Monthly Archives: December 2019
Sowell gets Eagle
Boy Scout Tyler Sowell received his Eagle at a ceremony in December. Tyler earned his Eagle in Scout Troop 51 in Pickens and is the son of Chuck and Laurie Sowell. During Tyler’s scouting career he earned 29 merit badges, his Bronze Eagle Palm, Ordeal and Brotherhood for Order of the Arrow and served in many leadership roles in the troop. Tyler was very active and during his years in scouting had more than 109 camping nights, hiked more than 70 miles and cycled more than 129 miles in his years in Scouting. For his Eagle project, Tyler installed a bridge across a creek at Hagood Mill in Pickens to be used in conjunction with the disc golf course. Tyler is currently enrolled in Tri-County Technological College, where he is pursuing a career in welding.
Courier Obituaries 1-1-20
CENTRAL — Mr. Don Lyman Nichols, 60, husband of Maricel Labrador Nichols, passed away on Sunday, Dec. 22, 2019.
Born in Pickens County, a son of the late James Carl Nichols and the late Emma Bagwell Nichols, Mr. Nichols was a graduate of Easley High School and was employed with Champion Aerospace LLC. He attended Shady Grove Baptist Church.
Don had a love and passion for motorcycles, but his greatest love was for his family and his grandchildren. He
SCHSL realignment to affect local schools

By Bru Nimmons
Staff Reporter
COUNTY — As Pickens County enters the new year, there are plenty of changes to be expected for the decade ahead, and for the four local high school athletic departments, major changes are scheduled to begin in the fall.
The South Carolina High School League recently announced its proposed realignment for the 2020-2022 school years, with those changes seeing three county teams move down a classification.
The Easley Green Wave will move back down to Class 4A and will join Region I alongside county rival Pickens
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Daniel drops tourney final after comeback
By Bru Nimmons
Staff Reporter
CENTRAL — After wins against Crescent and Dunbar (Fla.), the Daniel Lions entered the finals of their annual Christmas tournament against the Seneca Bobcats last week battling not only for the championship, but also a season series win against their fiercest rival.
After trailing for the entirety of the game leading into the fourth quarter, the Lions kept the ball in the hands of sophomore Bobby Taylor and senior Brenton Benson, and the duo didn’t disappoint, leading Daniel on a 15-2 run to take its first lead of the game with less than three minutes to play.
The Lions’ hopes ended there, though, as Seneca guard Jared Rogers took
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Pickens Rec Department volunteer honored
The city of Pickens Recreation Department was recently recognized at the 2019 South Carolina Recreation and Parks Association Sports Management Institute’s luncheon on Dec. 6 in Hilton Head. This year, a Pickens Recreation Department volunteer, Steven “Craig” Spivey, was awarded the South Carolina Athletic Program Parent and Volunteer of the Year Award for volunteer services and dedication to athletic programs in the state of South Carolina. Pictured, from left, are Pickens City Council members Lois Porter and Jimmy Davis, Pickens Recreation director Cheri Anthony, Councilman Patrick Lark, Spivey, Mayor Fletcher Perry, and council members Isaiah Scipio and Donna Owens.
County council honors Liberty athlete for title

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Liberty High School student-athlete Alexandria Stancell was recently recognized for her state championship win.
During its Dec. 16 meeting, Pickens County Council passed a resolution recognizing Stancell as the unlimited division state champion in the second South Carolina High School Strength Coaches Association state championship strength meet.
Chairman Roy Costner read the resolution aloud following the vote.
The resolution said that under the leadership of principal Josh Oxendine and athletic director Kyle Stewart, Liberty High School “has established an excellent athletic program.”
The second South Carolina High School Strength Coaches Association state championship strength meet was held at Dorman High School on Nov. 16.
“Alexandria Stancell participated for Liberty High School in the bench press, the squat and the standing broad jump,” Costner said. “All of those would break my back. I’m so impressed with you.”
“Pickens County recognizes the hard work and exemplary performance of Alexandria Stancell and is appreciative of the fine representation that she and the other competitors from Liberty High School made for all of Pickens County,” the resolution said.
The resolution said Stancell’s “outstanding achievement brings honor to our county, as well Liberty High School.”
Daniel girls recognized for 2nd state championship

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — The Daniel High School girls’ golf team was recently recognized for its second consecutive Class 4A state championship win.
During its Dec. 16 meeting, Pickens County Council passed a resolution congratulating the team on its win.
Chairman Roy Costner read the resolution aloud following the vote.
The resolution said that under the leadership of principal Shannon Sharkey and athletic director Tommy Plumbee, the school has established “an excellent athletic program, including a girls’ golf team led by coach Andy Swords.”
The team has won five consecutive Class 4A upper state competitions, qualifying them for the Class 4A state championship, the resolution said.
The Class 4A state championship tournament was held at The Shipyard Golf Club on Hilton Head Island in October, the resolution said.
“The Daniel High girls’ golf team won by 52 strokes” at the state tournament, Costner said. “Pickens County recognizes the hard work and exemplary performance of the Daniel High girls’ golf team.”
The team’s achievement makes a fine representation “for all of Pickens County,” the resolution said.
The second consecutive championship win is an “outstanding achievement that bring honor to our county, as well as Daniel High School,” the resolution said.
McKissick celebrates STEM donation

EASLEY — Students and teachers at McKissick Academy of Science and Technology cheered a recent surprise announcement from 3M Corporation that would fund $6,000 of STEM projects at their school.
3M Corporation, with a location in Greenville announced that it had funded all STEM classroom projects in Greenville, Pickens and Laurens counties that were live on the classroom crowdfunding site as of Dec. 20. 3M made its announcement live at McKissick Academy, Fountain Inn Elementary and Hillcrest
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Winter Bluegrass Jubilee planned for January 25
PICKENS — The Young Appalachian Musicians (YAM) will hold its annual indoor music festival, the Winter Bluegrass Jubilee, on Jan. 25 at Pickens High School.
This year’s jubilee promises to be the best year yet, with a full day of performances, jamming, dancing, workshops, vendors and food.
This year’s band lineup includes Sister Sadie, Carolina Blue, ETSU Bluegrass Pride Band, West End String Band, New Dixie Storm, Young Appalachian Musicians school groups, Sweet Potato Pie Kids, Ella and
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Courier Community Calendar 1-1-20
• Moving Forward Group to meet
The Moving Forward Group for widowed persons meets the second Tuesday of each month at Silver Bay Restaurant on U.S. Highway 123 in Easley. Held at 6 p.m., the meeting offers a night of fellowship, encouragement and making new friends. For more information, call Marian Huskins at (864) 295-1714.
• Sertoma Club invites locals to meet
The Clemson Sertoma Club invites all interested local residents to attend meetings.
The club meets at noon the first and third Tuesdays of each month at Occasions at Wedgefield, located at 1551