Daily Archives: 08/02/2016
Courier Letters To the Editor
Choose Wisely
Dear Editor,
Is it just me, or have you noticed that you “doubt” anything you read anymore? Are you doubting what is real and what is just propaganda or hype? Are you doubting Snopes? Are you doubting the news on TV?
I can remember a time when if you saw it on the 6 p.m. news at night you knew it was true. This is by design, people. They want us to believe there are no absolutes … everything is relative … everyone has a valid “reason” for everything they do that is clearly against God’s covenant with His people in the Ten Commandments.
I suggest to you that many of us are at fault for this happening in how we rear our children. When they misbehave or do something blatantly wrong, the first thing out of our mouth is “Why did you do that?” Folks, this is setting them up to think “well, if I can come up with a good enough excuse, I won’t be in trouble.”
Hillary Clinton and the Democrats are the party of excuses. They are the party of playing the victim card. They are the party of denying God’s word as absolute. They want us to believe wrong is not really wrong — it just depends on the circumstances. They want us to believe sin is not sin — because there are several religions and each should person should choose the religion that suits “their” needs. They want us to believe one can break the laws if they have good reason.
There is only one God, and He has told us what the absolutes are in how to know what is morally good and what is morally wrong.
In the 2016 election, we have two main candidates, both who have sinned and fell short of the glory of the Lord, like we all have.
However, Hillary refuses to admit that she does anything wrong and that she is above the law.
Trump is for securing our borders and not allowing people in who don’t honor the rule of law.
Please, please understand that this election cycle will prove if we are a people who believe there are absolutes or we are a people who believe everything is relative. Or in other words, this election is morality vs. conformity.
Vote Trump, because Hillary has proven she lies so much she has begun to think that even if she lies it’s OK because she had a good reason for it. She is no more different than the terrorist Islamists who claim it is acceptable to lie as long as their goal is jihad and world domination. She is a power-hungry woman who has no moral compass, period.
Sure, Trump has sinned, too, but he truly loves America and he truly understands the number one job of the president of the United States is to protect its citizens! He will secure the border and he will bring jobs back to America! And he knows capitalism beats socialism every single time. Socialism does not work — never has, never will!
You are responsible for the direction of your life.
Are you going to let government be God?
Individualism vs. collectivism. Absolutes vs. relativism. Morality vs. conformity. Right vs. wrong. Capitalism vs. socialism. Trump vs. Hillary. Choose wisely, because your future depends on it.
Johnnelle Raines
Anti-inflammatory before surgery
In too many senior patients, going under general anesthesia for surgery can leave a lingering problem with impaired concentration or memory. It’s called post-operative cognitive dysfunction, and in some cases, the effects might be permanent.
The potential damage can depend on the degree of anesthesia. Add that to the trauma of the surgery itself, and there can be damage to the central nervous system.
A study done in Brazil might have an answer to this growing problem: a drug called dexamethasone, an anti-inflammatory. If given before an operation, the drug can help avoid problems while under anesthesia.
For this study, researchers looked at 140 patients (ages 60 to 87) and gave pre-surgery tests to determine their mental status. During surgery itself, the patients were divided into four groups and were given varying levels of anesthesia. Only some of them were given the drug. The testing was double-blind, which means none of the participants or researchers knew who was getting what.
The bottom line: All participants were tested on Days 3, 7, 21, 90 and 180 after surgery, with their cognitive and mental skills compared to their pre-surgery levels. The group that had superficial anesthesia plus the drug had 15.3 percent post-operative cognitive dysfunction, but within six months all those patients had returned to the pre-surgery testing levels.
If you’re scheduled for surgery, have a atalk with your doctor and your surgeon about the level of anesthesia you’re likely to receive. Deep anesthesia might not be required, and it shouldn’t be done routinely. Ask about the dexamethasone, too. Not everyone can take it, but it’s worth asking about if it helps preserve cognitive function.
(c) 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
Another scammer behind bars
A former Marine in Nevada has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for a nationwide scam involving millions of dollars taken from the pockets of trusting people.
