Daily Archives: 01/15/2014
Jesus Now More Than Ever Ministry comes to county
PICKENS — Evangelist Senior Pastor John P. Wright and his wife, Associate Pastor Sharon E. Wright said they felt led by the Lord to replant Jesus Now More Than Ever Ministry in Pickens.
The ministry comes to the Upstate of South Carolina from Upstate New York and is located approximately one mile south of Walmart in Pickens towards Easley.
Jesus Now More Than Ever Ministry is a non-denominational fully Gospel-preaching
Say it with music, please
On The Way
By Olivia Fowler
I think it could be helpful if public meetings had soundtracks as the movies do. Before you dismiss this as a crazy idea, give it some thought.
What if each board and commission in the county had its own theme song? And what if there was a musical score to give the audience clues as to what was actually taking place.
It would save so much time. For example, prior to votes about budget cuts or tax increases, the soundtrack from Jaws could be played.
It would certainly be appropriate. The dread, fear and mounting tension of the music would prepare the audience for the worst.
The “one issue” board members, those who come to life only when specific concerns come up for debate, could declare their views accompanied by that old favorite, Three Blind Mice. If a debate developed during the discussion, those who disagreed but didn’t want to go on record as opposing the first group could stand and counter with a little known version of Row Row Row Your Boat.
It would go something like this:
Group One —
“Three blind mice, three blind mice,
See how they run, see how they run.”
Group Two —
“Row, row row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
You’re never going anywhere,
But hold on to your dream.”
Group One —
“We’ll never stop playing our drum and fife,
And pledge to continue in stress and strife,
Until our opponents depart this life,
Three blind mice.”
The chair could then stand and say, “send this matter to the committee for study. We’ll review it later.”
And so, instead of hearing the same tired old points belabored, the music could communicate exactly what is happening.
Those who want to work cooperatively with others who don’t share their viewpoints could also have musical accompaniment. I suggest Climb every Mountain.
“Climb every mountain,
Search high and low,
Follow every highway,
Every path you know.
Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
‘Till you find your dream.”
In that instance, any of the high school choral groups could simply sing, in perfect harmony of course, as a replacement for actual debate.
If attempted discussion lasted too long, say more than three minutes, the chorus could skip to the end and drown them out with the last verse.
Immediately after the chair recognizes a member, the chorus could break into song.
Just before board members file in to take their seats, one of the school bands could play the theme from Superman. This would show some respect for the mission.
After members are seated and the meeting is called to order, the band could tune up softly in the background. Then maybe, near the beginning when old business is addressed, the old Sam Cooke hit from the sixties, “Chain Gang,” would be appropriate.
“That’s the sound of the men,
Working on the chain, ga-ang
That’s the sound of the men,
Working on the chain, gang
Can’t you hear them singing, mmm (Hoh! Ah!)
I’m going home one of these days
I’m going home, see my woman
Whom I love so dear
But meanwhile I gotta work right here”
And to insure public attendance, fried chicken should be served halfway through all meetings, because hungry people have a hard time agreeing on anything.
The lost keys
All About Ben
By Ben Robinson
I had a bit of a crisis this weekend. Somehow my car keys were not in my jacket pocket.
I ran my route Wednesday, driving all over Pickens County. I was off work Thursday, and quite honestly, glad of it. I did not make my weekly trip over to my friend Tim’s house, choosing to stay home and watch television instead. Friday I got up, showered, and got ready for work. I stumbled out to my car, checked my pockets, but found no keys.
I decided the keys were inside the house, though I had no memory of bringing the keys inside with me. A quick search of my bedroom and the area where I sit to watch television
Courier Letters to the Editor 1-15-14
Former SDPC official gives thoughts
Dear Editor,
I was the building program administrator for the School District of Pickens County from mid-2009 until early 2013.
I was responsible for the construction of seven new schools like Liberty High School and Chastain Road Elementary. We also made additions and renovations to another 20 schools. I worked closely with the architects, engineers, multiple general contractors and local/state governing authorities. I interfaced daily with
Courier Obituaries 1-15-14
Sarah Nell Pinyon
Pickens — Sarah Nell Nevins Pinyon, 66, of 103 Lois Lane, died Wednesday, Jan 08, 2014.
Born in Pickens County, she was the daughter of the late James Melvin Nevins and Avanell Stephens Nevins.
Surviving is her husband of the home, Clyde Cephus Pinyon; a son, Jamie Pinyon (Tina) of Pickens; a daughter, Sharon Pinyon of Easley; seven grandchildren; six
Fans have chance to meet Bryson at ‘redneck’ potluck
PICKENS — Local residents will have a chance to meet Pickens’ own reality television star Francine Bryson from the Great American Baking Competition at The Redneck High Tea Potluck to be held at Michael’s Restaurant on Main Street in Pickens on Jan. 18. The event will be from 1-4 pm.
The event is free, and those attending are invited to bring a dish and meet Bryson before she goes on the road with a new show and cookbook.
Please RSVP by Jan. 15 by Contacting Michael’s Restaurant at (864) 878-6462.
Winter Bluegrass Jubilee planned for this Saturday
PICKENS — The debut of Adkins & Loudermilk and the return of the Wrecked Frets, winners of the 2013 Blue Flame Bluegrass Band Competition, will be among the highlights of the 2014 Winter Bluegrass Jubilee.
The event offers a full day of concerts and music workshops from 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18, at the Pickens High School Performing Arts Center.
Dave Adkins, formerly of Dave Adkins & Republik Steel, and Edgar Loudermilk, formerly of Russell Moore and IIIrd Tyme Out, will make their debut performance as Adkins & Loudermilk. The two have a duo record scheduled for release by Mountain
Historical Society named Member of the Month

January’s Pickens Chamber Member of the Month is the Pickens Historical Society. The Pickens Historical Society was organized in 1958 for the purpose of perpetuating and disseminating the historical knowledge, artifacts and heritage of Pickens County. Over the past 55 years, the organization has grown to be the largest county historical society not only in South Carolina but also in the entire southern United States
Free small business class set for TCTC
UPSTATE — A small business start-up class will be offered at the Tri-County Technical College Pendleton Campus in the Industrial Business & Development Center Thursday, Jan. 16, from 5:30-8:30 pm. There is no charge for the class.
Small Business Start Up is offered in partnership with Tri-County Technical College, Clemson’s Small Business Development Center, SCORE and area chambers of commerce. Topics will be discussed to allow students to evaluate their ideas for business and assess its viability. In addition, students will learn some of the key aspects of preparing to own and manage their own business.
For more information or to register, call (864) 646-1700 or visit www.tctc.edu/learn.
Courier Legals 1-15-14
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Defendant(s) above named that the Foreclosure action referenced above, including a Lis Pendens, Summons and Complaint was filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Pickens County on August 26, 2013 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS COUNTY OF RICHLAND CASE NO.: 2013CP3901086 Nationstar Mortgage LLC, Plaintiff(s) vs. SUMMONS Timothy L. Lyda, et al. Non-Jury Foreclosure Deficiency Judgment Demanded Defendant(s).
TO THE DEFENDANT(S) ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer on the undersigned at their offices located at 1587 Northeast Expressway, Atlanta, GA 30329, within thirty (30) days after the service thereof, exclusive of the date of service; and if you fail to do so, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the