Daily Archives: 07/22/2015
Summer, fall art classes planned
PICKENS — The Pickens County Museum of Art and History recently announced new art classes with instructor Jo Johnston.
Johnston will guide her class through an introduction and exploration of watercolor techniques in either or both sessions.
Fun Ways to Paint with Watercolor; Part One: Thursdays, 10 a.m. – noon on Aug. 20,
Garden, plant society announce ‘Certificate in Native Plant Studies’
CLEMSON — The South Carolina Botanical Garden (SCBG) and the South Carolina Native Plant Society (SCNPS) recently announced a Certificate in Native Plant Studies program that will begin this fall. Registration is open now.
Based on South Carolina’s rich botanical heritage, and through hands-on field-based classes, students learn about native plants and their vast diversity, plant communities and the habitats that define South Carolina from the mountains to the sea.
Participants also learn about the significant benefits of native plants in ensuring
HWC schedules 2nd annual Walk for Life
EASLEY — The Hope Women’s Center is scheduled to hold the second Walk For Life fundraiser from 2-4 p.m. Sept. 26 at the Rock Springs Baptist Church track.
The cost for registration is $10, and all participants will receive a T-shirt and bottled water. If you would like to be a sponsor, your name will be on the back of the T-shirt. The cost of being a sponsor is $100.
Baked goods will be available for purchase, and a drawing for prizes will be held. Hope
A brush with death at putt-putt
It began innocently enough. We thought it would be fun to take the children to play putt-putt at the beach. After all, this is a family custom dating back to the days when putt-putt at the beach was pretty plain and simple.
In those days we stayed at Crescent Beach, pre-high-rise, and came off the beach at 11 a.m. when our mothers said the midday hours from 11-2 were when the sun was too hot for us to be out there.
So, we’d come in, change into clothes, put on our hats and walk a block or two down to the one putt-putt course next-door to White’s Realty. There were 18 holes, no large animals or any kind of theme involved in the game, just plain green carpet on top of concrete. If you got a hole in one on the 18th hole, you earned a free game.
Well, last week we loaded everyone into the cars (it took two for our crowd) and drove
In the middle of the night
It’s early in the morning, and I hear a thumping on my bedroom window. I am guessing somehow somebody has left for the morning and locked themselves outdoors. Groggily, I get out of bed and stumble out my bedroom door and go open the living room door to let that person in.
And I find nobody there. Our dogs, Patti and Opie, glance over at me with that look that says, “What is that fool doing up in the middle of the night?”
All the cars are there in the driveway. I briefly toy with the idea that someone was once there, but I realize the odds of the dogs, who bark when I drive up, would
Courier Letters to the Editor 7-22-15
Sick of the status quo
Dear Editor,
This is an open letter to Greenville and Anderson counties. If either one of them are interested in annexing Pickens County, I will be one of the first to sign up.
When we go to our county seat for any sort of record, we are told to go to Anderson or Greenville. I recently went to get a birth certificate and was told they were no longer available here, and the reason was they did not want to pay a full-time clerk to issue
Courier Obits 7-22-15
EASLEY — Tina Anderson Barton, 49, passed away Saturday, July 11, 2015 at Greenville Memorial Hospital.
Born in Horry County, a daughter of Linda Faye Newby and the late James R. Anderson, Tina was assistant manager of Big Lots, Easley and of the Baptist faith.
Surviving are her boyfriend, Tab Bettis of Easley; two daughters, Latoshia Anderson (Michael Moore) of Six Mile, and Brianna Barton of Inman; two sisters, Sandy A. Price (Mark), and Kimberly Galloway (Harold), all of Easley; a brother, Rick Anderson
Swinging into Easley

Big League World Series coming to town
for 15th year next week
By Ben Robinson
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — The Big League World Series will swing into Easley for its 15th year in town next week.
Seven Pickens County natives will take the field for the S.C. District 1 host squad as it looks for its first tournament championship since 2007 when the event returns to the J.B. “Red” Owens Complex, kicking off next Tuesday with a new double-elimination
Local students earn SWU ensemble scholarships
Andrew Bryant, a Daniel High School graduate, signs a letter of intent to Southern Wesleyan University’s Department of Music. Seated from left is Don Campbell, professor of music and director of choirs at SWU; Andrew Bryant; and Julie Bryant, Andrew’s mother. Standing behind them are, from left, Jane Dill, chair of SWU’s Fine Arts Division; Gracie Bryant, Andrew’s sister; Matthew Bryant, Andrew’s brother; and Shane Bryant, Andrew’s father.
CENTRAL — Southern Wesleyan University recently awarded ensemble scholarships to five Upstate high school graduates who are preparing to earn music degrees in the university’s Fine Arts Division.

Seated, from left, Luke Edge of Powdersville High School, Ben Eller of Pickens High School and Tyler Estrich of Pendleton High School sign letters of intent to Southern Wesleyan University’s Department of Music, where they will enroll in Fall 2015. Behind them are Gregory Day, director of bands at SWU, Jane Dill, chair of the SWU Fine Arts Division; and Darlene Estrich.
Andrew Bryant will participate in the choral ensemble, while Luke Edge, Ben Eller, Tyler Estrich and Megan Pliauplis will participate in instrumental ensembles at SWU, a National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) accredited institution.
Bryant is a Daniel graduate, Edge is a Powdersville graduate, Eller is a Pickens
Courier Legals 7-22-15
The Pickens County Planning Commission will meet in a work session on Monday, August 10, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. in the main conference room at the Pickens County Administration Facility, 222 McDaniel Avenue, Pickens, SC.
After the work session, the monthly Planning Commission meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the same location. The following item will have a public hearing at this meeting:
Resolution for Recommendation of the Draft, 5 Year Update to the 2010-2030 Pickens