Daily Archives: 05/13/2014
Struggling with technology again
All About Ben
By Ben Robinson
So its 3:30 on a Monday afternoon, and I’m still struggling with this computer. I came in this morning, bright and early. Well, early at least. With nothing else to write, I started working on my weekly column. It was about my tax refund check, which the state kept almost all of to pay old hospital bills.
I wrote how I did not much appreciate the state determining how I would spend my money. The hospital spends lots of time and money to make sure I am aware of the bills (everyone I know gets to bill me for my last hospital stay). While I was in the hospital, I mentioned I had no insurance and was not sure how I would pay. The nurse said, “Don’t worry about it,” and sure enough, I get about eight chances a day to pay them.
The latest is that they set up with the government to take whatever tax return I thought I would have and use it to pay my bills, randomly, of