Daily Archives: 11/20/2013
PRA announces merchant Christmas decorating contest
PICKENS — Pickens merchants have an opportunity to showcase their businesses this holiday season.
Merchants are asked to decorate storefronts, store windows or interiors in the spirit of the season, with “Christmas Lights” as the theme.
The Pickens Revitalization Association will present first-, second- and third-place awards. Judging by three Pickens residents will take place on Dec. 3.
Winners will be announced and awards presented after the City of Pickens’ Christmas Parade by the City Christmas Tree on Dec. 13.
Publicity will include newspaper articles announcing the contest and winners. The winners will each receive an award and a free ad in the Pickens County Courier, encouraging residents to Shop Historic
Christmas parades to kick off soon in county
By Ben Robinson, Courier Staff
UPSTATE — Several local communities have made plans to usher in the holiday season with Christmas Parades and associated activities.
Easley will kick off the holiday season Dec. 7 with a Christmas Parade beginning at 10 a.m. The city will have its grand illumination at 7 p.m. on Dec. 6. For more information call Dunburks Premiere Events at (864) 423-4344.
Dacusville will hold its Christmas Parade Dec. 14, with a salute to military veterans, with an emphasis on World War II veterans. The parade will begin at 2 p.m. on Dec. 7. For more information, call David Norton at (864) 855-2920.
The Pickens Christmas parade will be held at 7 p.m. on Dec. 13 with the theme of “Christmas Lights.” For more information, call Pickens City Hall at (864) 878-6421.
Lt. Robert Morgan receives Cross of Honor

Members of the 16th Regiment Color Guard post the Colors at the beginning of the dedication ceremony.
By Kayce Shusterman, For the Courier
SIX MILE — Descendants of Robert Finley Morgan gathered at his grave site in the Morgan-Cannon family cemetery near Six Mile to participate in a Southern Cross of Honor dedication ceremony in October.
Robert Morgan was born May 27, 1812, and grew up in Upper Pickens District. He was married to Malissa Cannon, and the couple had eight sons and three daughters. The families at the dedication ceremony traced their ancestry back through Robert and Malissa’s children.
The event was sponsored by the Pickens County 150 Confederate Project, Central Heritage Society, Pickens County
Shugart elected to American College of Healthcare Executives Council of Regents

CHICAGO — Susan C. Shugart, FACHE, Chief Administrative Officer of Baptist Easley Hospital, has been appointed to the Council of Regents, the legislative body of the American College of Healthcare Executives.
The Council of Regents serves as the vital link between ACHE and members by approving governance and membership regulations as well as promoting ACHE programs, services, and activities within their respective areas.
Shugart will take office at the Council of Regents meeting March 22, 2014,
KentWool named Nov. Pickens Chamber Member of the Month

Pictured are 30 year KentWool veterans Deborah Hare, Sandra Green, Peggy Holbrook, Audrey Fisher, Diane Ussery and Janice Hendricks.
PICKENS — KentWool is this month’s Pickens Chamber of Commerce member of the month.
Family owned and operated, KentWool has earned a reputation as being a manufacturing pioneer. KentWool has developed a state-of–the art, wool-based yarn spinning operation which produces the highest quality yarns in the industry.
The Kent Manufacturing Company was established in
Faith Lutheran makes donation to help the Gleaning House

David Vorpagel and Pastor Cathy Harris of Faith Lutheran Church present a check to Esther Corn of The Gleaning House.
PICKENS — For the fifth time, the annual yard sale of Faith Lutheran Chapel met its goal to help fund the Gleaning House.
Now feeding 350 families weekly, the Gleaning House is in great need of a larger walk-in freezer to help store meat. With $13,000 needed to purchase the freezer, the Gleaning House has only $10,000 available to date. The current freezer space was adequate in the past, but with the cut backs in the government food programs and the elimination of the emergency food assistance program for people, the Gleaning House cannot supply the needs for
What would you do if you won the lottery?
On The Way
by Olivia Fowler
We hear tales of what happens to people who win the lottery. It doesn’t always turn out to be a good thing. Especially if their names are released.
Think how it would be to be a nine-to-five person, faithfully showing up for work every day, and suddenly becoming the recipient of millions of dollars. It boggles the mind.
One winner tried to donate winnings to his church, but his church turned it down. One winner didn’t quit his job at Dunkin Donuts because he needed to work in order to feel worthwhile.
There was a man in Georgia who was slow to claim his prize because he said he couldn’t take off work. He might lose his job. And when asked what he planned to do with his winnings, he announced that he
My Christmas list
All About Ben
By Ben Robinson
It’s that time of year again. I get to put together a Christmas list.
This year will definitely be better than last year. For one thing I am employed this year, so I can actually afford to buy people better gifts than a wrapped sheet of paper that simply says, “Warm wishes from Ben.”
Of course, that also puts pressure on me. I no longer have a girlfriend, so at least that pressure is gone. I still care for the girl, but she probably would not appreciate a picture of me as a present.
One priority is my gift for my father. He’s a bit insulted because I mistakenly wrote in last week’s column that he was dishonorably discharged from the army. Of course, the truth turned out to be he was
Take time to thank an educator this week
November 18-22 is American Education Week, a time to reflect on our country’s legacy of education and to give thought to what we want for the future of our kids.
Pickens has provided a variety of new opportunities over the past few years. Academically, we are doing more. Our on-time graduation rates have risen a full four percentage points, our students’ performance on standardized testing at the elementary, middle and high school level continues to surpass their peers around the state. SAT and ACT performance has been at or above the national average, and in 2012 Daniel High School was named the best traditional public high school in the state by US News and
Courier Legals 11-20-13
Notice of Sale
C/A No: 2010-CP-39-1661
BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of the Court of Common Pleas for Pickens County, South Carolina, heretofore issued in the case of U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee of the OWS Remic Trust 2013-1 against, Irving L. Mathews, and Esther M. Mathews, I the undersigned as Special Referee for Pickens County, will sell on December 2, 2013, at 11:00 am , at the Pickens County Courthouse in Pickens, South Carolina, to the highest bidder:
Legal Description and Property Address:
All that piece, or lot of land situate, lying and being in the County of Pickens, State of South Carolina, being in the Southern portion of Lot 96, Wyatt Acres Subdivision and being shown on a surveyentitled “Survey for Arthur Nuernberg” prepared by Plumbee Surveying, dated September 12, 2005