Daily Archives: 01/12/2016
Fraternal Order of Police donates to Meals on Wheels
LIBERTY — The Fraternal Order of Police – Foothills Lodge No. 9 selected Pickens County Meals on Wheels (PCMOW) as its designated charity recipient in 2015.
Secretary/treasurer R.A. Gibson was pleased to present a $500 donation [cointent_lockedcontent]to Meals on Wheels executive director Meta Bowers.

R.A. Gibson of the Fraternal Order of Police – Foothills Lodge No. 9 presents a $500 donation to Meta Bowers, executive director of Pickens County Meals on Wheels.
The Fraternal Order of Police consists of active and retired police officers, which includes SLED, city, county and state officers who raise funds to serve those in needs. There are approximately 150 members in Pickens County, all of whom are in good standing. The FOP consists of a six-member board which meets the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Silver Bay in Easley.
Founded in 1980, Pickens County Meals on Wheels is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that exists to combat the effects of hunger, loneliness and isolation for seniors living in Pickens County. Located at 349 Edgemont Ave. in Liberty, the McKissick Center for Senior Wellness is the home for the newly established PCMOW kitchen, its home-delivered meal program, the Young at Heart dining and activity center. Community-based programs like Meals on Wheels provide are a cost-effective way of helping people “Age in Place.” To find out more about Meals on Wheels and the importance of the work it does in Pickens County, visitpcmow.org, call 855-3770 ext. 303 or email info@pcmow.org.[/cointent_lockedcontent]
Sign-ups planned for Six Mile Rec
SIX MILE — Six Mile Recreation will be holding sign-ups during the entire month of January for participants on youth ball teams, which are scheduled to begin play in April.
Access to the registration form can be found at sixmilesc.org. Sign-ups will be held each Saturday in January from 8 a.m.-noon at Six Mile Town Hall or they can be dropped off at town hall Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or placed in the drop box by the front door. The last day to turn in a registration form is Jan. 31. After that, there will be a $25 late fee, with no exceptions.
It is suggested you pay the participation fee during sign-up, however, if you don’t have the fee, sign up anyway. The departent will work with you if you need more time. It is very important that everyone gets signed up during January, officials said.
The annual spring baseball/softball clinic is set for March 12-13.
Rec dept. volleyball, soccer signups open
PICKENS — The Pickens Recreation Department is taking registrations for the spring volleyball and soccer seasons during the month of January.
Signups for both sports began Monday at the Pickens Recreation Center on Sangamo Road in Pickens and will run through Jan. 29.
For volleyball, the following age divisions are offered: 7-9, 10-12, 13-14 and 15-17.
For soccer, coed age divisions offered will include 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 and 11-12. Depending on the size of leagues, the top two division may be combined.
Birthdate cutoff for both sports is Sept. 1, 2015.
Following registration, a skills/evaluation day will be held for each age division in each sport. The registration fee provides a jersey to be kept, and the fee is $45 for in-city residents and $55 for out-of-city residents. Birth certificates are required at registration.
If you are interested in coaching or need more information, contact the recreation department at (864) 878-2296.
Community block party to feature area businesses
PICKENS — Arise From The Ashes Community Development Corporation will host a free Pickens Community Block Party on Jan. 30 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at 450 Garvin St. in Pickens.
The event will be for the people of Pickens and surrounding areas to get better acquainted with what Pickens has to offer. Many businesses are excited to be on board. AFTA has secured the Pickens fire, EMS and police departments and has many restaurants excited to showcase their menu items with free samples and giveaways. Local businesses including shop owners, community service organizations, churches to attorneys are getting in on this event.
Participation is free for any business and the community at large.
“Everything from your reserved space to your advertising is free,” officials said. “Your business gains great advertising, you get direct face time with many potential customers and you get to show your current customer base that you too care about this place that they call home. AFTA continues to encourage each business to take this opportunity to showcase what you have to offer the public.”
