most important people in my life in the ways I was once able. In a matter of weeks I will lose my health insurance and have yet to find a way to provide the necessary benefits I so desperately need.
Community remembers slain children

The Rev. Ashley McCoy-Bruce, left, speaks at a community service held in honor of Carly and Sawyer Simpson at Dacusville Elementary School last Thursday.
‘We’re helping each other get through this’
By Nicole Daughhetee
Courier Staff
In the early morning hours of May 14, tragedy struck the Dacusville community when 7-year-old Carly Simpson and her brother Sawyer Simpson, 5, were found shot dead in their beds. Shot in the head, their father, Michael Simpson, 34, remains hospitalized in serious condition, while their mother, Anna Simpson, 35, faces murder charges in their deaths after her release from the hospital. Dacusville Elementary, the school both children attended, held a
memorial service in their honor last Thursday evening. At left and below are transcripts from the speakers at the event.
The Rev. Ashley McCoy-Bruce
We are here tonight because Dacusville, the Simpson and Brown families, Dacusville Elementary and Pickens County have suffered a tremendous loss that has altered our lives in ways we have yet to fully understand.
I’m here to unify us in our faith and to speak as a mother. My children are raised in Dacusville. My sons graduated from this school. My daughter is a fourth grader here. We have worked together because we saw a need to gather quickly to express our heartfelt sympathy for the deaths of two beloved children, our concerns for a critically wounded father and for the soul of a broken mother.
Courier Obits 5-22-13
Christine S. Satterfield
Pickens — Christine Stone Satterfield, 84, formerly of Red Hill Road, wife of the late Alfred Bennett Satterfield, died Thursday, May 16, 2013.
Born in Pickens County, she was the daughter of the late Walter and Lucille Bearden Stone. Mrs. Satterfield was retired from Sangamo Electric and was a member of Concord Baptist Church.
Surviving are her children, A. Bennett Satterfield (Bernice) of Oakway and Judy Spivey (Phil) of Easley; grandchildren, Chadwick Satterfield, Christy Peters, Lindsay Campbell, and Celeste Smith; and 10 great grandchildren.
Mrs. Satterfield was the last surviving member of her immediate family. In addition to her parents and husband, she was predeceased by three brothers, Austin Stone, Billy Stone and T.N. Stone.
Courier Classifieds 5-22-13
Yard Sale
ESTATE SALE: 126 Cedar Creek Circle, Central, SC. Saturday, May 25, 8:00 am – 1:00 pm. Furniture, Christmas, household items, no early birds, rain or shine
Do you own an antique or modern U.S. or foreign military vehicle? If so, “I WANT YOU” to join our veterans club, USMTM, please email for info: TFC
AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified – Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-367-2513. SW
MEDICAL CAREERS begin here – Train ONLINE for Allied Health and Medical Management. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 888-220-3872 SW
DIVORCE WITH OR WITHOUT CHILDREN $125.00. Includes name change and property settlement agreement. SAVE hundreds. Fast and easy. Call 1-888-733-7165, 24/7. SW
Pickens County Sheriff’s Office Releases 911 Calls from Double Murder on Cherokee Trail
The Pickens County Sheriff’s Office has released the 911 calls that were received at daybreak on the morning of May 14, 2013, where reports were first received that there had been a motor vehicle accident on Cherokee Trail. Those calls would later lead to the discovery of Mr. Michael Simpson and his two, young children inside their residence at 307 Cherokee Trail.
The two children, ages 5 and 7, would be found deceased at the scene and Michael Simpson would be transported to the hospital where he remains today in critical condition suffering from gunshot wounds.
Pickens County Sheriff’s Office continues to investigate double murder
PICKENS — The Pickens County Sheriff’s Office in conjunction with the Pickens County Coroner’s Office are reporting the following information as an update into the investigation from yesterday’s incident at 307 Cherokee Trail.
Autopsies have been completed on the deceased this morning and have confirmed that both victims died as a result of multiple gunshot wounds. Additional details surrounding the nature and/or number of those wounds will not be released pending trial.
Detectives continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding this case but there is no additional information to be released at this time.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Simpson remain hospitalized and their expected date of release is unknown. The Sheriff’s Office cannot release any information concerning their medical condition and will not be releasing any information as to the nature of their injuries other than Mr. Simpson suffers from life-threatening wounds sustained from gunshots.