Daily Archives: 03/08/2016
The people’s will must prevail
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s passing is no doubt a great loss to his family and to our country. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with his family. His efforts to uphold the Constitution and our country’s founding principles will be sorely missed.[cointent_lockedcontent]
The president and I both agree that the confirmation of a Supreme Court justice is a responsibility that the president and the Senate share under the Constitution; however, it is ultimately the voice of the people that should be held in the highest regard when nominating our next justice. This seat on the Supreme Court should not be used as a political tool to promote a legacy. Instead, it should be used as an opportunity to promote the will of the people.
Because it is an election year, the American people will make clear their preference when they elect our next president in November. This election should be seen as a great opportunity for the people to tell government exactly what they want from the Supreme Court in the decades to come. It is our next president who should be responsible for nominating our next justice to ensure that the people’s wants of the future, not of the past, are clearly represented.
The president’s argument that a strict reader of the Constitution would see the postponement of the nomination, to hear the voice of the people, as misleading is faulty at best. The Constitution certainly gives the president the ability to nominate a new justice; however, he must do so with the advice and consent of the Senate.
To claim that the GOP is not doing its job by not considering a nominee from a lame-duck president is simply incorrect. The Senate has advised the president that we are rightfully siding with the people who elected us, the people we work for, and that he should do the same.
This advice virtually mimics the advice that Vice President Joe Biden gave President George Bush in 1992: “…it is my view that if a Supreme Court Justice resigns tomorrow, or within the next several weeks, or resigns at the end of the summer, President Bush should consider following the practice of a majority of his predecessors and not — and not — name a nominee until after the November election is completed.” (Sen. Biden, Congressional Record, S.16316-7, 6/25/1992)
I, along with my colleagues in the Senate, will stand firm on the principle that Americans should have input in determining who will be the next Supreme Court nominee. The last time the Senate confirmed a nominee in a similar situation was 128 years ago.
It has been widely understood that for more than a hundred years a lame-duck president should not be making a lifetime appointment, and that is not something we should or will ignore. I will continue to fight for our country’s right to have a say in the future makeup of the Supreme Court; the next president must nominate a successor to Justice Scalia who upholds the Constitution and our founding principles.
Republican Tim Scott has represented South Carolina in the United States Senate since 2013.
The truth will set you free
Now that the finish line is in sight for the presidential primaries, I’m waiting for the “shoe to drop.” It’s about this time in any campaign when something ugly is dragged out from under the rug to knock candidates off their pedestals.
Although in this particular election it would be hard to say who might even be on a pedestal.
Setting that aside, isn’t it time for some obscure person to come forward to reveal an unsavory secret from a candidate’s past or even present?
Now we know there has to be something out there. We just don’t know when we’ll find out about it.
Are there a bunch of mistresses running around loose with the illegitimate offspring of any candidates?
Are there any candidates in the illegal drug business, perhaps bringing drugs across the borders?
Anybody who ever hired a hitman to rid themselves of the opposition?
Does anybody have a murder in their past?
Is there a closet terrorist among them? A cannibal? A serial killer?
Somebody knows. And if the information is out there, as we’ve seen in the past, eventually it will come out.
A little web surfing located some interesting reports on how to detect when a person is lying, although several studies said it is more difficult to detect lying in politicians because of the practice they’ve had.
The studies say lying is a lot more stressful than telling the truth. It requires a good memory and a lot of repetition. It takes a lot of energy to lie, and keeping up with the lies can become overwhelming.
In trying to decide whether or not a person is lying, watch facial expression, body language and content. Poker players are supposed to be very good at this.
For example, a liar will give way more detail in answering a question than a truthful person. A liar may also tell another version of his lie the next time questioned about it. It’s a lot harder to remember the details if they’ve been made up.
A liar has trouble answering a direct question but often skates around an issue and manages to direct attention to another issue.
A liar will often fold their arms across their chest, clench their hands, place a hand over their mouth or turn the head to one side.
Of course, none of these behaviors are surefire red flags in all people.
That’s when we have to get out there and learn as much as we can about important issues.
We tend to believe things that we want to believe. It doesn’t mean they are the truth.
So it’s up to us now. This whole campaign thing seems to have gotten out of hand. It would be nice if there were some adults on the ticket. Is that too much to ask?
Courier Letters to the Editor 3-9-16
Tax increase needed to save schools
Dear Editor,
I attended the Monday night meeting of the Stakeholders Committee for the School Board Facilities Committee. I do appreciate the time and energy devoted to the tasks given this diverse and dedicated group of Pickens citizens. I attended in support of finding ways to keep Ambler, A.R. Lewis and Holly Springs elementary schools open. There are some important takeaways that must be shared — and soon.