The scam involved Nigerian oil wherein the perp claimed to be a Shell Oil heir, an oil expert who’d already sunk $500 million of his trust fund into the venture. Investors’ dollars would go toward the purchase of an oil refinery in the Bahamas, where the crude oil would be shipped. Among the charges were conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, passing a fictitious financial instrument, lying to the feds and failure to file income-tax returns. Oh, and he also submitted false claims to the Department of Veterans Affairs.
The good: He’s going away for a very long time.
The bad: While the case dragged on, he was a free man. For over two years his attorneys filed repeated objections or requests for delay. It was the tenth one where the judge drew the line: DENIED, it said on the court documents, when an attorney claimed he hadn’t had enough time to review the case.
Why, one wonders, if he was raking in all that dough, did he also insist on defrauding the VA? Part of the multi-agency suit against him was for claiming service-related injury, which got him “decades” worth of disability benefits totaling thousands of dollars per month.
How was he injured? He hurt his knee playing basketball in 1970 and was given a medical discharge. Apparently he claimed benefits for his knee all these years, saying he couldn’t work.
Which begs the question: How is it that he could claim benefits for so many years without anyone checking? Without even being brought in for an examination or X-rays? Wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume that a basketball injury might get better in a few years?
(c) 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
PHS alumni volleyball match set for Friday
PICKENS — It’s time for the annual Pickens High School alumni volleyball match.
All former PHS players are encouraged to put back on their spandex and lace up their shoes to play or at least come watch.
The match is planned at Pickens High School this Friday, Aug. 5, from 6-8 p.m. Admission is free for the scrimmage, as well as all scrimmages on the schedule.
It’s a great time to catch up with former players and friends as well as get a sneak preview of the 2016 Lady Blue Flame.
Local girls win first at state swim meet
PICKENS — The Pickens County YMCA Piranhas girls’ swim team garnered [cointent_lockedcontent]the highest number of points and won first place in the Carolina YMCA Swim League State Summer Championships at the Georgetown County YMCA.
“I am so proud of all the Pickens girls,” said Larry McMahan, head coach of the Piranhas. “They all have practiced

Angela Lucas/Photo
The state YMCA championship team for 11-12 girls in both freestyle relay and individual medley relay was the Pickens County YMCA Piranhas team of, from left Tamara Boysworth, Elizabeth Blakely, Emma Yousey and Caroline Lucas.
hard this season, and it showed at Georgetown. When you hear other teams say, ‘Those Pickens girls are fast!’ that makes me smile and makes me proud.”
In the overall team results, the Pickens County Y placed fourth in the state at the meet held July 16-17 in Georgetown. The overall championship was won by Newberry, followed by Greenwood in second and Beaufort in third.
Pickens had 22 swimmers in the meet. Swimmers who participated in the Summer Championships at Georgetown were Avery Baker, Elizabeth Blakely, Will Blakely, Tamara Boysworth, Mallie Couch, Morgan, Couch, Kerragan Howell, Ivy Hyder, Lily Hyder, Ava Belle Lawton, Ella Grace Lawton, Caroline Lucas, Maddy McKever, Rachel Rahn (who also coaches the team), Karlee Richardson, Addie Sanders, Anna Kate Sanders, Molly Sanders, Davia Simmons, Wrenn West, Emma Yousey and Mia Yousey.
For more information on how to get a young person involved with the Piranhas swim team, contact the Pickens County YMCA at (864) 878-8380 or visit www.pcymca.net/swimteam.php.[/cointent_lockedcontent]
PHS football underway
PICKENS — Pickens High School is currently holding pre-season football practice for the 2016 season.
The varsity and junior varsity football teams will be practicing from 7:30-11:30 a.m. at the high school each day this week.
Anyone interested in playing junior varsity football needs to get a physical and report to practice as soon as possible.
The Blaue Flame will host their first scrimmage of the year this Saturday, Aug. 6 at 10 a.m. at historic Bruce Field, when Berea and J.L. Mann will come to town.
Pickens will then host another scrimmage at Blue Flame Stadium on Tuesday, Aug. 9, at 6 p.m., facing Abbeville, Chesnee and Walhalla. Preseason contests will end on Saturday, Aug. 11, in the Daniel Jamboree at Singleton Field in Central. The Blue Flame will play the Greer Yellow Jackets.
