Daily Archives: 03/15/2016
Easley High NJROTC team takes ninth in national event

Cadets visiting Mount Rainer during a fun break from competition.
EASLEY — Easley High School Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp (NJROTC) unit competed in the Navy National Orienteering Championship held in the Seattle area on March 5-6.
Orienteering is a sport that involves land navigation, cross country running and decision making. Easley qualified to compete nationally by winning the region competition in January. 29 NJROTC units out of more than 600 units throughout the United States qualified to compete at the national level by placing first, second or third in their respective NJROTC Area.
Easley’s Junior Varsity team took fifth place overall, with cadet Kelsie Hart leading the team, placing first individually on the orange course. Easley placed ninth overall.
“I’m proud of the team,” EHS instructor Chief Mark Stauder said. “Going into a three-hour-different time zone, running a different type of terrain and being out of their element, I think they did extremely well. Most of these cadets will never have the opportunity to compete on a national level again in their lifetime in any type of competition, so this event was a great experience.”
The cadets who competed were cadets Brandon Marsh, Ryan Jeanes, Cody Marshall, Joey Sigler, Brenda Lopez-Perez, Kelsie Hart, Griff Von Schmittou, William Frazier, Chase Wengerd and Matthew West.
Stauder also gave thanks to chaperone Jacqueline Ashford, who helped with locating the venues and ensuring that the cadets were well fed and hydrated throughout the trip.
Member of the Month
This month’s Pickens Chamber of Commerce Member of the Month is the Hagood Community Center/Pickens Senior Center. The Hagood Community Center is located at 129 Schoolhouse St. in Pickens and helps improves the lives of seniors through communal meals, entertainment, education, recreation and cultural activities. Contact the center at (864) 878-6000 or pickenssenior@hagoodcenter.org.
Faith Lutheran plans Luncheon
PICKENS — Faith Lutheran Chapel will hold a church fundraiser luncheon this Friday, March 18.
The event, which will run from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m., will be held in the church’s Fellowship Hall, located at 729 W. Main St. in Pickens. The plates will be sold for $7 and will include lasagna, cheesy potatoes, green salad, garlic bread, tea and dessert. Everyone is welcome to enjoy their meal at the church, pick up plates to go or even have some delivered. For more information, call (864) 419-7049.
Soapstone set to host fundraiser
PICKENS — Soapstone Church invites everyone to a special fundraiser at the church, located at 296 Liberia Road in Pickens, this Saturday, March 19.
The event will feature fine cooking and will be held from noon-8 p.m.
Visitors will enjoy true Southern cooking, including a fish fry, barbecue and fried chicken with all the fixings right from Mrs. Mabel’s kitchen.
For more information, call (864) 414-8470.
Churches to present ‘The Easter Story’
PICKENS — Praters Creek and Crescent Hill Baptist churches of Pickens are joining to present “The Easter Story” this Saturday, March 19, from 2-4 p.m.
In addition to the story, there will be an Easter egg hunt for the children and refreshments for everyone.
The activity will take place at Praters Creek Baptist Church, located at 621 Praters Creek Road in Pickens.
Courier Community Calendar 3-16-16
• Classes offered at Hagood Center
New Fiber Room Center activities at the Hagood Center in Pickens have been scheduled for March and April.
On Tuesday, March 15, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. a one-day Fabric covered Mats with Beverly McCulty. Samples are available in Granger Fiber Arts. Supplies needed include one pkg. cotton covered clothesline (ACE has 7/32 inches x 50 feet), one or one and half inch wide strips of fabric, glue stick and a ig-zag sewing machine.
On Friday, April 8, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. there will be a one-day Water Color Butterflies workshop with Preston Rausch. Supplies will be provided. Charge is $25. Sample is available in Granger Fiber Arts. To insure an adequate number of supplies is available, please pre-register.
The fiber room committee plans in late March or early April a Sheer Delight Jacket (chenille) classs. Supply list and a sample will be available at a later date.
Below is a list of the center’s regular activities:
Monday: 10-11:30 a.m. — cathedral window quilts with Jacquie. Tuesday: 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. — weaving with Pat; 9-11:30 a.m. — doll clothes with Jacquie; 10-11:30 a.m. — yo-yos with Irene and prayer shawls and cancer caps with Sharon (in the library). Wednesday: 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. — weaving with Pat (in the heritage room); 10-11:30 a.m. — knitting with Tally. Thursday: 10-11:30 a.m. quilting with Sara; 1:30-3:30 p.m. — rug hooking with Cheryl.
Contact Lucy Harward, (864) 419-1794 or daleandlucy@gmail.com if you have any questions or comments.
• Six Mile Farmers Market seeks vendors
The town of Six Mile is looking for vendors at the Six Mile Farmers Depot for the 2016 season. The market starts the third Thursday in April and runs through the last Thursday in September.
Vendors may sell plants, flowers, vegetables, fruit and arts and crafts. Cakes, pies, jams and jellies produced in a DHEC-approved kitchen may also be sold. The Six Mile Farmers Market is located on Main Street in Six Mile in the old fire department building next to Town Hall. The market features 18 vendor stations inside and has room outside for several more. If interested, contact market manager Jim Hayes at (864) 650-5078 or james_hayes@sixmilesc.org.
• PHS class of 1956 set to hold reunion
The Pickens High School Class of 1956 is planning a reunion for April 9. It will be a dutch lunch at The Gatehouse Restaurant at the corner of Ann and Griffin streets in Pickens. It will begin at noon.
Make your reservations by calling Allison Dalton at (864) 859-4396, Marie Welborn at (864) 878-9124 or Tunkie Stokes at (864) 878-6101.
Courier Legals 3-16-16
Case No.: 2015-04-39-1527
Courier Notice to Creditors 3-16-16
The publisher shall only be liable for an amount less than or equal to the charge for the space of the item in error in the case of errors in or omissions from any advertisement, and only for the first incorrect insertion.
Courier Trespass Notices 3-16-16
In the state of South Carolina, trespass after notice is a misdemeanor criminal offense prohibited by section 16-11-620 for the South Carolina Code.
Those who enter upon the lands of others without the permission of the owner or manager shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor trespassing.
Courier Classifieds 3-16-16
The Pickens County Courier can print your classified ad! Call or come by to submit your classified. Rates are $8.95 for 20 words or less, additional words are only .15¢ a word.
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