Daily Archives: 06/03/2016
‘Understanding each other’s history’ and Rev. Pinckney
Recently in Charleston a large mural of Rev. Clementa Pinckney was unveiled. It was done by 28-year-old Columbia artist Tripp Barnes. It is big and colorful and covers the whole outside wall of a building on St. Phillips Street, a few blocks from my house and from Emanuel AME Church.
In addition to his likeness, the mural also has a short but powerful quote by Clem: “Across the South, we have a deep appreciation of history — we haven’t always had a deep appreciation of each other’s history.”
President Obama quoted these words at Clem’s funeral and it seems that these lines are increasingly being used to define at least part of Clem’s legacy.
So, in the spirit of all of us trying to better understand each other’s history, I’d like to offer a few bits and pieces of a common history — Clem’s and mine — about our shared interest in religion, politics and our neighborhood.
I live at the corner of Pitt and Bull Street right near the College of Charleston. My house was built in about 1886 as the parsonage or home of the ministers of the next door Plymouth Congregational Church. In 1887 over 100 African Americans founded Plymouth and it’s one of the oldest black congregational churches in the South. It is an example of independent black churches formed at the dawn of Emancipation. An early pastor was Francis L. Cardozo (more on him later) and he was also involved in the founding of Avery Normal Institute, an early school for black children.
Over the years, Plymouth pastors who lived in my house were active in anti-lynching and equal rights campaigns. Plymouth also hosted a number of prominent back figures; W.E.B. Du Bois, a founding NAACP member, visited in 1925. Singer and activist Paul Robeson (more on him later, too) stayed here while campaigning for presidential candidate Henry Wallace in 1948. (Full disclosure: the above info is from a state historic marker I helped get erected a few years ago.)
Rev. Francis L. Cardoza was the first African American elected to statewide office in America. He was born in Charleston, the son of Lydia Weston, a free woman of color, and Isaac Cardozo, a Sephardic Jew who worked at the federal customhouse. They had a common-law marriage, as state law prevented their marrying.
Cardozo worked as a carpenter and a shipbuilder and in 1858, he matriculated at the University of Glasgow in Scotland and he later attended seminaries in Edinburgh and London. He was ordained a Presbyterian minister. (So much for stereotypes — then and now — that all Reconstruction Era black politicians were uneducated louts, straight out of the fields.)
He became the first African-American elected to statewide office when he was elected S.C. secretary of state in 1868. He was later elected state treasurer in 1872 and was re-elected twice. When Cardozo was elected treasurer, African-Americans held four of eight statewide executive offices (but not governor) and four of five congressional seats.
Just down Bull Street is the home of Denmark Vesey, the self-freed former slave who was accused of plotting a slave insurrection in 1822. Vesey was pastor of Emanuel AME Church and when the alleged plot was discovered, he and 30 others were hanged and the church burned.
The rebuilt church was the same church where Rev. Pinckney was pastor and where the killings occurred on June 17 — the same date as the planned Vesey rebellion. Vesey’s home at 56 Bull Street is now designated as a National Historic Landmark.
Down Pitt Street in the next block from my house, is the home of Alonso J. Ransier. He was born in Charleston in 1834 as a free person of color. He was elected in 1868 to the S.C. House of Representatives and was also a member of the 1868 state constitutional convention that authorized for the first time a state public school system.
In 1869, Ransier was chosen as head of the S.C. Republican Party after his predecessor, Benjamin F. Randolph, was shot and killed while canvasing the Upstate districts for the presidential campaign of 1868.
In 1870 Ransier was elected the 54th Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina and in 1872 was elected to the U.S. Congress. After leaving Congress in 1875, Ransier was appointed by Republicans as a collector for the Internal Revenue Service. With the end of Reconstruction, he was relegated to menial work and at his death in 1882, he was working as a Charleston street cleaner.
Now for Paul Robeson. The son of a run-away slave, Robeson won an academic scholarship to Rutgers where he became an All-American football player. Then while playing in the NFL, he earned a law degree from Columbia University. He then became a renowned singer and then a stage and screen actor. He toured worldwide and became a global celebrity and was known as “the most famous Negro in the world.”
In 1948, former Vice President Henry Wallace ran for president on the newly formed Progressive Party ticket and he offered the Progressive Vice Presidential nomination to Robeson — but he refused. It was the Truman and Dewey election and Wallace had formed the Progressive Party partly in response to the breakaway anti-civil rights Dixiecrats Party and their candidate for President Strom Thurmond.
When Robeson came to speak at Plymouth, he was campaigning “in the belly of the beast” i.e. Dixiecrat Charleston. His unpopular leftist views had made him a pariah to some and no hotel — black or white — would give him a room. He stayed at the parsonage where upon an angry crowd gathered and threw rocks through the front window. Ironically, Robeson’s wife was the granddaughter of Rev. Cardoza.
So, there you have it, a little bit of Clem’s history — and my history — from our neighborhood.
In South Carolina we have “each other’s” history and we have our shared history, and we need to all try to understand both.
Phil Noble is a businessman in Charleston and president of the S.C. New Democrats, an independent reform group started by former Gov. Richard Riley to bring change and reform. He can be reached at phil@philnoble.com.
Woodson receives TCTC’s Presidential Medallion for Instructional Excellence
John Woodson, program coordinator for Media Arts Production at Tri-County Technical College, second from left, was honored May 10 with the highest award presented to the faculty. He received the Presidential Medallion for Instructional Excellence at the college’s spring commencement.
UPSTATE — John Woodson, program coordinator for Media Arts Production (MAP) at Tri-County Technical College, was honored May 10 with the highest award presented to the faculty. He received the Presidential Medallion for Instructional Excellence at the College’s spring commencement.
Dr. Ronnie L. Booth, president, presented the medallion to the Anderson resident. The medallion is presented each year to the instructor who has contributed the most during the academic year to the profession of teaching, to the development of the College and to the students.
A well-known media personality in the Upstate, Woodson has been leading the Media Arts Production (formerly Radio and Television Broadcasting, or RTV ) program since 2002.
“John is an enthusiastic faculty member and student advocate. Through his actions, he exhibits a grounded commitment to the success of students and colleagues alike,” said Tom Lawrence, department head for the College’s business and public services division. “He takes an active role in ensuring that all individuals reach their educational and professional goals. He proactively seeks new responsibilities, actively engages the College community and external stakeholders, and delivers process improvement on a College-wide scale,” Lawrence wrote in his nomination letter.
“John’s service to the MAP program and the division is exemplified by his novel approach to curricular design and ability to forecast market needs,” added Lawrence.
Woodson and MAP instructors worked with the program’s advisory committee in 2014 to redesign the program’s curriculum as it moved in the direction of multimedia and content creation. The RTV program was renamed Media Technology Arts and later in 2015 became MAP to more accurately capture the array of skills and technical competencies developed in the program. “John’s work with the advisory committee has been identified as a best practice and the committee was named the College’s Advisory Committee of the Year in 2015,” said Lawrence. The College’s MAP program remains one of the few two-year broadcasting/media production programs in the nation.
The program’s restructuring allows students to earn certificate(s), along with the associate degree. They can choose from three media certificates — Graphic Communications, Digital Production Techniques, and Digital Photography. The certificate gives them a specialty and the new degree has three electives. If they choose properly, they can graduate with two credentials — a degree and a certificate.
“John recognizes that there needs to be continuous improvement for Media Arts Production to remain state of the art,” said Jackie Blakley dean of the Business and Public Services Division.
“He is truly an advocate for the College and a great representative to the community. He is well known in the media and is always looking for ways to provide opportunities to students,” said Blakley.
“John provides quality instruction to his students is evidenced by the quality of jobs that his students receive upon graduation,” she said.
For many years, graduates predominantly worked behind the camera and microphone. They still are getting jobs in traditional media and are working at TV stations as cameramen and women, and as producers and announcers at radio stations, but they also are working in hospitals, non-profits, churches, and businesses as videographers, graphic designers and freelancing as photographers.
Since 2012 the department has hosted Media Mash-Up, a media festival and exhibition of student projects including audio, video editing, animation and photography. Student entries are judged by advisory committee members and community leaders who often are looking for potential hires.
Woodson’s curriculum work is an outgrowth of his desire to make the MAP program functional, relevant and cutting edge, said Lawrence. He developed a project charter that resulted in complete renovation of two computer labs including design and structural changes, with new hardware, software and functional learning spaces included. As a result a Tri-County student-led radio station, 95.1 The Hill, is now on the air.
Woodson is active in college committee work and during 2013 – 2016 he served as chair of the curriculum committee, as well as other standing committees. He attends broadcast educators conferences yearly to stay abreast of the changing dynamics in his field.
For the past several years he served as the College’s representative for the South Carolina Technical Education Association and was recently elected president of the organization.
He is equally dedicated to his community. He is a graduate of Leadership Anderson and was elected to the Board of its Alumni Association. He is the S.C. Broadcasters Association representative to the S.C. Congressional Delegation in Washington, DC. Last year he provided technical and professional experience to Greenville Technical College’s Holocaust Remembrance Week. He also facilitated the transfer of archival papers for Walter Brown, a leading S.C. broadcaster, to the University of South Carolina.
Prior to joining Tri-County in 2002, Woodson served as radio personality and general manager at WRIX in Anderson. He worked in every aspect of radio broadcasting, including DJ, production manager, program director, general manager and the co-host of the Talk 103 morning show. He also taught broadcasting classes at Tri-County on a part time basis from 1993 – 97. Additionally, Woodson is a weekend announcer for Classic Rock 101.1.
A 1985 graduate of Tri-County’s RTV program, Woodson also holds an associate in arts degree from Tri-County (1994) and a bachelor’s in journalism from Anderson College (1997). This year, he earned a master’s in communication from Walden University.
He and his wife, Julia, live in Anderson and have six children and seven grandchildren.
Courier Community Calendar 6-1-16
• Mt. Tabor Baptist to host ‘Mission Market’
The Mt. Tabor Baptist Church will hold a “Mission Market” Saturday, June 11, from 7-11 a.m. Rent a table/space for $8 or just come and shop. Proceeds will benefit a different mission each month. Mt. Tabor Baptist Church is located at 4174 Dacusville Highway in Easley. For more information, call (864) 979-1546.