No. 1 Volleyball Camp a success
PICKENS — Eighteen rising second-fourth graders participated in the 2016 No. 1 Volleyball Camp at the Pickens Recreation Center gymnasium from July 25-28.[cointent_lockedcontent]

Front row, from left: Abby Earnhardt, Tara Ann Rogers, Macie Claire Sickels, Brooke Duncan, Kloe Parvis. Second row: Hannah Poore, Ella Cook, Lillie Hyatt, Callie Ratcliff, Mili Claire Seffrin, Callie Johnson, Jordan Maw. Third row: Coach Amber Chapman, Alyssa Whiteside, Holly Lee, Britain Dunn, Anna Claire Durham, Katelyn Porter, and Coach Annika Jones. Fourth row: Coach Peggy Anthony. Absent: Campbell Nix.
The youngsters were trained in the fundamentals of the game, including bumping, setting, serving and hitting. Emphasized were court awareness, hustling, communication, teamwork and overall effort. Many fun activities, game-type drills, and team play were incorporated.
“We had a great four days,” camp director Peggy Anthony said. “The players were respectful, coachable and worked very hard each day. Our staff really pushed them and we got a lot of skills in over the 12-hour camp.”
Assisting Anthony were Katie Gowan, Annika Jones, Amber Chapman and Ali Pace.
Winning the 3-on-3 tournament were the “Sparks” — Kloe Parvis, Hannah Poore and Callie Johnson. The 6-on-6 tournament champions were the “Sharks” — Britain Dunn, Hannah Poore, Ella Cook, Alyssa Whiteside, Tara Ann Rogers, and Abby Earnhardt. All-Stars included Katelyn Porter, Dunn, Anna Claire Durham, Maci Claire Sickels, Holly Lee and Parvis. Brooke Duncan won the Coaches Award. The Leadership Award went to Sickels. Earnhardt won the Spirit Award. Rogers was named Most Improved. Hardest Worker went to Parvis. Porter won the three competitions in bumping, setting and serving, in addition to being named the Most Outstanding Player.[/cointent_lockedcontent]
Registration open for fall soccer, volleyball
PICKENS — The Pickens Recreation Department is now taking registrations for its fall soccer and volleyball seasons.[cointent_lockedcontent]
Soccer registration has been extended through Aug. 5 at the Pickens Recreation Center on Sangamo Road in Pickens for age divisions 5-6, 7-8, and 13-15.
Volleyball registration will be taken through Aug. 5 at the rec center.
Volleyball age divisions are 7-9, 10-12, 13-14 and 15-17.
Following registration for both sports, a skills evaluation day will be held for each age division.
The registration fee for both sports, whch provides a jersey to be kept, is $45 for in-city residents and $55 for out-of-city residents.
Birth certificates are required at registration, and birthdate cutoff is Sept. 1, 2016.
If you are interested in coaching or need more information, call the rec department at (864) 878-2296.[/cointent_lockedcontent]
Dalton family reunion planned for August 14
COUNTY — The annual reunion of the descendants of Lewis Rector Dalton and Janie Bowen Dalton will be held[cointent_lockedcontent] Aug. 14 at 1 p.m. at Elljean Baptist Church.
The church is located at 605 Elljean Road just off S.C. Highway 8 between Pickens and Easley.
Attendees are asked to bring lunch and tea or soft drinks to share. Plates, cups, napkins and silverware will be provided.[/cointent_lockedcontent]
Courier Obits 8-3-16
Longtime Liberty doctor dies
Dr. Jake King Holcombe
Liberty — Dr. Jake King Holcombe died at Greenville Health System on Saturday, July 30, 2016, at the age of 87.

Dr. Jake King Holcombe
Dr. Holcombe is survived by his wife, Carolyn B. Holcombe of Liberty, his daughter, Renee Holcombe of Easley, and his grandpoodle, Asher. He was preceded in death by his parents, Jake King Holcombe Sr. and Janie Vaughn Holcombe, an infant brother, James Holcombe, and sisters Mary Lou Sutherland and Margaret Bishop.