To participate in the event, contact Block Party lead coordinator Alexander Dukes at adukes61@gmail.com or (864) 534-7212.
“Thank you in advance for your time and commitment to this vision of community togetherness,” Dukes said. “Without a doubt I believe that it will ultimately become a successful and impactful annual event.”
Beekeepers association plans spring 2016 class
PICKENS — If you have ever wondered about the workings of a colony of honeybees, the Pickens County Beekeepers Association has just the class for you.
PCBA will be offering an introductory beekeeping class this spring. The four Saturday sessions will cover all of the information needed for anyone to start keeping bees.
The first class session will be held on Jan. 30 at the Fellowship Hall of the Pickens Presbyterian Church, located at 311 W. Main St. in downtown Pickens, starting at 9 a.m. and ending at 1 p.m. There will be opportunities during subsequent classes for the students to get hands-on experience with beekeeping equipment and to see the inside of an active bee colony. Experienced beekeepers will cover honeybee biology, nectar and pollen gathering, honey bee pests and diseases, hive components and assembly, products of the hive and marketing honey.
The cost of the class is $50 per person and includes course materials and a textbook. Youth 14 and under (accompanied by an adult) may take the class for $25 per person. Those completing the class may take an examination to become a beekeeper certified by the South Carolina Beekeepers Association. Registration also includes membership in the Pickens County Beekeepers Association, whose members offer support and mentoring to its members.
For more information and to receive registration forms, contact Cyndi Banks at pcbanews@hotmail.com. The deadline for registration is Jan. 23. People interested in beekeeping are invited to join the association, which meets at 7 p.m. on the second Thursday of the month at the Pickens Presbyterian Church. Visit the PCBA website for more details.
Soapstone set to host fundraiser at church
PICKENS — Soapstone Church invites everyone to a special fundraiser at the church, located at 296 Liberia Road in Pickens, this Saturday, Jan. 16.
The event will feature fine cooking and will be held from noon-8 p.m.
Visitors will enjoy true Southern cooking, including a fish fry, barbecue and fried chicken with all the fixings right from Mrs. Mabel’s kitchen.
For more information, call (864) 414-8470.
Courier Obituaries 1-13-16
Liberty — Jerry Ernest Smith Sr., 69, of 450 Roanoke Road, died Wednesday at his residence.
Born in Liberty, he was a son of the late Colie and Mary Smith.
He was a self-employed brick mason and loved to hunt and read. He was a member of Jones Avenue Baptist Church.
Surviving are his wife, Judy Gillespie Smith of the home; a daughter, Bridget Smith of the home; two sons, Ernie Smith of Easley and Lance Smith (Shannon) of Easley; a sister, Shelby Riggins of Six Mile; three brothers, Dee Smith of Central, Frank Smith of Clemson and Tommy Smith of Easley; seven grandchildren, Tiffany Smith, Brooklyn Pilgrim, Colie, Carter, Emery and Marley Smith and Chevana Anderson.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by two brothers, Jay Harold and Jim Smith.
Funeral services to honor the life of Mr. Smith were held Jan. 8 at Jones Avenue Baptist Church, with burial following at Westview Cemetery in Easley.
Liberty Mortuary is handling arrangements.
Central — Gary Eugene Bolt, 74, of 3854 Six Mile Highway, died Friday, Jan. 8, 2016, at St. Francis Hospital in Greenville.
Born in Townville, he was a son of the late L E and Amy Lee Thrasher Bolt. Gary was a former employee with Pratt-Read Company and was a retired supervisor with West Point Stevens.
Surviving are sons, Franklin (Dianna) Bolt of Central and Jimmy (Shelley) Bolt of Travelers Rest; brother, Don (Mary Anne) Bolt of Westminster; sisters, Brenda (Marshall) Brown of Iva, and Patsy (Marc) Mitchell of Margate, Fla.; grandchildren, Nicholas Bolt, Chris Bolt, Melanie (Jake) Oliver and Kaiti Bolt; and a soon to be great-granddaughter, Kinley Grace Oliver.