• Nix reunion planned for June 5 in Pickens
The desendants of Ulysses and Lou Annie Monroe Nix will hold the annual Nix family reunion on Sunday, June 5, at Northside Baptist Church, located at 421 Sangamo Road in Pickens. Lunch will be at 1 p.m. Plates, cups and ice will be furnished. Family members are asked to bring covered dishes, desserts and drinks.
• Special June events set for Granger Room
Special June events are planned at the Pickens Community Senior/Senior Center. On June 8, all Granger knitters and crocheters are invited to a day of pleasant knitting and crocheting off-campus. Call Lucy Harward at (864) 419-1794 or email her at daleandlucy@gmail.com if you need more information. Don’t continue burning your hands when you remove bowls of hot food from your microwave. Join Sara Stuckie on June 9 at 9 a.m. and make a microwave bowl cozy. Stop by the Granger Room to view an example. Supplies needed include two pieces of coordinating 100 percent cotton fabric, two pieces 100 percent cotton batting, 100 percent cotton thread to match your fabric, plus pins, sewing machine (or you may use one which has been donated to us), scissors, and other usual sewing items. There will be three pattern sizes to choose from: 10-inches, 12-inches, and 15-inches. You will cut your fabric into squares the size you need to fit your bowl. Call Harward at (864) 419-1794 or email her at daleandlucy@gmail.com if you have additional questions.
• Hagood Mauldin House open for tours
The Pickens County Historical Society extends an invitation to visit the Hagood-Mauldin House. This historic home was built in the 1850s in the old town of Pickens Court House on the west bank of the Keowee River. The home was disassembled and moved to its present site at 104 N. Lewis St. in Pickens in 1868, when Pickens District was divided into Pickens and Oconee counties. The house is furnished with period antiques.
The Hagood-Mauldin House is open the third Saturday of each month, April through October 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The fees are $5 for adults and $1 for children and students (18 and under). Private tours may be arranged during the week by calling (864) 421-4771. Parking is available at Legacy Square, next to McDonald’s.
• Trotter reunion set for June 11 in Pelzer
The annual Trotter family reunion is set for noon on June 11. The event will be held at the Tabernacle Baptist Church on Smythe Road in Pelzer.
Directions to the church are take S.C. 8 into Pelzer, then turn left onto S.C. 20 at BI-LO. Smythe Road is on the right.
This is a combined reunion with the descendants of James S. Trotter, brother of George MacDuffie “Mac” Trotter.
PHS plans football camps
PICKENS — A series of summer football camps at Pickens High School will kick off next week.
Flight School, a speed and agility camp, will be held June 8, 15, 22 and 29 from 8-9 a.m. The camp, which is for high school players only, will cost $10 per session, or $35 if all four weeks are paid in full by June 8.
The NFL Flag League and Youth Flight School is scheduled for June 8, 15 and 22. The event will run from 9 a.m.-noon each of those days, with Youth Flight School from 9-9:45 a.m., mini-camp from 9:45-10:15 a.m. and flag football games from 10:15 a.m.-noon. The $90 cost for the camp will include lunch, a free youth day camp on June 29, Youth Flight School and an NFL flag jersey. Flag football signups will be open through Friday.
The Blue Flame Youth Day Camp for all skills is set for 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on June 29. The camp will cost $30, which will cover lunch, a snack and Youth Flight School for the day.
Checks should be made payable to the Pickens TD Club, and payments should be brought on the first day of camp.
For more information, contact Pickens High School football coach John Boggs at johnboggs@pickens.k12.sc.us or (864) 985-3104.
Courier Obituaries 6-1-16
Bertha E. Patterson
Pickens — Bertha E. Holcombe Patterson, 78, widow of Carl D. Patterson, went home to be with The Lord on Sunday, May 22, 2016.
Mrs. Patterson was born in Anderson, daughter of the late Parley Oscar and Mary Finley Holcombe. She was retired from the Arial Plant of Alice Manufacturing Co. and she was a member of Jehovah Witnesses Kingdom Hall in Central.
Survivors include sons David Patterson of Easley and Gerald Patterson and Bryon Patterson, both of Pickens, brothers Johnny Holcombe of Pickens and J. Roy Holcombe of Easley and sisters Earline Roper and Jeweldean Durham. Also surviving are 17 grandchildren and 36 great-grandchildren.
In addition to her husband and parents, Mrs. Patterson was preceded in death by daughters Shirley Dunson and Sharon Broome, sons Ronnie Dean Patterson and Charles Eugene Patterson, brothers James Holcombe and Herman Holcombe and sisters Elizabeth Gibson, Eula Hudson, Verdebell Jameson and Beatrice Gantt.
Services were held May 26 in the chapel of Dillard Funeral Home, with burial following at Hillcrest Memorial Park and Gardens.
A message of condolence may be expressed to the family by visiting www.Dillardfunerals.com.
Winnie W. McCallister
Easley — Mrs. Winnie Bell Wallace McCallister, 85, wife of Jack McCallister passed away Tuesday, May 24, 2016, at Magnolia Manor of Greenville.
Born in Sabinal, Texas, a daughter of the late Marion Sanford and Bertha Barsom Wallace, Mrs. McCallister was a retired insurance agent and a member of Isleton Methodist Church.
Surviving are two sons, Earl Custard (Lisa) of South Carolina, and Kenneth Custard (Glenda) of California; two daughters, Cecilia Logan (Jaimie) of Alabama, and Mary Anne McGregor (David) of Texas; two stepchildren, Janet Lenore and Mark McCallister, both of California; a sister-in-law, Roberta Wallace of Texas; 14 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. In addition to her parents, Mrs. McCallister was predeceased by a son, Michael Custard; a granddaughter; five brothers and two sisters.
Memorial services will be held Friday, June 3, at 11 a.m. in the Fireplace Room of Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, Greenville, SC.
Family members are at their respective homes.
Condolences may be expressed online at www.robinsonfuneralhomes.com or in person at Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown, which is assisting the family.
Glen Lane
Easley — Mr. Lester Glen Lane, 62, husband of Brenda Taylor Lane, passed away Thursday, May 26, 2016, at St. Francis Hospital.
Born in Greenville County, a son of June Bragg Isbell of Easley and the late James Lester Lane, Mr. Lane was an automotive muffler mechanic with Armando’s Muffler Repair and a member of New Life Baptist Church, Pickens.
Surviving in addition to his wife of 31 years, and his mother and stepfather, Robert Isbell, are two daughters, Lori Nettles (Bubba) of Easley, and Amanda McCullough (Chad) of Dacusville; a brother, Jerry Lane (Joyce) of Powdersville; a sister, Sheila Lanzer (Steve) of Powdersville; and three grandchildren, Breanna Owens (Nathan), Ty Nettles and Cale McCullough.
Graveside services were held May 28 at Hillcrest Memorial Park.
Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society, 154 Milestone Way, Greenville, SC 29615, or to the Alzheimer’s Association, 301 University Ridge, Suite 5000 Greenville, SC 29601.
Condolences may be expressed online at www.robinsonfuneralhomes.com or in person at Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown, which is assisting the family.
Doris G. Chapman
Easley — Mrs. Doris Granger Chapman, 75, wife of William Charles “Bill” Chapman, passed away Friday, May 27, 2016, at McCall Hospice House.
Born in Pickens County, a daughter of the late Bruce and Eunice Porter Granger, Mrs. Chapman was a graduate of Pickens High School and Draughon’s Business College. She retired from Hoechst Celanese and was a member of Jones Avenue Baptist Church.
Surviving, in addition to her husband of 55 years, are a daughter, Lisa R. Burnett (Ken) of Inman; two brothers, Alvin and Fred Granger, both of Pickens; a sister, Marilyn Murrell of Easley; and a grandson, Zackery Campbell.
Funeral services were held May 30, in the chapel of Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown, with entombment following in the Woodlawn Memorial Park Mausoleum.
Condolences may be expressed online at www.robinsonfuneralhomes.com or in person at Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown, which is assisting the family.
Ricky Loggins
Easley — Mr. Ricky Dale Loggins, 53, passed away Thursday, May 26, 2016, at his home.
Born in Pickens County, a son of the late Johnny Henry Loggins and the late Peggy Faye Smith Loggins McKee, Mr. Loggins retired from GE Gas Turbine and was of the Baptist faith. He was a U.S. Army National Guard Veteran.
Surviving are a son, Dustin Loggins (Chelsea Roe) of Easley; a daughter, Ashlyn Loggins (Matt Dickerson) of Easley; his step-father, Randell McKee of Easley; a sister, Pamela J. Mason of Six Mile; and two grandchildren, Hazel Loggins and Alex Mays. In addition to his parents, Mr. Loggins was predeceased by a daughter, Brandi Kearney.
Private memorial services will be held at a later date.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Shine Soup Kitchen, P.O. Box 203, Easley, SC 29641, or to the Greenville Humane Society, 305 Airport Road, Greenville, SC 29607.
Condolences may be expressed online at www.robinsonfuneralhomes.com or in person at Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown, which is assisting the family.
Bessie H. Moon
Liberty — Bessie Holcombe Moon, 105, of Liberty, passed away Sunday, May 29, 2016, at Brookdale of Central.
Born February 13, 1911, in Pickens County, Mrs. Moon was a daughter of the late John Esley and Della Alexander Holcombe. She graduated from Easley High School. She enjoyed a career at Robinson’s Department Store in Easley. Since 1957, Mrs. Moon was a very active member of First Baptist Church in Liberty. She supported the Shriners Hospital, and she was a member of the Liberty Women’s Club, the American Legion Auxiliary, and the Friends of the Library. She enjoyed entertaining friends, especially on her back patio, and she loved cooking, sewing and gardening. She was an avid fan of Clemson and the Atlanta Braves. Mrs. Moon was a devoted mother, grandmother, sister and aunt.
Surviving are a daughter, Beth Mahaffey and her husband, Richie, of Decatur, Ga.; one brother, John Holcombe of Easley; one sister, Anita Greene of Powdersville; five grandchildren, Christopher Mahaffey and his wife, Heather; Lindsay Mahaffey, Mary Bess Mahaffey, Barry Benjamin, and Matthew Benjamin; and three great-grandchildren, Grant, Ella, and Patrick Mahaffey. She was predeceased by her husband, Mickler B. Moon; a daughter, Mickla Mortenson; a grandson, John Richard Mahaffey; four brothers; and three sisters.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday, June 2, in the Chapel of Robinson Funeral Home-Powdersville Road. Entombment will follow in the Chapel of Reflection Mausoleum at Robinson Memorial Gardens.
The family will receive friends from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home prior to the service.
