Monthly Archives: September 2014
DAR celebrates Constitution Week
PICKENS — The tradition of celebrating the Constitution was started many years ago by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). In 1955, the Daughters petitioned Congress to set aside Sept. 17-23 annually to be dedicated for the observance of Constitution Week.

Mayor David Owens of Pickens signs the proclamation designating Sept. 17-23 as Constitution Week, witnessed by Fort Prince George DAR members Anne Kilpatrick, Una Welborn and Marianne Holland.
The resolution was later adopted by the U.S. Congress and signed into Public Law No. 915 on Aug. 2, 1956 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The aims of the celebration are to emphasize citizens’ responsibilities for protecting and defending the Constitution, preserving it for posterity, to inform the people that the Constitution is the basis for America’s great heritage and the foundation for our way of life and to encourage the study of the historical events which led to the framing of the Constitution in September 1787.
Our Constitution stands as a testament to the tenacity of
Local ham radio club invites others to scheduled meetings
PICKENS — The Pickens County Communications Club are ham radio operators that are members of the Pickens County Emergency Management Agency.
The group does volunteer work and back up to the county’s communications network. The group also does the skywarn for the NWS as WX spotters.
The PCCC holds its meetings on the first Tuesday of each month starting at 7 p.m. at the emergency operations center. The EOC is located at 1509 Walhalla Highway on the S.C. 183 west of Pickens past the jockey lot.
Any one interested in emergency commutations in public service or ham radio (amateur radio) is invited to come to our meetings. The meetings are open to all visitors.
For more information, call me at 878-7980 or email at
Local businessman reflects on Guardian ad Litem volunteering
COUNTY — Dial DuBose says the best thing that’s happened to him as a volunteer Guardian ad Litem is his relationship with the children he serves, especially the younger ones.
“My guys” he calls them, and it’s important that they can depend on him.
“I want that child to know if he has nothing else, he’s got me,” DuBose said.
DuBose, as a local businessperson, joined the Cass Elias McCarter Guardian ad Litem program in 2012.
“It was a short and sweet case, but it gave me confidence, and I had the realization that this was not going to be a
Courier Calendar of Events
• Gillespie reunion planned for Oct. 5
The 66th Gillespie reunion will be Sunday, Oct. 5, at 11:45 a.m. at the Balsam Grove Community Center in Balsam Grove, N.C. Each family is asked to bring a well-filled basket and drink of your choice. Plates, cups napkins and silverware will be provided, also ice will be provided.
• PHS Craft Fair needs vendors
A craft fair will be held at Pickens High School on Nov. 1 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Cost for a 10×10 vendor booth will be
We all speak the language of food
Maybe you don’t consider yourself bilingual. And when you fill out an application for employment, perhaps you answer the question that now appears more often, “Are you fluent in a foreign language?” with a no.
But you must not underestimate your abilities.
If you are a human being living on planet Earth, you are much more accomplished than you may think. You are a master of a universal language that has more power to unite people and communicate than Spanish, Latin, French,
Handling my health
I have made up my mind. Many of you know that I’ve had problems with a wound on my right leg. The doctors had treated the wound and said it was cured. It only had to heal up on the surface. That was about a year ago.
Recently, my leg started hurting and breaking out in red spots. I went to the doctor, who gave me some antibiotics and said the wound should have completely healed by now. Somehow an infection had gotten into the wound, causing my pain now. So in addition to giving me antibiotics, he began working on finally getting the wound healed, to avoid other problems.
The first week he wrapped my leg in bandages completely, and said not to get the bandages wet. That meant no
Courier Letters to the Editor
No Strategy
Dear Editor,
Part of watching politicians talk and news coverage is making a sport out of picking which phrase will be hyped up into its own news event.
When the president responded, “I have no strategy…,” to a reporter’s question, I knew that would be the one. Those who oppose the president at every opportunity have used it to suggest that he’s lacking in leadership and planning the fight against this particular terrorist group. And the news media accommodated that aspect. I think that’s the
Public Invited to Town Hall Meeting
PICKENS — A Town Hall meeting will be held at the Hagood Community Center (also known as Pickens Senior Center) on Tuesday, October 14 at 5:30 p.m. The public is invited.
The meeting is planned to discuss with community members the renovations planned for the Center’s auditorium. Upcoming programming, which will be made possible by some of the renovations planned, will also be discussed.
Community input is welcomed on future activities. National Endowment for the Arts will help, through a $25,000 Our
Two access areas to close temporarily for repairs
UPSTATE — In order to perform planned maintenance work, Duke Energy will temporarily close one boat ramp at Stamp Creek Access Area and all three ramps at Warpath Access Area on Lake Keowee beginning the week of September 22.
Improvements to the Stamp Creek Access Area include replacing the north boat ramp. Guests may continue to launch boats from the south boat ramp which will remain open during construction. Depending on weather conditions, the
Used Books needed for upcoming sale
PICKENS — The Pickens County Literacy Association is seeking donations for their upcoming used book sale scheduled for November 24 and 25 at the Pickens Presbyterian Church. Items needed include like-new or gently used books of all types, video and audio cassettes, CDs and DVDs.
Drop off locations in Pickens are the Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative office, Grace United Methodist Church, Holy Cross Catholic Church, Poinsett (Palmetto) Cleaners, Pickens First Baptist Church, Pickens Savings and Loan and Pickens Federal Credit Union.
In Easley, donations can be brought to Custom Cleaners, Fred’s Pharmacy, Kelly’s Pharmacy, Medicine Mart and