Monthly Archives: October 2013
See the difference
All About Ben
By Ben Robsinson
I have to admit something. For the last year or so I’ve needed new glasses. It started a few years ago. I was wearing glasses, prescribed by my eye doctor. One year the glasses were suddenly missing. My sister Rhonda was visiting from Virginia and she stayed in my bedroom at the house. My glasses somehow disappeared during that time. The theory was somehow my glasses got placed in her diaper bag she used for my nephew Kevin, and, given the contents of the bag, I figured it was not worth looking through that bag to find them.
By the way, Kevin is 33 now. He has not needed a diaper bag for quite some time.
When it came time to renew my glasses last I simply cheated on the eye exam. When the lady asked me to read line nine, I stole a glance with both eyes and was able to guess enough letters to pass the eye exam. The girl at the highway department was nice, and smiled when
LMS to help vets at annual program
LIBERTY — Liberty Middle School will be having it’s annual Veteran’s Day program on Friday, Nov. 8, at 1:30 p.m. in the Liberty Middle Gymnasium. At this event we will be honoring our Veterans and their service to our country. The speaker will be LTC. Rick Haney, USN. Commander Haney lives in Six Mile and has been deployed twice to the Middle East.
This ceremony will also be the culmination of the school’s participation in the Citadel Heroes Project which provides personal items to South Carolina troops overseas. The students of Liberty Middle School and the Liberty Community have been collecting these items during
PHS Holiday Fair planned for Nov. 9
PICKENS — Pickens High School will be hosting its third annual Holiday Craft Fair on Saturday, Nov. 9, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. There are many additions to this year’s fair.
The school will have more vendors with a variety of arts and crafts, along with many favorites from the past two years.
There will be live music and food available all day. Come enjoy the fair and enjoy some holiday shopping.
Troop 51 has adventure-filled summer

Troop 51 at Camp Old Indian during the summer.
PICKENS — Riding a bike down a beautiful Mountain trail for 22 miles — canoeing on a pristine mountain lake — camping out with the bears in the Smoky Mountains — spending a week at summer camp.
All of these were a part of the exciting summer experienced by Scouts of Troop 51 of Pickens.
As the doors of the schools closed for the summer, Scouts from Troop 51, youth and adult leaders, loaded their bikes on their customized bicycle trailer, packed their camping gear and headed to Whitetop Mountain, Virginia to camp and ride the most incredible bike trail imaginable—the Virginia Creeper Trail. The trail starts in Whitetop Mountain and for 22
Five inducted into ‘Call Me MISTER’
Five Southern Wesleyan University education students were inducted into the Call Me MISTER (Mentors Instructing Students Toward Effective Role Models) program during a ceremony Oct. 18. Pictured are David Rogers, Byron Smith, Danny Hall, Shaquille Brown, Paul Ohanuka, Tyson Wright, Jonathan Boyer and Dorian Raines.
CENTRAL — The Call Me MISTER (Mentors Instructing Students Toward Effective Role Models) program inducted five new Southern Wesleyan University education students during a ceremony Oct. 18 at Freedom’s Hill Church on the campus in Central.
Inducted were Shaquille Brown, a freshman Special Education major from Gaffney; Danny Hall, a freshman Special Education major from Seneca; David Rogers, a freshman Music Education major from Piedmont; Dorian Raines, a freshman Special Education major from
Lady Flame volleyball finishes region season undefeated
Russell W. Brinson III/Photo
Pickens Michaela Leslie goes high for a kill during a recent match with Greenville. The Flame finished up the season unbeaten in the Peach Blossom AAA.
PICKENS — Both the JV and varsity Pickens teams finished Region 2 AAA undefeated, extending their streak in the Peach Blossom Conference to 28-0. Since 2003 when rally scoring was implemented, the varsity team has compiled a region record of 120-6, going undefeated in their region eight times, winning six Upper State titles and four AAA State Championships. “We have high expectations. That’s not a secret,” said Coach Jennifer Gravely. “But every team does and every team wants to beat us. But pressure is what it’s all about, and I can’t wait to start the playoffs.”
The regular season concluded Thursday, October 24 against Southside with Senior Night,
Thanksgiving Toys for Tots benefit planned at Central restaurant
CENTRAL — Thanksgiving tradition is alive and well in the town of Central, where the first annual benefit dinner for Toys for Tots will be held at the newest and most original downtown eatery. Beyond the Bull, sometimes referred to as a “gastro pub” is marketed as an eat smart kitchen where one can find an abundance of real food—that is, food that is made from scratch without the aid of additives, refined grains and sugar. Throw in locally produced game meats like North Carolina bison and Southeast Family Farms rabbit and you have a menu unlike any other in the upstate.
“Being away from family is the hardest part of living in the upstate,” says Chef Angela Bell, owner operator of the Bull. “When your family ties are all in New England, it’s time to start new family tradition,” which is what her husband, David, and she are about to do in
Courier Obits 10-30-13
Barry Keith Hamlin
Gloucester, Va. —Barry Keith Hamlin, 57, died at his home in Gloucester, Va. on Saturday, Oct. 26, 2013.
He was born in Greenville and had served in the U.S. Coast Guard and was a member of Newington Baptist Church. He retired from Sanders Nursing Home in 2003 as administrator of assisted living.
He will be remembered for his sense of humor, his stories, and practical jokes.
He is survived by his wife, Joanne Hamlin, daughter Amanda Adams and her husband Douglas Leon, his parents Curtis and Claris Brackens Hamlin of Easley, his sister Phyllis Hamlin Peterson and her husband Gary of Orangeburg, and his grandchildren, John, Beau, Eliana, Violet, and Deacon.
The family will receive friends at Newington Baptist Church from 1 to 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 30 with services starting at 2 p.m. Burial will be in the church cemetery.
Courier Legals 10-30-13
CASE NO. 2013-CP-39-707
BY VIRTUE of a decree heretofore granted in the case of South Carolina State Housing Finance and Development Authority against Christopher Cooper a/k/a Christopher M. Cooper and Kristin L. Cooper, I, the Special Referee for Pickens County, will sell on Monday, November 4, 2013, at 11:00 o’clock a.m., at the Pickens County Courthouse, Pickens, South Carolina, to the highest bidder:
All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being in the County of Pickens, State of South Carolina, known and designated as Lot Number 178 and Lot Number 177 of Oak Creek Subdivision, as shown on a plat
Courier Notice to Creditors 10-30-13
The publisher shall only be liable for an amount less than or equal to the charge for the space of the item in error in the case of errors in or omissions from any advertisement, and only for the first incorrect insertion.
All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the indicated Personal Representatives, appointed to administer to these estates, and to file their claims on Form #371PC with the Probate Court of Pickens County, the address of which is 222 McDaniel Ave., B16, Pickens, SC 29671, on or before the date that is eight months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors (unless barred by operation of Section 62-3-803), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements, indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date where the claim will become due, the nature of any