Daily Archives: 07/10/2013
Simpson waives hearing

PICKENS — Suzanna Brown Simpson, the Dacusville mother accused of shooting and killing her children and trying to kill her husband in May, waived a preliminary hearing scheduled for this week.
Last Tuesday, Pickens County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Creed Hashe informed media that the hearing, which was set for July 8 at the Pickens County Court House, had been waived at the request of Simpson’s defense counsel.
Hashe said the public defender’s office notified Pickens County Magistrate Mike Gillespie of the request.
Pickens’ Founders Day scheduled for September

Local officials and members of the Young Appalachian Musicians cut the ribbon on the new Pickens amphitheater as part of its inaugural event June 29. This year’s Founders Day Music Festival will center around the amphitheater.
PICKENS — On Sept. 14, Pickens’ West Main Street will be the site of this year’s Founders Day Music Festival.
The event will center around the new Pickens outdoor amphitheater, which will provide a spectacular music venue. The free event, which celebrates Pickens’ music and cultural heritage, will begin at noon and end around 8 p.m.
The Tams coming to Pickens
PICKENS — The Pickens Azalea Festival Committee announced recently that The Tams, who were forced to postpone their appearance in the festival in April due to inclement weather, will return to the city on Saturday, July 27.
The event will be held on West Main Street, beginning with a cruise-in and other activities at 4 p.m.
The concert and cruise-in are free and open to the public.
For more information and a schedule of events, visit pickensazaleafestival.org.
Azalea Festival recognized for ‘fanning the flame’

Pickens Mayor David Owens presents the “We Fan The Flame” award to Russ Gantt, chairman, and other members of this year’s Azalea Festival volunteer committee.
PICKENS — After 30 years of dedication and hard work, the Azalea Festival volunteer committee is receiving overdue recognition. It recently was presented the June We Fan The Flame award in a special ceremony at the new Pickens Amphitheater.
The Pickens Azalea Festival’s purpose has always been to showcase Pickens by conducting a two-day family-friendly, fun festival the third weekend in April that includes a unique auto cruise-in, arts and craft displays, great food and beverage, amusements and memorable entertainment.
Blue Ridge announces festival donations

Feed A Hungry Child — From left, Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative Inc. employees Tony Kelley, Bryan Roper and David Collins are joined by Blue Ridge Fest sponsors Eloise Hiott of Hiott Printing, (also representing Representative Davey Hiott), and Richie Tallman of Bi-Lo of Pickens as they present $13,000 to Feed a Hungry Child. Accepting on behalf of the charity is Mike Parrott, who serves as treasurer of the board.
UPSTATE — Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative has announced that the 16th annual Blue Ridge Fest, which took place on May 10, raised a total of $183,000 to benefit local non-profit organizations in Greenville, Anderson, Oconee and Pickens counties. With the 2013 event producing a record-breaking amount, the festival also attracted more than 6,000 attendees, the largest number to date.

Mary’s House — Representatives of Blue Ridge Fest, the annual classic car cruise-in event hosted by Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative Inc. and Blue Ridge Security, were joined by representatives from Bearden Landscaping and South Carolina Bank & Trust, Blue Ridge Fest sponsors, to present a check for $13,000 to Mary’s House. Pictured, from left, are Dusty Reeves, Sales Manager, Blue Ridge Security Inc.; Denise McCormick, Manager of Customer Service and Marketing, Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative Inc.; Tommy Bearden, Bearden Landscaping; Ryan Jones, Assistant Branch Manager, South Carolina Bank & Trust; Lisa Smith Cope, Executive Director, Mary’s House; and Chris Koth, Board Treasurer, Mary’s House.
This year, each non-profit will receive at least $13,000 in funding from the Blue Ridge Fest. This year’s recipients from the Pickens area include Feed a Hungry Child, Mary’s House, Sabrina House Children’s Charity, Samaritan Health Clinic and United Christian Ministries. The additional charities include Harvest Hope Food Bank, Hidden Treasure Christian School, Anderson Free Clinic, Foothills Alliance, Arc of the Tribble Center, Dot’s Kitchen, Rosa Clark Medical Clinic and SHARE. Since 1998, Blue Ridge Fest has donated nearly $1.6 million to numerous agencies in the Upstate area that provide individuals with basic necessities such as food, shelter, clothing, and health care. Representatives from both Blue Ridge Security Systems and Blue Ridge Electric will host check presentations for each non-profit organization receiving funds.
A new beginning
Life As I Know It
By Nicole Daughhetee
I have a new job and I absolutely love it! Before I go any further, however, rest assured that I have no intentions of leaving the Courier, as I love wearing the writer’s hat too. The combination of both jobs is what I need to be able to pay my bills. That is simply the fact of the matter.
Two weeks ago I started at the Parenting Place in Pickens County. We are a non-profit organization on a mission to prevent child abuse in our community. Did you know that Pickens County is ranked No. 1 in the state of South Carolina for cases of child abuse and neglect? Startling sad. But true.
Many of my readers know that I have struggled to find work. I sent out resumes and received no response and then, voila, I had the most amazing answer to prayer and find myself in a job that is so well-suited to my
He was a dog among dogs
Own The Way
By Olivia Fowler
We’ve owned many dogs over the years. There have been bird dogs, barn dogs, yard dogs and house dogs. They all had distinct personalities and varying degrees of intelligence.
Perhaps the smartest dog we ever owned was King, a beautiful German shepherd who could be counted on to babysit children in the backyard, guard our possessions and patrol at night.
He was like a policeman in that he’d clearly taken an oath to serve and protect.
He thought the world of his humans but was not impressed with our skill set, clearly disapproving of what he considered our lack of good judgment.
American Legion Post 11 gives awards
American Legion Post 11 recently gave awards to two of its members. Above left, World War II Veteran Roy Maddox is shown recieving an award for his participation in the Boys and Girls State American Legion-sponsored program from Legion Commander Gary Parsons. At right, Parsons presents the 2013 Legionnaire of the Year award to Chaplain Joe Board for his outstanding service to the community and American Legion functions.
Baptist Easley is ‘Great Community Hospital’
EASLEY — Becker’s Hospital Review has named Baptist Easley to their rankings of “100 Great Community Hospitals,” a national list based on hospitals’ quality of care and service to community.
The hospitals on the list are honored for continually providing the quality of care and the experience patients expect, while working with limited resources.
The Becker’s Hospital Review editorial team selected community hospitals based on rankings and awards from iVantage Health Analytics, Truven Health Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters), Healthgrades, and The Joint Commission. Nominations for the list were also considered.
World of Energy to host 40th anniversary party
UPSTATE — The World of Energy will celebrate Oconee Nuclear Station’s 40th anniversary by hosting an outdoor movie night on Friday, July 19, featuring the movie “The Croods.”
The prehistoric comedy adventure is rated PG and follows the world’s first family as they embark on the journey of a lifetime when the cave that has always shielded them is destroyed. Showtime for the movie is 9 p.m.
Prior to the movie, the World of Energy will also host a celebration of Oconee Nuclear’s 40 years of operation with free cake, ice cream and giveaways from 7 to 9 p.m., plus extended visiting hours at the World of Energy until 7 p.m. Attendees are encouraged to come out early for the celebration and then relax on the shore or in a boat and enjoy the movie.