Daily Archives: 11/16/2016
SC donates to Senior League World Series
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — Easley looks to hit a home run with its first year of hosting the Senior League World Series this summer — and the state of South Carolina has stepped up to the plate to help.
Rep. Neal Collins and Rep. Davey Hiott made a special presentation to tournament director John Humphrey during Monday night’s Easley City Council meeting.
‘Sip, Stroll, Shop’ planned in Pickens
PICKENS — The Greater Pickens Chamber of Commerce is inviting residents to shop locally for its first-ever “Sip, Stroll, Shop” event this weekend.
Officials hope “Sip, Stroll, Shop” will become an annual event.
Council honors Easley officer
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — A member of Easley’s police department was honored Monday night for his service to his country and his community.
Mayor Larry Bagwell presented Travis Evans with a key to the city in recognition of Evans recently being awarded the Purple Heart.
“It’s not often that you find a city that has a police officer who has earned two Purple Hearts,” Bagwell said. “Tonight the city is going to recognize him and tell him how proud we are of him.”
Cpl. Evans and fellow Marine Cpl. Alex Chapman, of Pacolet, were awarded their Purple Hearts during a special ceremony during the Clemson Tigers’ game against Syracuse, which was held during Clemson’s 23rd annual Military Appreciation Week.
Marine Gen. Glenn M. Walters, assistant commandant of the Marine Corps, awarded the Purple Hearts to Evans and Chapman.
“Both of these warriors did not receive their Purple Hearts while on active duty,” Clemson’s announcer told the crowd during the ceremony. “We are making that correction here today in front of their families and friends and fellow Clemson fans.”
“Cpl. Evans was wounded by an IED in Marjah, Afghanistan, on March 18, 2010, while assigned to the First Battalion, Sixth Marines, 2nd Marine Division,” the announcer told the crowd.
The award was Evans’ second Purple Heart. He was wounded twice during the deployment.
Evans and Chapman received a thunderous ovation from the crowd.
“This is the city’s highest award,” Bagwell told Evans as he presented the key to the city on Monday. “We just want you to know that we’re proud of you.”
The audience then gave Evans a standing ovation.
Consignment store caters to budget-friendly families
SIX MILE — A new family consignment store specializing in upscale resale, consignment and gifts for women, men and children opened its doors on Oct. 4.
Campbell’s Closet of Six Mile is located at 109 N. Main St. The new store features clothing and accessories for the entire family, along with toys, baby equipment, books and children’s furniture and bedding.
Owner Brooke Spencer, a resident of Central, jumped at the opportunity to fill the need for budget-friendly shopping in the town of Six Mile.
“The downtown Six Mile location is perfect,” she said. “We’re excited to provide area families, college students and other members of the community with a great resale shopping experience. We are looking forward to joining the local business community.”
Resale shopping has become extremely popular in recent years. It offers shoppers the thrill of the chase and the opportunity to find one-of-a-kind pieces all while saving money for everyone.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony is planned for 10 a.m. Friday, Nov. 18. The store plans on operating five days a week: Monday-Thursday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Friday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Walk-in consignments will be taken between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday-Friday. For information on how to consign, contact Campbell’s Closet at (864) 481-5140 or CampbellsClosetLLC@gmail.com, or visit campbellscloset.com.
PCLA book sale starts Friday
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Book and bargain lovers, rejoice: It’s almost time for the Pickens County Literacy Association’s Fall Used Book Sale.
The sale will kick off Friday morning at 9 a.m. at the All Saints Hall at Pickens Presbyterian Church. The sale will be open until 6 p.m. that day and resume from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 19.
Veterans Day event at Pickens Senior Center

The Pickens Senior Center held a special Veterans Day celebration on Friday. Members of he center who were also veterans were honored during the event. Recognition of veterans was presented by Gary Parsons and Karl Johnson. A special flag retirement ceremony was held by former Pickens City Councilman George Boney (inset).
Veterans that are members of the center include Carl Porter, C.B. Hayes, Stanley Morgan, Ray Nix, Jim Pace, Donald Bolding, Ed Dawkins, John Turner, Evan Chastain, Ed Benton, Earl Reeves, Margie Reeves, Franklin Porter, Bobby Trotter, Earl Gravley, Charles Gill, Ron Day, Tommy Porter, Charles Pinion, Harry Moraska, Billy Hester, Guy Hester, Bruce Hester, Bob Stanford, George Edwards, George Boney, Sam Duval, Marion Aiken, John Howard, Harold Pace, Leroy Johnson, Terry Houston, Wally Williams, Lowell Smith, Harry Pitts, Jerry M. Jones, Vivian Gillison, Pat Patterson, John Munzert, Al Henderson, William Galloway, Walter Brown, Maxwell Wilson, Grady Blair and Donad Breazeale. Pictured above are some of the veterans who were in attendance.