In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by his wife, Willie Grace Moore Bolt; brother, Julius Oscar Bolt; and sisters, Betsy Bolt and Cathy Owen.
Funeral services were held Jan. 12 in the chapel of Duckett-Robinson Funeral Home, with burial following in Mt. Zion Cemetery.
Condolences may be expressed online at www.robinsonfuneralhomes.com or at the funeral home.
Sunset — Mrs. Elizabeth “Liz” Ann Morgan Crawford, 79, wife of Raymond “Ray” Mays Crawford, passed away Friday, Jan. 8, 2016, at AnMed Health Medical Center following a brief illness.
Born in Lavonia, Ga., the only daughter of the late James Ralph Winston and Annie Blanche Cox Morgan, Mrs. Crawford was a graduate of Georgia Southern University and taught school for more than 20 years including several years at Pickens Junior High School. From 1989 to 2014, she worked in the library of Southern Wesleyan University, where she mentored hundreds of students. She was named Staff Member of the Year for 1992-1993. Liz was a devoted Christian and a member of Holly Springs Baptist Church.
Surviving, in addition to her husband of 57 years, are a son, Chris Crawford (Sherrell) of Anderson; three daughters, Cassie Abernathy (Brad) of Cleveland, Ga., Cindy Holmes (Mike) of Peachtree City, Ga., and Katherine Sudduth (Todd) of Pickens; a brother, Wilton “Punk” Morgan of Lavonia, Ga.; and 12 grandchildren, Andrew Crawford; Bryson Crawford, Faith and Josiah Abernathy; Skyler, Sierra, Savannah and Sicily Holmes; Annabelle, Ivy, and Gracie Kate Sudduth. In addition to her parents, Mrs. Crawford was predeceased by two brothers, Winston and Howard Morgan
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., Jan. 16, at Holly Springs Baptist Church, 3450 Table Rock Road, Pickens, SC 29671. Burial will follow in the church cemetery.
The family will receive friends from noon until 1:45 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 16, at the church prior to the service.
Family members are at their respective homes.
At the request of Liz, please omit flowers and make memorials to Orphans in Honduras through Identity Mission, P.O. Box 411691, Charlotte, NC 28241.
Condolences may be expressed online at www.robinsonfuneralhomes.com or in person at Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown, which is assisting the family.
Liberty— Edna A. Sweet, 99, widow of Furman Earl Sweet, passed away Jan. 3, 2016.
Surviving are two children, Kenneth E. Sweet Sr. of Belton and Joe Earl Sweet (Linda) of Easley; four grandchildren, and numerous great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by three grandchildren, three brothers, and six sisters.
Services were held Jan. 7 at Cremation Society of SC-Westville Funeral Home. The family requests to omit flowers, with memorials made instead to Interim Hospice.
Courier Legals 1-13-16
CASE NO. 1987ES3900103
TO: Possible unknown heirs of Nellie Bagwell
YOU ARE HERE SUMMONED and required to answer the Petition for Sale of Real Property in this action, a copy of which was filed in the Pickens County Probate Court on September 12, 2015, and is hereby served upon you by Publication, and to serve a copy of your Answer to said Petition on the subscriber at his office at 859 Pendleton Street, Pickens, South Carolina, 29671, within thirty (30) days after the date of service; hereof upon you, exclusive of the day of such service; an if you fail to answer the said Petition within the time aforesaid, the Petitioner in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Petition and judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition.