1. This catastrophe-in-the-making is not something that has come about just in the last month, or eight months, or 11 months. It has been brewing for quite a while. A long-time, organized effort to keep taxes down, apparently at any expense, has placed our entire school district in jeopardy. No longer can this situation be shoved to the back burner, tabled for further research or referred to committee. It is evident that the communities represented by these committee members know that the disunity of our school board is the greatest contributor to our current crisis. I wonder what AdvancED thinks about this current proposal. SDPC administrators are not the “bad guys” here — the recommendations they present to the board must fall within law. Our budget is sound and transparent, but we cannot spend more than we bring in.
2. The Pickens County School Board must decide quickly on plans to address critical needs. It must not be considered a stop-gap measure. The research presented at the meeting showed that every school in our district will eventually be affected by the current proposal. Two viable solutions were presented last night, and both can work. My preferred solution is to increase the Pickens County sales tax. Yes, I used that four letter word — TAXX! Keep reading — a 1 percent sales tax would be added to prepared food. This is a tax that we choose to pay when we choose to eat out. It will not be added to groceries. It is not a property tax. This increase is conservatively projected to bring a substantial amount of dollars to the school district’s coffers. A penny sales tax would decrease everyone’s property tax, including commercial and investment property owners. This proposal will have a 10-year limitation. By law, 10 percent must be used to reduce district debt, which will in turn, reduce tax. The balance of the revenue must be spent on capital needs in the district — in other words, things (buildings and technology), not people. The provisions for business owners may be an encouragement for potential businesses moving to Pickens County. This is a win, win, win for our students, schools, and communities. This should debunk the theory of the organized anti-tax group in our county that all tax increases are bad. There are two major concerns, however; our board must be united in order for the community to see the critical importance of passing this in a county-wide referendum. In addition, a strong grassroots effort will be necessary to ensure that our citizens are convinced completely and quickly of the dire need for this tax. The potential for the revenue is amazing.
The second solution involves using school buildings for charter schools. From the reports presented on Monday evening, starting a charter school will take more time than we have for a 2016-2017 opening. If the board will give the time needed to work toward this solution, we will need to work like crazy and pass the 1 percent tax increase (the consumer tax) in November, then work toward offering public charter schools through the SDPC beginning in the 2017-2018 school year.
I know that Pickens County can and must provide a “free quality public education for all students.” I am ready and eager to do my part.
Vickie Gibson
A mountain treasure
Dear Editor,
For the past 18 years, I have been helping with the Holly Springs Garden Club. People should know what a valuable resource our district has in Holly Springs Elementary School. Besides having the community of parents, volunteers and teachers working together to improve many aspects of our students’ lives, we have the physical grounds that foster an interest in science that rivals any field trip we have taken.
Our active garden club now has about 30 students that meet after school. Years before STEM and Career Ready Standards, we were problem-solving and collaborating with each other. There is a combination of older students working with younger ones in each garden group. We are affiliated with Pickens Garden Club, which enables students to win numerous youth awards sponsored by the Garden Clubs of South Carolina. At the present, we have a Lifetime Certified Schoolyard Habitat from the National Wildlife Federation, Carolina Yard Recognition and we are progressing in the Green Steps Program.
Over the years, students have created several gardens — a butterfly garden, which students designed into north, south, east and west sections; a vegetable garden; and a woodland rain garden. For the rain garden, students met with a landscape architect, who took their designs and meshed them together to help with stormwater runoff. In this garden are planted jonquil bulbs donated from the original Andrew Pickens home place. We collaborate with Clemson Extension Service, native plant specialists and master gardeners. This collaboration also gave students an opportunity to lay out and dig a bioswale to help solve a water drainage problem between the wings of the school.
Volunteers from the Vineyards helped students build bird houses and place them around the school. As a result, many students recognize native plants and birds that frequent our garden. On our last field trip to Table Rock State Park, students were knowledgeable of those birds and plants.
Students have created an environment around the school that enhances both writing and art. In warmer weather, students sit in our colorful gardens, listen to nature and write. What a wonderful way to reflect on what you learn, read about and observe! Currently, the art teacher and I are collaborating on how to work in smaller groups so part of second grade can garden while the other part does art with nature.
Volunteers are working on repairing the greenhouse, so students can grow and experiment with planting our own seeds with compost we use after collecting leftover food from lunch. We have a huge storage container for our numerous tools which were acquired with grant money. Many projects are ongoing.
