Monthly Archives: December 2013
Courier Legals 12-11-13
Case No. 2013-CP-39-972
BY VIRTUE of a judgment heretofore granted in the case of First Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Inc. v. Thomas Reese, I, the undersigned, R. Murray Hughes, III, as Special Referee for Pickens County, will sell on January 6, 2014, at 12:00P.M. at the Pickens County Courthouse, 214 E. Main Street, Pickens, South Carolina to the highest bidder:
All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, situate, lying and being in the State of South Carolina, County of Pickens, and being known and designated as Lot 3,
Courier Obituaries 12-11-13
James Edward Dobson
Easley — Mr. James Edward “Ed” Dobson, 62, husband of Mary Ann Richards Dobson, died Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013 at the Magnolias of Easley.
Born in Greenville County, he was the son of Mildred Smith Dobson, of Greenville, and the late James Clinton Dobson. He graduated from Carolina High School and Clemson University. Mr. Dobson was with J. P. Stevens stores as Merchandise Manager for 20 years and retired as Hobby Manager at The Great Escape after 21 years of service. Mr. Dobson was a member of the Easley Lions Club since 1981, served two terms as President, received the Melvin Jones Fellowship and was a Master Key Member. He was a former member of the Greenville Chapter of the
Courier Notice to Creditors 12-11-13
The publisher shall only be liable for an amount less than or equal to the charge for the space of the item in error in the case of errors in or omissions from any advertisement, and only for the first incorrect insertion.
All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the indicated Personal Representatives, appointed to administer to these estates, and to file their claims on Form #371PC with the Probate Court of Pickens County, the address of which is 222 McDaniel Ave., B16, Pickens, SC 29671, on or before the date that is eight months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors (unless barred by operation of Section 62-3-803), or such
Courier Trespass notices
In the state of South Carolina, trespass after notice is a misdemeanor criminal offense prohibited by section 16-11-620 for the South Carolina Code.
Those who enter upon the lands of others without the permission of the owner or manager shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor trespassing.
All persons are hereby notified and warned not to hunt, fish, cut timber or trespass in any manner whatsoever upon the lands of the undersigned:
Jim McGrew Sr. Jan. 2014
Treadwell and Erica Zeigler Jan 2014
Courier Classifieds 12-11-13
Do you own an antique or modern U.S. or foreign military vehicle? If so, “I WANT YOU” to join our veterans club, USMTM, please email for info: TFC
Tuesday, December 17, 2013, is the last day to redeem winning tickets in the following South Carolina Education Lottery Instant Game: (594) Bank On It. SW
DIVORCE WITH OR WITHOUT children $125.00. Includes name change and
Parade season getting started
COUNTY — The Christmas season will officially kick off for several local municipalities this Saturday as they hold their annual parades.
Easley will kick off the holiday season Saturday with a Christmas parade beginning at 10 a.m. The city will have its grand illumination at 7 p.m. on Friday night. For more information call Dunburks Premiere Events at (864) 423-4344.
In Liberty, the tree lighting will be 6:30 p.m. on Saturday. The Liberty Christmas Parade will begin at 3 p.m. on Sunday. For more information, call Liberty City Hall at (864) 843-3177.
The Six Mile Christmas Parade will begin at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday. For more information, call (864)
Clark asks council to oppose seventh SDPC board district
COUNTY — When Weldon Clark arrived for Monday night’s meeting of Pickens County Council and signed up to speak, he was surprised to find that he was the only resident scheduled to take the podium. Usually two or more residents take the opportunity to address council members in a public forum.
But Clark was quick and to the point with his comments, asking the council members to oppose the proposed addition of a seventh district to the Pickens County school board. Clark said he feels the movement is being led by people who do not understand Pickens County politics.
Clark said that the move would be costly, leading to new district lines being drawn for the school district. The school district currently has six members and uses the same district lines as county council.
Liberty earns $500k grant
LIEBRTY — The city of Liberty was recently awarded a $500,000 enrichment grant to be used for infrastructure and streetscape improvements on Commerce Street.
In a letter addressed to former Mayor Michael Sheriff, Gov. Nikki Haley announced the grant.
Sheriff, an architect by trade, designed the plans and provided the written narrative for the grant application, showing the proposed Commerce Street needs and enhancements.
“Applying for grants is a long and tedious process, but the hours of work have certainly paid off,” Sheriff said. “What is even more exciting is that there was only $1.5 million budgeted statewide for this grant pool and Liberty received 1/3 of the available budgeted funds.
“I would personally like to thank Senator Larry Martin and Representative Davey Hiott for their interest and support of Liberty in the pursuit of this grant.”
In anticipation of the chance that the city would win the grant, officials already escrowed 10 percent ($50,000) for the required matching funds to make the grant award possible.
The South Carolina Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program is designed to provide assistance to general local government in improving economic opportunities and meeting community
Cities hold swearing-in ceremonies

Both Liberty and Pickens held swearing-in ceremonies during council meetings Monday night. At left, new Liberty mayor Eric Boughman recites the oath of office as his wife holds the Bible. Below, Pickens council members Carlton Holley, Patrick Lark and Donald McKinney are sworn in as their wives hold their Bibles and Pickens mayor David Owens administers the oath of office.
‘Every year is a great year’

Ben Robinson/Courier
Buddy Cox inspects some of the toys in Country Santa’s workshop, next to his Pumpkintown home.
Country Santa ready for 35th season delivering gifts
By Ben Robinson
Courier Staff
PUMPKINTOWN — On the Friday after Thanksgiving, Pumpkintown’s Buddy Cox takes time to blow the leaves from his quarter-mile driveway as his wife Nelle puts up a few holiday decorations. They are enjoying this time of relaxation before the busy Christmas season arrives and transforms their home into the headquarters for Country Santa.
A poor youth growing up in Cross Hill, Cox had his father walk out on the family when he was 10, leaving Buddy, his mother and two older sisters to struggle together. Although he grew up to become an engineer, Cox never forgot how his mother had struggled each Christmas to provide presents for Buddy