Adam B. Lambert
Attorney for Petitioner
Pickens, South Carolina
Dated: December 30, 2015
Jan. 6, 13, 20
BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of the Court of Common Pleas for Pickens County, heretofore granted in the case of United States of America, acting through the Farmers Home Administration, United States Department of Agriculture vs. Christa L. Moss, I, the undersigned Master In Equity appointed under Order of said Court, will sell on February 1, 2016 at 11:00 o’clock, a.m., at the Pickens County Courthouse, Pickens, South Carolina, to the highest bidder, the following described property, to wit:
ALL that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, situate, lying and being in the State of South Carolina, County of Pickens, located 2.5 miles North, Northeast of Pickens, being shown and designated a a portion of Lot No. 7 of Blue Ridge Estates on plat prepared by C. E. Shehan Surveying, dated November 9, 1983 and according to said plat, having the following courses and distances, to wit: BEGINNING at iron pin at axle on edge of Blue Ridge Circle; and running along common line of portion of Lot No. 7 herein conveyed and Lot 8 N 75-15 West 179.01 feet to old iron pin; running thence along line of McJunkin North 03-48 East 149.05 feet to old iron pin; running thence along line of McJunkin North 03-48 East 149.05 feet to old iron pin; continuing along line of land of McJunkin North 83-26 East 38.00 feet to new iron pin; running thence along line of portion of Lot No. 6 and a portion of Lot No. 7 (as shown on plat) South 44-17 East 219.40 feet to new iron pin on Blue Ridge Circle; running thence along edge of Blue Ridge Circle South 33-41 West 49.85 feet to the beginning corner.
This being the identical property conveyed unto Beverly E. Widener by deed of the United States of America recorded December 10, 1987 in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Pickens County in Record Book 26 at Page 55.
This being the identical property conveyed unto Christa L. Moss by deed of Beverly E. Widener recorded November 22, 1993 in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Pickens County in Record Book 222 at Page 122.
TMS #4192-09-26-1622
Property Address: 134 North Blue Ridge Circle, Pickens, SC 29671
TERMS OF SALE: For Cash, the Master In Equity will require a deposit of 5% of the amount of the bid (in cash or equivalent) by 4:00 p.m., on the sales date, the same to be applied on the purchase price in case of compliance, but in case of noncompliance within Twenty (20) days, the same to be forfeited and applied to the costs and Plaintiff’s debt and the property shall be resold at the risk and expense of the former purchaser. Purchaser shall pay for the deed and necessary revenue stamps for the deed. Purchaser to be responsible for payment of taxes and assessments not past due at the time of sale.
No personal or deficiency judgment being demanded, the bidding will not remain open after the sale but compliance with the bid may be made immediately.
The sale shall be subject to taxes and assessments, existing easements, and restrictions and easements and restrictions of record, and any other senior encumbrances.
Interest on the balance of the bid shall be paid to the day of compliance at the rate of 6.5% per day.
The sale will not be held unless the Plaintiff or its attorney is present at the sale or has advised the Master’s office of its bidding instructions. This sale is subject to all matters of record and any interested party should perform an independent title examination of the subject property as no warranty is given.
R. Murray Hughes
Special Referee
Gary P. Rish, PC
Attorney for Plaintiff
P. O. Box 508
Irmo, SC 29063
(803) 749-1764
Jan. 13, 20, 27
CASE No. 2015-CP-39-0872
Billie Jane Pressley, Plaintiff, vs- Teresa D. Fowler, Leslie C. Pressley, Curtis Blake Pressley AND John Doe and Richard Roe representing possible unknownparties, Defendants.
Upon reading the attached Affidavit, it appears to my satisfaction that this is a proper case in which service may be had upon Defendants by publication as authorized by 15-9-730 and 15-9-720 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina (1976).
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, that the Lis Pendens, Summons and Notice and Service by Publication shall be published in Pickens County Courier, a newspaper having general circulation in the County of Pickens, South Carolina, once a week, on the same day of each week, for a period of three consecutive weeks, said publication being hereby designated as the one most likely to give notice to said Defendants. Any Defendants having a last known address shall be mailed a copy of the Summons and Complaint certified mail\restricted delivery.