It will be disheartening to dismantle what we have invested in over the years. This scenic environment fosters a love of the outdoors and conservation. Losing Holly Springs and its location is a decision that will be regretted in the future. This is a valuable resource for math, science and outdoor learning!
Ann Bowen
Holly Springs Elementary
Second Grade Teacher
‘Just say no’ to closings
Dear Editor,
In the midst of the school board still trying to push to close our small community schools, one fact is still predominant — that we, as a community, need to stand strong and unite to keep this from happening!
It’s easy to get complacent when they put a vote off for a couple weeks, but the threat is still looming and very real. We need to get involved. Be vocal! Show your support in keeping our schools open! We have board members who are from outside our immediate community and therefore, the closing of these schools doesn’t personally affect them. They do not have children in our “mountain schools” who will be displaced and heartbroken.
I saw a sign along the road here in Pickens that said “Save the schools … Oust the board,” and that is so true. We need people from Clemson and Easley who are willing to run for election on these two seats, who care about our schools and have a community mindset. We need to vote and let our voices and wishes be heard!
I know that there are actually three seats coming open, however, Alex Saitta, in my opinion, should stay, as he does want to keep the schools open and has demonstrated his leadership in our community and appreciates our values. I think some of the board members forget who exactly they represent.
I emailed and/or wrote to every single board member, and the only two board members who are great about responding are Henry Wilson and Alex Saitta. Big surprise, considering the others just want an easy answer to close the schools and open up more revenue to just blow on other “wants.”
Oh, and to the chair of the facilities committee, who was very clear about his position on not compromising and wants to close the schools — considering your original view was to have “greater emphasis on the classroom, local control and community values,” well, that is what we, as a community, are fighting for! Please try to think if it was your child or grandchild who attended one of these schools. Would you look at them with tears in their eyes, and tell them that you were going to close their school?
We teach our children to “just say no” to drugs, bullying and violence. This is something the board members need to try — “just say no” to closing our schools and preserve the community values that thrive in our “mountain schools!”
Laura Demler
Date set for 19th annual Blue Ridge Fest
PICKENS — Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative and Blue Ridge Security Solutions have announced that the 19th annual Blue Ridge Fest will take place Friday, May 6, at the cooperative’s headquarters in Pickens.
The proceeds from this year’s event will benefit 12 different nonprofit organizations in Greenville, Anderson, Oconee and Pickens counties.
Blue Ridge Fest presents the largest classic car cruise-in event in the Upstate, featuring more than 500 classic cars annually, along with a Beach Night concert and dancing.
In 2015, Blue Ridge Fest attracted more than 6,000 attendees from across the Southeast and raised a total of $185,000.
“Blue Ridge Fest celebrated its most successful event to date last year, which brought our fundraising total to more than $2 million raised over the last 18 years,” Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative president and CEO Charles Dalton said. “This is a huge milestone for our dedicated employee volunteers who work tirelessly year after year to put on this family festival to support all of the organizations that help many in need in our community.”
The charities that will receive funds in 2016 include: Cancer Association of Anderson, Collins Children’s Home & Ministries, Center for Developmental Services, Dot’s Kitchen, Emerson Rose Heart Foundation, Feed A Hungry Child, Foothills Alliance, North Greenville Food Crisis Ministry, Rosa Clark Medical Center, Samaritan Health Clinic of Pickens County, The Dream Center of Pickens County and Wilderness Way Camp School. Beneficiaries are selected by the Blue Ridge Fest planning committee, comprised of Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative and Blue Ridge Security Solutions employees, who receive almost 100 submissions from local nonprofit organizations each year.
The event will take place from 6 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. at Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative’s outdoor facility at 734 W. Main St. in Pickens. Admission is $20 in advance or $25 at the gate. Children ages 7-12 are admitted for $12 in advance or $15 at the gate, while those ages 6 or younger are admitted free. Attendees arriving in a classic car (1979 or older) with up to four people are admitted for $30. For classic cars, line-up begins at 2 p.m., and gates open at 3 p.m.
For more information about the event and charities or to purchase tickets online, visit blueridge.coop/blueridgefest or call (800) 240-3400.
Adult coed volleyball leagues now forming
PICKENS — The Pickens Recreation Department is now holding registration for adult coed volleyball, formally known as the “Backyard League.”
Players must be 21 years of age (ID required). The registration fee will be $45 per couple in-city or $55 out-of-city and is due at time of sign-up. Individual fees are $22.50 in-city or $27.50 out-of-city. Due date for registration fees is April 1 at the Recreation Department on Sangamo Road. Fees are non-refundable.
