Daily Archives: 07/10/2013
Aunt Samantha Bumgarner

Pioneer in Southern Appalachian Music
Jackson County, N.C., native was predecessor to YAMs
By Dr. Tom Cloer, Jr – Special to the Courier
We who are fortunate enough to live at the Blue Wall of the Blue Ridge Escarpment, where the Appalachian Mountains begin, have a rich musical heritage.
We residents of Pickens County are especially pleased and happy to have people who are interested in preserving these rich musical traditions. This heritage is so important to understanding who we are and from whence we came. These adult musical leaders have truly discovered the ticket to preserving the tradition, through the Young Appalachian Musicians (YAM) program.

Members of the Young Appalachian Musicians program, seen here at the dedication ceremony for the city of Pickens’ new amphitheater last weekend, owe a debt of gratitude to bluegrass pioneers such as Aunt Samantha Bumgarner.
The leaders of YAM here in Pickens County started a small snowball that has now grown to boxcar-size. We now have the luscious pleasure of hearing primary-school-age to young adults, females and males, play their Appalachian instruments in many different venues, including last weekend at the inaugural concert at the city of Pickens’ brand new amphitheater.
Courier Obituaries 7-10-13
Dee Blackwell
Easley — Devonne “Dee” Camp Blackwell, 49, of Vine Street, died Friday, June 28, 2013 at her home.
Born in Burlington, N.C. she was the daughter of the Rev. Denny and Maxine Hilliard Camp of Easley. Dee was retired from the Pickens County School District. She worked at the district office and then taught at Dacusville Elementary, Pickens Elementary, East End Elementary, Liberty Elementary and Chastain Road Elementary. She was a member of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Greenville and was a former member of Grace United Methodist Church in Pickens.
Courier Classifieds 7-10-13
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