Daily Archives: 12/31/2019
Clemson wins Fiesta Bowl thriller over Buckeyes to advance to championship

By Alex Maminakis
Courtesy The Journal
GLENDALE, Ariz. — With a trip to the national championship game on the line, Clemson faced about as much late-game pressure as it could have asked for Saturday night against Ohio State.
Down two points with 3:07 remaining in the Fiesta Bowl, the Tigers went 94 yards in four plays, ending with a 34-yard Travis Etienne touchdown catch, to go on top and stay on top, beating the Buckeyes 29-23 in a drama-filled classic in Arizona to punch their tickets to New Orleans for Clemson’s
fourth national championship game in five years.
Second-ranked Ohio State (13-1) had a chance to win on the final drive of the game, and the Buckeyes, led by quarterback Justin Fields, moved quickly downfield as far as the Clemson 23-yard line.
But after a timeout, Fields threw a dart into the end zone right into the arms of
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Countywide marketing, branding in the works?
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Creating a comprehensive approach to tourism is one of Pickens County’s goals for 2020.
During county council’s Dec. 16 meeting, acting administrator Ken Roper presented a proposal to create a comprehensive tourism plan “to determine what is the best way for us to attract tourists to Pickens County.”
The proposal would see the county engaging the South Carolina National Heritage Corridor.
“It stretches from here to the coast, and it’s designed to figure out ways to attract tourists to our area,” Roper said.
Under the proposal, Heritage Corridor staff would conduct a series
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Roper wants county to shift focus on tourism
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Acting administrator Ken Roper would like the county to think bigger when it comes to promoting Pickens County’s amenities.
Developing a comprehensive tourism approach was one of several goals Pickens County Council members discussed at a lengthy planning meeting in November.
During his administrator’s report at the Dec. 16 council meeting, Roper said the tourism department would restructure as part of that effort. The county’s Parks and Recreation Department is now known as the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department, he said.
“We have done very good as a county, and as a staff, in the past of marketing some of our tourism destinations,”
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Liberty residents asked for input
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
LIBERTY — Liberty officials are seeking public comment on project priorities.
A draft of the “Liberty Master Plan – A Roadmap to Strategic Planning” document is available to view on the city’s website at libertysc.com, and public comment will be taken through Jan. 24, 2020.
City administrator Bruce Evilsizor discussed the document during city council’s December work session.
“We’ve had a number of discussions here in council about planning efforts, what should be done and what would be beneficial to the community,” he said. “This is an attempt to
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Speaker: Survivors of suicide loss can emerge from grief

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — American Foundation for Suicide Prevention South Carolina area director Helen Pridgen knows firsthand that recovery from the loss of someone who died by suicide takes time.
“The process of adapting to lose, to change, takes energy,” she said. “Grief is draining, exhausting — it is heavy. Our ability to function in other areas of our life may be reduce temporarily.”
Pridgen spoke at a recent “Grief After Suicide” seminar hosted by Robinson Funeral Home.
“When we lose anyone we love, it doesn’t matter if it’s a car accident or
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Drive seeks dolls for elderly
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — A local nonprofit is seeking donations of dolls to give to elderly people who have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.
Warmth and Comfort for the Elderly Upstate SC formed recently out of the desire of co-chairs Tammy Ferguson and Danielle Parker to do something with their crochet skills to benefit the elderly.
The group provides warm items for nursing home patients, hospice groups, home health patients and elderly
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Legislative delegation to host annual meeting next week
LIBERTY — The Pickens County Legislative Delegation will hold its annual public meeting at the Pickens County Performing Arts Center, located at 314 W. Main St. in Liberty, on Monday.
Reports from organizations and boards will be heard starting at 5:30 p.m.
The floor will be opened for public comments at 6 p.m.
The public is invited and encouraged to attend the meeting. Residents will have an opportunity to ask questions of and make comments to members of the delegation, and members of the delegation will comment on various issues that may be introduced in the upcoming session of the General Assembly, which convenes on Tuesday, Jan. 14.
The Legislative Delegation consists of Sens. Thomas C. Alexander and Rex Rice, and Reps. Davey Hiott, Neal A. Collins, Gary E. Clary and West Cox.
For more information, contact the delegation office at (864) 850-7070.
Welcome to a new decade
Welcome to the 2020s!
Yes, hard as it may be to believe, it looks like we’re forging ahead into the third decade of the 21st century.
I can remember back in 1971, when I read the book “Nineteen Eighty Four,” 1984 seemed like a very futuristic date. Well, like 2032 sounds like to us now.
I remember when the movie “2001: A Space Odyssey” came out, 2001 seemed like a distant time, when space travel would be commonplace and a computer named “HAL” might be able to override your command to decommission it. That’s certainly not what I recall when I think about the year 2001, now nearly two decades ago.
It must seem really odd to my parents, going into the ‘20s, because they were
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Why can’t we all be purple?
If only we lived in a world that didn’t demand our allegiance to either the red party or the blue party. What if we could choose to be part of a new party? The Purple Party.
If it were possible, I’d join the Purple Party, where we would be allowed to be kind to each other.
In the Purple Party, we wouldn’t sit in judgment, but actually would “Do unto others as you would have them do unto
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Mustard seed moments
I have a dear friend that is going through some serious health issues, and everyone who knows him are sending up a lot of prayers. He has a couple of text threads that include his family and friends and he sends out morning updates to let us know what’s happening and how he is doing.
He’s always been a meek person who would rather be in the shadows of a crowd instead of the limelight, so stepping forward and being the focus of attention is quite a stretch for him. He and his wife are some of the most generous and kind people I have ever
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