Monthly Archives: October 2013
United Way names Volunteer of the Year

EASLEY — Recently at the 2013/2014 Campaign Kickoff, David Foster was named United Way of Pickens County’s “Volunteer of the Year.”
Foster is a member of the Board of Directors and serves as Treasurer, a position he has held for the past two years. Foster also serves on the United Way of Pickens County “Community Basics Council,” a group of community volunteers who establishes strategies, identifies needs, and applies resources to address the most critical basic human needs in Pickens County.
“Volunteer of the Year” is United Way of Pickens County’s highest honor for individuals dedicated to making their community a better place for everyone.
County Elections Commission releases polling places for municipal elections
COUNTY — The Pickens County Registration and Elections Commission recently released the polling places for the Nov. 5 Municipal Elections.
The information for all polling locations are as follows:
Town of Central Precincts
and Voting Locations
108 West Central – Central/Clemson Library – 105 Commons Way Central, SC 29630
Republicans oppose adding 7th school board member
COUNTY — At its Oct. 17 meeting, the Pickens County Republican Party passed a resolution opposing the addition of a seventh member to the Pickens County School Board of Trustees.
The county Legislative Delegation was set to have a public meeting on the issue Tuesday, Oct. 22, at the Pickens County Career and Technology Center. Results of that meeting will be included in the Oct. 30 edition of the Pickens County Courier.
Although the resolution praises the board for providing “the highest level of education possible to the children of Pickens County” and praises the district for reaching “award-winning heights as a result of capable teachers and School District leadership,” it questions
YMCA basketball registration to be held until end of month
COUNTY — Registration for winter basketball at the Pickens County YMCA is now open until October 31.
Basketball is for children in K4-12th grade. Practice is set to begin on November 11 with the season ending on February 8. Heather Cirincione, Y Program Director said, “basketball is a great sport for youth of all ages where they can learn something new, be part of a team and make lifelong friends.”
For more information or to register, go to the Pickens County YMCA’s website; or call 855-9622. Coaching and sponsorship opportunities are available. If you are interested please contact Heather Cirincione at 306-4699.
Clemson to host Halloween Fest on October 31
CLEMSON — The City of Clemson Parks and Recreation Department and the Merchants of Clemson proudly present: The 2013 Halloween Festival in Downtown Clemson on October 31.
This event is free to the public with Trick or Treating from 4 – 6 p.m. and a “Boo’vie in the park” at 7 p.m.
Come enjoy an evening of trick-or-treating, the Caramel Apple Creation Station, and holiday-inspired storytelling provided by members of the Clemson Area Storytellers Guild and more. Additional details and schedules can be found at
Hopefully you can smell the peanut butter
On The Way
By Olivia Fowler
Last week we read an article about an early detection test you can take for Alzheimer’s. It sounds highly improbably but according to this article this simple test, conducted at home, can alert you to the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.
Individuals have been tested for the condition in the following way.
Researchers open a jar of peanut butter and ask the person being tested to sniff it when breathing first through the right nostril and then through the left. This is done by closing off the nostril not being tested.
If the subject cannot identify the scent when breathing through the left nostril, this means
Let down once more
All about Ben
By Ben Robinson
Now starts the time I should be used to: recovering from a letdown.
In case you did not see it Saturday night, Clemson University lost to Florida State in football Saturday night. Badly.
On the opening play from scrimmage, Clemson fumbled the ball. Florida State recovered, and a few plays later scored, taking a 7-0 lead.
Oddly, that was pretty much the most positive aspect of the game. The Seminoles pretty much dominated every aspect of the game from the beginning. This morning on talk radio,
Flame award presented to Pickens seniors

PICKENS — The Senior Citizens of Pickens, Inc., best known for operation of the Pickens Senior Center, recently received the September We Fan the Flame award.
The stated purpose of the organization and its Senior Center is “to provide a place for fellowship, entertainment, recreation and nutritious meals for seniors in the …community.”
The organization has achieved unqualified success in assisting all seniors in maintaining their quality of life and independence.
It took the hard work and dedication of a number of people to make it all happen. It all started in 2008 when a number of concerned citizens decided to try and obtain the vacant
Mistletoe Market offers unique holiday shopping
EASLEY — Stop by the Mistletoe Market to shop unique Christmas gifts from over 50 local vendors and support local upstate charities.
From handmade Christmas cards to artisan jewelry to gifts for your favorite pets, Mistletoe Market offers a range of unique gifts in a relaxed environment. This year’s market will also feature a Kids Corner. Enjoy a visit with Santa for the Kids from 4 p.m. -7 p.m.
The event will be held on Saturday, November 16 from 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. at 5 Points
Courier Legals 10-23-13
(Quiet Title Action)
Case No.: 2012-CP-39-1415
SLance Collins, Plaintiff, vs. James A. Weems, Kimberly D. Lyon,First Citizens Bank and Trust Company of South Carolina, John Doe, representing a class of Persons claiming an interest in real Property identified as Tax Map No. 4039-99-69-5423. Defendants.
YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the complaint herein, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer