Daily Archives: 07/16/2014
These streets are made for developing
What comes to mind when one thinks of Pickens County? Is it the beauty of the peaks of the Blue Ridge Mountains on our horizon? Is it the many natural breathtaking landscapes — waterfalls, lakes, acres of trees and the countless hidden treasures? Is it the stunning Azaleas? Is it the hometown, great-place-to-raise-a-family appeal? It would have to be all of this and more, as it seems, because more and more major corporations — retail chains, restaurant chains, major manufacturers — are flocking to Pickens County. Even though this county is continuing to spread its wings and fly farther, it maintains the small-town, friendly neighbor appeal that we all hold dear.
It all started when Cedarwood Development completed the construction of the massive Easley Town Center, which holds more than 500,000 square feet of retail space. After Walmart
Back to ‘normal’
After a few difficult weeks, I am finally getting back to normal, or at least my definition of the word.
It started a few weeks ago when my father was admitted to the hospital. There were some mistakes with his tests, so he needed to have more tests made before he could go home. A few days in the hospital turned into one week, which my father did not like.
He began to complain about whatever he could think of — the food, the nurses, etc. He swore he would never go to that particular hospital again. He was ready to go sing with his friends and the hospital had not better keep him too long.
Meanwhile, my mother passed out while she was getting together thing for my father at the hospital.
Both are better now. We’re still not sure why my mother passed out, but she’s trying to be more careful now.
So then the engine in my car gave out. It turns out that the oil
Prepared is not always possible
Once more a lesson has been learned, but I’m not exactly sure what the lesson is. Riding the river is one of my favorite summer activities. This doesn’t mean it’s something I excel at. It just means it’s something I love to do.
However, it isn’t something I’m allowed to do alone, as Fowler has put his foot down about that because for some reason he thinks it might not be the safest thing to do. And he is probably right. Take a recent Thursday.
Iva and I had previously planned a river run in the kayaks and chose the 12 Mile, as it’s conveniently located and seemed to be high enough to give us a pretty smooth trip.
Since the 12 Mile is shallow anyway, when the water is low you can
Courier Obits 7-16-14
Kay Alexander
Liberty — Lolita Kay Ruth Watson Alexander, 61, wife of Virgil Clifton Alexander, died Wednesday, July 9 at St. Francis Hospital.
Born in Valdosta, Ga., to the late Angus Terrell Watson, Sr., and Kathryn Lolita Byrd Smith, Kay was a graduate of Tri-County Technical College where she also worked in the Admissions Department.
She enjoyed swimming, making jewelry, Pandora bracelets, as well as other crafts, attending yard sales and spending time with her grandchildren who meant so much to her.
Mrs. Alexander was also a dedicated primary member of the Easley Chapter 200 O.E.S, and a duel member of the
Monumental Legacy: Father, son carry on family tradition

Photos by Nikki Rutledge/For The Courier
Sid Alexander, who learned the trade from his father, Beattie, in 1965, demonstrates the carving of a monument at Alexander Granite and Marble at 6959 Calhoun Memorial Highway in Easley. Below left: The intricate design work, carving and contouring are what Alexander believes makes his company’s work “unique.” Alexander operates the company with his son, Nic. Below right: A trip to the sand-blasting room in the company’s workshop is one of the crucial steps in the creation of a monument.
By Nikki Rutledge For The Courier
Some may think doing the same thing every day for 50 years is a mundane way to go through life, but not Sid Alexander.
His father, Beattie Alexander, founder of Alexander Granite and Marble, taught Sid the stone masonry trade in 1965 when he was just 13 years old, and he has spent his life honing his craft.
The years have been spent carving and shaping granite or marble monuments by hand with a hammer and chisel, sand-blasting the inscriptions on them by hand, hand-carving designs on almost every one and enjoying every
Pickens Garden Club sponsors students

Photos by Katherine Welborn Gitto/For The Courier
Pictured above are Ann Bowen, Bailey Taylor, Judith Dill, Brie Lesley Jayden Harden, Autumn Pilgrim, Caroline Lucas, Natalie Boggs and Logan Crowe.
COLUMBIA — On a spring Saturday earlier this year, Saluda Shoals Park Environmental Center in Columbia was buzzing with activity.
Students from all over South Carolina gathered to learn about the plants, flowers, animals, and trees in our beautiful state. The Garden Club of S.C. sponsored the 2014 Youth Symposium. Students who won awards for recyclable sculpture creations, garden poetry, and poster art were invited to attend with their families.
The Pickens Garden Club of the West Piedmont District sponsored many students. Holly Springs Elementary had
Courier Community Calendar 7-16-14
• Sertoma Club invites locals to meet
The Clemson Sertoma Club invites all interested local residents to attend its meetings. The club meets at noon the first and third Tuesdays of each month at Occasions at Wedgefield, located at 1551 Eighteen Mile Road in Central. New visitors are always welcome. Those interested are asked to call Randy Shaw at (864) 423-5469.
• St. Andrew UMC set to kick off VBS
St. Andrew United Methodist Church, located at 309 Pelzer Highway in Easley, will host its Vacation Bible School
Courier Notice to Creditors 7-16-14
The publisher shall only be liable for an amount less than or equal to the charge for the space of the item in error in the case of errors in or omissions from any advertisement, and only for the first incorrect insertion.
All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of PICKENS COUNTY, the address of which is 222 MCDANIEL AVE., B-16 PICKENS, SC 29671, within eight (8) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 62-3-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form (FORM #371ES) indicating the name and address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become
Courier Legals 7-16-14
CASE NO. 14-CP-39-191
Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc.Plaintiff, -vs- Roy E. Pitts and Rebecca W. Pitts, Defendant(s)
BY VIRTUE of a judgment heretofore granted in the case of Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc. vs. Roy E. Pitts and Rebecca W. Pitts, I, R. Murray Hughes, Esquire, as Special Referee for Pickens County, will sell on August 4, 2014, at 11:00 am, at the Pickens County Courthouse, 214 E. Main Street, Pickens, SC 29671, to the highest bidder:
ALL that certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying and being situate in the State of South Carolina, County of Pickens, located about 6 miles southeast of Pickens, and containing 12.069 acres, more or less, and being known as “Tract 2”, according to a plat prepared by David C. Kirk, Surveyor, RLS#6676, dated December 21, 1992 and recorded in
Courier Trespass Notices 7-16-14
In the state of South Carolina, trespass after notice is a misdemeanor criminal offense prohibited by section 16-11-620 for the South Carolina Code.
Those who enter upon the lands of others without the permission of the owner or manager shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor trespassing.
All persons are hereby notified and warned not to hunt, fish, cut timber or trespass in any manner whatsoever upon