Dr. Holcombe was born on June 13, 1929, in Easley to Jake King Holcombe Sr. and Janie Vaughn Holcombe. Dr. Holcombe graduated from Easley High School and then earned his pharmacy degree at the University of South Carolina School of Pharmacy. After completing pharmacy school, he continued his education and earned his medical degree at The Medical College of South Carolina, now known as the Medical University of South Carolina, in June 1959. He completed his medical residency at Greenville Memorial Hospital and then began his medical career in Liberty. Dr. Holcombe practiced medicine in Liberty for more than 53 years. He retired in 2013 at the age of 84. Dr. Holcombe was a member of Liberty United Methodist Church.
Dr. Holcombe was devoted to his patients and community. Through the years, he served his community by providing free sport and camp physicals, free medical screenings in the community and provided medical coverage to high school football games for many years.
Funeral services to honor the life of Dr. Holcombe will be held at 3 p.m. Friday in the Liberty Mortuary Chapel. Visitation will be held from 1:30-2:45 p.m. prior to the service at the mortuary. A private burial will be held at a later date.
Dr. Holcombe’s first passion was medicine, but he was also well known for his love of nature and animals.
In lieu of flowers, please send memorials to Samaritan Health Clinic, the free medical clinic of Pickens County, at 303 Dacusville Highway, Easley, SC 29640, or the Greenville Humane Society, a “no kill” animal shelter, at 305 Airport Road, Greenville, SC 29607. Liberty Mortuary is handling arrangements. www.libertymortuary.com
Evelyn M. Crews
Easley — Mrs. Evelyn Mizell Crews, 99, wife of the late Ferman Glenn Crews, passed away Tuesday, July 26, 2016, at Greenville Memorial Hospital.
Born in Arcadia, Fla., a daughter of the late Thomas Everett and Mamie Elizabeth Beasley Mizell, Mrs. Crews was a homemaker and a member of Easley First Baptist Church, where she was a member of the church choir for more than 50 years.
Surviving are a son, Felton N. Crews (Sherry) of Easley; a daughter, Chris C. Swords of Easley; a sister, Phyllis Ann Deaton of Ft. Walton Beach, Fla.; a daughter-in-law Sarah Crews of Shalimar, Fla.; six grandchildren, Kim Humphries, Anna Price, Brandi Waldrop, Joey Crews, Sabrina Crews and Jade Swords Dugdale; six great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren. In addition to her husband and parents, Mrs. Crews was predeceased by a son, Joe T. Crews; a son-in-law, Terry A. Swords; two brothers and three sisters.
Funeral services were held Friday, July 29, at Easley First Baptist Church, with the Rev. Dr. John Adams officiating. Entombment followed in the Chapel of Reflections Mausoleum of Robinson Memorial Gardens.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Generations to Come of Easley First Baptist Church, 300 E. 1st Ave., Easley, SC 29640.
Condolences may be expressed online at www.robinsonfuneralhomes.com or in person at Robinson Funeral Home-Powdersville Road, which is assisting the family.
Rhonda Annette Barker
Easley — Rhonda Annette Barker, 49, wife of Kenny Barker, went to be with the Lord Tuesday, July 26, 2016, in Greenville.
Mrs. Barker was born in Pickens and the daughter of James McDonald and Betty Collins McDonald.
Mrs. Barker was employed with the Pickens County Board of Disabled and Special Needs as direct care staff. She was attending Pickens View Wesleyan Church.
Survivors include her husband of 27 years; one son, Steven Barker of Pickens (Allisa); one daughter, Heather Moore (Cody) of Easley; and two brothers, Richard McDonald and Michael McDonald (Judy), both of Pickens. She also leaves in her memory four grandchildren, Alton Winchester, Logan Barker, Alexis Barker and Aubree Moore, and also one grandchild soon to arrive.
A service was held Saturday, July 30, at Dillard Funeral Home. Burial took place at Hillcrest Memorial Park and Gardens following the service.
Dillard Funeral Home is assisting the Barker family.
J. B. Knight
PICKENS — J.B. Knight, 83, husband of Nellie Sue Entrekin Knight, went home to be with the Lord on Friday, July 29, 2016, at Richard Campbell Nursing Center in Anderson.
Mr. Knight was born in Oconee County, a son of the late Clyde H. and Rosalee Rice Knight. He was retired from Greenwood Mills in Liberty following 43 years of service. Mr. Knight was a member of Gap Hill Church of God in Six Mile, where he formerly served as volunteer choir leader and also as an elder of the church. He was a U.S. Army veteran.
Survivors include his wife, Nellie Sue Entrekin Knight; sons, the Rev. Rickey E. Knight (Theresa) of Honea Path and Jeff B. Knight of Pickens; grandchildren including Amanda Sturkie, Corey E. Knight, Brian Knight, the Rev. Jonathan R. Knight, Kayla Thompson and Matthew M. Knight; and 11 great-grandchildren. He is also survived by brothers, the Rev. Frank Knight and Melvin Knight, both of Seneca, and Roy Knight of Six Mile, and a sister, Lucille Ellenburg of Six Mile.
In addition to his parents, Mr. Knight was preceded in death by his daughter, Susan Elaine Knight, sister, Helen K. Turner, and brothers, Samuel E. Knight and Harold H. Knight.
The funeral services were held on July 31, 2016, at Gap Hill Church of God. Burial followed at King’s Grove Baptist Church Cemetery.
The family would like to extend a special thanks to the staffs of Foothills Assisted Living in West Union, Richard Campbell Nursing Center in Anderson and to Patriot Hospice.
Memorials may be made to Gap Hill Church of God, 3540 Walhalla Highway, Six Mile, SC 29682.
Dillard Funeral Home is assisting the Knight family.
Doris Teat
Central — Doris Elizabeth Black Teat, 84, wife of the late Joe Teat, passed away on Tuesday, July 26, 2016, at her home.
Mrs. Teat was born in Pickens County and was a daughter of the late Guy W. and Irene Elizabeth Burgess Black. She was retired from Sir Shirtmaker and was of the Baptist Faith.
Surviving are two daughters, Shirley Hayes and her husband, Jim of Central and Wanda Jo Teat of Liberty; one brother, Wallace Black of Six Mile; one sister, Sally Genell Clark of Liberty; two grandchildren, Becky Smith and her husband, Michael, and Joey Parsons; seven great-grandchildren, Justin Parson, Kelsey McMinn, Aidan and Peyton Dawson, Candise and Jamie Rhodes and Cole Parsons; and one great-great-grandchild, Hunter Woody.
In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by two grandchildren, Amanda Elizabeth Gilstrap and Bobby Eugene Rhodes.
Funeral services were Friday, July 29, in the chapel of Duckett-Robinson Funeral Home, with burial following in Liberty Memorial Gardens.
Condolences may be expressed online at www.robinsonfuneralhomes.com or in person at Duckett-Robinson Funeral Home, which is assisting the family.

Gladis Ruth Porter Kircus
Easley — Gladis Ruth Porter Kircus, 91, of Easley, wife of the late James Henry Kircus Jr., passed peacefully Sunday, July 31, 2016, in her residence.
Born in Easley to the late Will Porter and Essie Duncan Porter, Ruth was a member of Cedar Rock Baptist Church for 35 years. She worked for 30 years as owner of Cedar Rock Daycare, and was affectionately known as “Momma Kircus” before retiring in 1985. She enjoyed cooking, gardening and made quilts, specializing in French knots.
In addition to her parents and husband of 60 years, Ruth was preceded in death by her sister, Pauline Ragsdale, and three brothers, Troy Porter, Grady Porter and Lee Porter.
Left to cherish her memory are her two children, son, Tim Kircus and his wife Jennifer, and daughter, Tammy Kircus Trotter; brother, Ray Porter; three grandchildren, Jeremy Kircus, Jamie Trotter and Kristy Trotter Lindsey; nine great-grandchildren, Justin Lindsey, Emily Trotter, Cheyenne Kircus, Ethan Kircus, Charlice Trotter, Thomas Lindsey, Zack Lindsey, Lexus Lindsey and Katie Lindsey.
Funeral service will be held Wednesday, Aug. 3, at 3 p.m. at Robinson Funeral Home – Downtown, 305 W. Main St., Easley, with the Rev. Wayne Garmon officiating. Burial will follow in Hillcrest Memorial Park in Pickens.
Family will receive friends from 1-2:45 p.m. prior to the service at the funeral home.
