Monthly Archives: September 2015
Easley retirement community hosts hard-hat apartment tour
EASLEY — The Foothills Retirement Community hosted a hard-hat tour of its new independent-living apartments on Thursday, Aug. 27.
There will be a 12-apartment addition complete sometime in mid-November. The Foothills Community is located in Easley.
The community is a continuing-care retirement community offering independent living accommodations, assisted living, skilled nursing and short-term rehab.
The community also has a 20-room Memory Support Center that is being constructed. The Memory Support Center is for people who suffer from Alzheimer’s or dementia and need a little extra attention and to be in a secured environment.
The center will be completed in early 2016.
For more information on the Foothills Community, contact Donna Owens at (864) 307-1977 or email at
Volunteer meetings planned at McKissick Center on Thursdays
LIBERTY — Volunteer orientation sessions for Pickens County Meals On Wheels programs are held at The McKissick Center for Senior Wellness at 1:30 p.m. each Thursday.
The center is located at 349 Edgemont Avenue in Liberty. For more information, contact Marsha Robertson at (864) 855-3770, ext. 5, or visit
What kind of send-off do you want?
My brother and I used to discuss the best way to die. Our two options were to die from a bullet or from an arrow. We would talk about it at length. But we never got to the part where we’re already dead and have a funeral. That would have been the next logical step. And although at the time neither of us had ever been to the funeral of a human, we had planned and carried out numerous funerals for our various pets that met their maker.
There was a special service for the Easter chicks who seldom lived past the chick stage. Now there is a funeral easy to prepare for.
A large cardboard matchbox, the kind household matches come in, is ideal as a coffin.
We’d line it with grass and carefully place the chick inside, lay more grass over his lifeless body and slide the box back into the cover.
Next we’d walk slowly in a procession out to the area prepared for the burial.
Usually the grave, fairly shallow, would already have been dug.
It would be a short but solemn service, beginning with the phrase, “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to lay to rest Sammy Chick, who met his death unexpectedly in an encounter with our cat. His death was quick, and we hope painless, and he will be missed.
“He was a good chicken and didn’t make trouble for anyone.”
Then we’d lay the deceased in the grave, cover it with dirt, cover the grave with leaves from the Chinese holly and sing “Jesus Loves Me,” a suitable hymn for a chicken funeral. For we all knew that God made and loved all things, and He cared even about a baby chick.
Then we’d drive a small cross made from sticks into the ground at the head of the grave and walk away to refresh ourselves with grape Kool-Aid.
Sometimes, when we were bored, we’d arrange a funeral for a dead grasshopper found in the yard. The ritual was much the same.
So if anyone has a preference for the kind of funeral they would like, it is advisable to go ahead and plan it. Otherwise, some of the choices made might not be to your taste.
I don’t want money spent on my funeral. What a waste. Cremate me. I want the money spent on the party celebrating life. Preferably, it would be nice to have the funeral party before I die, so I can enjoy it. There has to be good music and a lot of good food.
As far as music for the service itself goes, I’d like “Rhapsody in Blue” played, one of my all-time favorites, and at the conclusion of the festivities, “Just a Closer Walk with Thee,” played properly by a New Orleans Jazz band. They can march out the door after the party, followed by a procession of everyone who attended, who must all carry a parasol of their choice. And if they want to ride away in a black horse-drawn hearse pulled by a team of matching white horses with ostrich plumes attached to their bridles, more power to them.
I’d like people to dance. There’s nothing like dancing to lift the spirits.
As for the food, it has to be good.
Eastern North Carolina-style barbecue from Little Richard’s in Winston-Salem or from Wilson, N.C., or from the Center Presbyterian Church Ingathering. It’s all good. Also, steamed shrimp and hush puppies would not be amiss. Fried chicken would also be appropriate. And an assortment of excellent desserts would be much appreciated. Don’t worry about bringing a cake. Did I mention the desserts and side dishes would be brought by the guests? There’s nothing like a good pie at a party. Chocolate is always good. Lemon meringue is one of my favorites. I would like my old friend Virginia, should she outlive me, to bring her famous Dead Man’s Cake, one she takes to all families who’ve suffered a bereavement. It’s a very rich chocolate sheet cake with hot fudge icing poured over it when it comes out of the oven. It is named both for its purpose and also because too much of this dish can be fatal, and it might not be a bad idea to have a door prize. And there have to be lots and lots of flowers. But not cut flowers I’d prefer living plants and shrubs. They can all be donated to parks and places in town where a lot of people can enjoy them.