/s/ Perry H. Gravely
Date: January 4, 2016
Jan. 13, 20, 27
CASE # 2015-CP-39-872
Billie Jane Pressley, Plaintiff, vs- Teresa D. Fowler, Leslie C. PressleyCurtis Blake Pressley, and all Persons unknown claiming thru William A. Pressley deceased,anyright,title, estate, interestin orlien on the realestate described in the Complaint; being as a class designated as John Doe, and any such unknowninfants or persons under disability or in the military service being as a classdesignated as Richard Roe, Defendants.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an action has been commenced and is now pending before this Court upon Complaint of the above named Plaintiff against the above named Defendants for partition and sale of the following described real estate which is the subject of this action:
ALL that certain piece, parcel or lot of land with the improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the Woodside Mills Village Plat #2, in the Town of Liberty, State of South Carolina, County of Pickens, and being more particularly describedas Lot 38 as shown on a plat entitled “A Subdivision of Woodside Mills, Liberty, Plat No. 2, Liberty, S.C.” made by Piedmont Engineering service, Greenville, S. C., dated December, 1951, and having the courses, distances, metes and bounds as will be shown by reference to said survey recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Pickens County in Plat Book 1920 at Page 138. According to said plat, the within described lot is also known as No. 4 Tillman Street and fronts thereon 126 feet.
The interest of the Plaintiff is the one-third (1/3) interest in the above property conveyed to the Estate of William A. Pressley by Deed of Distribution of the Estate of Curtis W. Pressley dated December 23, 2010 and recorded January 24, 2011 in Deed Book 1366 at page 48. The Estate of William A. Pressley is being probated in the Pickens County Probate Court in case file #2010-ES-39-509 (See Deed of Distribution dated March 7, 2014 and recorded March 7, 2014 in Deed Book 1587 at Page 329). Billie Jane Pressley and William Lee Pressley are the two children of William A. Pressley and the sole heirs of William A. Pressley as to his real property. William Lee Pressley conveyed all his right, title and interest in and to this property unto Billie Jane Pressley by deed dated February 19, 2014 and recorded February 28, 2014 in Deed Book 1586 at Page 114, Pickens County records.
Pickens County Tax Map Parcel #4087 12-95-9512
Property address: 4 Tillman St., Liberty, SC 29657
Attorney for Plaintiff
P. O. Box 1389
Pickens, SC 29671
(864) 878-2124
SC Bar #2800
July15, 2015
Pickens, South Carolina
Jan. 13, 20, 27
CASE # 2015-CP-39-872
(Non-jury Partition Action)
Billie Jane Pressley, Plaintiff, vs- Teresa D. Fowler, Leslie C. Pressley, Curtis Blake Pressley, and all Persons unknown claiming thru William A. Pressley deceased, anyright,title, estate, interestin orlien on the realestate described in the Complaint; beingas a class designated as John Doe, and any such unknowninfants or persons under disability or in the military service being as a classdesignated as Richard Roe, Defendants.
YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to answer the Complaint in this matter, a copy of which was filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Pickens County, and to serve a copy of your Answer thereto upon the subscriber, R. Murray Hughes,III, at his office located at 4606 Moorefield Memorial Highway, Suite 3, (P.O. Box 1389) Pickens, South Carolina, 29671, within thirty (30) days from the date of service hereof upon you. If you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court, above named, for judgment by default to be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the within Complaint.
YOU WILL FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that should you fail to answer the foregoing Summons, the Plaintiff will move for a general Order of Reference in this case to the Special Referee for this Court, which Order shall, pursuant to Rule 53 of the South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure, specifically provide that the Referee is authorized and empowered to enter a final judgment in this case and any appeal from the final judgment entered herein to be made directly to the South Carolina Supreme Court or Court of Appeals as appropriate.