Memorials may be made to the Shriners Hospital For Children, 950 West Faris Road, Greenville, SC 29605 or to First Baptist Church, 400 Edgemont Avenue, Liberty, SC 29657.
Condolences may be expressed online at www.RobinsonFuneralHomes.com or in person at Robinson Funeral Home-Powdersville Road, Easley, which is assisting the family.
Pickens High School Class of 2016
The following students graduated from Pickens High School during commencement ceremonies at the school on Saturday, May 28.
Tyler Madison Adams Justin Clay Adcox Holly Nicole Albert Colby Taylor Alexander Ashlee Sue Amerson Emily Renee Anders Grayson Yancey Anders Samuel Mitchell Anders Jake Hampton Anderson Denver William Anthony Somer Leanne Anthony Stephanie Nicole Anthony Weston Joe Anthony Brandon Tyler Atkins William Marshall Austin, Jr..
Rebecca Lynne Baker Mason Miller Barkley Theren Austin Barlet Alexis Morgan Barnes Jaira Denise Barnhardt Diamond Alexandria Nikole Barrett Dakota Cheyenne Barringer Bailey Blue Barton Amber Cheyenne Bearden Meagan Tinsley Beauvais Justin Blythe Kyia Marisa Blythe Marion Elizabeth Board Ashlynn Skye Bowie Steven Ryan Brady Austin Joab Brezeale Brett Lawrence Brezeale Austin Cameron Brinson Ashley Nicole Brooks Anaston Leigh Broom Mansi Venida Gabrielle Brown Taylor Raye Brown Maddison Alyssa Bryant Robin Connor Burgess.
Justin Michael Campbell Dakota Lillean Cantrell Trinnadey Alexa Cassell Sydney Rynne Chapman Madison Taylor Chappell Zachary Stephen Chastain Emily Chesnee-Hawk Chavis Andrea Marie Chavous Josef Sean Tilor Cheek Emily Anna Cisson Emilee Louise Clark McKalen Patrick Clark Ridge Taylor Clark Kera Reshale Cobb Timothy Michael Cole Jason Neill Coleman, Jr. Jerry Hampton Coleman Michael Allen Coleman Cynthia Lynn Cooper Dorothymae Jean Cote Parker Reece Couch Syvanna Marie Couch Gunner Klein Covey Morgan Brantley Cox Hannah Nychole Crawford Journie Brendale Crenshaw Jacob Dalton Croley Gregory Darren Crowe Loreto Marie Luna Cruz Brandon Lee Culpepper.
Joel Spencer Dalton, III Michael Eugene Dare Hayleigh Deanna DeMaria Ruby Faith Dennis Ashton Lane Dionne Bradey Roger Dover McKayla Diane Dryman Skyler Laine Duckett, III Enoch Loyd Duncan Audrey Hope Durham Brandi Nicole Durham Brianna Cathleen Durham Adam Nathaniel Dykens.
Ethan Scott Eades Thomas Christopher Earnest III Erin Rebecca Ely Aubrey Lynn Emery Ignacio Estrada.
Rosita Celeste Marie Fair Isaac Taylor Ferrell Kelly Elisabeth Finn Krislyne Haley Dawn Fisher James Isaac Forest Ariana Breeze Franklin.
Cameron McKenzie Galloway Crystal Diane Galloway Rachel Sue Ann Galloway Mary Elizabeth Gamble Juan Alberto Garcia Allison Renee’ Gardner Anna-Marie Inez Garrett Marcus Andrew Gass Thomas James Gass Katelin Taylor George Breanna Mae Gibson Austin Mark Gillespie Zachary Trevor Gillespie Randi-Leigh Sue Gilliland Andrew Austin Gilstrap Jonathan Chace Gilstrap Dalton Smith Goodwin Grayson Blaine Grant John Tyler Gravely Matthew Thomas Gravely Caleb Lynn Gravley Matthew Colton Greathouse.
Hannah Noel Hall Jacob Calvin Hammond Samantha Brianna Hammond Jonathan Nicholas Hannah Tristan Zachary Hardin Rebecca Megan Harris Brandy Allison Leigh Henderson Matthew Stewart Hendricks Travis Alexander Hensley Douglas Edward Higgins Mary Kathryn Hill Corbin Eric Hinkle Charles Daniel Hodge Haley Nicole Holcombe Isaiah Grayson Holcombe Sawyer Garrett Holcombe Madison Elise Holford Nacoda Shallie Hullett Jacob Allen Hyatt Brittney Mae Hylton.
Samantha Lucille Jackson Keenan Alek West Jarvis Felicia Vietta Jenkins Ashley Lynn Johnson Jacob Brian Johnson Jessica Jordan Johnson Sarah Nichole Johnson Brittani Anshanique Jones Katlyn Shiloh Lee Jones.
William Brandon Lee Kay Jebediah Miller Kelley Sydney Lee Kidder Hanna Lee King Catherine Luenia Kluth Amber Nichole Knight Grayson Hunter Knight Ahmed Abdalla Kobach.
Breanna Rebecca Lee LaFlamme Devyn Nicole Lapann Andrew Jacob Lathe Zachary Isaac Lawson Jonathan Douglas LeClair Ethan William Lee Brodey Garred Lewis Jacy Ann Lewis Kelsey Arlene Lewis David Austin Little Grace Holliday Littlejohn Katie Leigh Littleton Darra Alexis Long James Logan Lusk Chandler Cannon Lyda.
William Hunter Maddrey Brody Robert Manley Madison Rose Mann Laure Alexandra Marsceau Matthew John Martin Zachary Tyler Mason Lindsey Ann Masters Savannah Olivia Masters McKayla Dayle McCarson Hunter Forrest McCollum William Andrew McHone Hayden Elijah McKee Brittany Marina Mealor Mariah Dene’ Meeder Isis Elizabeth Mejia Anika Belle Miles Jackson Tyler Miller Avery Isaiah Milton Noelle Marie Mironchik Bradlee Caroline Moon Christopher Ethan Moore Christopher Logan Moore Samantha Jane Morgan Alyssa Nicole Mullinax.
Colby Dwayne Nabors Julie Kay Nalley Haley Michelle Nealy Michael Lawrence Nelson, Jr. Annamarie Louise Newell Mallorie Stewart Newman Riley Anne Nicholson Jeffrey Lynn Normandin.
Josie Danielle O’Bryant Luke Thomas Orr Courtney Madison Owen Mark Stephen Owen Skylynn Celeste Owen.
Megan Brianna Padgett Camden Lee Page Jarrett Austin Painter Catherine Elizabeth Parker Gary Berkley Parker River James Parker Logan Tate Parvis Victoria Leah Patrick Madelyn LeeAnna Patterson Wade Allen Patterson Caleb Warren Payne Kevin Lee Payton Erin Faith Pearson Hunter Geneen Peterson Sarah Audrianna Grace Phillips Kayla Dawn Pittman Abigail Frances Porter Kaetlyn Nicole Porter Hannah Noel Poston Orry Taylor Pridgen.
Jeffrey Scott Raby ShaQuan Tiriq DaQuan Radcliff Rachel Destin Rahn Carl Jefferson Raines Logan Stewart Ramey Dustin Edward Reagan William Scott Reynolds, II Ciara Nicolle Rice Colby Cade Ridley Abigail Lois Roach Markus Reid Roberts Connor Evan Robinson Steven Billy Roe Carson Brian Roper Corey Allen Roper Joshua Taylor Rusher Aubry Marissa Ryer.
Kaitlyn Marie Satterfield Brooke Marie Saxon Cheyenne Autumn Sayre Meaghan Nicole Searcy Austin Garrett Setzer Justin Hunter Sexton Mark Allen Shawley Gabrielle Lamar Shue April Melissa Simms Lucas Lee Smith Zoe Smith Stanley Alexis Deann Stegall Meaghan Elyse Stewart Brienna Lee Stillwagon Austin Keith Swanger.
Dana Nichole Talley Skyler Lee Tallman Jennifer Cheyenne Tapp Lillie MacKenzie Tate Abigail Grace Tatum Ashlyn Brooke Terry William Steele Tester Sydni Cecile Thames Adam Nathaniel Thomas Carole Connie Thomas Kelsey Noel Todd Christopher Michael Toney Joshua Eli Trimnal Morgan Amelia Trotter.
Alec Christian Underwood.
Emily Cheyenne Varner Janie Lauren Villano.
Jacob Patton Wagner Kwenton Elijah William Waldrop Courtney Michelle Ward Derrick Henry Wardlaw Richard Anthony Warner Michael Warren Waters Jared Martin Weatherford Zackary Robin Weeks Makayla Frances Wells Makala Savannah Wheeler Sarah Lynn Whitaker Dylan McKenzie Whitfield Leanna Nichole Wilder Jacob Nathaniel Williams William Henry Williams, III Daniel Lee Willis, II Paige Blythe Wilson Jarod Davis Winchester Victoria Brook Winchester Alexandria Danielle Womack Deana Louise Woody Jacob Andrew Wright.
Tiffany Megan Natasha Yount.
Pickens High School Honors and Awards
The following is a list of awards, honors, recognitions and scholarships recently presented to students at Pickens High School, as provided by the School District of Pickens County.
All A Honor Roll — Seniors: Holly Nicole Albert, Emily Renee Anders, Brett Lawrence Brezeale, Anaston Leigh Broom, Justin Michael Campbell, Zachary Stephen Chastain, Andrea Marie Chavous, Morgan Brantley Cox, Loreto Marie Luna Cruz, Adam Nathaniel Dykens, Thomas Christopher Earnest, Erin Rebecca Ely, Isaac Taylor Ferrell, Anna-Marie Inez Garrett, Breanna Mae Gibson, Randi-Leigh Sue Gilliland, Kelsey Arlene Lewis, Grace Holliday Littlejohn, Matthew John Martin, Lindsey Ann Masters, Savannah Olivia Masters, Lillie MacKenzie Tate
AB Honor Roll — Seniors: Justin Clay Adcox, Somer Leanne Anthony, Rebecca Lynne Baker, Dakota Cheyenne Barringer, Meagan Tinsley Beauvais, Kyia Marisa Blythe, Ashlynn Skye Bowie, Austin Joab Brezeale, Austin Cameron Brinson, Ashley Nicole Brooks, Mansi Venida Gabrielle Brown, Maddison Alyssa Bryant, Trinnadey Alexa Cassell, Emilee Louise Clark, KeraReshale Cobb, Cynthia Lynn Cooper, Dorothymae Jean Cote, Parker Reece Couch, Syvanna Marie Couch, Journie Brendale Crenshaw, McKayla Diane Dryman, Skyler Laine Duckett, Audrey Hope Durham, Brandi Nicole Durham, Brianna Cathleen Durham, Ethan Scott Eades, Ignacio Estrada, Kelly Elisabeth Finn, Crystal Diane Galloway, Allison Renee’ Gardner, Katelin Taylor George, Matthew Colton Greathouse, Hannah Noel Hall, Samantha Brianna Hammond, Rebecca Megan Harris, Mary Kathryn Hill, Isaiah Grayson Holcombe, Nacoda Shallie Hullett, Ashley Lynn Johnson, Hanna Lee King, Ahmed AbdallaKobach, Breanna Rebecca Lee LaFlamme, Devyn Nicole Lapann, Andrew Jacob Lathe, Hunter Forrest McCollum, Christopher Ethan Moore, Mallorie Stewart Newman, Josie Danielle O’Bryant, Courtney Madison Owen, Jarrett Austin Painter, Logan Tate Parvis, Wade Allen Patterson, Sarah Audrianna Grace Phillips, Kayla Dawn Pittman, Abigail Frances Porter, Hannah Noel Poston, William Scott Reynolds, Steven Billy Roe, Aubry Marissa Ryer, Austin Garrett Setzer, April Melissa Simms, Meaghan Elyse Stewart, Brienna Lee Stillwagon, Abigail Grace Tatum, Carole Connie Thomas, Kelsey Noel Todd, Joshua Eli Trimnal, Morgan Amelia Trotter, Janie Lauren Villano, Jacob Patton Wagner, Jared Martin Weatherford, William Henry Williams, Jarod Davis Winchester, Victoria Brook Winchester, Alexandria Danielle Womack, Jacob Andrew Wright
Academic Honors Awards — Morgan Cox, Andrew Lathe, Matthew Martin, Riley Nicholson, Carole Thomas
National Merit Scholarship Program Letter of Commendation Recipient — Matthew Martin
Principal’s Leadership Award — Mason Barkley
Alpha Delta Kappa Scholarship — Savannah Masters
Pickens County Teacher Forum Scholarship — Gracie Littlejohn, Savannah Masters, Mansi Brown
Delta Kappa Gamma Education Scholarship —
Teaching Fellows Scholarship — Jerry Coleman
Carrols Burger King Scholarship —
Pickens Rotary Scholarship — Dakota Barringer
Beverly M. Smith Junior Assembly Scholarship — Madison Mann
Diane Wilson Memorial Scholarship — Logan Parvis
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Scholarship — Jacob Wagner
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Heart of a Champion Award — Cole Seaborn
Lynn Garrison Memorial Beta Club Scholarship — Anaston Broom
Mackenzie Brooke Sullivan Memorial Scholarship — Samantha Hammond
North Greenville University Scholarships — Taylor Brown, Journie Crenshaw, Allison Gardner, Matt Gravely, Jon Hannah, Samantha Morgan, Julie Nalley, Meaghan Stewart
North Greenville University Crusader Fellow Scholarship — Zachary Chastain
Southern Wesleyan University Scholarships — Brandy Henderson, Logan Lusk, Madison Mann, Mariah Meeder, Jackson Miller, Mackenzie Tate, Brett Brezeale, Anna Marie Garrett, Zoe Stanley
Tri-County Tech, Foundations Scholarships — National Wild Turkey Federation Scholarship — Anaston Broom
POSAM/YAM – Traditional Music Torchbearers’ Award — Andrew Lathe, Isaac Ferrell, Samantha Morgan
Daughters of the American Revolution Award — Riley Nicholson
United States Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award — Gunner Covey, Mary Gamble
United States Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award — Matthew Martin
United States Marine Corps Semper Fidelis Award for Musical Excellence — April Simms
West Point Scholarship — Isaac Ferrell
The Citadel Army Junior ROTC Scholarship — Adam Dykens
Sons of the American Revolution Award — Jerry Coleman
Military Order of World Wars — Will Tester
Daughters of the American Revolution Award — Carole Thomas
American Legion Academic Award #1 — Andrew Lathe
American Legion Military Award #2 — Jacob Wright
National Sojourners Award — Michael Dare
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry — Logan Moore
US Army Recruiting Command Award #1 — Austin Gillespie
US Army Recruiting Command Award #2 — Julie Nalley
The Military Officers Association Award — Marion Board
Reserve Officers Association Medal — Darra Long
Presentation of Beta Club Stoles — Emily Anders, Mason Barkley, Bailey Barton, Amber Bearden, Kyia Blythe, Anaston Broom, Lexi Cassell, Emily Cisson, McKalen Clark, Kera Cobb, Morgan Cox, Journie Crenshaw, Lori Cruz, Brandi Durham, Isaac Ferrell, Ally Gardner, Hannah Hall, Samantha Hammond, Madison Holford, Ashley Johnson, Jeb Kelley, Devyn Lapann, Zac Lawson, Gracie Littlejohn, Madison Mann, Matthew Martin, Lindsey Ann Masters, Savannah Masters, Hunter McCollum, Mariah Meeder, Bradlee Moon, Julie Nalley, Mallorie Newman, Riley Nicholson, Josie O’Bryant, Skylynn Owen, Kaetlyn Porter, Rachel Rahn, Will Reynolds, Ciara Rice, Marissa Ryer, Kaitlyn Satterfield, Cheyenne Sayre, April Simms, Kenzie Tate, Will Tester, Carole Thomas, Lauren Villano, Jacob Wagner, Will Williams
National Art Honor Society — Meagan Beauvais, Ally Gardner, Brittney Hylton
National Spanish Honor Society — Deidre Brown, Eden Cassell, Elijah Coggins, Brandi Durham, Emily Forest, MegAnnHaubold, Elizabeth Ward, Kate Callahan, Jerry Coleman, Loreto Cruz, Kinsley Deck, Rachel Finley, Samuel Lawson, Laurann Lindquist, Riley Rahn, Taylor Abercrombie, Jada Barr, Elizabeth Bramel, Taylor Davis, Kayli Denton, Katelyn Durham, Jacob Garrick
2015 Palmetto Boys State Citizen Award — Mason Barkley, Austin Brezeale, Brett Brezeale, Andrew Lathe, Matthew Martin, Jacob Wagner
2016 Palmetto Boys State Citizen Award — Jake Gantt, Jacob Garrick, Sam Lawson, James McDonald, Johnathan Reece, Cole Seaborn
2015 Palmetto Girls State Delegate Award — Emily Anders, Savannah Masters, Mallorie Newman, Carol Thomas
2016 Palmetto Girls State Delegate Award — Eden Cassell, Kayli Denton, Elizabeth Ward
Palmetto Fellows Award — Austin Brezeale, Zachary Chastain, Morgan Cox, Lori Cruz, Brandi Durham, Andrew Lathe, Matthew Martin, Riley Nicholson, Carson Roper, Marissa Ryer, Carole Thomas
Palmetto Fellows Qualifiers — Savannah Masters
Faculty Choice Awards — Austin Brezeale, Anaston Broom, Gunner Covey, Andrew Lathe, Matthew Martin, Savannah Masters, Rachel Rahn, Meaghan Stewart, Carole Thomas, Jacob Wagner
Best All Around Seniors — Savannah Masters, Matthew Martin
Most Improved Senior — Douglas Edward Higgins
Senior Athletes of the Year — Austin Brezeale, Somer Anthony, Mary Gamble
Pickens High School Scholar Athletes — Morgan Cox, Austin Brezeale, Brett Brezeale, Zack Chastain, Mallorie Newman, April Simms, Josie O’Bryant, Carson Roper, Emily Anders, Jacob Wagner, Logan Parvis, Will Reynolds, Kaitlyn Satterfield, Lexi Cassell, Samantha Hammond, Meaghan Stewart, Anna-Marie Garrett, Jeb Kelley, Tyler Gravely, Corbin Hinkle, KellyFinn, Hannah Hall, Abby Porter, Kayla Pittman, Will Williams, Haley Holcombe, Jennifer Tapp, Clay Adcox, Laure Marsceau, Madison Holford, Mary Kathryn Hill, Reid Roberts, Bradlee Moon, Mansi Brown, Somer Anthony, Dakota Barringer
Interact Club Award — Alicia Roach
Wofford Scholar — Cole Seaborn
Converse Junior Scholars — Deidre Brown, Eden Cassell, Emily Forest, Meg Ann Haubold, Elizabeth Ward
Presbyterian College Junior Fellows — Deidre Brown, Eden Cassell, Emily Forest, Cole Seaborn, Elizabeth Ward
University of South Carolina Upstate Junior Scholars — Deidre Brown, Eden Cassell, Emily Forest, Cole Seaborn, Elizabeth Ward
Lander Junior Fellows — Sarah Beth Aiken, Deidre Brown, Rachel Finley, Emily Forest, Meg Ann Haubold, Robert Jones, Riley Rahn, Dena Revis, Cole Seaborn, Ara Singleton
Department of the Army Superior Cadet Decoration — LET 1: Jordan Rucker; LET 2: Kyla Kay; LET 3: Emily Forest; LET 4 (Superior Cadet Decoration and 4th Brigade US Army Cadet Command Certificate of Achievement): Carole Thomas
Senior Army Instructor’s Cadet Leadership Award — LET 1: Stephanie Parris; LET 2: Krista Just; LET 3: Lillian Hendricks; LET 4: Jacob Wright
English I — FaithAnne Walker
English II Honors — Madeline Crumpton, Thomas McCoy-Bruce
English II — Natalie Smith-Powell
English III Honors — Emily Cothran
English III CP — Anna Alexander, Bryce Coggins, Jacob Garrick
English III — Troy Adams
AP Language — Deidre Brown, Dena Revis
English IV Honors — Taylor Abercrombie
English IV CP — Lori Cruz, Devyn LaPann
English IV — Robin Connor Burgess
Electa Pell Excellence in Literature — April Simms
Lynda Coleman Excellence in Writing — Adde Welborn
Honors World Geography — Eleney Hardin
World Geography — Katherine Clark
Honors World History — Lane Jennings
World History — Scott Greathouse
AP US History — Matthew Martin
US History — Dena Revis
United States Government — Mary Gamble
Psychology — Logan Anderson
Sociology — Katlynd Skinner
Current Events — Bricesyn Ferguson
Military History — Ethan McClain
AP Human Geography — Thomas McCoy-Bruce, Micah Jordan
Law Education — Billy Stone
Criminal Justice — Chandler McJunkins
Accounting I — Dena Emilee Revis
Accounting II — Troy John DeSorbo
Personal Finance — Cassie Leann Dorr
Computer Applications — Scott Hunter Greathouse
Web Design — Holly Nicole Albert
Image Editing 1 — Emma Reese Gravely
Image Editing 2 — Hannah Noel Poston
Spanish I — Hannah Dennis
Spanish II — Gabbi Mills
Spanish III — Kayli Denton, Loreto Cruz
Honors Spanish III — Eden Cassell
French I — Samantha Brinson
French II — Lexi Mathis
French III — Dena Revis
Foundations of Algebra — Nicholas Morgan
Math Tech II — Chris Poole
Math Tech III — Britney Breasaw
Math Tech IV — Mary Gamble
Algebra I — Savannah Noblitt
CP Geometry — Cheyenne McDowell
Honors Geometry — Thomas McCoy-Bruce
CP Algebra 2 — Anna Alexander, Stephanie Chappell
Honors Algebra 2 — Micah Jordan
Probability and Statistics — Holly Albert
CP Pre-Calculus — Eden Cassell
Honors Pre-Calculus — Scott Greathouse
Honors Calculus — Lori Cruz
AP Calculus — Matthew Martin
CP Chemistry — Eden Cassell
Honors Chemistry — Lane Jennings
CP Biology — Stephanie Chappell
AP Biology — Dena Revis
Honors Biology — Lane Jennings
CP Anatomy — Josie O’Bryant
Honors Anatomy — Lori Cruz
Biology 2 — Bradey Dover
CP Physics — Zachary Chastain
AP Physics — Matthew Martin
Honors Physical Science — Thomas McCoy-Bruce
Physical Science — Alex Butts
Chemistry for the Technologies — Kaera Martin
Art I — Laurann Lindquist
Art II — Ashley Letterman
Art III Honors — Anna Alexander
Art IV Honors — Bradey Dover
AP Studio Art Drawing — Ally Gardner
3-D Design — Meagan Beauvais
Printmaking — Caitlyn Murphy
Theatre I — Austin Brezeale, Brett Brezeale
Theatre II — Scott Greathouse
Theatre III — Chloe Dalton
Tech Theatre — Ashton Norris
Students in Action Student Leader Award — Mason Barkley, Ivy Bryan, Tristan Crowe, Chloe Dunaway, Jade Prince, Logan Redding, Krysler Sanders, Gabby Shue, Brian Smith, Kincayde Spivey
Outstanding Seniors — Mason Barkley, Journie Crenshaw
Gavel Award — Gabby Shue
Employee Perfect Attendance — Tammy Hughes, Karen Snelson
2016-2017 Support Employee of the Year — Janet Childs
2016-2017 Teacher of the Year — Tom Faithful
Salutatorian — Morgan Brantley Cox
Valedictorian — Matthew John Martin
Liberty High School Class of 2016
The following students graduated from Liberty High School during commencement ceremonies at the school on Saturday, May 28.
Taylor Danielle Adkins, Alana Regan Alexander, Matthew Baxter Alexander, Austin George Glenwood Andrews, Mersadi Samantha Sue Anthony.
Hanan Abdallah Balawi, Jakob Andrew Bentley, Victoria Hope Black, Joshua Cross Blanchard, Nathaniel Thomas Bolding, Blake Alan Bolin, Courtney Elise Bryant, Michael James Burry.
Vera Estelle Cameron, Marcus Andrew Canter, Trenton Samuel Caron, Brayden Lee Cartee, Nicole Sherri Casey, Amanda B Castillo, Austin Brady Chapman, Tyler Kane Clark, Tiffany Angel Cogdill, Zachary Joseph Connell, Frankie Victoria Costner, Stephen Levi Cournoyer, Madalynn Sara Ellen Crawford, Victoria Jean Cumbow.
Adison Caroline Dacus, Anna Margaret Dalton, Cameron Jeffrey Davis, Dustin Logan Davis, Sara Rebecca Devilbiss, Sharif Azim Dunson.
Lisa Annette Elrod, Damaziah Markia Evans-Smith, Summer Leigh Evatt.
Raleigh Ellison Felton, Savanna Nicole Flanagan, Matthew Christian Frey.
Samantha Noel Galloway, Andrew Colton Gambrell, Justin Tyler Gambrell, Brittany Danielle Gantt, Michael Andrew Gantt, Cameron Octavius Garrison, Emily Rose Gibson, Ivy Grace Gibson, Henry Micheal Gill, James Tyler Gill, Charlie June Gooch, Samuel Griffin Greene.
Michael Cain Hamilton, Timothy Cole Hart, Jacob Laurence Hatch, Cody Lee Hayes, Austin Sean Hickey, Cory Adam Holder, Nathan Tucker Holladay, Taylor Leann Hopkins, Joshua James Hopson.
Elizabeth Kathleen Jackson, Conner Maxwell James, Haley Alexis James, Dalvin Isaiah Jenkins, Ivy Madeline Johnson, Devin Byrum Johnston, Joeseph Lawrence Jones.
Monica Joy Keever, Tylar Blaze Kelley, Rowdy Gage King, Jordon Rivers Kuhn.
Brooklyn Marie Ladd, Tristan James Langston, Tori Jade Lesley, Chasity Lynn Lester, Amy Christine Lunsford.
Jordan Ashleigh Maco, DeAndr’e Nathaniel Mansell, Sarah Elizabeth Mary Markley, Andrew Tucker Marshall, Anna June Martin, Eddy Arthur Mathis, Christian Michael McCall, Dylan Cody McCall, Austin Dean McCroskey, Stephen Allen McQueen, Charles Raymond Meinders, Alyssa Kaye Miles, Parker James Moore, Trace Nevin Moore, Chelsy Dawn Marya Moser, Kristopher James Murphy.
Dedra Hope Neal, Katelyn Jeanine Nelson, Alexander Payne Nickell.
Stephanee Michelle Odom, Triston Keanau Owens, Zoe Alexandria Owens.
Hunter Alexander Parrington, Nathalie Perez, Keely Noelle Pittman, Abaigeal Logan Posey, Terra Nicole Powell, Shaun Aaron Powers.
Jonathan Alec Redding, Tyler Conrad Renaud, Sydney Michele Rhodes, Alexander Treyvon Cannon Richardson, Logan Haidee Richey, Dereck Tyler Richmond.
Johnathan Lyndon Sailors, Suzanna Antonia Salazar, Zachariah Keith Sanders, Brayden Caleb Shirley, Michael Payton Simmons, Kelsey Leann Simpson, Brandi Laken Smith, Brandon Dakota Smith, Cody Michael Sours, William Alex Spear, Wanda Destiny Nichole Starling, Kailyn Marie Stevenson, Kaitlyn Nicole Stokes, Sarah Ruth Strickland, McKenzie Elizabeth Montez Swaney.
Spencer Wesley Taylor, Claire Olivia Thomas, Joshua Aaron Brian Tipton, Sherry Marie Trent.
Daniela Vallecillos Granados, Karina Roselyn Vega Monrroy, Samuel James Vidal, Danielle Virginia Vollen.
John Austin Wade, Taylor Leigh Anne Wages, Dakota Jesus Mejia Waldron, Joshua David Ward, Terri Nicole Ward, Meredith Cheyanne Watson, Lukas Robert Whitaker, Sydney Breanne Whitaker, Kyle Alexander Wiegand, Alexis Lavinia Wilson.
Liberty High School Honors and Awards
The following is a list of awards, honors, recognitions and scholarships recently presented to students at Liberty High School, as provided by the School District of Pickens County.
The Faculty Award — Monica Joy Keever
The M.J. and Martha Stansell Spirit of Courage — John Austin Wade
The Liberty Ladies League presents The Eleanor P. Williams English Award — Karina Roselyn Vega Monrroy
The Paul E. Bowie, Jr. Scholar Athlete Award — Courtney Elise Bryant, Cameron Jeffrey Davis
The Joni Eareckson Achievement Award — William Alex Spear
The Christina And C. O. “Scotty” Scott Mathematics Award — Samantha Noel Galloway
The Larry Henderson Social Studies Award — Sarah Ruth Strickland
Easley High School Class of 2016
The following students graduated from Easley High School during commencement ceremonies at the school on Saturday, May 28.
Christopher Joseph Adams Jr.
Joshua Marion Adams Logan Riley Adams Kavon Quaran Addison-Brown Michael Calvin Ahern Bailey Lynn Albertson Caroline Suzanne Albertson Gabriel Mark Albertson Aaron Quinn Aldstadt Ashbury Faye Allen Azure Whitley Allison Todd Allen Altman Valeria Alvarez Karla Ileann Amador Kaylee Brooke Anderson Kiandra Tymasa Anderson Carlos Antonio Arellano Charline Elizabeth Magglean Austin Leonardo Fidel Avendano Alfaro.
Alexa Jade Bagwell Kayla Ray Bagwell Jordan Thomas Bakeman Lexys Tiffany Baker Seth Cameron Baker Christopher Cameron Barton Mary Margaret Batson Cameron Scott Beasley Andrew Elijah Best Melanie Elizabeth Bieryta Dalton Michael Black Tyler Samuel Black Erik Devin Blake Alexandra Kayleigh Blanton Alyssa Nicole Boling Bailey Jefferson Bomar Amber Lynn Borst Kelly Marie Bossert Alisha Danielle Boutwell Michael Alan Bowen Jr.
Elizabeth Rose Braddock Chasity Daijay Bradley Jakob Matthew Bramblett Torey Augustine Bright Cory David Brooks Hannah Lee Brooks Caroline Mae Brookshire Tyler Dale Brown-Benjamin Kendra Nicole Bryan Angela Reese Bryant Alexandria Renee Bryson Isabella Doriana Burd Tyler Andrew Burgess Oceana Ann-Marie Burkhalter Lakyn Michelle Byrd.
James Dante’ Scott Cade Logan Anthony Camp Travis Hunter Camp Allyssa Kris Campbell Latia Allexcia Veronica Campbell Angela Nichole Cannon Dale Rashaad Cannon Zachary Cole Cantrell Emily Ann Capps Katherine Alexis Carlson Taylor Kelley Carracino Byron Javier Carranza-Becerra Jasmine Quintaya Carrington Kristen McKenzie Carter Dylan Mann Cassell Quadri Saivon Levandel Chamblee Alexander Clarence Chapman Lindsey Coe Chapman Chandler Bryan Chappell Brian Oliver Chavelas Elijah Hunter Childress Jordan Abigail Childs Anna Sharon Clark Justin Marshal Clark Julia Ann Clayton Haley Leeann Clemons Jacob Trahern Cline Phillip Andrew Cole Jennifer Faith Collier Nathan Daryl Collier Eduardo Contla Flores Austin David Cordell Angel Jesus Cortes Cabrera Anthony Brayan Cortes Nava Stefani Rose Cosma Allison Mckenzie Couch Ethan Patrick Covil Julius Michael Craig III
Payton Rene Crawford Rebecca Lynn Crawford Blaike Marie Creech Dawson Wayne Cress Jordan Alexander Crooks Jordyn Alexis Cruell Emily Anna Cwian.
Garrett Michael Dailey Latasha Elizabeth Davis Latoya Renee Davis Catera Monique Dawkins Christopher Alex Dear Cameron Dale DeBuysser Kipling Chase Deck Emily Anne Dehn Cameron Storm Delvaux Aneri Pinak Desai Paige Renee’ DeWitt Bailey Ryan Dimmock Christine Jordan Douglas Shannon Elizabeth Duke Andrew Bryson Duncan Makena Taylor Duncan Lucy Ann Dunn Joseph Scott DuPre Madelyn Taylor Duvall Robert Edward Dye III.
Hunter Aaron Eastburn Abigail Caitlin Edwards Benjamin Mark Edwards Jacob Clarent Edwards Emmanuel Devon Elrod Joseph Andrew Emanuele Jenna Rene English Jonathan Phillip Evitt.
Craig Andrew Farr William Austin Lee Faulkner Colby Nathaniel Ferguson Eliza Ralston Finley Carter Michael Fish Rebecca Lindsey Ford Tabitha Noel Fortner Aaron Geoffrey Foster Dallas James Foulker III
Kaitlyn Larae Fowler Emileigh Alice Coker Francis Fanci Odessa Nate Franklin Jalena Shantel Franklin Madison Rose Frith Samantha Crimson Fuchs.
Sean Conner Gale Chasity Aliyah Gamble Leah Elsie Gamble Kashia Shundrea Gambrell Jacob Hunter Gardner Joshua Robert Gardo Brookelyn Frances Garner Jordan Craig Garrett Ronald Harley Garrett Brennon Hayes Gibson Taylor Nichelle Gibson Frank Kennedy Gilbert Dylan Bradley Gilstrap Grant Thomas Gilstrap Sierra Rose Gilstrap Caleb Leighton Golden Gerardo Refugio Gonzalez Jr.
Savanah Clark Goodman Courtney Danielle Goodnough Kenny Nicholas Goubert Alexis Natasha Elizabeth Gramblin Daniel Charles Green Madison Robbins Green Hadley Marylyn Greer Devin Alysse Gregg Deevon Randall Cherokee Grice Taylor Melissa Griggs Jacob Walker Gudger Kendyl Aleksandra Gulden Desiree Isabel Gutierrez Joshua Hunter Guy.
Aaliyah Dominique Hagood Quiana Danielle Hagood Brianna Leigh Haile Bryson Shane Hall Destiny Mo Quasha Hall Jessica Denise Sydney Hallums Madisen Shannon Hamby Shon Austin Hamilton Timothy Kyle Hann Christopher Blake Hannon Joshua Mark Hansen Abigail Marie Harbin Monica Leiann Hart Tyler Lee Hawkins Steven Eugene Headen Zachery Lee Hembree Jacob Allen Henderson Philip Howard Hibbert Ta Von Tyquan Hicks Ivan Perry Hill Thomas Levi Hill Daniel Christopher Hine Bre’ annah Seantel Holcombe Jasmine Amber Holcombe Joshua David Holden Kimberly Amanda Holder Remington Chase Hollingsworth Austin Charles Holt Katelynn Elizabeth Howard Caleb Stephen Howell Katelyn Michelle Hunter Makayla Leigh Hunter Zachary Graham Hunter.
Karmen Cirina Ibarra.
Dakota Austin James Ryan Jeremy Jeanes Jessie Elizabeth Jenkins Brittany Lauren Johnson Chandler Morgan Johnson Haley LaSha Johnson Angie Michelle Johnston Ayanna Maria Olympia Ann Jones Joshua Taylor Jordan.
Erin Nicole Kaisner Isaiah Jordan Kay Mary Grace Kay Reilly Gray Kelley Jared Michael Kilton Kedrick Jamar King Madison Abigail King Garrett Wayne Knackstedt.
Mark Lagunas Stephanie Marie Landreth Haley Elizabeth Lane Alexis Carlyle Larios Ian Nicklus Lawing Lindsay Grace Ledbetter Joshua Lawrence Leisten Caitlin McKenzie Lester Kristen Michelle Lester Monica Rose Lewandowski Ember Elizabeth Lewis Michelle Tibon Logan Angelica Michelle Looper Dylan Thomas Looper William Franklin Looper Brenda Lopez Perez Lauren Alexis Lyerly Ashley Gabriel Lynch.
Courtney Ann Mangum Benjamin Farris Gaines Marlow Ethan Michael Martin James Holden Martin Katherine Elizabeth Martin Zachary Kyle Martin Carly Jean Mathews Justin Chase Mazell Joseph Drake McAlister Nicolette Brooke McAlister Justin Eric McCall Julia Anne McComb Cosette Morgan McCullough Steven Christian McCullough Somer Danielle McDaniel Cannon Robert McIntosh Carrie Elizabeth McWhorter Zachary McKay Meininger Jessica Emiliana Melo Kameron JonRichard Merck Roni Rennee Mewbourn Casey Brooke Mikell Wade Chance Minton Emily Cashin Mitchell Aaron Christopher Monroe Jaime Eli Montoya Stephanie Montoya Courtlin Lamont Moore Keri Alexis Morgan Kennedy Olivia Moshier Hunter Scott Mote Laura Elizabeth Munson.
Rico Maurice Nance Carl Jacob Nelson Sebrena Lee Nicholson Cassidy Ann Nix Chandler Dane Nix Grey Michael Novinska.
Kirstyn Nevada Oaks Hannah Lea Ostraco Sarah Lynn Outen LexieAnna Salas Owen Jena Leigh Owens Robbie Lou Owens Sabrina Noel Owens.
Reveka Halle Page Chandler Easton Parham Mary Elizabeth Parks Stephen Jacob Parsons Preet Saurabh Patel Emma Elizabeth Pepper Sean Patrick Perry Jeffery Lynn Cooper Pierce Brooklyn Cheyanne Pilgrim Ariana Michelle Pine Shaunã Nicole Pitts Kaylee Paige Poff Genevamae Tinley Poole Haley Briana Porter Jeffrey Dale Powell Sarah Elizabeth Price Luke Matthew Propes.
Amber Jessi Mae Raines David Nathanael Ramey Cecilia Fernanda Ramos Calleros Jordan Olivia Rampey Brandon Jacob Ratterree William Dalton Ray Destiny Kay Lynn Reese Ivy Lynn Rhodes Omar Damazia Rhodes Quazyn Daija-Marie Rhodes Brittany Suzanne Richey Pamela Rico Aidan Wayne Riddley Avree Samantha-Lynn Rider Kiara Marie Rivera Aaron Douglas Robinson Malaki William Elija Robinson Timothy Alexander Roddy Destaynie Keyairiah Aalexis Rogers Madalyn Rose Rogers Morgan Vicktoria Rogers Elizabeth Danielle Roper Aislinn Olivia Rosier Cassidy Rae Ross Alterek Tedmond Roundtree Austin Scott Rusher Kenya Denise Russell.
Harrison Charles Sagraves Luis Alexis Sanchez Garcia Destinee Tyenna Alexis Sanders Summer Lee Sanders Aaron Jacob Schaff James Michael Scruggs Jr.
Ticarrea Latrell Shell William Hugh Shelton Colton Reid Sheriff Hannah Janay Shilhanek Joseph Daniel Sigler Malcolm Antonio Simmons Raymond Simmons Jr.
Abigail Mari-Elizabeth Simms Emily Ashton Sims Alex Emmanuel Sineath Victoria Gabrielle Sisk Coleman Glen Smith Connor McKiver Smith Drayden Adara Smith Elijah Jamal Smith George Nicholas Smith Kaysie Lynn Smith Landon Drake Smith Sharif Raheem D’Angelo Smith Tatyana Aaliyah Smith Andrea Guadalupe Solis Cassie Marie Spearman Savannah Brooke Springs Cassidy Lee Stancil Leanne Marie Stang Haylie Paige Stanley James Griffin Staton Jensen Montana Stewart Morgan Deann Stiwinter Jamarkees Lebarron Sullivan Howard Eugene Sutter IV
Devin Lee Swanner.
Phillip Noah Talley Nicholas Cody Thibaudeau McKenzie Steven Thomas Megan Danielle Thompson Asia Camille Toran Mattison Alexandria Trammell Rafael David Trejo Damien Tylor Tripp Katie Dawn Tucker Kerry Edward Tucker Grant Michael Thomas Turner Gregory Leon Turner Michael Lucas Turner Jonathan Bradlee Tyson.
Kammeron Tymayne Valentine Dakota James Van Sciver Lena Jo Vanderpool Elizabeth Marie Vaughn Edith Noemi Velasquez Rubio Alex Bailey Vite Griff Samuel Von Schmittou.
Taylor Nicole Waldrop Brandon Alexander Waller Dymmond Alexyss Walton Jordan Denali Watt James Raleigh Weaver Charles Jerry Weisner III
Andrew Gregory Welborn Cynthia Ann Wells Matthew McKinley West Zoe Kaye Westmoreland Elias Michel Wheibe Laurelyn Grace White Madeline Nicole Whitener Mitchell Eugene Whitener Eryn Presli Whitfield Evan Jacob Wiles Elijah Malik Williams Brett Kenneth Willis Bailey Christopher Robin Wilson Emily Michelle Wohlever Holly Rachelle Wood Jaime Thomas-Lee Woodruff Lindsay Marie Woody Hollis Elizabeth Wyrick.
Anisa Louise Young.
Easley High School Honors and Awards
The following is a list of awards, honors, recognitions and scholarships recently presented to students at Easley High School, as provided by the School District of Pickens County.
Best of the Class: Seniors — Joshua Marion Adams, Caroline Suzanne Albertson, Alexa Jade Bagwell, Seth Cameron Baker, Kelly Marie Bossert, Caroline Mae Brookshire, Dylan Mann Cassell, Jacob Trahern Cline, Ethan Patrick Covil, Paige Renee’ Dewitt, Shannon Elizabeth Duke, Lucy Ann Dunn, Abigail Caitlin Edwards, Jacob Clarent Edwards, Rebecca Lindsey Ford, Leah Elsie Gamble, Sierra Rose Gilstrap, Daniel Charles Green, Hadley Marylyn Greer, Monica Leiann Hart, Angie Michelle Johnston, Erin Nicole Kaisner, Reilly Gray Kelley, Michelle Tibon Logan, Angelica Michelle Looper, Cannon Robert McIntosh, Carrie Elizabeth McWhorter, Laura Elizabeth Munson, Kirstyn Nevada Oaks, Mary Elizabeth Parks, Stephen Jacob Parsons, Sean Patrick Perry, Kaylee Paige Poff, Sarah Elizabeth Price, Cecilia Fernanda Ramos Calleros, Brandon Jacob Ratterree, Cassidy Rae Ross, William Hugh Shelton, Megan Danielle Thompson, Elias Michel Wheibe, Laurelyn Grace White, Jaime Thomas-Lee Woodruff, Anisa Louise Young
2016 Rotary Scholars — Joshua Marion Adams, Caroline Mae Brookshire, Shannon Elizabeth Duke, Jacob Clarent Edwards, Hadley Marylyn Greer, Cannon Robert McIntosh, Sarah Elizabeth Price, Brandon Jacob Ratterree, Laurelyn Grace White, Anisa Louise Young
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards — Mallory Galloway, Meriwether Galloway, Kelly Horton, Janu Patel
Rotary Scholarship — Anisa Louise Young, Shannon Elizabeth Duke
Xi Chapter’s Alpha Delta Kappa Scholarship — Alexa Jade Bagwell
Anderson University — Jordan Alexander Crooks
Founder’s Scholarship, Denmark Scholarship — Rebecca Lindsey Ford
Class of 1956 Music Scholarship — Chasity Daijay Bradley
Class of 2007 Senior All-Around Achievement — Joshua Marion Adams
Daniel Gabriel Smith Memorial Scholarship — Brittany Lauren Johnson
Furman University — Elias Michel Wheibe
Interact Service Scholarship — Shannon Elizabeth Duke
Captain Kimberly Hampton Scholarship — Joshua Marion Adams
North Greenville University Savannah College of Art and Design — Abigail Caitlin Edwards
University of South Carolina Dean’s Scholar Award — Jacob Walker Gudger
Teacher Forum Scholarships — Lexys Tiffany Baker and Pamela Rico
Teaching Fellows — Alexa Jade Bagwell, Lexys Tiffany Baker, Carly Jean Mathews
Tom Oxendine “Mr. O” Memorial Scholarship — Dalton Michael Black
Wesley Turner/Lee Haynie Memorial Scholarship — Jaime Thomas-Lee Woodruff
Wheaton College — Laurelyn Grace White
Wofford College, Benjamin Wofford Scholarship and Bell Ringer Scholarship — Joshua Marion Adams
Bill Davey Award in Writing — Levi Seth Wilson
Frances S. Bauknight Literature Award — Caroline Mae Brookshire
Mathematics Award — Anisa Louise Young
Outstanding Senior Science Student Award — Jacob Walker Gudger
Social Studies Award — Sarah Elizabeth Price
Business Education Awards — Finance: Dylan Thomas Looper; Computer: Aidan Wayne Riddley
World Language Awards — Spanish: Carrie Elizabeth McWhorter; German: Monica Leiann Hart; French: Hadley Marylyn Greer
J.C. Brice-T.E. Jones Athletic Award — Anisa Louise Yound
Daniel High School Class of 2016
The following students graduated from D.W. Daniel High School during commencement ceremonies at the school on Saturday, May 28.
Andrew Thomas Ackerman, Aubrey Grace Aiken, Melina Taylor Alberti, Meredith Ashlyn Alexander, Lubna Ali, Gabriella Elise Altman, DiavanoJacquell Anderson, Ashley Denice Arredondo, Denver Bradshaw Averette.
Madison Faith Bailey, Benjamin Kristopher Bardos, Daniel Edward Barnes, Tabitha Selena Barnes, Laurie Christine Barton, Liam Michael Beckerle, OmriBein, Robert Carl Bellas, Austin Clayton Bennett, Alexander Jacob Birch, Aidan Whitney Bish, Jamarcus Dawan Black, Cody Richard Bolick, Rebecca Allison Brackett, William Keller Brandenburg, Dylan Joseph Bray, Katelyn Addison Brewer, Jonathan Curtis Bright, Quinn Emerson Brown-Faust, Amber Elise Brown, Abigail Christine Brownell, Chloe Anna Bryan, Travis Lane Bryant, Caroline Elizabeth Burgen, Grace Ellen Burton.
Jarek Christopher Cann-Watkins, Chyna Rochelle Cannon, Kayla Marie Chandler, John Randy Chapman Jr., Sarah Ann Chapman, Savannah Dawn Chappell, Aleksey Chernykh, Houston Marie Childress, ShanterriaDeajha Rejoice Cobb, Avery Elaine Coker, William Avery Conrad, Yolanda Contreras, Joshua Reid Cook, Cameron William Corbett, Justin Taylor Craig, Benjamin Jacob Cram, Katie Lorene Crane, Ray Thomas Crane III, David Robert Crockett, Elizabeth Riley Cruse, Holden Keefe Culler, Daniel Lawrence Custer, Tori Danielle Davis-Cotton.
Mikeshia Alexis Lenora Shyanne Dawson, Kristen Marie Del Pozo, Kianna Chaquar Devlin, Brandon Alexander Dial, Emily Reneé Diersing, Charles Alexander Dove, Ashley Michelle Dubose, Dakota Ashleigh Dull, Callie Brooks Durham, Tyler Ann Durham.
James Hunter Eddleman, Blake Wynn Edwards, Alexa Shang Ellyson, Mohamed Abubaker Salem Elmehdawi, Victoria Chyenne Elrod, Andrea Michelle Emme, Whitney Lynn Elesse Epling, Aubrey Elizabeth Evans.
Michael Blake Farley, Camiell Anne-Marie Foulger, Owen Michael Fowler, Albert Jules Frey IV, Johnathon Wyatt Friar.
Cynthia Renae Gadsby, Rhoni Elizabeth Gaines, Sergio Manuel Garcia, D’Benjamin Malik Gardner, Breanna Nicole Gianfrancesco, Erika Noelle Gibbon, Dante Isaiah Gilliard, Mark Hunter Gowan, Abbie Leann Grant, Andrew Brice Green, Braden Michael Green, Nykea Tylasia Ariyanna Greenlee, Adam Joe Griffin, Carter Rion Groomes.
Hayden Harrison Hall, Essence Jimia Hamilton, Jamiyah Symone Hamilton, Jeremy Lamar Hamilton, Christopher Franklin Hancock, Ryan Lucas Harris, James Isaac Harrison, Madison Grace Hawkins, Gray Lee Haynes, Hunter Susan Hebert, Alexander Ralph Herden, Ayanna Tajah Haniece Hicks, Kate Ballard Hill, Sydney Caroline Hodgin, Tee Anna Keyairra Holland, DaSonya Addise Holloway, Austin Wayne Hoover, Catherine Elena Howland, Allen Pierce Huff, Joshua Cameron Hullett, Laurel Alexandra Hunnicutt.
Nina Ashley Ivankovic.
Anna Elizabeth Jameson, RaveenDhananjaya Jayasinghe, Maxwell Forrest-Gould Jeffers, Joseph Everett Jensen, August Robert Johnson, Jonathan Michael Johnson, Timothy Tyreese Jones, Hunter Blake Joplin, Kierra Simone Jordan, Allison Blake Joyner.
Bilal Enes Karanfil, Jada Imani Keene, Austin Lee Keith, Chandler Philip Kellogg, Bethany Kaye Kerstetter, Jennifer Brooke Kirby, Jordan Thomas Kirk, Moses Stephon Kirksey, Tavisay Robert Klar, Brandon Anthony Kwietniewski.
Benjamin John Lane, Ashley Nicole Laney, Christopher Ryan Laney, Daniel Austin Lee, Hana Bahiyyih Liebman, Hailey Marie Livengood, Jordan Breanna Logan, Brandon Michael Lollis, Hollis Cecil Lucas III, Grace Elizabeth Lupton.
Jacob Julian Maloney, Nina Rose Mannis, Lincoln Alexander Marshall, Ashton Mikayla Martin, Jamie LuanaMasser, Cecil Leroy McCaskill IV, Dillan Raye McCoy, William Patrick McCullough, Anna Elizabeth McDowell, Mattison Machelle McGaha, Emmalyn Raeden McGee, Andres Antonio McNeill, Brian Anthony Merkt McQuiston, Bailey Michael Meehan, Drayton Andrew Lee Melton, Daniel Bernard Miller, Noah Brady Millspaugh, Channing Mark Moore, Jacob Alexander Moreland, Nathan Lee Morris.
Anna Bradley Newton, Gabriel Asher Newton, Heaven Lee Nichols, Heidi Nielson, Skylar Cheyanne Norton.
Cristina Francisca Oropesa, Amber Rose Owens.
Carley Lashea Pace, Miranda Lynn Pampanelli, BhavinJayesh Patel, Kishan Rajesh Patel, Caitlin Ann Patterson, Adrian Perez, Robert Dylan Perry, Caitlin Anne Peters, Ayush Hitesh Petigara, Logan Creed Phillips, David Hunter Pilgrim, Leila Adola Pittman.
Logan Grace Radwanski, Jinitkumar Amulkumar Raval, Elizabeth Ann Ray, Gaston Jerrold Reese Jr., Sarah Frances Reeves, Joseph Kane Reid, Michael Austin Riddle, Katherine Rebecca Robinson, Breanna Callel Roper, Sarah Rose Roper, Adam Casey Roy, Bryson James Rudolph, Emma Lark Ruohoniemi.
Chloe Lark Ramey Satzger, Hannah Lunsford Sawyer, Paul Christian Schleifer Jr., Cameron Joshua Scott, Elaine Nichole Seel, Joseph Lee Seigle III, Victoria Abigail Shealy, Rivers Westbrook Sherrill, Alexandria Elizabeth Smith, Benjamin Lollis Smith, Bryant Terrell Smith, Caitlin Danielle Smith, Debra Ann Smith, Elizabeth Marie Smith, Garrett Tyler Smith, Jacob Micheal Smith, Levi Aaron Smith, Luke Daniel Smith, William Eric-Donovan Smith, Alexa Catherine Sparacino, Johnathan Brock Stephan, Joseph McCade Stewart, ZoéVella Stewart, Mattie Elizabeth Sullivan, Hannah Lee Swords.
Gabrielle Rose Tallman, Phillip Michael Tarcson, Tyler Nicholas Taylor, Megan Nicole Telley, Spencer Cole Temples, Samadhi Thavarajah, Hamilton John Tibbs, Cortney Gail Tobon, Claude Gavin Lee Todd, Virginia Bailey Tompkins, Wesley Zane Treglia, Kevis Tsao, Charles Josiah Turner.
Cristian Paniagua Vazques.
Yutan Wang, Mitchell Harrison Wanner, Benjamin Charles Weatherford, Ty Jonathan Weidemann, Slater Martin White, Travis Parker White, Jacob David Wichelns, Caree-Andora Williams, Duncan Ragan Williamson, Amber Nicole Wilson, Codi Michele Wilson, Roger Thomas Wilson, Shelby Brooks Wilson, Kisha Bree Winkler, Stephen Ray Wood, Lamar DoShawn Woods Jr., David Devanté Wrenn.
David Cortland Young, Jay Alexander Young, Kaylee Summer Young.
Daniel High School Honors and Awards
The following is a list of awards, honors, recognitions and scholarships recently presented to students at Daniel High School, as provided by the School District of Pickens County.
Air Force Math & Science Award — Spencer Temples
All-State Orchestra — Alex Birch, Kevin Feng
Western Region Orchestra — Benjamin Buck, Alex Birch, Kevin Feng, Caitlyn Leonard, Derek White
Alpha Delta Kappa Teaching Scholarship — Ashley DuBose
American Citizenship Awards — Hunter Hebert, Vialana Vazquez, Jaylen Carter, Matthew Maloney
Army Reserve Scholar Athlete Award — Laurie Barton, Avery Conrad
Benji Taylor Memorial Golf Scholarship — Kate Hill
Claudia Lightsey Ware Mathematics Scholarship — Bailey Meehan
Clemson Fellowship Club Library Award — Catherine Howland, Kevis Tsao
Clemson Rotary Youth Leadership Seminar — Kelly Boggs, Chloe Hylkema
Clemson University Geography Award — Denise Schlautman
Clemson University History Award — Joseph Jensen
DAR Good Citizen Award — Joseph Jensen
League of Women Voters Linda Jennett Award — Denise Schlautman
Lions Club Research Award — Jada Keene, Ayush Petrigara
McDonald’s Ray Kroc Youth Achievement Award — Maxwell Jeffers
National Merit Finalists — Omri Bein, Charlie Dove, Joseph Jensen, Andres McNeill, Kevis Tsao
Palmetto Boys State Delegates — Clary Miles, Davy Hiott, Nick Muchow, Ben Wyant
Palmetto Girls State Delegates — Elizabeth Bundrick, Cary Johnstone, Delaney McCallum, Emily Plumb
Phi Beta Kappa Scholar Award — Catherine Howland
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Award — Bailey Meehan
Pickens Area Society for Human Resource Management Most Improved Senior Award — Holden Culler
USMC Distinguished Athlete Award — Hunter Hebert, Jacob Maloney
USMC Scholastic Achievement Award — Jesse Jiang
USMC Semper Fidelis Award for Musical Excellence — Quinn Brown-Faust
Violet E. Luman Memorial Scholarship — Ashley Nicole Laney
Wendy’s High School Heisman Award — Laurie Barton, Jacob Maloney
West Point Leadership Award — Clary Miles
Academic Team — Rayyan Alam, Costa Gianiodis, Daniel Hiott, Davy Hiott, Nathaniel Hiott, Kevis Tsao
Chess Team — Daniel Custer, Caleb Hylkema, Grecia Post, Kevis Tsao, Ben Wyant
Math Team — Jonathan Baum, Sarah Baum, Daniel Custer, Kevin Feng, Jennifer Gao, Connor Lehmacher, Jessica Pang, Ian Ruohoniemi
Art 1 Award — Allison Fox
Art 2 Award — Elyse Conley
Art 3 Honors Award — Bethany Wolthuis
AP Studio Art Award — Hailey Livengood
Digital Photography Award — Melina Alberti
Sixth Annual Juried Art Exhibition – First Place Awards — Hailey Livengood (2D Design and Color), Alanna Morin (Drawing), Emily Plumb (Photography), Erika Gibbon (3D Design),
Michael Biggs Visual Arts Award — Erika Gibbon
Most Outstanding Student, Business — Austin Hoover
Broadcast Journalism Award — Chandler Kellogg
Editor, The Summit — Alexa Ellyson
Assistant Editors, The Summit — Dakota Dull, Lee McCaskill
Literary Magazine ROAR Awards — Liam Beckerle, Caitlin Peters, Elaine Seel
Most Outstanding Students, English — Hana Liebman, Emma Ruohoniemi
Family and Consumer Science Student of the Year — Anna Thompson
Most Outstanding Student, Foods and Nutrition 1 — Sara Kay
Most Outstanding Student, Foods and Nutrition 2 — Lea Chastain
German 1 Award — Denise Schlautman
German 2 Award — Ian Ruohoniemi
German 3 Honors Award — Hannah Wiggens
AP German Award — Heidi Nielson
Spanish 1 Award — Rayyan Alam, Julia Blouin
Spanish 2 Award — Lindsey Alexander, Ashley Choi
Spanish 3 Honors Award — Manav Jain
Spanish 3 CP Award — Bailey Munyak
AP Spanish Award — Bryson Rudolph
Jackie Foster Service Award — Nicole Laney
Math Department Award (A in 5 classes) — Andy Ackerman, Laurie Barton, Abby Brownell, Daniel Custer, Charlie Dove, Sydney Hodgin, Catherine Howland, Joseph Jensen, Hana Liebman, Anna McDowell, Bailey Meehan, Emma Ruohoniemi, Spencer Temples, Kevis Tsao
Math Department Award (A in 6 classes) — Omri Bein, Chloe Bryan
Math Department Award (A in 7 classes) — Raveen Jayasinghe, Brock Stephan
Most Outstanding String Orchestra Students — Austin Bennett, Alex Birch, Chloe Bryan, Benjamin Buck, Kevin Feng, Kassie McGee, Caitlyn Leonard
John Philip Sousa Award — Catherine Howland
Louis Armstrong Jazz Award — Andres McNeill
Semper Fi Award — Quinn Brown-Faust
Director’s Award (Band) — Jennifer Kirby, Heidi Nielson
Leader of the Band Award — Charlie Dove, Andrea Emme
Basil Bomar Award — Keller Brandenburg
Musician-Scholar Award — Bailey Meehan
All-State Honors Band — Garrett Arwood, Jonathan Dong, Nathaniel Hiott, Catherine Howland, Hanna Jiang, Kris Luo, Andrew Marsh, Richard Marsh, Parker Mathews, Kevis Tsao
Director’s Award (Chorus) — Helen Schmidt
Chorus Achievement Award — Daniel Custer
Outstanding Choral Musicianship Award — Tavarie Taylor
Science Department Award (A in 6 classes) — Liam Beckerle, Chloe Bryan, Avery Conrad, Daniel Custer, Charlie Dove, Brock Stephan
Science Department Award (A in 7 classes) — Omri Bein, Kevis Tsao
Science Department Award (A in 8 classes) — Spencer Temples
Huey/LeMaster Science Award — Omri Bein
Social Studies Department Award (A in 6 classes) — Andy Ackerman, Omri Bein, Abigail Brownell, Camiell Foulger, Hunter Hebert, Gabe Newton, Caitlin Peters, Elizabeth Ray, Chloe Satzger, Elaine Seel, Spencer Temples, Kevis Tsao, Jacob Wichelns, Cortland Young
Social Studies Department Award (A in 7 classes) — Hayden Hall, Heidi Nielson
Most Outstanding Student, Social Studies — Heidi Nielson
State SkillsUSA Competition — Grace Lupton – Bronze Medal, Esthetics
VEX Robotic Awards — Jackson Lay, Team 7447C – First Place Alliance Winners at JL Mann HS Tournament
PCCTC Culinary Arts Student of the Year — Travis White
SDPC Teacher Forum Scholarship — Ashley DuBose
Beta Club Scholar — Caitlin Peters
National Beta Scholar Award — Anna McDowell
SCHSL Scholar Athlete Award — Melina Alberti, Denice Arredondo, Laurie Barton, Liam Beckerle, Omri Bein, Grace Burton, Randy Chapman, Avery Conrad, Cameron Corbett, Charlie Dove, Mohamed Elmehdawi, Johnathon Friar, Erika Gibbon, Dante Gilliard, Carter Groomes, Hayden Hall, Christopher Hancock, Gray Haynes, Hunter Hebert, Kate Hill, Raveen Jayasinghe, Maxwell Jeffers, Gus Johnson, Hunter Joplin, Bilal Karanfil, Tavi Klar, Hana Liebman, Jacob Maloney, Ashton Martin, Bailey Meehan, Cristina Oropesa, Carley Pace, Miranda Pampanelli, Logan Radwanski, Elizabeth Ray, Bryson Rudolph, Chloe Satzger, Hannah Sawyer, Kit Schleifer, Rivers Sherrill, Cade Stewart, Mattie Sullivan, Wes Treglia, Kevis Tsao, Ty Weidemann, Jacob Wichelns, Duncan Williamson, Devante’ Wrenn, Cortland Young, Kaylee Young
Lions Pride Award — Laurie Barton, Cortland Young
Earle Anderson Award — Hunter Hebert, Jacob Maloney
D.W. Daniel Merit Award — Anna McDowell, Maxwell Jeffers
D.W. Daniel Award for School & Community Excellence — Catherine Howland, Bailey Meehan
Perfect Attendance (all 12 years) — Jay Young
Salutatorian — Hana Liebman
Valedictorian — Catherine Howland