If I’m still alive for the party, I’d like to thank everyone for coming and tell them how much I’ve enjoyed being alive and how glad I am to count them as friends. No speeches, please. We all have our own stories, and it may be best to let sleeping dogs lie.
And my preacher can tell everyone how important it is to love each other, to forgive each other and to live at one with God and our fellow man.
Now, these are just suggestions. And by the way, don’t put gravel, pebbles or concrete on my grave. Y’all can spread sea shells. They’re beautiful and feed the earth. Since I might not be dead yet when we have the funeral party, I’ll wear the prettiest outfit I own. Then, if people want to say, “she looks so good” or “they really did a good job on her,” I’d be able to enjoy it.
Maybe I’ll have to go out and buy a black sequined party dress. But there will be no high heels. Life is meant to be a celebration, and no one can sincerely celebrate in high heels.
That’s the funeral I’d like to have. What’s your plan?
Can you name the state’s most famous song?
What if I asked you to name the most famous song that has come from South Carolina?
You’re stumped, right?
About now, you are scratching your head and thinking, “What could it be?”
What if I told you that the song is famous as the unofficial anthem of a huge social movement that affected tens of millions of people in America?
And what if I told you that the song had a huge impact globally and inspired tens of millions of people who sang it as a song of freedom and liberation in dozens of countries around the world?
And what if I told you that the song has even been adopted as the national anthem of a new county?
About now, I’ll bet you are feeling a little uneasy to think that you live in South Carolina and have no idea what song I’m talking about — right?
The song is “We Shall Overcome.”
No one knows the precise origins of the song, but we do know that it was first sung as a protest song in Charleston. In 1945, the song was sung during the Food and Tobacco Workers Union strike against the American Tobacco Company, which ran the cigar factory on East Bay Street in Charleston.
This mammoth cigar factory once produced more than a million cigars a day, and the workers who produced them were mostly African-American women, many of whom came into the city daily from the surrounding Sea Islands. They worked for low wages, in poor working conditions for long hours. And if they complained … well, you know the rest of the story.
As the five-month strike dragged on, the picketing women began to sing this simple song to boost their spirits and provide encouragement to each other.
One of the supporters of the strike, a white woman named Zilphia Horton, was so moved by the song that she submitted it for the 1948 issue of the “People’s Songs Bulletin.” Horton was the music director of the Highlander Folk School in Monteagle, Tenn., and she played the song for the many people who visited the school. Among those who were captivated by the song were Pete Seeger and Guy Carawan. Carawan is credited with introducing the song to the civil rights movement when he later became music director of Highlander in 1959, as many of the movement’s leaders were in and out of the Highlander School.
Seeger made some minor modifications to the song and added some verses, but most importantly, he performed the song in his 1963 world tour to 22 countries — thus he is credited with spreading the song globally. And when Joan Baez sang the song before 300,000 people at the August 1963 March on Washington, the song forever earned its place not only in the U.S. civil rights movement, but also history.
Seven months later, President Lyndon Johnson used the phrase “we shall overcome” in his address to a joint session of Congress. He was urging support of his voting rights legislation just after the “Bloody Sunday” attack on marchers at the Pettus Bridge in their march from Selma to Montgomery.
And, on March 31, 1968, just before his assassination in Memphis, Dr. King used “we shall overcome” as the theme of his final sermon.
Beyond the United States, the song has played an important role in many popular struggles for human rights all over the world. The two best known examples were the Catholic protest in Northern Ireland in the 1960s and ‘70s and the student protests in China’s Tiananmen Square in 1989. It was later adopted by various anti-Communist movements in the Cold War and post-Cold War era, especially the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia in 1989.
But its global impact goes far beyond just these examples. The song has played an important role in human rights movements in India, among the Aborigines in Australia, in France, South Africa, Martinique and Guadeloupe, Zimbabwe, Ecuador, Bolivia, Palestine and many other territories and nations around the world. After their long struggle for independence, in 2002 the people of East Timor briefly made “We Shall Overcome” their national anthem.
So now you know.
People far more knowledgeable than I can analyze why this song took on the significance it did. Part of it is that the lyrics are simple and easy to remember and repeat; the melody is also simple and easy to adapt for most any instrument — most importantly, for the human voice.
The power of the song’s simple affirmation of hope and determination is compelling — to many people in many circumstances in many places the world over.
This simple song, first sung in our state, has inspired, moved and sustained millions around the world in their fight for dignity and freedom.
We should all be very proud of this.
Phil Noble is a businessman in Charleston and president of the S.C. New Democrats, an independent reform group started by former Gov. Richard Riley. He can be reached at
Letters to the Editor09-02-2015
Saitta weighs in on sick leave policy
Dear Editor,
I want to respond to the article about the employee sick leave policy.
The school district gives employees 12 to 15 paid sick days a year. Employees can accumulate the paid sick days they don’t use. At retirement, the district allows employees to use the first 90 days to extend their service time by three months for retirement pay purposes. It then pays those retiring employees a bonus equal to their daily pay rate for the next 45 unused sick days. It is called a bonus because they are paid twice for those days.
For example, let’s say an employee is working 200 days and making $60,000 ($300 a day). He is given 13 sick days. Whether he takes zero or 13 sick days that year, he is paid $60,000. If he didn’t take any sick days, at retirement he would receive a bonus of $3,900 (13 sick days not used times $300 equals $3,900).
Retiring employees could retire with up to a $20,000 bonus for unused and accumulated sick days. This bonus gives employees incentive not to use all their sick days through the years and stay with the district for the long haul. It is a quite generous sick leave policy.
There is another bonus for employees who leave the district for reasons other than retirement, and this was the subject of the recent vote. The district administration recommended the board pay those departing employees $50 a day for up to 45 days of accumulated but unused sick days.
I voted against this bonus for the employees leaving the district. The district is spending a lot of additional money now to boost pay. Additionally, medical costs are going through the roof. The district pays most of those increases. Money is tight in the budget, and I’d rather see that $50 bonus money spent in the classroom or used to sure up compensation for existing employees.
Alex Saitta
School board trustee
Sleazy and deplorable
Dear Editor,
I find it odd that while a local newspaper reported Rep. Neal Collins as lamenting that 48 people were denied access and not recognized by the state GOP, it failed to mention an important determining factor why that decision was made. We can only speculate why this omission occurred.
According to the Greenville News, state GOP chairman Matt Moore said Collins had “gamed the system.”
Obviously, not only was this recognized by all the legal participants at the meeting, but also determined to be so by the state GOP, who, by affirming the convention, overwhelming agreed that county GOP chairman Phillip Bowers did, in fact, properly follow the rules, except for a few minor errors, and that Collins and his cohorts were simply gaming the system, deliberately hiding his herded delegates from the county party for obvious reasons.
I don’t really consider this decision a “compromise,” but more of a recognition of the techniques Collins and certain liberal tax-and-spend groups behind him, loaded with former Democrats (as is Collins) will stoop to in order to hijack the county GOP and forward their progressive agenda.
We would expect sleazy behind-the-scenes activity such as this to come from Democrats, but to have backstabbing activity like this being conducted by someone who calls himself one of our own is deplorable and demonstrates a true lack of character.
Dennis Reinert
Upstate teen receives Bennett Community Service Scholarship

UPSTATE — Anna White, 16, of Cleveland, is the recipient of the 2015 Robert D. Bennett Community Service Scholarship presented by The Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina Inc., the trade association for South Carolina’s independent, not-for-profit electric cooperatives.

Liza Holder of Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative and Van O’Cain of The Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina Inc. present Anna White with the R.D. Bennett Community Service Scholarship award.
Wendy White/Photo
The $5,000 college scholarship is presented to a student who completes a community service project that best exemplifies the cooperative principle of “concern for community.”
White, who is a senior at Hampton Park Christian School in Greenville, applied for the scholarship after being chosen by Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative to represent the co-op this summer on the 2015 Washington Youth Tour, a week-long trip to our nation’s capital, where students learn about government and its relationship to the nation’s cooperatives.
White’s winning community service scholarship, “Heart and Sole Running and Reading Club,” helped a group of girls from Miracle Hill Children’s Home learn the value of physical fitness while also helping them improve their reading skills and self-esteem.
“I’m working with teenage girls, many of whom were abused,” White said. “The purpose of the club is to strengthen them physically and to give them self-confidence that will empower them to make better life choices.”
White raised money — more than $600 and counting — to buy running equipment and books for the girls. She then held weekly sessions with the teens to exercise, discuss books and hold devotions and prayer.
“Anna’s project had the perfect name, because she really did put her heart and soul into the effort to help these young ladies,” said Van O’Cain, director of public and member relations for The Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina Inc.
The project is continuing this fall, with White tutoring the girls weekly to help them prepare for the SAT/ACT examinations.
“All of these girls have big dreams,” White said. “I want to help them achieve their dreams.
The $5,000 scholarship is named for Robert D. Bennett, the first general manager and executive vice president of The Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina Inc. Bennett, who led the state association from 1950 until his retirement in 1980, strongly believed electric cooperatives should support their local communities, providing a better quality of life for their members. His spirit of community service is reflected in this scholarship opportunity.
Robinson teams with Blood Connection for 9/11 drive
EASLEY — Robinson Funeral Home and The Blood Connection are teaming up for a memorial blood drive on the 14th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history.
The blood drive will be held at the funeral home, located at 305 W. Main St. in Easley, from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 11.
“We are hoping for a wonderful turnout of donors in memory of the heroes that died on the 9/11 responding to the tragic terror attack,” Robinson Funeral Home director of operations Paul J. Kraemer said.
First responders from agencies such as the Easley Fire Department, Easley Police Department and Pickens County Sheriff’s Office will be on hand at times throughout the day donating blood, showing support and answering the public’s questions.
All donors will receive a special memorial T-shirt, a light lunch provided by the funeral home and Blood Connection reward points.
To sign up for the drive, call (864) 859-4001.
Community Calendar 09/02/2015
• Children’s Fall Festival set in Easley
The city of Easley and Gilstrap Family Dealerships will host a Children’s Fall Festival on Saturday, Oct. 31, from 4-8 p.m.
The event will be held around the downtown merchants and at Old Market Square in Easley. Children can trick or treat with the downtown merchants and then join a fun-filled festival with games, music, costume contests and more. The festival is free.
For more, visit or call (864) 423-4344.
• Luter to speak at Rock Springs
Dr. Fred Luter Jr., pastor of Franklin Avenue Baptist Church in New Orleans and past president of the Southern Baptist Convention, will be speaking in a one-night crusade at Rock Springs Baptist Church on Sept. 14 at 7 p.m.
Pre-service music will begin at 6:45 p.m. and will be provided by Crusade choir and orchestra.
Rock Springs is located at 201 Rock Springs Road in Easley.
• Winchester reunion set for September 20
The annual Winchester reunion will be held at the Shady Grove Baptist Church Fellowship Building on Sunday, Sept. 20, at 12:15 p.m.
Table accessories will be provided. Each family will provide food and drinks. There will be a memorial candlelight service for those who passed away during the past years and a video to portray the 70th wedding anniversary of Jack and Sheila Winchester of Florida.
Hough Pace is president, Dale Winchester is vice president and David Winchester and daughter are serving as treasurer and secretary.
• Legion Post 67 seeks members
American Legion Post 67 in Liberty is accepting applications for membership from all U.S. military wartime veterans.
For more information, call (864) 787-2322.
• Pickens Lions plan meetings each month
The Pickens Lions Club is in need of new members. The club meets the first and third Thursday of every month at Pizza Inn in Pickens. Dinner begins at 6:40 p.m., and the meeting starts at 7 p.m.
Meetings are open to anyone interested in joining the club or simply finding out more about the club and how it serves Pickens.
• Lynch descendants invited to reunion
The descendants of Captain William Lynch are invited to attend a reunion Saturday, Oct. 24, at Holly Springs Baptist Church from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Holly Springs Baptist Church is located at 3450 Table Rock Road in Pickens.
For more information, email
• Annual Ross reunion set for Sunday
The annual Ross reunion will be held this Sunday at the King’s Grove Baptist Church fellowship building.
The reunion will begin at 1 p.m., and plates, cups, utensils and ice will be provided.
King’s Grove Baptist Church is located at 1335 Old Seneca Road outside Six Mile.
Courier Obituaries 09-02-2015
Randy Hooper
Marietta — Mr. Randall Davis “Randy” Hooper, 58, passed away Friday, Aug. 21, 2015, at his home.
Born in Dillsboro, N.C., the son of the late Ferry and Gypsy Hensley Hooper, Mr. Hooper was employed with A&A Fire Protection Company and of the Baptist faith.
Surviving are his fiancée, Rita Mae Strobel of the home; a son, Brian Hooper (Misty) of Granite Falls, N.C.; a daughter, Cynthia Hooper (Russell) of Keene, N.H.; three sisters, Celia Miles of Asheville, N.C., Emma Jean Scott of Tryon, N.C., and Betty Hooper of Asheville, N.C.; and three grandchildren. In addition to his parents, Mr. Hooper was predeceased by a sister, Linda Cagle.
Memorial services will be held at a later date.
Condolences may be expressed online at or in person at Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown, which is assisting the family.
Ralph Rowland
Pickens — Ralph Rowland, 79, of Pickens, passed away on Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2015, at St. Francis Hospital-Downtown.
Born in Pickens, he was the widower of Patsy Anne Cope Rowland and a son of the late Harry and Pauline Cannon Rowland.
He retired from Ryobi and attended Jones Hill Church of God. He was an avid outdoorsman who loved hunting and fishing. He also loved spending time with his family.
Surviving are two daughters, Kim Hager (Gordie) of Marietta and Kristy Dodgens of Pickens; two grandchildren, Scottie Hager (Melissa) of Walhalla and Lori Dodgens of Pickens; and two great-grandchildren, Nolan and Brinkley Hager: five sisters, Betty Floyd and Elsie Mae Rowland, both of Pickens, Irene Westall of Marion, N.C., Gail Patterson of Griffin, Ga., and Nancy Hughes of Cartersville, Ga.; and a brother, Melvin Rowland of Boiling Springs.
Graveside services to honor Mr. Rowland’s life were held Aug. 28.
Memorials may be made to Jones Hill Church of God, 1014 Dalton Road, Marietta, SC 29661. Liberty Mortuary is handling arrangements.
Stacey Henderson
Easley — Stacey Henderson, 52, fiancée of John Karl Hall, passed away Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2015, at McCall Hospice House.
Born in Pickens County, a daughter of Peggy Knight Gilstrap and the late Robert Earl Beasley, Stacey was a former ISS teacher at Wren Middle School, where she coached cheerleading, and was the former manager of the Hide-Out Sports Bar and Grill. She was a member of Redemption World Outreach.
Surviving, in addition to her fiancé and mother, are a son, Mitchell Brandon Henderson (Neely White) of Easley; two daughters, Brandy Chantel Bowen of Easley, and Sylvia Amanda Nicole Plyler (Zachary) of Pickens; two brothers, Robert B. Beasley (Renea Burkey) of Six Mile, and Andrew Beasley (Brooke Lewis) of Greenville; a sister, Loren Denise Roberson (John) of Easley and four grandchildren, Trey, Kaitlyn, Lyric and Landon.
Funeral services were held Aug. 29 in the chapel of Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown, with burial following at Rose Hill Cemetery in Piedmont.
Memorials may be made to Redemption World Outreach, P.O. Box 5067, Greenville, SC 29606.
Condolences may be expressed online at or in person at Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown, which is assisting the family.
Kevin Newt Surls
Liberty — Kevin Newt Surls, 45, husband of Amanda Robertson Surls, died Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2015.
Born in Anderson, he was the son of Sylvia Phillips Perry of Seneca and the late Jimmy Newt Surls.
He was an employee with the US10 Michelin Plant and was of the Baptist faith.
Surviving in addition to his wife and mother are a son, Dalton Surls of Anderson; step-father, Joe Perry of Seneca; stepson, Chase Gravely of Easley; stepdaughters, Hannah and Carsyn Gravely, both of Easley; and brother, Kyle Surls of Seneca.
A memorial service will be held at a date and time to be announced by the funeral home.
Condolences may be expressed online at or at the funeral home.
Micheal Pruitt
Six Mile — Micheal Kevin Pruitt, 20, of 326 Stewart Road, died Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2015.
He was born in Easley and attended Camp Creek Baptist Church.
He enjoyed working on cars, fishing and hunting, but above all, he loved his family.
Surviving are his mother, Crystal Smith Moore of Six Mile; his father, Kevin Pruitt of Central; a sister, Jennifer Smith-Rowland of Walhalla; a brother, Aaron Pruitt of Six Mile; two stepsisters, Krissy Wolf and Somer Moore, both of Six Mile; grandparents, Roger Smith of Six Mile, Sharon Pruitt of Central, and Lloyd and Patty Pruitt of Pendleton; his stepfather, Michael Moore; and many aunts, uncles, and cousins.
He was preceded in death by his grandmother, Linda Joann Smith.
A funeral service honoring Michael’s life was held Sept. 1 at Camp Creek Baptist Church, with burial following at Welcome Baptist Church Cemetery.
Liberty Mortuary is handling arrangements.
Jerry “Bud” Crawford
Liberty — Mr. Jerry Harrell “Bud” Crawford, 74, husband of Geneva Pauline “Polly” Parker Crawford, of the Willows and formerly of Liberty, stepped into Heaven Saturday, Aug. 29, 2015, at Rainey Hospice House in Anderson.
Born in Haywood County, N.C., a son of the late Claude Rhinehart and Maye Burr Harrell Crawford, Mr. Crawford retired from BASF and was a member of Easley First Baptist Church. Bud served as minister of music for 38 years at four different Southern Baptist churches in Pickens County.
Surviving, in addition to his wife of 57 years, are four daughters, Vicky Crawford of Montgomery, Ala., Joan C. Ferguson and her husband, Rev. Dr. Doug Ferguson, of Conyers, Ga., Melodie Crawford of Lincoln, Ala., and Jeri C. Whitmire of Liberty; a sister, Claudia C. Ferguson of Lake Junaluska, N.C.; four grandchildren, Bridget Ferguson Stratton (Charlie), Bethany Ferguson Stratton (James), Justin Duncan and Jordan Duncan; and 12 great-grandchildren. In addition to his parents, Mr. Crawford was predeceased by a brother, Richard Crawford.
A celebration of Bud’s life will be held Saturday, Sept. 5, at 3 p.m. at Easley First Baptist Church, with Rev. Dr. John Adams and Rev. Dr. Doug Ferguson officiating. Prior to the service, the family will receive friends from 1 p.m. until 2:45 p.m. in the church narthex.
Family members are at the family home in Liberty.
Flowers will be accepted, and memorials may be made to the Rainey Hospice House in Anderson, 1835 Rogers Road, Anderson, SC 29621.
Condolences may be expressed online at or in person at Robinson Funeral home-Downtown, which is assisting the family.
Gladys B. Garrett
Dacusville — Gladys Banks Garrett, 90, wife of the late Cole Lamar Garrett, passed away Friday, Aug. 28, 2015.
Born in Lula, Ga., she was the daughter of the late Jay and Jessie Mae Nalley Banks.
Mrs. Garrett was retired from J.P. Stevens’ Slater Plant and was a charter member of Dacusville Church of God of Prophecy. She loved her family, church, cooking, baking and most of all, her Lord.
Surviving are her children, Vickie Clark (Jimmy) of Pickens, Bobby Garrett (Anna) of Pickens and Gene Garrett (Julie) of Easley; eight grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; a sister, Ruby Bell of Easley; and two brothers, Lloyd Banks of New Mexico and Curtis Banks of Anderson.
In addition to her parents and husband, she was predeceased by a son, Joey Garrett.
A service to celebrate Mrs. Garrett’s life was held on Aug. 31 in the chapel of Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown, with burial following in Mountain View Memorial Park in Travelers Rest.
Flowers are accepted, or memorials may be made to Grace Christian Fellowship, 377 Deer Creek Rd. Easley, SC 29640.
Condolences may be expressed online by visiting or in person at Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown, which is assisting the family.
William “Bill” Pinckney Thompson
Greenwood — William “Bill” Pinckney Thompson, 82, passed away on Saturday, Aug. 29, 2015, at Emory University Medical Center.
Bill was born in Greenville on July 14, 1933, to the late Haskell B. Thompson Sr. and Eliza Floyd Thompson.
He graduated from Greenville High School in the class of 1951. Bill earned a BA from Furman University in 1958. He also attended the S.C. Bankers Graduate School at the University of South Carolina. Before he attended college, Bill served in the United States Navy. After his service, he continued to serve in the Navy reserves. For 33 years, he worked as the VP/branch manager at SCN/Wachovia in Greenwood. Bill was an active member in the Greenwood community and in his local government. He served as a Chamber of Commerce member, as well as being an American Legion Post 20 member. He held a number of titles, including being president of the Greenwood Sertoma Club. In 2000, Bill was elected as the Commissioner of Public Works for Greenwood. For many years, he was a dedicated member of Main Street Methodist Church.
Bill is survived by two sisters, Achsa Rollins of Greenville and G’Nell Gilstrap of Pickens, and numerous nieces and nephews that he adored and who also adored him. He devoted his life to his family and friends. Bill always made time for them, providing love and support.
He is predeceased by his siblings; Maxie Thompson, Dr. Louise Anders, Haskell B. Thompson Jr., Elizabeth White, Floyd Thompson and Betty Jean Groce.
Visitation will be Thursday, Sept. 3, from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Woodlawn Mausoleum Chapel, with service to follow at 4 p.m. Burial will be in Woodlawn Memorial Park.
Donations may be made to the charity of one’s choice.
The family will be at their respective homes.
Dillard Funeral Home is assisting the Thompson family.
Ralph M. Holden
Clemson — Ralph Morgan Holden, 94, of Clemson, husband of Aileen Holladay Holden.
Born in the Kings Grove community of Pickens County, he was a son of the late Ernest Clayton and Una Mae George Holden. He attended Clemson College and retired from the Clemson Post Office after more than 34 years of service. He was a member of Clemson Lions Club and First Baptist Church of Clemson. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of WWII.
Surviving in addition to his wife are daughters, Patsy H. Busch of Clemson, Sandra (Eddie) Reed of Greer, Elizabeth (David) Dunagin of Spartanburg and Cathy (Roger) Pendleton of Iva; eight grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by brothers, Clayton, George and Lee Holden, and sisters, Nelle Evans and Jessie Knox.
Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 2, in the chapel of Duckett-Robinson Funeral Home in Central. Burial will follow in the Old Stone Church cemetery.
The family will receive friends from 1:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m. Wednesday prior to the service at the funeral home.
The family would like to personally thank special caregivers Carolyn Crowe and Ollie Allgood and Hospice Care of South Carolina.
Condolences may be expressed online at or at the funeral home.
Theron E. Hester Jr. “Herb”
COLUMBIA — Theron E. Hester Jr. (Herb), 84, passed away peacefully on Aug. 27, 2015, at Agape Senior Hospice in Columbia.
Born in Pickens, he was the son of the late Mary Viola Hendricks and Theron Earle Hester of Pickens.
He attended Clemson College and graduated from the University of South Carolina, where he was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
He was retired from the S.C. State Employment Security Commission, where he had worked for 30 years. He began his career as a junior interviewer and eventually advanced to being the District 5 representative and member of the Award of Merit selection team and served two years on the International Legislative Committee and a year each on the International Credentials Committee and Membership Committee. Twice he was president of the S.C. chapter, from 1970-71 and 1979-80. He was also a member of Wade Hampton Camp 273, Sons of Confederate Veterans.
He was preceded in death by his wives, Nancy E. Snipes Hester, and Ann Shepard Hester; and sons, Terry Hester of Columbia and Bill Hester of Lake Murray.
He is survived by his grandson, Drake Hester of Newberry; his nephews, David E. Peek II (Ras) of Midlothian, Va., and Freddy E. Bazemore Jr. of Beaufort; his niece, Ann Finke of Cramerton, N.C. and his beloved dog, “Dixie.”
The family wishes to thank his many friends who shared a friendship with him over the years and have given their support to him and the family during this difficult time.
There will be a graveside service for family and friends at Sunrise Cemetery, 603 East Cedar Rock Street, Pickens, SC, 29671 on Thursday, Sept. 3, at 1 p.m.
Arrangements are being handled by Dillard Funeral Home.
Tiger co-coordinators ready for home opener
By Robbie Tinsley
Courtesy The Journal
CLEMSON — The Clemson football team that runs onto the field Saturday to face Wofford to open the season will bear little resemblance to the Tigers who beat South Carolina in their final home game last season.

Rex Brown/Courtesy The Journal
Clemson co-offensive coordinator Jeff Scott leads a drill during practice last month.
From the mass exodus of players lost to graduation and the NFL, to the turbulent offseason that saw the loss of a few more prominent players, to an influx of young talent, the fact Clemson has a pair of new co-offensive coordinators replacing Chad Morris has almost been lost in the shuffle.
The promotion of Tony Elliott and Jeff Scott is old news at this point, but the former Clemson teammates will be calling their first game together at Memorial Stadium on Saturday.
Elliott, who originally planned to go into the engineering field after graduation, admitted the thought of being the head of the Clemson offense would have been a head-scratcher to his college-aged self. But he would’ve been happy to hear who his partner in scheme would be.
“If you’d told me 15 years ago that Jeff was going to be the guy I was working with, I’d said, ‘Let’s go do it,’” Elliott said Monday. “It’s because of that relationship. We have a lot of the same values outside of football, a lot of the same values inside of football, and at the end of the day, we’re both Clemson Tigers.”
“We understand that it’s about these young people, this program and helping both be successful. At the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about.”
Scott has been a full-time assistant since head coach Dabo Swinney’s interim appointment during the middle of the 2008 season, as Swinney promoted the then-graduate assistant as wide receivers coach — Swinney’s former post. Elliott was hired to replace Andre Powell as the Tigers’ running backs coach — moving from Furman to his alma mater — in 2011, the same year Morris was hired as Clemson’s offensive coordinator.
Scott doesn’t anticipate Saturday feeling much different than any other game he’s worked as an assistant.
“Tony and I have been together for four years on those headsets,” he said. “It’s really not all that different than what we’ve done on game day in the past, except for the fact that Chad won’t be there to make the final call.”
The coordinators look at their split duties as a blessing, not having to choose between being a lone decision maker who has to decide between calling plays on the field or from the coaches’ box. As in the Tigers’ bowl win over Oklahoma, Scott will be on the field, with Elliott having a bird’s-eye view.
On Saturday, Elliott will be going against an old Southern Conference foe from his time with the Paladins.
“First and foremost, Wofford is going to be a very tough football team,” he said. “They’re going to be very disciplined. They’re going to run their scheme. They’re going to make you execute at a high level in order to beat them.”
Elliott said there are similarities, scheme-wise, between Wofford and Oklahoma — both teams are built to stop the run, making teams beat them through the air.
Due to the talent gap between the teams, it’s likely a lot of freshmen will get their first chance to play Saturday, provided the Tigers build enough of a lead. With 40 players on the team who are either true or redshirt freshmen, building some depth with some early-season experience against Wofford and Appalachian State — the Tigers’ opponent on Sept. 12 — is crucial.
“Coach Swinney’s philosophy has always been that he wants to play the guys who deserve to play,” Scott said. “At the wide receiver position some years, I’ve had maybe five guys who fit that category. This year, I feel like I’ve got eight. On the offensive line, we feel like those young guys have come on and if there are some opportunities, we’d like to see those guys play.”
Clemson released its first depth chart of the season on Monday. Of note, and as expected, Mitch Hyatt is slated to be the first true freshman offensive lineman to start for the Tigers in his first game since Phil Prince in 1944. True freshman Garrett Williams is listed as the first tight end to come off the bench should the Tigers use a two tight-end set. Christian Wilkins and Scott Pagano are co-starters at D.J. Reader’s vacated defensive tackle spot. Reader left the team indefinitely last week for personal reasons. Redshirt freshman C.J. Fuller, an Easley High School graduate, is listed as a starting kickoff returner, along with safety T.J. Green.