Once registration is concluded, players will be placed on teams by the league director. Practice dates will be announced. Games are on Sunday afternoons and will begin April 24 (approximate start date). Call (864) 878-2296 with any additional questions.
Courier Obituaries 3-9-16
Nancy McClellan
Liberty — Nancy Prince McClellan, 78, of 114 Lee St., passed away peacefully on Saturday, March 5, 2016, at the Hospice House in Anderson.
Born in Six Mile, she was a daughter of the late Eugene and Aurie Mae Gravley Prince.
She was a graduate of Liberty High School and retired from Flexi-Wall, where she worked as an administrative assistant. She was a member of Easley Church of God. During her free time, she loved reading and Civil War History.
Surviving are her husband, Tommy R. McClellan; a daughter, Annette McClellan; and a son, Richard McClellan, all of the home.
Memorial services to honor Nancy’s life will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 9, in the Liberty Mortuary Chapel. The family will be at the home. Liberty Mortuary is handling arrangements.
Clara Hitt
Liberty — Clarese Virginia Sullivan Hitt, 95, widow of Alvin Lee Hitt, died Sunday, March 6, 2016, at Manna Health & Rehab in Pickens.
Born in Liberty, she was a daughter of the late Rosa and John Sullivan.
Mrs. Hitt retired from Sangamo Electric Co. She was a member of Eastside Baptist Church. Surviving are daughters, Pam Jones (Ron) of Pickens and Susan Johnson (Jimmy) of Florence; four grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
She was predeceased by a son, Michael Alvin Hitt; two brothers, Johnny Sullivan of Liberty and George Sullivan of Stockbridge, Ga.; and two sisters, Edna Owen and Kathrine Watson, both of Liberty.
A graveside service will be held Wednesday, March 9, at noon at Hillcrest Memorial Park in Pickens.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Eastside Baptist Church: 920 Anderson Drive, Liberty, SC 29657. Liberty Mortuary is handling arrangements.
Larry W. Hunter
Pickens — Larry Walter Hunter, 69, passed from this life on Monday, March 7, 2016.
Larry was a Christian, and he died knowing he would be in Heaven with his parents, Samuel Walter and Gloria Grasty Hunter and sister, Suzan Hunter.
Survivors include his brother, Michael Hunter (Sandra) of Pickens, and sisters, Barbara Johnson (Don) of Detroit, Ala., and Gloria Marcelain of Kenosha, Wis. Larry was a loving son, brother, uncle and great-uncle. He will be greatly missed by all.
In lieu of flowers, please make donations to Meals on Wheels, 349 Edgemont Ave. Liberty, SC 29657 or www.pcmow.org.
A message of condolence may be expressed to the family by visiting www.DillardFunerals.com.
Eunice G. Bagwell
Easley — Eunice Julia Galloway Bagwell, 98, formerly of 2047 Ireland Road, wife of R. Doyce Bagwell, passed from this life Feb. 29 in Anderson.
She was born in Pickens County, daughter of the late O.S. and Lou Annie Bryant Galloway. She was a graduate of Pickens High School, a retired employee with Ellijean Mill, attended Tabor United Methodist Church, where she taught Sunday school, and was a member of Arial Wesleyan Methodist Church.
Surviving are daughters, Gwen Martin (Leland) of Clemson and Kathy (Frank) Gentry of Pendleton; sisters, Christine Cochran and Wylene King of Easley and Eulalia Gause of Spartanburg; five grandchildren; and some great-grandchildren.
In addition to her husband and parents, she was predeceased by her daughter, Patricia Stokes; brothers, Dewey Galloway, Went Galloway and O.S. Galloway Jr.; and sisters, Bernice Moseley, Annas Houston and Dillie Everingham.
Private services were held at Hillcrest Memorial Park in Pickens.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the charity of one’s choice.
Condolences may be expressed online at www.robinsonfuneralhomes.com or at Duckett-Robinson Funeral Home, Central.
Jean Lesley Bush
Easley — Mrs. Jean Lesley Bush, 82, wife of Allen Cantrell “Pete” Bush, passed away Tuesday, March 1, 2016, at Rainey Hospice House in Anderson.
Born in Easley, a daughter of the late Jack and Blanche Hughey Lesley, Mrs. Bush was a graduate of Easley High School and was a member of St. Andrew United Methodist Church.
Surviving, in addition to her husband of 63 years, are a son, Allen C. “Al” Bush (Patty) of Easley; a daughter, Ann Bush Ellenburg (Tony) of Easley; a brother, Joe Lesley (Carolyn) of Easley; a sister, Mildred Williams of Easley; seven grandchildren, Leslie Hayes, Jason Ellenburg (Melanie), Jennifer Touchstone (Chris), Javin Adams, Amanda Benjamin (Justin), Dean Gillespie (Jessica) and Kathryn Jones (Brian); and 15 great-grandchildren. In addition to her parents, Mrs. Bush was predeceased by a daughter, Allison Gillespie, and a sister, Louise Walker.