Courier Letters to the Editor 11-16-16
The Pickens County Courier gladly accepts letters to the Editor. Letters must be no longer than 500 words. All letters must be signed, including first and last name, address and phone number in order to be considered for publication. Only the name and city where you reside will be printed. Submission does not guarantee publication. We reserve the right to edit for content and length. No slanderous or obscene material will be accepted. Letters to the Editor and columns do not necessarily the Courier’s opinion. Send letters to news@thepccourier.com
Can summer really be over?
For a brief period each fall, we see the leaves. On the drive to work, school and town, we pass hundreds of trees wearing their most colorful clothes. The range of colors and varieties is infinite.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to collect the leaves before they turn brown and spread them about the house on walls and in vases to light the long, dark winter months?
Yes, winter is coming. This year it has felt like summer would never end. Summer weather went well into early November.
On Sunday when we saw a light sprinkle of rain outside, it puzzled me as to why I felt cold. I’d come outside as usual without a sweater or jacket. So accustomed have I become to sunny, warm weather that I didn’t realize the need for any kind of wrap. “What is wrong?,” I thought.
Well, nothing is wrong. It’s almost Thanksgiving, and we are experiencing our first cool weather in more than six months.
And some people say there’s no such thing as global warming. I’ve thought about this and decided, with no data to support this theory, that all the people who deny the existence of global warming spend their lives indoors with central air conditioning. They leave their cool and comfortable homes and offices and travel in their air-conditioned cars to other air-conditioned places.
There can be no other explanation, at least in my mind. I have to ask if they’ve ever been in a hayfield in summer, loading bales of hay onto a truck bed.
Have they ever walked the rows of a field of corn and pulled ears from the stalk? Have they ever plowed? Have they ever stood outside in the rain and offered up a prayer of thanksgiving when the parched earth soaks up the life-sustaining water?
I think not. For whatever reason, some people insist on denying as truth anything that disturbs their view of the world.
Even if you don’t think global warming is real, it would be difficult to deny that we had an extremely hot, dry summer that lasted for about six months. We’re all ready for the heat to end.
This year’s summer season bore a striking resemblance to the presidential campaign. Hot, dry with no relief in sight. Finally, it has ended. We may not be happy with the outcome, but we can feel enormous relief that it is over.
Winter is approaching. There are good things about winter, and other things that make us shake in our boots.
On the plus side, we can stay warm, and it isn’t nearly as much work as it used to be.
There aren’t many of us left who rely solely on wood to heat our homes.
Now we take so for granted every convenience that adds to our physical comfort we don’t often pause to notice.
One of the best things about winter is coming into the house after being outside in the cold and sitting beside the gas logs to warm my bones.
Every season that comes our way has its own special qualities. Eventually the rain will come. And when it does, I’ll listen to it fall upon the roof and imagine the azaleas sucking it up through their roots, getting ready for the spring.
Pickens’ Ford signs with Coker
PICKENS — Pickens High School baseball pitcher and infielder Jonathon Ford will be taking his talents to the next level following graduation.
Ford signed last week to be a Coker College Cobra next season.
“I went down there for a camp earlier this year and I really liked their campus and their coaching staff,” Ford said. “They made me feel welcome and wanted. It was kind of like Pickens in a way.”
Pickens baseball coach Blake Dyar said he is very proud of Ford for earning a scholarship.
Rocky Nimmons/Courier
Pickens High School senior Jonathon Ford signed on Thursday to play baseball next season for Coker College in Hartsville. Pictured, standing from left, are Pickens coach Blake Dyar, Ford’s brother, Bryan Ford, and PHS athletic director Stan Butler. Seated is Ford flanked by his parents, Nancy and Todd Ford. Not picture are Pickens High Baseball Coach Matt Smith and Jay Reams of TNT sports.
“He has worked very hard. He has done whatever I have asked him to do,” Dyar said. “He has played infield, pitched and played outfield. He is just a great kid. I am proud of him for signing with Coker College. I think he will do a great job.”
Dyar spoke of how important it was for the Pickens program to have kids sign to play at the next level.
“It shows if you play at Pickens you are going to have a chance to go on and play at the next level,” he said. “I just wish Jonathon the best of luck. He deserves this and has worked very hard,” he said.
Ford said he appreciated all he has gained from his time at Pickens.
“The Pickens program helped me a lot and taught me a lot of things — not just baseball things, but to become a better person,” he said.
Ford has one more season for the Blue Flame before he is Hartsville-bound and then hopes to go into his freshman season at Coker and contribute right away.
“We will see how the next four years go,” he said.
Easley seniors ink with colleges

Kerry Gilstrap/Courier
Seven Easley High School seniors signed last week to continue their athletic careers on the collegiate level. Pictured, from left, are Austin Morgan, Mason Stewart, Trevor Weisner, Chase Stephens, Logan Chapman, Whitney McCollum and Sydney Patterson.
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — Highlighted by five members of the Green Wave baseball squad, seven Easley High School athletes signed to continue their athletic careers in college during a special signing day ceremony last Wednesday at the school.