Monthly Archives: November 2014
Ministerial association to offer free winter clothes
PICKENS — Winter Warmth 2014, sponsored by the Pickens Ministerial Association, will offer free good, used coats, jeans, sweaters, shoes and baby clothes to anyone in need.
The event will be held on Saturday, Dec. 6, from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m. at the Pickens Recreation Center, 545 Sangamo Road, Pickens. To get to the recreation center, turn off U.S. Highway 178 just past Ingles.
No dealers or resellers will be allowed.
Clemson police charge woman with filing false felony report
Officers allege false report of sex assault
CLEMSON — Clemson University police charged a Woodruff woman with filing a false report of an attempted sexual assault Saturday night.
Jasmine Deshunte Leamon, 21, was charged with filing a false police report of a felony. The charge against Leamon, who is not a Clemson student or employee, is a felony.
The report of the incident prompted the university to send a CU Safe Alert email to the campus.
Leamon was released on $5,000 bond.
Baptist Easley receives Press Ganey 2014 Beacon of Excellence Award

Baptist Easley perioperative services director Sherry Gravely stands alongside the Beacon of Excellence award display at the recent Press Ganey conference in Orlando, Fla.
EASLEY — Baptist Easley has been named a winner of the 2014 Beacon of Excellence Award by Press Ganey Associates, Inc. The Beacon of Excellence Award recognizes top-performing facilities that maintain high levels of excellence in Patient Satisfaction. The award was for patient satisfaction in the Ambulatory Surgery area.
The Press Ganey Beacon of Excellence Award recognizes leading health care facilities that have achieved and consistently maintained excellence for multiple years. The award is given to only 45 organizations per year, representing the top three performing organizations by category. Press Ganey partners with more than 10,000 health
Benson elected to SWU board
CENTRAL — C. Pete Benson of Franklin, Tenn., was recently elected to Southern Wesleyan University’s board of trustees.
Born and raised on Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick, Canada, Benson has served The Wesleyan Church for many years as a minister and a church planter. In 1998, Benson entered the financial industry, founding Beacon Capital Management in 2000, a company with locations in Franklin, Tenn., and Nashville, Tenn., that manages more than $500 million in assets. Benson has created and presented seminars for The Wesleyan Church in the U.S. and Canada and spent three years training financial advisors across the nation. He also has conducted financial seminars at Wesleyan church camps and at Kingswood University. He has been interviewed by CNBC and Fox Business News and has been quoted in Reuters. He is co-authoring an upcoming book
PRA finalist for Upstate vibrancy grant
UPSTATE — Ten at the Top (TATT), an organization created to foster collaboration, partnerships and strategic planning across the Upstate, has announced the 2014 recipients for the Hughes Investments Elevate Upstate Community Vibrancy Grants.
There were five finalists chosen from a total of 22 applications that were submitted for the two grants available in 2014. Hughes Investments is contributing $10,000 per year to the program with two recipients each year receiving
The holidays have arrived
Last year I would have cringed when I heard “Have yourself a merry little Christmas” crooning out of the speakers in my car at the beginning of November. This year, I turned up the volume knob and starting singing along. Christmas seems to come earlier than it did when I was a kid, but I think I understand why.
I’ve been back in the full-time work-force for almost two years now. As a single parent to two precocious “tween” daughters, my day starts the minute my alarm jars me out of bed at 4:30 a.m. No matter how much I plan ahead, the hours of 6-7:30 a.m. are a whirlwind of breakfast preparation, wardrobe crises, hair styling, and the inevitable “Mom, I forgot I have to have (fill in the blank) TODAY!”
After I make it through the carpool loop relatively unscathed, I’m off to work for the next eight to 10 hours, depending
So sorry to hear that
What’s the difference between gossip and news? Gossip is information about other people’s personal affairs which usually proves to be untrue and is often told with malicious intent.
There must be something about gossip that people become addicted to. Otherwise, there would be no explanation for the apparently unlimited appetite of the public for stories about other people’s tragedies and relationships.
How many times have you heard someone begin a conversation with the sentence, “I don’t know if this is true or not,
Still more leg problems
So Friday I reached what I thought was a milestone. After taking the bandages off my leg, the doctor told me that if I would get a leg wrap I would no longer have to wear a bandage.
I was ecstatic. Leg wraps would mean that the bandage would not need to be changed every week. I would be able to take a shower every day, which many of my friends were even happier than I about.
The agreement was that I would pick up my new leg wraps that afternoon. I was happy and figured it would not hurt if
Courier Letters to the Editor 11-19-14
Against all amnesty
Dear Editor,
I am opposed to any kind of amnesty for illegals. I think we should attach a provision that will charge illegals “rent” for being in our county illegally to any bill that will actually get through Congress.
Illegals cost us money in many ways. We should charge them rent for being here illegally. In fact, we could waive the rent if they leave our Country and do not come back. This provision must be designed by attorneys so that it does not
Rock and Roll Oldies Club set to meet next Tuesday
EASLEY — The Rock and Roll Oldies Club Of The Upstate’s Nov. 25 meeting at Mutt’s Barbecue in Easley will feature dinner from 6-7 p.m.
A local band, “Legal Age,” will entertain from 7-8 p.m. Music and dancing will take place throughout the evening. Dues are $5 per year. If you play or sing, sign up to entertain the group.
Find the group on Facebook, email or call (864) 633-8230 for more information.