Funeral services were held March 3 in the chapel of Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown, with burial following in Greenlawn Memorial Park.
Flowers will be accepted, and memorials may be made to the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, St. Andrew United Methodist Church Team, at their website, http://act.alz.org/site/TR/Walk2016/General?px=5731231&pg=personal&fr_id=9290.
Condolences may be expressed online at www.robinsonfuneralhomes.com or in person at Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown, which is assisting the family.
PICKENS — Edna C. Howell, 80, of Pickens, went to be with the Lord on Wednesday, March 2, 2016.
She is survived by her husband, Michael G. Howell; her children, Cheryl (Larry) Crowe, Barbara (Scott) Owens, Karen (Terry) Durham, Brian (Teresa) Corbin; her grandchildren, Kelly Crowe, Breanna Owens, Levi (Jo Leigh) Durham, Timothy (Emily) Corbin, Bradley (Katie) Corbin, Tyler (Sally) Corbin; her great-granddaughter, Molly; her stepdaughters, Marcia (Ed) Campbell, Fran (Wayne) Klink, Robyn (Dean) Sloan, and Michelle (Scott) Reece; her seven step-grandchildren, and her six step-great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her sons, Michael Corbin and Timothy Corbin; and her granddaughter, Holly Durham.
She was a faithful and loving mother and wife, and a member of Concord Baptist Church for many years. Through her many trials in life, her faith in Jesus Christ was always an inspiration to others. Edna was incredibly beloved and cherished by her children and grandchildren.
Services were held March 4 at Concord Baptist Church in Pickens, followed by interment in Hillcrest Memorial Park.
“God is good. John 3:16.”
Steve Gantt
Ware Shoals -— Steven Dwight Gantt, 62, husband of Maribeth Jones Gantt, of 1359 Humbert Road, died Tuesday, March 1, 2016, at Abbeville Area Medical Center.
Born in Greenville County, he was the son of the late Guy Dwight and Emma Ethelene Holcombe Gantt. He was a member of Princeton Baptist Church and a self-employed handyman.
Surviving in addition to his loving wife of the home are his son, Jacob (Laura) Porter of Elgin; his daughter, Emily Brooke (Dustin) Rearden of Cross Hill; two sisters, Judy (Danny) Robinson of Easley and Jane (James) Nix of Liberty; and two grandchildren, Cara and Jake Porter. He was predeceased by a sister, Susan Darlene Gantt.
Funeral services were held March 3 at Ramsey Creek Preserve in Westminster. Online condolences may be made to the family by visiting www.ParkerWhitePruitt.com.
Lillian A. Collins
Central — Lillian A. Collins, 74, wife of Ray Collins for 32 years, went into the presence of her Lord and savior Jesus Christ on Feb. 18, 2016, while vacationing with her husband in the country of Panama.
Lillian was born on Sept. 11, 1941, in Clayton, N.Y. She was the daughter of the late John Whattam and Rena Durham. She was married to Ray Collins of Central. She was an active member of the Central First Baptist Church and the Gleaners Sunday school class. She loved her church family deeply. She was active with the Pickens County Meals on Wheels program, the Business and Professional Women’s Club of America and the South Carolina Parliamentarians Association.
She was a loving and caring wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother whose love for her family was only exceeded by her love of her Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Surviving in addition to her husband Ray, are daughter, Julie Thompson Bombay (Tim); sons, Arnold James Thompson and Timothy Mark Thompson (Reb); stepdaughters, Cindy Moore (Mike) and Sheila Johnson (deceased); stepson, Tony Collins (Michelle); siblings, Addison Whattam, Bill Whattam, Glenn Durham, Sam Durham, Karen Montani and Dorothy Carlson; 12 grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Thursday, March 3, at Central First Baptist Church, 207 Johnson Road, Central, with Rev. Tony Qualkinbush officiating.
The family will receive friends from 1-2:30 p.m. Thursday prior to the service at the church.
Condolences may be expressed online at www.robinsonfuneralhomes.com or at Duckett-Robinson Funeral Home, Central.
Monica Stockton
Sunset — Monica Hagerman Stockton, 58, of 667 Mt. Bethel Road, passed away on Wednesday, March 2, 2016, at St. Francis Hospital.
Born in Stuttgart, Germany, she was a daughter of the late Robert Hagerman and Helen Kimbro.
