Monthly Archives: November 2016
Red Devils enjoy free breakfast
After the Liberty Red Devils beat Blacksburg 31-7 on Friday night, Yank’s in Liberty fed the team breakfast to help the town celebrate the accomplishments of the Red Devil football team. LHS has never won a home playoff game until Nov. 18, and the Red Devils have only advanced to the third round two other times — in 1961 and 1948, both state championship teams.
Clemson-area veteran gets a helping hand
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
CLEMSON — Local businesses and vendors teamed up recently to help an area veteran.
For two years now, Eric Newton, owner of Tiger Properties, has been looking to hep people. That’s led to the Build Up Clemson Initiative.
‘We’re in a college town here, there’s a lot going on,” Newton said in a recent interview. “Sometimes we don’t really put a whole lot of attention on our people in need in the community — and there are people in need here. We started this initiative to help those people.”
World of Energy to host 2016 Festival of Trees in December
UPSATE — The World of Energy hosts its fourth annual Festival of Trees Dec. 1 through Dec. 30. Nearly two dozen trees are now on display, decorated by local businesses and organizations for the public to view. Tree viewing takes place Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. at Duke Energy’s World of Energy education center at Oconee Nuclear Station.
Visitors are asked to vote on their favorite tree; the winning organization receives a $1,000 grant from Duke Energy to donate to their registered charity of choice. A tree-lighting ceremony is planned for 5 p.m. Dec. 1, for the community to enjoy with live music by the Seneca High School Madrigals. Light refreshments will be served.
Also, as part of the holiday festivities, Santa Claus is visiting the World of Energy from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 10. Children can visit with Santa, and parents are encouraged to capture the memories with their camera. No reservations are required.
All holiday activities at the World of Energy are free and open to the public. The center is an official Toys for Tots drop-off location, so those visiting are encouraged to bring a new, unwrapped toy for the drop box.
For more information on the Festival of Trees activities, call (864) 873-4600.
Festival of Wreaths planned at Cannon
PICKENS — AnMed Health Cannon Auxiliary Volunteers will kick off the 2016 Festival of Wreaths and Silent Auction in the front lobby this Thursday, Dec. 1.
Area businesses and individuals have donated beautiful holiday wreaths for the annual event. The silent auction fundraiser continues from Dec. 1-15, and visitors are welcome to come view the wreaths during normal visiting hours. Winning bids will be determined at 1 p.m. on Dec. 15. The wreaths will be available to be picked up by the lucky winners after 1 p.m. on Dec. 15 or from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. on Dec. 16.
The auxiliary will also host the Winterfest Holiday Bazaar on Dec. 1 (9 a.m.-6 p.m.) and Dec. 2 (7 a.m.-4 p.m.) in the classroom located in the Outpatient Services building.
Items handmade by local vendors and AnMed Health Cannon employees including soaps, jewelry, crafts and more will be available for purchase. Both events are open to the general public.
The Auxiliary Gift and Coffee Shoppe is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. for shoppers to find the perfect stocking stuffer for Christmas morning. Scarves, handmade items, flavorings and the popular Rada cutlery are among items to be purchased.
Proceeds from these events benefit the auxiliary and help support AnMed Health Cannon programs, projects, and equipment.
Getting to know Charles Lee Majors Jr.
Charles Majors was born Feb. 23, 1956, in Washington, D.C. He lived there for three years before moving to Upper Marlboro, Md. He attended Frederick Sasscer Junior and Senior High School in Maryland. He was on the track team. He graduated in 1971.
He attended Crossland Vocational School, located in Clinton, Md., for three years, where he studied plumbing and electrical wiring. After he left Crossland, he worked at Charlie’s Home Improvement doing home repairs. He worked there for a few years before he and his wife started their own business. They cleaned offices, homes and new constructions. They did that for four years.
Charles met his wife, Amy Lynn Yorko, in Laurel, Md. She worked in a department store, and he would go in quite often to shop around just so he could talk with her. He said they knew each other for quite a while before they started dating, and they only dated for six months before marrying in 1990. They have been married for 26 years.
He is very proud of his stepson, Chris, and stepdaughter, Kim. He also has one step-grandson. Chris moved to Pickens a few years ago. A short time later, Kim moved to Pickens, too.
Charles and his wife missed them so much. They wanted to be near them, so they moved to Pickens in 2009. He said it was one of the best things he has ever done. Pickens is their home now, and they love it here. He likes the neighborhood where they live. He said the people in this area are so nice, friendly and helpful.
Carol Baker/Courier
Charles Lee Majors said moving to Pickens with his wife in 2009 was one of the best things he has ever done.