Flowers are accepted at the funeral home, and donations may be made directly to Cedar Rock Baptist Church, 1667 Cedar Rock Road, Easley, SC 29640.
Family is at the home.
Condolences may be expressed online at www.robinson funeralhomes.com or in person at Robinson Funeral Home – Downtown, which is assisting the family.
Maybeth C. Owens
Easley — Maybeth Cisson Owens, 84, of Elljean Road, wife of the late Thomas Owens, passed away Saturday, July 30, 2016.
Born in Pickens County, she was the daughter of the late Ernest and Laura Jane Childress Cisson.
Mrs. Owens was retired from Alice Manufacturing, Foster Plant, and attended Elljean Baptist Church.
Surviving are her sisters, Grace Owens of Easley and Juanita Scruggs of Pickens; a grandson, Lee Boyd; great-grandchildren, Thomas Boyd and Courtney Boyd; and several nieces and nephews.
In addition to her husband and parents, she was predeceased by a son, Tommy Boyd and sisters, Jo Cisson and Ann Cisson Looper.
Graveside services will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 3, at 1 p.m. in Greenlawn Memorial Park.
The family will receive friends prior to the service on Wednesday from 11:30 a.m-12:30 p.m. at Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown.
Flowers will be accepted, or memorials may be made to Elljean Baptist Church, 605 Elljean Rd., Easley, SC 29640.
The family will be at their respective homes.
Condolences may be expressed online by visiting www.robinsonfuneralhomes.com or in person at Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown, which is assisting the family.
Christine Crawford Jameson
Simpsonville — Charlotte Christine Crawford Jameson (July 10, 1919-July 28, 2016), a beloved wife, mother, daughter, grandmother and great-grandmother, was born on July 10, 1919, in Hell Hole Swamp, Berkeley County, South Carolina. Mrs. Jameson was the daughter of Lylete Wilson Crawford of Fairfax and Robert Lee Crawford of Bonneau.
The family moved to Savannah, Ga., in 1928 when her father took a railroad job with Atlantic Coast Line. She graduated from Savannah High School, Armstrong Junior College (Savannah) in 1938 and Winthrop College (University) in 1940 with honors. While at Winthrop, she majored in biology and was a member of several academic honor associations, including the Secondary Education Club, the Sky Sweepers Astronomy Club, Zeta Alpha (honorary Chemistry Fraternity), Forceps and Scalpel (Biology Fraternity honorary member), and was Beta Beta Beta (National Honorary Biology Fraternity) secretary.
She was recruited by principal W.M. Scott to teach biology at Easley High School and taught there until 1945. Later, she taught biology at Independent Presbyterian Day School (1973-78) and St. Andrews on the Marsh (1978-80) in Savannah.
In August 1945, Mrs. Jameson married John Hal Jameson Sr., a physician with the rank of major in the Medical Corps and U.S. Sixth Army during WWII, who after the war started a family medical practice in Easley. During her life in Easley, she was a member of the Easley Ladies Medical Auxiliary, Garden Club, and several other civic organizations. She was a member of the First Methodist Church in Easley and the Christian Church in Savannah.
Mrs. Jameson is survived by two children, Charlotte Jameson Watson and John Hal Jameson Jr., 10 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by a son, Robert Lake (Bobby) Jameson.
Funeral services were held on Sunday, July 31, in the Chapel of Robinson Funeral Home. Interment followed at Westview Cemetery in Easley.
Condolences may be expressed online at www.robinsonfuneralhomes.com or in person at Robinson Funeral Home – Downtown, which is assisting the family.
Raymond E. “Chick” Stewart
Easley — Raymond Eugene “Chick” Stewart, 80, of East 2nd Avenue, passed away Sunday, July 31, 2016, at his home.
Born in Pickens County, he was the son of the late Rev. Oscar B. Stewart and Gertie Watt Stewart.
Mr. Stewart was retired from Saco-Lowell. He was a member of the United Wesleyan Church in Easley and was a U.S. Air Force veteran.