She was a member of Solid Rock Baptist Church, and one of her favorite hobbies was sewing.
Surviving are her husband, Dale W. Stockton of the home; two sons, Tony Stockton (Whitney) of Greenville and Chris Stockton (Whitney) of Aiken; a brother, Ken Hagerman (Cindy) of Parkersburg, W.Va.; a sister, Carmen Edwards of Charlotte, N.C.; her mother-in-law, Shelby Reilly of Sunset; and two grandchildren, Lexi and Christopher Stockton.
She was predeceased by a sister, Cherie Hagerman.
Funeral services to honor the life of Mrs. Stockton were held March 5 in the Liberty Mortuary Chapel, with burial following in Greenville Memorial Gardens. Liberty Mortuary is handling arrangements.
Dean Murphree
Liberty — Mr. Harold Dean Murphree Jr., 50, passed away Thursday, March 3, 2016.
Born in Greenville County, the son of the late Harold Dean Murphree Sr. and the late Doris Carter Murphree, Mr. Murphree was a graduate of Liberty High School and was employed with Thomas Mechanical. He was of the Baptist faith.
Surviving are two sisters, Dana Herrin (Tim) of Liberty and Denise Whitmire of Liberty; two nephews, Timothy Bryant and T.J. Herrin; one niece, Abby Herrin; and one great-niece.
Graveside services were held March 6 at Liberty Memorial Gardens.
Memorials may be made to the Pickens County Humane Society, 500 Five Forks Road, Liberty, SC 29657.
Condolences may be expressed online at www.robinsonfuneralhomes.com or in person at Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown, which is assisting the family.
William T. Anthony
Easley— William Thurman Anthony, 80, loving husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather, died at Spring Park Senior Living on March 5, 2016, surrounded by his family.
He is survived by his loving wife of 57 years, Vera Harrison Anthony.
Born in Kershaw, he was the son of the late Ethel King and William G. Anthony.
Mr. Anthony graduated from Dacusville High School in 1953. Upon graduation, he served four years in the U.S. Air Force before attending Furman University.
In 1989, Mr. Anthony retired after 30 years of service with the Greenville Police Department. He was a member of the Retired Greenville City Police Officers Association, Masons (Walden Lodge No. 274), Scottish Rite “Valley of Greenville,” and Hejaz Shrine.
Mr. Anthony was a devoted Christian. After retirement, he became active in the work of his church. As a member of Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, he served as a deacon, church treasurer, Sunday school teacher of the men’s Bible class and choir member.
Surviving, in addition to his wife, are two children, Pamela Anthony of Piedmont and Mark Anthony (Kelli) of Lexington; five grandchildren, Brandon Anthony Chandler and Breana Intlekofer of Piedmont, and E.J., Isabel and Gage Anthony of Lexington; two great-grandchildren, Cooper Anthony and Avery Chandler of Piedmont; two sisters, Rita Brooks of North Augusta and Helen Anthony of Greenville; and four brothers, George Anthony (twin brother) of Garden City, Kenneth Anthony of Montgomery, Ala., Randolph Anthony of Easley and Jack Anthony of Greenville.
He was predeceased by a daughter, Paula Michelle Anthony; two sisters, Nancy Smith of Camden and Billie Hunter of Kershaw; and one brother, Allen Anthony of Easley.
Memorials can be made to Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, 1623 Hester Store Road, Easley, SC 29640 or Greenville Police Foundation, 4 McGee St., Greenville, SC 29601 attn: Chief Ken Miller.
Honorary escorts were retired Greenville city police officers and members of Mt. Carmel Fellowship Sunday School Class.
Funeral services were held March 7 at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, with Rev. Paul Turner officiating, with burial following in Graceland Cemetery-West.
The family would like to express their gratitude to Regency Hospice and Spring Park Senior Living for the love and care they provided to Mr. Anthony.
Condolences may be expressed online at www.robinsonfuneralhomes.com or in person at Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown, which is assisting the family.
Staples presents $1K grant to United Way of Pickens County
EASLEY — United Way of Pickens County has been awarded $1,000 by Staples Foundation, the charitable arm of Staples Inc. under a program that lets Staples associates direct donations.
“United Way of Pickens County is excited that Staples has directed their grant to Camp iRock, our partnership with the School District of Pickens County and the Pickens County YMCA to address summer learning loss,” said Julie Capaldi, President. “We are so honored that Teresa Carroll, assistant manager of Staples in Easley, nominated Camp iRock for grant funding. It’s exciting that she shares our passion for early literacy education.”