YOU ARE HEREBY summoned and notified to apply for appointment of Guardian ad Litem to represent said infant under eighteen years of age within thirty days after the service of this Summons. If you fail to do so, application for such appointment will be made by Plaintiff herein.
YOU ARE HEREBY summoned and notified to apply for the appointment of a Guardian ad Litem to represent you in this action within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, and if you fail to do so, application for such appointment will be made by the Plaintiff herein.
YOU ARE HEREBY summoned and notified to apply for appointment of a Guardian ad Litem to represent said infant(s) under fourteen years (said incompetent or insane person) within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, and if you fail to do so, application for such appointment will be made by the Plaintiff herein.
R. Murray Hughes, III
Attorney for Plaintiff
P.O. Box 1389
Pickens, SC 29671
S. C. Bar #2800
July15, 2015
Pickens, South Carolina
Jan. 13, 20, 27
PETITIONER: Charlena Elizabeth Blake
DECEASED: William Turner Gowens
DATE OF BIRTH: 09/21/1913
DATE OF DEATH: 05/26/2002
REASON FOR PETITION: To establish the heirs of the deceased dated on date of death.
Date: February 16, 2016
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Place: Pickens County Probate Court
222 McDaniel Avenue
Pickens, SC 29671
PURPOSE: Hearing upon the Petition of Charlena Elizabeth Blakein the Estate of William Turner Gowens.
DESCRIPTION OF PLEADING: Petition for Determination of Heirs under South Carolina Code of Laws, 1976, as amended.
A full copy of the Summons and Petition is available from the undersigned attorney. If you do not appear at the hearing or file and Answer, the relief requested will be granted.
Executed: Tuesday, January 12, 2016.
BY: Adam B. Lambert
P.O. Box 9
Pickens, SC 29671
(864) 878-1184
Jan. 13, 20, 27
Letters to the Editor 1-13-16
Duncan’s obstruction
Dear Editor,
Congressman Jeff Duncan’s recent email to supporters regarding passage of the Omnibus spending bill makes it abundantly clear that Duncan continues to be more interested in obstructing the operation of our government and cheap political grandstanding than in taking part in the governance of our country.
Duncan referred to the recently-passed bill as “tyranny, incompetence and corruption.” No, Congressman, the bill is one of the few recent examples of the coming together of people with very different political views to produce compromise legislation that accomplishes the purpose for which they (and you) were sent to Washington — running our country. And no, the bill does not, as you said, “completely ignore the concerns of the American people.” The current dysfunction in Washington is consistently at or near the top of the people’s concerns in the polls. This bill is a rare bipartisan effort to effectively conduct the country‘s affairs.
There is no evidence that, as Duncan says, “The White House is creating a national disaster through its refugee and visa program.” We are a nation of immigrants. The White House’s proposal that we accept 10,000 refugees (one for every 32,000 Americans) is little enough as this country’s part in dealing with the worst refugee crisis since World War II.
It is ironic that Duncan complains about the amount of spending by a Republican-controlled Senate. Maybe he has forgotten that each of the last three Republican administrations has set new records for deficit spending.
A “missed opportunity,” Congressman? The real missed opportunity was when your district failed to elect as their Representative someone who would regard their job in Washington to be the effective governance of our country, rather than cheap political grandstanding, obstructionism and misguided ideology.
John Landers
A good year
Dear Editor,
As the new year begins, a backward glance is reasonable, but a plan for the future is critical. Recollection of the past is wise, I agree, but our responsibility for the future is more important.
My first year on the Pickens County School Board has been rewarding. Many longstanding issues were resolved. Teacher and staff pay issues were addressed, and facilities and technology upgraded. The dark cloud over AdvancED accreditation has passed. Taxes were not raised, and student performance is among the best in the state. The board worked aggressively to meet the needs of our most precious resource and America’s future — our children — while being mindful of the taxpayer as well. Regardless of what a few unkind people say about board members, we made tremendous progress last year after almost a decade of anxiety and conflict on the board.