Surviving are his wife of 44 years, Sara Lusk Stewart; daughter, Tracy Stewart Harbin of Easley; grandchildren, Jessie Harbin (Victoria), Joshua Harbin (Katie), Jennifer Cromer (Charles) and Lindsey Jones; great grandchildren, Arabella, Caleb, Eliza and John; and a sister, Margaret Edgar (Bob) of Easley.
In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by a daughter, Georgia Eugenia Stewart Jones, a sister, Mildred Kirk, and a brother, Watt Stewart.
Funeral services were held on Tuesday, Aug. 2, in the chapel of Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown. Entombment followed in Hillcrest Memorial park Mausoleum.
Flowers will be accepted. The family will be at their respective homes.
Condolences may be expressed online by visiting www.robinsonfuneralhomes.com or in person at Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown, which is assisting the family.
Morgan Sheriff
Easley — William Morgan Sheriff Jr., 72, of Saluda Dam Road, husband of Imogene Elrod Sheriff, passed away Friday, July 29, 2016.
Born in Greenville County, he was the son of the late William Morgan Sheriff Sr. and Ruby Ellison Sheriff.
Mr. Sheriff was retired owner of Morgan Sheriff Builders in Easley. After retirement, he was employed at Pickens Middle School. He was a member of Brushy Creek Baptist Church and was a U.S. Navy veteran. He loved his family dearly and enjoyed the outdoors while hunting and fishing.
Surviving in addition to his wife of 50 years are his children, Russell Sheriff (Amanda) of Pickens, and Jonathan Sheriff (Deana) and Kenneth Sheriff (Jennifer), all of Easley; grandchildren, Cale, Audrey, Levi, Brody and Cody; and sisters, June Shults (Bob) of Cosby, Tenn., and Jean Arflin (Orbie) of Anderson.
Funeral services were held on Monday, Aug. 1, in the chapel of Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown. Burial followed in Greenlawn Memorial Park.
Flowers will be accepted.
Condolences may be expressed online by visiting www.robinsonfuneralhomes.com or in person at Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown, which is assisting the family.
Ernest Reece
Pickens — Ernest Paul Reece, 82, of 628 Hagood Mill Road, passed away peacefully Saturday morning, July 30, 2016, at his residence.
Born in Pickens, he was a son of the late Johnnie Sloane and Eula Christine Ramey Reece.
Ernest loved the outdoors and had a passion for hunting white tail deer and trout fishing. He was a generous man and he would help anyone who needed it. He was known by many and loved by all who knew him.
Surviving are a daughter, Connie Reece of Pickens; two sons, Roger Dale Reece of Pickens and Marty Allen Reece (Teana Jo) of Pickens; a sister, Mozell Reece of Pickens; two brothers, Hoyt Reece of McCormick and A.J. Reece of Travelers Rest; five grandchildren, Candace Nicole Frasier, Bryan Rudolf Hayes, Dillon Scott Reece, Hunter Seth Reece and Bradie Nicole Reece; and four great-grandchildren, Aryana, Lilly and Landon Allshouse and Elsie Hayes. Also surviving are a special friend, Yevonne Holbrooks, and her children, Amanda and Josh Holbrooks, and her granddaughter, Alaina Russell.
Funeral services to honor the life of Mr. Reece will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 3, in the Liberty Mortuary Chapel, with a visitation one hour prior to the service. Burial will follow at Hillcrest Memorial Park.
Flowers will be accepted, or those desiring may make memorials to Gentiva Hospice, 15 Brendan Way, Suite 100, Greenville SC 29615.
Liberty Mortuary is handling arrangements.
Paula A. Rasberry
Easley — Paula Ann Griffin Rasberry, 78, formerly of Meadowood Drive, passed away Sunday, July 31, 2016, at Magnolia Place in Greenville.
Born in Childress, Texas, she was the daughter of the late Paul and Elizabeth Estes Griffin.
Mrs. Rasberry was a school bus driver for 30 years. She loved cooking, reading and sewing.
Surviving are her children, Paul Rasberry of Easley and Liza Carpenter of Wichita, Kan.; granddaughter, Kasey Rasberry; and a great-grandson, Messiah Smith.
In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by a son, Barrett Rasberry.
No services will be held.
Condolences may be expressed online at www.robinsonfuneralhomes.com or in person at Robinson Funeral Home-Downtown, which is assisting the family.