Daily Archives: 09/18/2013
Robbery suspects on the loose

Brothers walked away from hospital
EASLEY — Two suspects in an Easley armed robbery are still on the loose after they walked away from Greenville Memorial Hospital last week.
According to Maj. Tim Tollison of the Easley Police Department, brothers Tevis Christopher Johnson, 22, and Terrance Anthony Johnson, 23, were receiving care at the hospital after a wreck during a chase following a robbery on Sept. 10 at 93 Quick Stop in Easley. The two walked out of the hospital unbeknownst to staff the following night, Tollison said.
“”The Easley Police Department’s first priority was to give medical assistance to both suspects, as they appeared by medical staff to be injured from the wreck following the pursuit,” Tollison said. “Steps were in place to take custody of both suspects upon release from the hospital. These steps have been the common practice for law enforcement in similar situations. Certainly these events have triggered a review of procedures that were in place and adjustments will be made accordingly for future situations such as these by the Easley Police Department.”
At around 6:58 p.m. on Sept. 10, according to police, two black males entered the 93 Quick Stop, located on Liberty Drive in Easley, and robbed the lone female employee at gunpoint. During the robbery, one suspect fired a shot
Pickens hosts Founder’s Day fun

The city of Pickens held its second annual Founder’s Day Festival on Saturday, attracting a large crowd to celebrate the city’s history by enjoying reenactments, live music, arts and crafts, food and fun throughout the day. An 1800s-style medicine show, pictured above, was one of the highlights of the event. In addition, attendees were encouraged to bring their instruments to participate in a big jam at the city’s new amphitheater. Above right, young Gracie Dellinger plays music with Joy Evans and Don Bruton during the festival.
Delegation plans to discuss school board structure
EASLEY — Members of the Pickens County Legislative Delegation will meet today (Sept. 18) to review the structure of the School District of Pickens County’s board of trustees.
Legislators are expected to discuss whether to add an at-large seat or a seventh single-member district to the board.
Local legislation eliminated at-large districts from the board in 2007, although the seats
Parenting Place schedules movie to help fathers
By Nicole Guttermuth, Courier Staff
EASLEY — According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 24 million children in America — one out of three — live in homes where the biological father is absent. Some even suggest that nearly all of the social issues facing America today can be linked to the absence of a father in the home.
Joey Medoro of The Parenting Place: A Family Resource Center is working to change and positively impact these statistics in Pickens County through the “Fathers 2 Dads” program he started in January 2013.
Medoro has collaborated with Arial Baptist Church in Easley to host a men’s event this
Liberty police seeking Monday robbery suspect

Courtesy Photo
This surveillance camera photo shows the man who police said robbed the Stop-A-Minit convenience store in Liberty on Monday night. Anyone with information is asked to call the Liberty Police Department.
LIBERTY — The Liberty Police Department is asking for the public’s help in identifying a man who robbed a convenience store on Monday night.
According to Liberty Police Chief Adam Gilstrap, a white male robbed the Stop-A-Minit convenience store on West Main Street at gunpoint just before 10 p.m. on Monday.
The suspect took an undisclosed amount of money and left the area on foot. No one was injured during the robbery.
Anyone with information on the crime is asked to contact the Liberty Police Department at (864) 843-3956.
Pickens’ Gravely set to release new book

PICKENS — Pickens High School volleyball coach Jennifer Gravely loves the fall.
Not only is it the heart of the season, but on Sept. 24, her second romance novel will be released from Astraea Press.
Like her first book, a romantic suspense titled “Knight of the Dead,” out last summer, the newest work “Set to Love” also features the fictional Southern town of Keowee.
But in this novel Gravely draws from her coaching experience, and the plot revolves around winning a championship in volleyball and the relationship of
Second annual SC Fiddling Championship scheduled for Saturday at Hagood Mill

Marion Boatwright and Crooked Pin
PICKENS — The second annual South Carolina State Fiddling Championship is scheduled for this Saturday at Pickens County’s 17th annual Ole Time Fiddlin’ Convention at Hagood Mill.
For hundreds of years the South has enjoyed a rich traditional musical heritage and the upcountry counties of South Carolina have been no less than a hot bed of these traditions. The Scots Irish and other immigrants that established homesteads brought with them their fiddles and a heritage of music. These are the folks that populated the southern-most tip of
iHOPE looking for volunteers for day of service on Saturday
PICKENS — Volunteers from the Pickens area will come together for a Day of Service on Saturday. The group is calling the event “I Help Out Pickens Everyday” (iHOPE).
What is a day of service? The iHOPE day of service was created by a group of committed community volunteers who love Pickens and feel a responsibility to give back. The event is the brainchild of the Rev. Beverly Kelly of Pickens Presbyterian Church to promote the spirit and value of volunteerism, increase awareness of local needs and demonstrate what people working together for the community’s good can accomplish. Working with the City of Pickens, United Way of Pickens County, and a planning committee of 10 volunteers, several
Words worthy of putting into practice daily
Editor’s Note: This is the final installment of a multi-part series from Nicole recounting a commencement speech by writer George Saunders. The first two parts were published in the last two issues.
A New Day
By Nicole Guttermuth
When young, we’re anxious — understandably — to find out if we’ve got what it takes. Can we succeed? Can we build a viable life for ourselves? But you — in particular you, of this generation — may have noticed a certain cyclical quality to ambition. You do well in high-school, in hopes of getting into a good college, so you can do well in the good college, in the hopes of getting a good job, so you can do well in the good job so you can….
“And this is actually OK. If we’re going to become kinder, that process has to include taking ourselves seriously — as doers, as accomplishers, as dreamers. We have to do that, to be our best selves.
“Still, accomplishment is unreliable. ‘Succeeding,’ whatever that might mean to
No hackneyed phrases allowed
- Olivia Fowler
On The Way
By Olivia Fowler
Our English teacher in high school, Lil Buie, was the most inspiring teacher I ever had.
Our school was small, with only 200 students enrolled in 12 grades. Mrs. Buie taught English, World History and American History. We learned to love these subjects because she did. She taught us how to express ourselves on paper.
No student fortunate enough to be taught by Mrs. Buie emerged from her classroom without a better understanding and command of the English language. She hated the hackneyed phrases we littered our creative writing assignments with and was always