Charles enjoys fishing. He likes to ride up to Table Rock and fish in the lake. Sometimes he goes to Six Mile to fish in a lake there.
His wife does genealogy research. She does it for her friends and does not charge them for the information she finds on the internet.
Charles and Amy Lynn thoroughly enjoy camping out in the mountains. One of their favorite places to go on vacation is Ocean City, Md.
Charles is unable to work. He has back problems and is scheduled to have surgery on his shoulder soon.
Charles goes to the Pickens Flea Market every Wednesday. Sometimes he brings a few items and sets up a booth. He said that even if he doesn’t sell anything, he enjoys talking with the people he meets there.
Easley resident Carol Baker highlights interesting local residents and helps us get to know more about the fascinating people who call Pickens County home. If you have someone somewhere who you think people should know about, contact us at
EVA project brings students, BHS Youth Board together

Pickens Middle School attendees, PMS advisors, and Behavioral Health Services’ Youth Board are pictured with the Rev. Erik Grayson, who spoke at the recent EVA program.
By Savannah Perry
Special to the Courier
PICKENS — The EVA project is an effort to spread awareness of the daily pressures students must face and how to cope with such adversity in a positive way. It is named after a dear friend to the Pickens County Behavioral Health Services, Mrs. Eva Haynie.
Holy Trinity Episcopal announces 2017 bazaar
CLEMSON — Holy Trinity Episcopal Church will hold its annual Bazaar and Artisan Market this Saturday, Dec. 3, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., in the church fellowship hall, located at 193 Old Greenville Highway across from Clemson University.
The bazaar will feature beautifully handcrafted items made by more than 25 talented artisans from around the Upstate and members of Holy Trinity. Examples include jewelry, gift baskets, soaps, quilts, woodworking, scarves, handbags, ornaments and candles, American Girl Doll clothes in sets, as well as homemade take-home frozen meals, baked and canned goods, and the best lunch in town. The event also will include a silent auction.
All proceeds from the event, dating back more than 50 years, will be shared among several charities. In recent years, funds have been donated to Clemson Community Care, Family Promise of Pickens County, Collins Children’s Home, Our Daily Rest, Safe Harbor, Habitat for Humanity of Anderson, Clemson Free Clinic and tuition grants for the Episcopal Day School.
More information can be found at or by contacting the parish office at 654-5071.
Concerts planned at Arial Baptist
EASLEY — Arial Baptist Church invites the community to attend three nights of Southern Gospel Music.
The event will begin this Thursday, Dec. 1, at 7 p.m. with The Inspirations Quartet and Abishai. On Sunday, Dec. 4, at 6 p.m., The Centurions will perform, and on Sunday, Jan. 15, at 6 p.m., visitors can hear the sounds of The Primitive Quartet.
Each will be a love offering concert. Arial Baptist Church is located at 618 Rice Road in Easley. For more information call (864) 859-7234 or visit
Veterans honored
Mt. Bethel United Methodist Church of Sunset celebrated with a special Veterans Day luncheon on Saturday, Nov. 5. Veterans, their wives and widows of veterans were treated to a good meal and a special program. Best of all were memories shared by veterans.
A special tribute for the fallen veterans was given. The church also dedicated an American flag to fly over the veterans buried in the church cemetery, some dating back to the Civil War.
Winter Warmth event planned this Saturday
PICKENS — The Pickens Ministerial Association will again sponsor Winter Warmth, a free distribution of good, used, winter clothes.
This year’s event will be held this Saturday, Dec. 3, from 8-11 a.m. at the Pickens Recreation gym at 545 Sangamo Road.
The Pickens Ministerial Association is comprised of the pastors of several area churches.
Pastor Nath Briley of Pickens Presbyterian Church explained that winter clothes are actually collected all during the year. Also, Rev. Ashley McCoy- Bruce and Rev. James McCoy- Bruce, co-pastors of Grace United Methodist Church, highlighted that a team of volunteers from each church gets together regularly to sort and organize the clothes.
The Rev. Kathy Harris of Faith Lutheran Chapel and Rev. Carroll Austin of Griffin Ebenezer Baptist Church are pleased that all the PMA churches work together during the year on projects that strengthen and bring the Pickens community together. For many years, they have sponsored the Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration, held on the King holiday.
The Rev. Kevin Pires, pastor of the Pickens Seventh Day Adventist Church, reminds everyone that there are clothes for all ages — from toddlers to grandparents — and they especially offer coats, jeans, sweaters and shoes. Although all items have been gently used, they are in good condition and will be given away free.