It’s unfortunate that some call board members hateful names, attack our character and make false accusations to discredit us when we oppose tax hikes. But that’s fine — politics is not for the fainthearted. I can deal with a little spitefulness, because most days really were good. And based on the progress I’ve seen this first year on the board, I predict a very bright future for Pickens County and will disregard pessimists who say otherwise. So as the new year begins, I’m thankful for the opportunities. In an age when Washington and Columbia fail to produce results, it’s an honor to serve on a board that gets things done.
So much for 2015. It’s done. Time to move on.
We have work to do this year and beyond, and I’ll get right to the point — our school district has too much stuff. We own more than 50 buildings, 3,314,641 square feet of floor space, 1,200 acres of land, more than 5000 heating and air conditioning units and more than 70 acres of roofing. These facilities must be maintained to preserve the taxpayer investment and provide safe and comfortable learning environments. Facilities do not have to be extravagant, but must be safe and comfortable.
Space here won’t allow every detail, but elementary schools are an example. We have space for more than 11,000 students in our 16 elementary schools, but we only have about 7,500 students. It’s like having 10 milk cows but only milking six; you still have to feed and take care of all 10, but four aren’t producing. Good managers wouldn’t allow that to continue. That is where we are with school facilities; we’re maintaining too much unnecessary property.
So why the excess space? I don’t know all the reasons, but previous boards obviously made bad decisions years ago, because our student population isn’t really growing that much. Some will say facilities can’t be combined due to location, but that’s generally not the case. Many are within a few miles of another and could easily be combined to increase educational opportunities at reduced costs. A successful future depends on good planning, and we urgently need a long-range plan based on what we know today. It won’t be perfect because there’s no crystal ball, but better than no long-range plan at all, which is basically how the district has operated for years. I look forward to helping plan a future providing the best education possible for our children while being considerate of the taxpayer as well.
Phillip Bowers
Trustee, School District of Pickens County
Chairman, Pickens County Republican Party
Are you angry enough yet?
Dear Editor,
Have our S.C. Republican leaders ever read, “The Platform of the S.C. Republican Party?” which can be found here: https://www.scgop.com/resources/platform/.
If so, the majority aren’t following it. “they” should be following it as it has everything “they” need to know about what we the people who elected them want them to do while in Columbia!
Franklin Graham has resigned from the Republican Party? Why is that?
Donald Trump is supported by the majority of the voters to be our next Republican president. Why is that?
We the people are angry with career politicians who say one thing to get elected and betray us when they go to Columbia.
Our grievances against S.C. legislators and our governor:
They are allowing our state tax dollars to flow to Planned Parenthood so they can sell baby parts and murder babies in the womb. But if it were animal control officers selling baby dog parts and aborting baby dogs, I bet they would defund them.
They removed our heritage the Confederate Flag from the grounds of the capitol in Columbia in the name of political correctness and now the national GOP has rewarded Nikki Haley for advancing Obama’s agenda of destroying Southern history.
They are not immediately defunding state funds to the influx of Muslim refugees which places S.C. lives in jeopardy and violates their oath to protect us from all enemies. Rep. Neal Collins doesn’t believe in transparency as he has deleted his pro-Muslim statements on his Facebook. I guess he is following Hillary Clinton’s lead in deleting emails.
They investigate each other on ethics issues and have backroom deals with Democrats and lobbyist that betray our values and beliefs.
They have done very little to fix transparency with DOT or fix pot holes in our roads; however they give certain Senators’ counties plenty of funds to repair their roads.
They ignore their own passed legislation repealing Common Core and allow 90 percent mirrored standards, which are still child abusive and indoctrinate children in liberal thinking.
They ignore parents’ wishes for more school choice and the ability to opt their children out of data collecting stress producing tests. And continue to allow the federal government to have control over states’ rights to direct education.
