Daily Archives: 10/02/2013
County above average on SAT scores

COUNTY — Students in the School District of Pickens County remained above-state-average SAT scores in 2013, but fell below the national average overall.
SDPC students earned an overall composite score of 1483, higher than the state average of 1423, but below the national average of 1498 and below SDPC’s 2012 score of 1541. However, for the first time in several years, all four high schools earned scores above the state average.
“We always reflect on our data and practices to find ways to improve. We will be working with our instructional staff to provide additional support in areas
Think pink for breast cancer awareness
The Courier is going pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In honor of those whose lives have been affected by this devastating disease, we will accent our front page with pink every week of October.
The pink ribbon has been synonymous with breast cancer for years. Nowadays, people rarely think twice when they see pink ribbons, having grown accustomed to the pink ribbon and what it symbolizes.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month has been celebrated each year since 1985, and many other breast cancer awareness initiatives have been devised since then. While the pink ribbon may seem like it’s been in use for just as long, it was actually established only about 20 years ago.
Although you can see waves of pink every October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, many people don their ribbons year-round. Great strides have been made with respect to breast cancer, but with about 225,000 new cases popping up each year in the United States alone, there is still work to be done.
Pickens and Easley to host Doodle Trail Workshop
COUNTY — The City of Easley and the City of Pickens will hold a public workshop focusing on the Doodle Rail Trail Feasibility Study on Thursday, Nov. 14, from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
The workshop will be held in the multi-purpose room at the YMCA in Pickens. The consultant team led by Alta/Greenways will be available to share information, answer questions and receive public input for the project.
The public is welcome to attend and participate. Please come and share your ideas and vision for the Doodle Rail Trail.
For more information, contact Easley City Hall (864) 855-7900 or Pickens City Hall (864) 878-6421
State champion fiddler crowned at annual Hagood Mill convention

PICKENS — Despite dreary weather, a large crowd showed up to see the crowning of the South Carolina State Fiddling Champion on Sept. 21 at Hagood Mill.
A surprisingly large number of visitors and competitors braved the periodic showers of the day to enjoy the exceptional line-up of talented men, women and youngsters at Pickens County’s 17th annual Ole Time Fiddlin’ Convention.
Kristen Harris of Columbia took home the top honors as the South Carolina
County officers participate in ‘Upstate Shield’ training
UPSTATE — On Tuesday several Upstate law enforcement agencies, including the Pickens County Sheriff’s Office, came together to participate in a joint training exercise for critical incidents.
The original concept behind the exercise known as “Upstate Shield” was simply to provide an opportunity for agencies predominantly from the upstate to come together and share ideas, learn new skills and establish working relationships to facilitate mutual aid.
This year’s event was held at the T. Ed Garrison Arena, located at 1101 West Queen Street in Pendleton. The event kicked off at 8 a.m. with several speakers, including sheriffs and chiefs from participating agencies.
Pickens Band earns awards

The Pickens High School Marching Band began its 2013-14 marching season with its first competition Saturday at the Boiling Springs Festival of Bands. The band’s show, entitled “Hide and Seek” earned it an impressive first in Class 3A, best music, best color guard, highest color guard of the day, silver grand champions and second overall. The best band director went to PHS Band director Chaz Paxton. The band as always provides music for Pickens Blue Flame football games and as an added treat will be performing its show on Friday, Oct. 25, during halftime.
Greater Pickens Chamber of Commerce schedules drop-in
PICKENS — The Pickens Chamber of Commerce will host a drop-in on Friday, Oct. 11, at the Pickens Chamber office located at 222 West Main Street in Pickens from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for residents to learn more about the chamber and to say thank you to the community.
Following the drop-in there will be a networking opportunity called “Business After Hours” hosted by Flowers by Virginia at their new location at 509 West Main Street in Pickens from 5:30-7 p.m.
The Greater Pickens Chamber of Commerce invites you to be a member of the
Public Works performs quick bridge fix

COUNTY — Summer storms washed out War Branch Road in Central, stranding six homeowners due to the single road inlet/outlet. The Pickens County Public Works Department worked through the weekend establishing a temporary road until a permanent fix could be established.
In order to create a permanent fix for the road crews assessed the situation and networked with outside agencies and other local governments. It was determined that a 9’ x 9’ x 48’ box culvert was needed to
handle the 100-year flood plain. After studying plans and looking at similar projects other governments have performed, officials found this type of
Hospice of the Upstate CEO receives Palmetto Award
UPSTATE — Pam Melbourne, CEO of Hospice of the Upstate, was awarded South Carolina’s highest end-of-life honor for her vision and leadership in hospice care. The Palmetto Award was presented to Melbourne at the Carolinas Center for Hospice & End of Life Care’s Annual Meeting in Asheville, N.C.
The Palmetto Award represents hospice leadership throughout the state of South Carolina. During Melbourne’s 10 years at Hospice of the Upstate, the organization has grown significantly, she has led numerous building and renovation projects, and she has served at the state level in leadership and
Medi Home Hospice recognized as ‘We Honor Veterans Partner’
PICKENS — It may surprise many people to learn that 25 percent of those who die every year in the U.S. are Veterans. To help provide care and support that reflect the important contributions made by these men and women, Medi Home Hospice has become a national partner of We Honor Veterans, a pioneering campaign developed by National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs.
As a We Honor Veterans Partner, Medi Home Hospice will implement ongoing Veteran-centered education for their staff and volunteers to help improve the care they provide to the Veterans they proudly serve in Oconee, Pickens and