Monthly Archives: March 2015
Adult coed volleyball leagues now forming
PICKENS — The Pickens Recreation Department is now holding registration for adult coed volleyball, formally known as the “Backyard League.”
Players must be 21 years of age. The registration fee will be $45 for in-city and $55 for out-of-city per couple and due at time of sign-up. Individual fees are $22.50 for in-city and $27.50 for
Easley softball starts season

Robert L. Bradley/Photo
Easley High School’s Taylor Waldrop concentrates on the ball to hit a double in the second inning against Greenville last week. Easley defeated the Lady Red Raiders 21-3. Easley then defeated Wren Monday night 3-1 to improve to 4-2 on the season.
EASLEY — After opening the 2015 season with a disappointing loss to Hillcrest, the Easley High varsity softball team rebounded with a resounding 21-3 victory over Greenville last week. Easley had defeated Pickens twice and lost to West-Oak in a preseason tournament at Liberty High.
Easley opened this week with a 3-1 win over rival Wren to move to 4-2 on the season and was set to finish a three-game homestand with games against Hanna on Tuesday and Westside on Wednesday.
The Lady Green Wave will play in the Byrnes tournament this weekend at Tyger River Park in
A sucker isn’t born every minute
Who decides what commercials air on television? It’s a mystery to me how any person with a brain would think objectifying women and turning out soft porn would induce any busy mother with a carload of children to stop in at their restaurant to buy hamburgers.
Madison Avenue, I don’t get it. If a fast food restaurant wants my business, they’re going to have to do better.
There are a lot of women in the United States who work, chauffeur children after school, do laundry and a host of other chores. They are also the person in a household who
Setting up the stage
Saturday I got involved with a little bit of show business. My father, B.F. Robinson, has been with a group of musicians that visits the nursing homes and performs for the patients. The fact that many in the nursing homes cannot hear very well probably helps their success rate. Quite honestly, many older Americans are placed in nursing homes and forgotten by their families, so most of the residents are happy with any visitors.
My father’s group is a bunch of retirees. I will be honest. In all my studies, the closest I’ve come to being able to play a musical instrument is pushing the play button on a tape recorder. But many of these people have been playing music for years. We’re not exactly in a suburb of Nashville, so I guess they knew they had some talent but never used it as they worked
Courier Letters to the Editor 3-18-15
Much ado about nothing
Dear Editor,
On “Meet the Press” on Sunday, March 8, Lindsey Graham boasted that he has never sent an email. Really? In the 21st century, an educated U.S. senator has never sent an email? He said this in a segment where he blasted Hillary Clinton for a “lack of transparency.”
Nothing is less transparent than the snail mail used by Graham! It makes you wonder what he is trying to hide. Snail mail is also much more expensive than email. Why is Graham wasting our
Courier Obituaries 3-18-15
Central — Ruth Watson Owen died on March 6, 2015.
She was born on May 30, 1923, to the late Leo Woody Benjamin and Sallie Brown Watson. She worked at Morris and Co. in Pickens for 30 years. She attended Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in Central.
Ruth is survived by her niece Rhonda Barton (Johnny) and her niece Gayle Thurn (Brad), along with many other family members and friends.
Ruth was predeceased by her beloved husband William Clinton “Clint” Owen and her brother
‘A Living Icon’

Bobby Rettew/Courtesy Clemson Athletic Communications
A survivor of the Bataan Death March in World War II, retired U.S. Army Col. Ben Skardon is a beloved Clemson University alumnus and professor emeritus. In addition, he is the most sought-after speaker at the annual Bataan Memorial Death March in New Mexico, according to friend Cheryl Fallstead.
Bataan Death March survivor, Clemson legend Skardon to walk in annual memorial march
By Ken Scar
Clemson Media Relations
CLEMSON — Retired U.S. Army Col. Beverly N. (Ben) Skardon, 97, a survivor of the Bataan Death March and beloved alumnus and professor emeritus of Clemson University, will walk eight-and-a-half miles in the annual Bataan Memorial Death March on the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico on March 22.
This will be the eighth time Skardon has participated in the event.
More than 6,500 active-duty service members, veterans, wounded warriors and civilians will run or walk a 26.2-mile route or 14-mile route through the unforgiving terrain of the high desert
Jolt of magic teaches about electrical safety

Pickens Elementary students Joshua Jackson and Mary Kate Fain participate in a magic trick with the help of magician Scott Davis, representing Blue Ridge Electric Co-op.
PICKENS — Students at two local elementary schools recently got an interesting lesson in electrical safety.
However, unlike traditional lecture-style lessons, this presentation was of a magical variety. Using magic tricks and comedy to hold the students’ attention, magician Scott Davis presented his “Making Accidents Disappear” program, sponsored by Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative, to students at Pickens Elementary and Hagood Elementary schools.
“There is no performing art that is more universally loved among children than magic,” Davis said. “I’m excited that Blue Ridge Electric Co-op decided to sponsor this program in area elementary schools. Teaching electrical safety in a way that is memorable and fun for the
Courier Legals 3-18-15
Case No.: 2014-CP-39-1137
Billy J. Bolding, Plaintiffs, vs. Danny J. Proctor and Tara B. Proctor Defendant.
BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER of the Court of Common Pleas for Pickens County, South Carolina, heretofore issued in the case of Billy J. Bolding, the undersigned as Special Referee, R. Murray
Courier Notice to Creditors 3-18-15
The publisher shall only be liable for an amount less than or equal to the charge for the space of the item in error in the case of errors in or omissions from any advertisement, and only for the first incorrect insertion.
All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of PICKENS COUNTY, the address of which is 222 MCDANIEL AVE., B-16 PICKENS, SC 29671, within eight (8) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 62-3-