Julie Capaldi, president of United Way of Pickens County, is present a check from Staples of Easley assistant manager Teresa Carroll and general manager Ed Meade.
The grant is part of a philanthropic initiative created by Staples Foundation which allows Staples associates around the world to direct funding to non-profit organizations that are focused on education or job skills. The program, called 2 Million and Change, encourages local community engagement by awarding larger grants to organizations where associates are highly engaged in volunteering or fundraising up to $25,000 per organization.
In 2014, Staples awarded more than $2.4 million in grants to 1,056 local organizations in support of education, and job skills programs, including tutoring for pediatric cancer patients, job skills development for individuals with disabilities, school supplies, mentoring and more.
“Staples Foundation is committed to encouraging associates around the globe to make a difference in their local communities and through 2 Million and Change, we enable them to directly support the programs where they can personally see the greatest need,” said Emily McCann, senior manager of community and giving for Staples, Inc.
United Way of Pickens County is about advancing the common good by creating opportunities for a better life for all. Their focus is on education, financial stability and community basic services-the building blocks for a good quality of life.
Staples contributes to educational and job-related community efforts with a primary focus on disadvantaged youth, from literacy and mentoring to career skills development, through in-kind and monetary donations and grants from Staples Foundation, the charitable arm of Staples, Inc. Through its community and giving efforts, Staples and Staples Foundation have helped more than 7,000 organizations in 26 countries.
Clemson Farmers Market seeks vendors
Special activities planned for opening day May 13
CLEMSON — The Clemson Farmers Market is accepting applications for vendors for the 2016 market season. The market is open Fridays from 3-6 p.m. on the Village Green at Patrick Square in Clemson.
People enjoying a warm day at the Clemson Farmers Market last year. The market will be open from May 13-Oct. 14 this year.
The regular season is May 13 to Oct. 14, with a harvest market set for Nov. 4 and holiday market on Dec. 2.
Open rain or shine, the market features fresh, local produce, farm products, specialty food items and homemade arts and crafts. Special activities are planned for opening day on Friday, May 13.
In addition to regular market vendors, the market will host the second annual Healthy Living Expo. The expo features businesses and organizations who offer healthy living products and services.
Join us for an afternoon of family-friendly activities including live entertainment, cooking demonstrations, demonstrations and product sampling by market vendors, a giant inflatable for the kids, and much, much more. For vendor guidelines, application and forms, visit the market’s website at http://www.clemsonfarmersmarket.org./
Courier Community Calendar 3-9-16
• East Side Baptist plans fishing clinic
East Side Baptist Church will host a free bass fishing clinic on Saturday, March 12, at 1 p.m. The speaker will be Bassmaster Terry Chupp.
East Side is located at 920 Anderson Drive in Liberty. For more information, call the church office at (864) 843-6481.
• Classes offered at Hagood Center
New Fiber Room Center activities at the Hagood Center in Pickens have been scheduled for March and April.
On Tuesday, March 15, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. a one-day Fabric covered Mats with Beverly McCulty. Samples are available in Granger Fiber Arts. Supplies needed include one pkg. cotton covered clothesline (ACE has 7/32 inches x 50 feet), one or one and half inch wide strips of fabric, glue stick and a ig-zag sewing machine.
On Friday, April 8, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. there will be a one-day Water Color Butterflies workshop with Preston Rausch. Supplies will be provided. Charge is $25. Sample is available in Granger Fiber Arts. To insure an adequate number of supplies is available, please pre-register.
The fiber room committee plans in late March or early April a Sheer Delight Jacket (chenille) classs. Supply list and a sample will be available at a later date.
Below is a list of the center’s regular activities:
Monday: 10-11:30 a.m. — cathedral window quilts with Jacquie. Tuesday: 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. — weaving with Pat; 9-11:30 a.m. — doll clothes with Jacquie; 10-11:30 a.m. — yo-yos with Irene and prayer shawls and cancer caps with Sharon (in the library). Wednesday: 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. — weaving with Pat (in the heritage room); 10-11:30 a.m. — knitting with Tally. Thursday: 10-11:30 a.m. quilting with Sara; 1:30-3:30 p.m. — rug hooking with Cheryl.
Contact Lucy Harward, (864) 419-1794 or daleandlucy@gmail.com if you have any questions or comments.
• Six Mile Farmers Market seeks vendors
The town of Six Mile is looking for vendors at the Six Mile Farmers Depot for the 2016 season. The market starts the third Thursday in April and runs through the last Thursday in September.
