Daily Archives: 01/07/2015
Courier Letters to the Editor
A request for SDPC board members
Dear Editor,
A few years ago, the board of the School District of Pickens County decided to no longer give the school children in Pickens County Presidents’ Day off as a holiday, and instead began choosing a random day off either the week before (Feb. 13 this year) or the week of (in 2016, the proposed day off is the Friday after Presidents’ Day). The school districts in Oconee, Anderson and Greenville counties continue to recognize Presidents’ Day as a holiday. As a United States citizen, a patriot and a parent, I am apalled the school board of Pickens County has chosen to no
Christmas can come twice a year
This year we postponed our family Christmas due to unforeseen circumstances. Instead of celebrating Christmas together on Christmas Day, we delayed until our family could be together. So on Christmas Day we spent time relaxing, wrapping presents and being thankful for our many blessings. We had ham sandwiches for supper and phoned our loved ones.
It was a happy, peaceful day. The tree was on, and the wrapped presents were at its base. Some of the smaller boxes were inside a red peck basket to protect them from an inquisitive Chihuahua who is at the stage of puppyhood where shredding paper is a joyous activity.
He is being house trained but seems a little
Goals for 2015
Now, starting a new year. A chance to put all those mistakes I made last year in my rearview mirror and start anew.
I have plenty of priorities for the new year. I need to pay my father back for the money he lent me to fix my car. It was probably my fault that the car would not work. Apparently you have to have some oil in the car. I thought the oil light on my car was hung up, but apparently it was accurate.
So I now have a different engine running the car. I had found that the old engine was causing the car to be covered with a black, powderish substance. I wiped some off last week when I was filling up with gas. I suddenly had a clean back windshield. I also had a dirty sleeve of the jacket I got for
Courier Obituaries 1-7-15
Pearl Nix
Pickens — Pearl Clemones Nix, 84, formerly of Pickens, died Sunday, Dec. 28, 2014, at Ellenburg Nursing Center in Anderson.
Born in LaGrange, Ga., she was the widow of John B. Nix and a daughter of the late James Isaiah Clemones and Ollie Mae Roberson Clemones Farlow. She was retired from Brunswick Yarns and was a member of Shady Grove Baptist Church.
Surviving are a daughter, Jan Reynolds (Andy) of Pickens; two sons, Marvin Nix (Bridget) and
A Gathering On Appalachian Life

New festival coming to Pickens Feb. 28
Just before Christmas 2014, local cultural enthusiast Betty McDaniel had a visit from the Ghost of Appalachia Past. It started late in the night, and she was visited at 1, 2, and 3 o’clock by the Ghosts of Appalachia Past, Present, and Yet to Be. At first, her husband, Ed, thought it mere indigestion, a fragment of an underdone potato or a blurb of mustard.
However, early the next morning, after her visions, Betty began to startle everyone and set things in motion. Her vision has resulted in a Pickens County first — “A Gathering on Appalachian Life,” a festival of activities to be held Feb. 28 at the Hagood Community Center (also known as the Pickens Senior Center), with registration at 8:30 a.m. and first session at 9 a.m.
Betty began to react to her visions by contacting major organizations that might
Sprott birth
Cassie and Eric Sprott of Pendleton are proud to announce the birth of their son, Jacob Alexander Sprott, born Dec. 15, 2014, at St. Francis Eastside in Greenville. He was eight pounds, three ounces and 22 inches long. Jacob is the grandson of Sue and the late Mac Sprott of Clemson, Pam Mauldin of Pendleton and Austin Mauldin of Six Mile.
Secona celebrates oldest living member
PICKENS — Secona Baptist Church in Pickens honored its oldest living member, Ercel Pace, on Dec. 21.
Pace was recognized on her 100th birthday during the morning worship service.
Afterward, the congregation hosted a birthday lunch, where Pace was showered with gifts and cards from the members of the church. Attending were her son, Hugh, daughter-in-law, Nancy, and granddaughter, Donna.
Pickens church honors city leaders

Pickens Seventh-Day Adventist Church pastor Kevin Pires, left, and Pickens mayor David Owens are pictured during the church’s Welcome Table feeding program on Dec. 30.
PICKENS — The Pickens Seventh-Day Adventist Church held its monthly “Welcome Table” feeding program on Tuesday, Dec. 30, from noon-1 p.m.
As a special occasion, the church members honored the leadership of the City of Pickens — mayor David Owens, police chief Rodney Gregory and fire chief Chris Elrod.
Owens attended the meal and represented the group, which received gifts from the church. In addition to their regular meal, the Welcome Table participants also received gift bags of personal items to take home.
“We are so blessed to provide a healthy meal to the community each month.” Welcome Table leader Becky Ford said. “We began in February of 2014 with no organization and no money, and God has blessed our efforts from the very beginning. Pickens businesses have donated to help us, and we are so grateful.”
The church is seeking to increase its outreach throughout the Pickens community in the new year. The Welcome Table offers a healthy meal to anyone in the Pickens community on the last Tuesday of each month. For more information, contact Ford at (803) 414-9727.
Courier Legals 1-7-15
CASE # 2014-LP-39-1240
Pickens Savings and Loan Association, F. A., Plaintiff, vs- Estate of Doris Skelton Beck, a/k/a Doris Ophelia Beck; South Carolina Department of Revenue; Christopher D. Beck, Nathan E. Beck, Kandis McHugh, Kyle Beck, Baptist Easley Hospital, Greenville Hospital System, Asset Acceptance, LLC, AnMed Health and all other Persons unknown claiming thru Doris S. Beck,
Courier Notice to Creditors 1-7-15
The publisher shall only be liable for an amount less than or equal to the charge for the space of the item in error in the case of errors in or omissions from any advertisement, and only for the first incorrect insertion.
All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of PICKENS COUNTY, the address of which is 222 MCDANIEL AVE., B-16 PICKENS, SC 29671, within eight (8) months after the date of the first publication of this