Daily Archives: 08/06/2014
Garrison Museum to host Kids Day on August 23
UPSTATE — On Saturday, Aug. 23, the Bart Garrison Agricultural Museum of South Carolina will be holding the fourth session of a series called Kids Day at “The Ag.”
The theme for the session is Simple Machines on the Farm.

A rubber duck racetrack is just one of many activities students will use to explain how levers and inclined planes work at the Bart Garrison Agricultural Museum’s Kids Day session Aug. 23.
Through activities and games, students will learn the basic concepts of how simple machines work. Games include pulley tug of war, flash card mania, and rubber duck races.
Students will play games like Jeopardy, team word search, and hidden picture ID to enhance their simple machine vocabulary. The concepts behind how levers work will be reinforced by the students making a small take-home
Pickens Rec fall soccer registrations extended
PICKENS — Fall soccer registration is being extended at the Pickens Recreation Center on Sangamo Road in Pickens. The following coed age divisions are offered: 5 and 6-year olds, 7 and 8-year olds, 9 and 10-year olds, 11 and 12-year olds and 13 to 15 year olds.
Following registration, a skills/evaluation day will be held for each age division. The registration fee provides a jersey. The fee is $45 for in-city residents and $55 for out-of-city residents. Birth certificates are required at registration. Birthdate cut-off is Sept. 1, 2014.
If you are interested in coaching or need additional information, call the Recreation Dept. at 878-2296.
Courier Letters to Editor 8-6-14
Why not look close to home to fill offices?
Dear Editor:
Now that I have retired, I have been paying attention more to the different paid officials we have in office, and also how proud we are supposed to be of our education system and how smart we are supposed to be after schooling.
We also have some pretty good colleges in the area, so what I’m getting at is this — why do we have to go out of state to get others to hold down highly paid positions in our communities? Do we not have employment problems too?
YACE plans auditions for fall production
EASLEY — The Young Actors Company of Easley (YACE) will hold auditions for its fall production on Monday, Aug. 25, at 6:30 p.m. at the Fine Arts Center of Easley.
Roles are available for boys and girls ages 7-17, and no previous acting experience is required.
Call (864) 442-6027 or visit www.yacesc.com for more information.
How did the egg get into the nest?
We have laying hens. They lay eggs. But when we refer to the act of actually laying the egg, we say the hen laid the egg. It’s confusing, but this is just the beginning.
We all hear people talking about laying out in the sun, but actually this can’t be done unless they are laying something out in the sun, such as their sun-damaged bodies. The person can correctly say they lay their body out in the sun or that they plan to lie out in the sun.
And to split hairs even further, it would be more accurate to say they plan to lie out in the sunshine or sunlight rather than sun. If you think about it, it would be rather difficult to literally lie in the sun.
When children pray, “Now I lay me down to sleep,” this is perfectly correct because they are laying themselves down. They can say “Now I lie down to sleep” if they like, but this doesn’t have the same
Five good things happening in our state — and why
Newspapers and the media are often accused of only reporting the bad things that happen — and there’s some truth in this. And it’s particularly easy to fall into this trap in South Carolina, where it seems that there is a lot more bad news than good.
We all know the saying, “If it’s a list of bad things, S.C. is at the top, and on a list of good things, we’re at the bottom.”
As true as this may be, there are some good things that are happening in our state that have been generally overlooked by the media. Here are five of them, and though they may seem unrelated, I think there is a common message for us in all of these examples.
First, South Carolina ranks sixth in the country in the number of new businesses owned by women. In the last seven years, the number has increased a whopping 78 percent, a full 10 percent more than the national average. And, new businesses
Courier Obitituaries 8-6-14
Gilmore Wallace, Jr.
Easley — Gilmore Wallace, Jr., 69, husband of Carmen Douglas Wallace, died Friday, July 25, 2014 at Cannon Memorial Hospital in Pickens.
Born in Darlington, to the late Gilmore Sr., and Juanita Green Wallace, “Gil” was a 1963 graduate of Rosenwald High School and went on to work for American Brass in Ansonia, Conn. He enjoyed fishing and listening to “oldies” music, but most of all, he loved spending time with his family.
Back to School 2014

As the summer winds down, it’s time for parents and students to begin the transition back into school mode. The first day of classes in Pickens County is set for Aug. 19, but getting a head start on school year preparation is a key to success.
How to help kids transition back to the classroom

As a new school year draws nearer, parents can employ several strategies to help their kids readjust to the rigors of the classroom.
The dawn of a new school year is an exciting time. Kids may not want to say goodbye to days spent lounging by the pool, but such disappointment is often tempered by the prospect of returning to school with friends.
For parents, getting kids ready for a new school year is about more than updating their wardrobe or organizing carpools with fellow parents. Reacclimating kids to the routine of school after a relaxing summer is a significant undertaking, and the following are a handful of ways for parents to get a head start as the school year draws closer.
• Establish a routine over the last few weeks of summer. Summer vacations typically lack the structure of the school year, and that lack of structure can help kids unwind and
Courier Community Calendar 8-6-16
• Sertoma Club invites locals to meet
The Clemson Sertoma Club invites all interested local residents to attend its meetings. The club meets at noon the first and third Tuesdays of each month at Occasions at Wedgefield, located at 1551 Eighteen Mile Road in Central. New visitors are always welcome. Those interested are asked to call Randy Shaw at (864) 423-5469.
• Anderson reunion to be held August 24
The descendants of the late J.R. Anderson and Nancy “Nealy” Reece Anderson will have their annual reunion at Mountain Grove Baptist Church Fellowship building, August 24 at 1 p.m. Plates and cups will be furnished.
• 93rd Lewis reunion set for August 10
Ninety years ago, in 1924, while a birthday party was being planned for Robert “Robin” Stewart Lewis, a wonderful
PCSO Explorers honored at statewide SCALE competition

The Pickens County Sheriff’s Office Explorers were very successful in the recent statewide SCALE competition. The PCSO Explorers are shown here with many of the awards they earned. Pictured are Advisor Master Deputy Elijah Chapman, Explorer Jesse Diaz, Associate Advisor Master Deputy Michael Torres, Explorer Justin Laws, Explorer Caleb Cassel, Associate Advisor Carmen Lehmann, Explorer Bennett Hendricks, Explorer Brandon Smith, Explorer Joseph Baldree, Explorer Logan Edgar, Explorer Sgt. Zach Blanton and Explorer Lindsay Parham.
STATE — The Pickens County Sheriff’s Office is the current South Carolina title holder for being named the first in its class after attending the recent South Carolina Association of Law Enforcement Explorers (SCALE) Competition.
The annual event was held July 8-12 in Summerville and is the focal point of the Summer Conference, where Explorer Posts come together to test their skills and knowledge in hopes to one day fulfill their dreams of becoming law enforcement officers.
The Pickens County Sheriff’s Office enjoys a strong and dedicated group of Explorers who attend several meetings