Monthly Archives: September 2013
Second annual SC Fiddling Championship scheduled for Saturday at Hagood Mill

Marion Boatwright and Crooked Pin
PICKENS — The second annual South Carolina State Fiddling Championship is scheduled for this Saturday at Pickens County’s 17th annual Ole Time Fiddlin’ Convention at Hagood Mill.
For hundreds of years the South has enjoyed a rich traditional musical heritage and the upcountry counties of South Carolina have been no less than a hot bed of these traditions. The Scots Irish and other immigrants that established homesteads brought with them their fiddles and a heritage of music. These are the folks that populated the southern-most tip of
iHOPE looking for volunteers for day of service on Saturday
PICKENS — Volunteers from the Pickens area will come together for a Day of Service on Saturday. The group is calling the event “I Help Out Pickens Everyday” (iHOPE).
What is a day of service? The iHOPE day of service was created by a group of committed community volunteers who love Pickens and feel a responsibility to give back. The event is the brainchild of the Rev. Beverly Kelly of Pickens Presbyterian Church to promote the spirit and value of volunteerism, increase awareness of local needs and demonstrate what people working together for the community’s good can accomplish. Working with the City of Pickens, United Way of Pickens County, and a planning committee of 10 volunteers, several
Words worthy of putting into practice daily
Editor’s Note: This is the final installment of a multi-part series from Nicole recounting a commencement speech by writer George Saunders. The first two parts were published in the last two issues.
A New Day
By Nicole Guttermuth
When young, we’re anxious — understandably — to find out if we’ve got what it takes. Can we succeed? Can we build a viable life for ourselves? But you — in particular you, of this generation — may have noticed a certain cyclical quality to ambition. You do well in high-school, in hopes of getting into a good college, so you can do well in the good college, in the hopes of getting a good job, so you can do well in the good job so you can….
“And this is actually OK. If we’re going to become kinder, that process has to include taking ourselves seriously — as doers, as accomplishers, as dreamers. We have to do that, to be our best selves.
“Still, accomplishment is unreliable. ‘Succeeding,’ whatever that might mean to
No hackneyed phrases allowed
- Olivia Fowler
On The Way
By Olivia Fowler
Our English teacher in high school, Lil Buie, was the most inspiring teacher I ever had.
Our school was small, with only 200 students enrolled in 12 grades. Mrs. Buie taught English, World History and American History. We learned to love these subjects because she did. She taught us how to express ourselves on paper.
No student fortunate enough to be taught by Mrs. Buie emerged from her classroom without a better understanding and command of the English language. She hated the hackneyed phrases we littered our creative writing assignments with and was always
‘Knit Pickens’ celebrates second anniversary
Knit Pickens” members celebrated their second anniversary on Saturday. The “Knit Pickens” are a needlecraft group started by Rachel Harshman in 2011. Members not only create special personal items but also make and donate hats, scarves, shawls and lap blankets for homeless folks and cancer patients. For abused and traumatized children they make dolls, teddy bears and blankets. Join the “Knit Pickens” to learn new projects or help others with your knowledge — be it knitting, crocheting, embroidery or sewing. Best of all, there is no charge. The “Knit Pickens” meet every second and fourth Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at the Village Branch Library in Pickens.
Owens signs proclamation to honor constitution this week

Mayor David Owens poses with members of the Fort Prince George Chapter of DAR Lynda Abegg, Kitty Gallagher, Carolyn Peloza, Marianne Holland, Una Welborn, Anne Kilpatrick and Mildred Brewer.
PICKENS — Many people are not aware that the City of Pickens was once ruled by a queen.
Born in 1870, she was known as “Miss Queen,” and during her reign, she founded the Fort Prince George Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). “Miss Queen” was the daughter of James Earle Hagood and later married Judge Thomas Mauldin. The classic Greek-style revival home where she lived and entertained, built in 1856, is now a museum, the Hagood-Mauldin House.
Mayor David Owens understands the significance of the town’s historic tradition and its ties to the Revolutionary War. When the current members of the Fort Prince George Chapter asked the mayor to sign a proclamation that declared Sept. 17-23 be observed to honor the United States Constitution, he was more than willing to comply.
“It is an honor to sign this proclamation on behalf of the city of Pickens,” he said. “As you probably know, the city of Pickens was named for the
Congressman Jeff Duncan scheduled to visit Dacusville
DACUSVILLE — Dacusville Business Association President Ronny Hall announced recently that South Carolina Congressman Jeff Duncan will be the featured speaker at the association’s meeting next Monday, Sept. 23.
The meeting will be held at the Dacusville Community Building, located at 2671 Earls Bridge Road, and will begin at 7 p.m.
The building formerly housed Dacusville Elementary School, but the building and grounds
Rabon Creek singing set for Six Mile Baptist
SIX MILE — On Sunday, Sept. 29, Six Mile Baptist Church will host the Rabon Creek Bluegrass Gospel singing group, based in Mountville.
The group will provide the music for the Fifth Sunday Night Singing and will have charge of the service.
The group is comprised of five members of the Michael Walker family, and even their 10-year old son gets involved in the playing and singing.
The service starts at 6 p.m., and everyone is invited to an evening of Bluegrass Gospel with Rabon Creek. A love offering for the family ministry will be received. The church is located at 149 North Main Street in Six Mile. For more information, please call the church office at 868-2392.
Courier Community Calendar
• Vendor apps now available for Fall for Liberty 2013
Fall for Liberty 2013, a bluegrass event, will be held on Saturday, Oct. 26, from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. in downtown Liberty.
Vendors are now being accepted and can apply online at Deadline for applications is Oct. 14. payment and forms can be dropped at Liberty City Hall. The event committee only accepts one vendor from any direct sales company (i.e. 31, Avon, etc.) and limits the number of spots for food vendors. Vendor spots are first-come, first-served when payment is received.
• Lynch reunion scheduled for Oct. 5
A reunion of the descendants of Captain William Lynch will be held in the Fellowship Hall of
Pickens High Athletic Hall of Fame nominations open
PICKENS — The Pickens Athletic Association is now accepting nominations for the 2013 class of the Pickens High School Athletic Hall of Fame.
The 2013 Hall of Fame Game is scheduled for Oct. 18, when the Blue Flame play host to the Greer Yellow Jackets.
Last year’s class consisted of Dean Holder and R.J. Webb.
Nominations may be sent to Pickens High or dropped off at the Pickens County Courier, The Corner Drug Store or Brock’s Department Store. Nomination forms can also be picked up at these locations.