They do very little to strengthen our property rights and leave us open to Socialism.
They are under-funding our schools which force our counties to over collect and raise taxes.
They are allowing illegal immigrants and probable terrorist refugees to receive our hard earned tax dollars to buy homes, cars and food at our expense and take our American born children’s jobs.
They do very little to help veterans and senior citizens receive a cost of living increase while illegals and refugees get freebies with our tax dollars
They are allowing open primaries where Democrats can pick our leaders.
They do very little to protect our religious freedoms which forces our clergy to perform homosexual marriages and business owners to sell flowers and cakes to celebrate an abomination against God’s law.
They do very little to protect our second, fourth, and 10th amendment.
They do nothing about limiting legislator and judge term limits.
They haven’t fixed the problems with the flawed judicial system which promotes cronyism and nepotism. We need elected judges who are held accountable to we the people for the wrongful decisions on cases.
Let’s show them how angry we the people are and tell them what Donald Trump would say, “You’re fired!”
Their betrayal to Southern Christian conservative pride, values and beliefs is overthrowing states’ rights and freedom in America. They are no better than our enemies who seek to destroy American from within. Vote them out 2016!
Johnnelle Raines
Hagood Mill to celebrate new year in music Saturday
PICKENS — Traditional musicians from the area will gather on Jan. 16 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. to celebrate a new year with music old and new from the mountain culture that surrounds our beloved Hagood Mill.
The Blue Ridge Mountains begin right here in South Carolina at Hagood Mill. When you leave Pickens on U.S. Highway 178 west and cross the beginnings of the Twelve Mile River, you approach Hagood Mill, and you’re in the very first mountain community of the historic Blue Ridge.
The event at Hagood Mill will feature Three Creeks Over, a homegrown bluegrass/gospel band of three friends who have been playing music together in Pickens since 2012.
Heartstrings will lead off the event around 11:30 a.m. with its traditional roots, gospel and bluegrass music. Listeners will be delighted by the unique sounds created by instruments such as the autoharp, mountain dulcimer, fiddle, stand-up bass, guitar and mandolin.
There will be lots of other things to see on Saturday as Hagood Mill hosts a variety of folk life and traditional arts demonstrations. There will be blacksmithing, bowl-digging, flint knapping, chair-caning, moonshining, broom-making, basket-making, pottery, quilting, spinning, knitting, weaving, woodcarving, metal-smithing, bee keeping, leather-working and more. You can ask questions of the artists and make a purchase of their Traditional Arts to take home.
The centerpiece of the Hagood Mill historic site is the water-powered 1845 gristmill. It is one of the finest examples of 19th-century technology in the Upcountry and operates just as it has for the last century-and-a-half. The mill will be running throughout the day. In the old mill, fresh stone-ground corn meal, grits, and wheat flour will be available. In addition, rye flour, Basmati rice flour, oat flour, oatmeal, popping corn meal, and grits, organic yellow corn meal and grits, and buckwheat flour are produced and may be available. Hagood Mill cookbooks and a variety of other mill related items are also available.

Saturday’s event at Hagood Mill will feature Three Creeks Over, a homegrown bluegrass/gospel band.
There is a $5 parking fee for the day, but admission is free to the Hagood Mill Site ,as well as the Hagood Creek Petroglyph Site. All proceeds from parking will go to help the Hagood Mill.
Food from the GateHouse Restaurant in Pickens will also be available.
The Hagood Mill historic site is open Wednesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. all year long. The mill operates, rain or shine, for a special festival the third Saturday of every month.
The Hagood Mill is located just three miles north of Pickens off U.S. Highway 178 or 5.5 miles south of Cherokee Foothills Scenic Highway 11 just off Highway 178 at 138 Hagood Mill Road.
“Music in the Mountains 2016” is sponsored by a private benefactor. For additional information, contact the Hagood Mill at (864) 898-2936 or visit visitpickenscounty.com/calendar.