Vendors may sell plants, flowers, vegetables, fruit and arts and crafts. Cakes, pies, jams and jellies produced in a DHEC-approved kitchen may also be sold. The Six Mile Farmers Market is located on Main Street in Six Mile in the old fire department building next to Town Hall. The market features 18 vendor stations inside and has room outside for several more. If interested, contact market manager Jim Hayes at (864) 650-5078 or james_hayes@sixmilesc.org.
• PHS class of 1956 set to hold reunion
The Pickens High School Class of 1956 is planning a reunion for April 9. It will be a dutch lunch at The Gatehouse Restaurant at the corner of Ann and Griffin streets in Pickens. It will begin at noon.
Make your reservations by calling Allison Dalton at (864) 859-4396, Marie Welborn at (864) 878-9124 or Tunkie Stokes at (864) 878-6101.
Keep the carrots coming
By Olivia Fowler
For the Courier
For some reason I associate carrots with spring. Their bright color adds a cheerful note to a dinner plate. This week’s recipes include a carrot salad, roasted carrots, a carrot vegetable medley and, of course, a yummy carrot cake.
I like this carrot cake because it includes pineapple, apple sauce and raisins in the batter. It’s very moist, a number one requirement for cake. I don’t put coconut in my carrot cake, but that’s just a personal preference.
I hope you’ll enjoy these recipes. Feel free to improve upon them any way you like.
Glazed Carrots
- 1 lb. carrots, approximately 7 medium, peeled and cut on the bias 1/4-inch thick
- 1 oz. unsalted butter
- Heavy pinch kosher salt
- 1 c. good-quality ginger ale
- 1/2 tsp. chili powder
- 1 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
In a 12-inch saute pan over medium heat, combine the carrots, butter, salt and ginger ale. Cover and bring to a simmer. Once simmering, remove the lid, stir, and reduce the heat to low. Cover again and cook for five minutes. Remove the lid, add the chili powder and increase the heat to high.
Cook, tossing occasionally, until the ginger ale is reduced to a glaze, approximately four to five minutes. Pour into a serving dish and sprinkle with the parsley. Serve immediately.
Carrot Raisin Salad
- 2⁄3 c. raisins
- 2 c. coarsely grated carrots
- 1 c. crushed pineapple, drained
- 1⁄3 c. mayonnaise-type salad dressing
- 1 tbsp. lemon juice
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- 1 tbsp. sugar
Toss raisins, carrots, and pineapple together lightly; set aside.
Stir together mayonnaise, lemon juice, salt and sugar and add to the raisin mixture.
Refrigerate until served.
Carrot Cake
- 2 c. all-purpose flour
- 2 tsp. baking soda
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- 1 tsp. salt
- 2 tsp. ground cinnamon
- 1 tsp. nutmeg
- 1 3/4 c. white sugar
- 1/2 c. vegetable oil
- 1/2 c. applesauce
- 3 eggs
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- 2 c. shredded carrots
- 1 c. raisins
- 1 c. chopped pecans
- 8 oz. crushed pineapple, drained
- 16 oz. cream cheese
- 1/2 c. butter, softened
- 1 1/2 c. confectioners’ sugar
- 1 c. pecans chopped (optional, for garnish)
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour two 9 inch round pans.
Mix flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, nutmeg and cinnamon. Make a well in the center and add sugar, oil, apple sauce, eggs and vanilla. Mix with wooden spoon until smooth.
Stir in carrots, pecans, raisins and pineapple.
Split evenly between both nine-inch pans. Bake at 350 degrees for about 35 minutes. Allow to cool. Don’t worry about the slight sinking in the center. This is normal.
To make the frosting:
Cream the butter and cream cheese until smooth. Add the confectioners sugar and beat until creamy. Frost cooled cake layers.
Roasted Carrots, Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts
- 1/3 c. extra-virgin olive oil
- 3 medium carrots, cut into thick circles
- 1 1/2 c. Brussels sprouts, halved
- 4 c. red bliss potatoes, cut into thick slices
- 3 medium parsnips, cut into thick slices
- 1 c. sweet potatoes, cut into thick slices
- 1 tbsp. dried oregano
- 1 tbsp. dried rosemary
- 1 tsp. dried thyme
- 1 tsp. dried basil
- 1/4 tsp. sea salt
- 2 tbsp. freshly ground black pepper
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
Grease an 11 by 17-inch baking sheet pan with extra-virgin olive oil. Place vegetables in baking sheet and add the dried herbs, salt and pepper. Toss well, evenly coating all the vegetables with the seasonings and oil. Add more oil if the vegetables seem dry.
Spread the vegetables evenly on a large baking sheet.
Place on middle rack in oven and bake for 35 to 40 minutes.