Monthly Archives: April 2015
Stormy start to the work week
After a long, fitful night of sleep, I awoke Monday morning ready to face the world again from the Courier office.
Outside my window, I heard the sounds of a storm. That meant that unless I was quick, I would be getting wet when I tried to go to work.
I heard my mother leaving to take my nephew, Kevin, to work. Kevin had injured his arm over the weekend. My mother was happy to take him to the doctor, but
Courier Obituaries 4-22-17
Liberty — Mrs. Floycie Carroll Holliday, 97, wife of the late Woodrow W. Holliday, passed away Thursday, April 16, 2015 at Cannon Memorial Hospital.
Born in Jackson County, NC, a daughter of the late Rufus Newton and Emma Bryson Carroll, Mrs. Holliday retired from Easley Textiles and was a member of Smith Grove Baptist Church.
Surviving are two sons, Jason Holliday (Jean) of Liberty, and Rabon Holliday (Eleanor) of
One With the Ride

Steve Lorch/Courier
One With the Ride owner John Winchester is a former pro skater, and he and his shop are all about living in the moment.
By Steve Lorch
For The Courier
SUNSET — Lakes, rivers and mountains.
For most of us in the Upstate, those words mean “weekend getaway,” but for John Winchester, those words are a lifestyle.
The laid-back 41-year-old is the owner of One With the Ride, what he describes as “a ratty little real-deal island surf shop” in Sunset.
The shop rents and builds high-end paddle boards, wake surfers and river surfers right here in our own backyard.
A former pro skater for Vision Skateboards in the late ‘90s, Winchester and his shop are all
Courier Calendar of Events 4-22-15
• Revival planned at Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace Fellowship, located at 229 Pearl St. in Pickens, will host revival services beginning at 6 p.m. on Sunday, May 3.
The Rev. Roland Bearden will be the guest speaker. Services will be held Monday through Wednesday starting at 7 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to join the church for a time of worship and praise.
• Pickens Lions plan meetings each month
The Pickens Lions Club is in need of new members. The club meets the first and third Thursday
Baptist Easley welcomes new members to board of directors

EASLEY — Baptist Easley Hospital recently welcomed returning members to the 2015 board of directors, as well as two new members.
Jeanne Ward, Regional President of Greenville Health System, and Malcolm Rogers, MD, President of the BEH Medical Staff, are new additions. Returning board members are chairman Paul Duane, Boyce Tollison, MD, Tom O’Hanlan, Robert Dye Jr., Angelo Sinopoli, MD, Frances Ellison and Marcia Ragsdale.
Ward holds a doctorate in education from Clemson University, along with a master’s degree in public health in nursing administration from the University of Minnesota, a bachelor of science from St. Joseph’s College in Maine, and a diploma from Williamsport Hospital School of nursing in Pennsylvania. Prior to joining GHS, she served as CEO and president of Oconee Medical Center in Seneca from July 2003 to Oct. 1, 2014. She began her work at Oconee in 1974, serving the organization in several positions.
Additionally, Ward served as a faculty member (1982-1998) with the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations in Chicago and was an instructor for the North Carolina Baptist Hospital School of Nursing in Winston-Salem (1972-74). She previously held nursing positions at hospitals in Colorado, Michigan and Oregon.
Rogers comes to the board in a new ex-officio position, representing the medical staff as its current president. Board certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology, Rogers completed his anesthesiology residency at Vanderbilt following a residency in general surgery at East Tennessee State University. He graduated medical school from the Medical University of South Carolina and completed his undergraduate education at Davidson College. President of Blue Ridge Anesthesia Associates, PA, Rogers joined the Baptist Easley medical staff in 1992.
Community appreciation event planned to help benefit local missionary family
PICKENS — On May 16, PS Chiropractic will be hosting a community appreciation event to benefit a local family who is preparing to go into the mission field full time.
The Rev. Steven and Candace Day have been in ministry together for seven years at LIFEchurch in Dacusville. Last summer, after a mission trip to Honduras, both felt a strong burden for the churches and people of Honduras. Shortly after their return, an opportunity was presented to them to go into the mission field full time in the mountains of La Entrada, Honduras. With much prayer and advice from other missionaries, the decision was made to step out and begin preparation to move to Honduras. They will be living behind a church in La Entrada and working closely with that pastor and his staff to provide support and resources to pastors in
Courier Legals 4-22-15
CASE NO. 2015-ES-3900158
James Williams, Petitioner, v. Evelyn Edens, Phillip Williams, Pam Martin, Beth Robinson, Margaret Williams, Imogene Williams, Frances Williams, Respondents.
YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above captioned action was filed on April 15, 2015, in the Probate Court for Pickens County, South Carolina. This action seeks determination of the
Courier Notice to Creditors 4-22-15
The publisher shall only be liable for an amount less than or equal to the charge for the space of the item in error in the case of errors in or omissions from any advertisement, and only for the first incorrect insertion.
All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of PICKENS COUNTY, the address of which is 222 MCDANIEL AVE., B-16 PICKENS, SC 29671, within eight (8) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 62-3-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to
Courier Trespass Notices 4-22-15
In the state of South Carolina, trespass after notice is a misdemeanor criminal offense prohibited by section 16-11-620 for the South Carolina Code.
Those who enter upon the lands of others without the permission of the owner or manager shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor trespassing.
All persons are hereby notified and warned not to hunt, fish, cut timber or trespass in any
Courier Classifieds 4-22-15
Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-relieving brace -little or NO cost to you. Medicare Patients Call Health Hotline Now! 1- 800-815-6016. SW
Sell your structured settlement or annuity payments for CASH NOW. You don’t have to