Monthly Archives: January 2020
Signups ending soon for soccer, volleyball
PICKENS — Registration will close Friday for the spring soccer and volleyball seasons at the Pickens Recreation Center on Sangamo Road in Pickens.
For soccer, the following coed age divisions are offered — 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 and 11-12. Depending on the size of leagues, the 9-10 and 11-12 divisions may have to be combined.
For volleyball, the age divisions will be 7-9, 10-12, 13-14 and 15-17.
Following registration, a skills/evaluation day will be held for each age division in
Our latest governmental folly
I know you’re probably dying to hear what I think about my cousin Harry, the Duke of Sussex, abdicating his princely duties in favor of becoming a commoner like the rest of us.
Well, I might touch on that in a little bit, but first I really feel like I should comment on a subject a little closer to home: the Great Impeachment Spectacle taking place in our nation’s capital.
I am not going to take sides in this fight. I just want to think through, with you, some of the dynamics of this latest episode in the incredible governmental follies of our times.
Let me start by saying that if I ever have to go on trial for allegedly committing a crime, I hope I get a jury that is a
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Courier Letters to the Editor
More than just a color
Dear Editor,
I am sure many have heard about the debate on the color scheme for the restoration of Bruce Field. Pickens High School’s colors are blue and white with a bit of red, and that has been the color of the stadium wall on Jewell Street.
The city of Pickens owns the field, and the wall has been pressure-washed and is awaiting paint. The city was talking about painting the wall a dark gray. The reasoning was it would be cheaper to maintain and match the paint on the Doodle Trail station. (You can see the painted
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The walk of encouragement
I was having a discussion with a friend the other day about how it seems that so many people are living in sadness and discouragement when he mentioned something that really made me think. He said that it was impossible to be depressed and walk in the joy of God’s presence at the same time.
After our conversation, I continued to ponder this statement, and by the way, I do agree with it. I’m not saying that developing an optimistic lifestyle is easy by any stretch of the imagination, but I definitely believe it’s possible.
Since a healthy relationship with the Lord is measured according to the level of our spiritual joy, a lifestyle of encouragement will have
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Eastatoee Valley historical marker unveiled in Sunset

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
SUNSET — The Pickens County Historical Society unveiled the county’s newest historical
marker, one that celebrates the Eastatoee Valley and the people who have dwelt in the area for thousands of years.
“This marker is extraordinarily significant,” PCHS senior vice oresident Wayne Kelley said at the start of the unveiling Wednesday morning.
The marker is located on Cleo Chapman Highway at Shooting Tree Ridge Road.
PCHS Blue Wall vice president Dennis Chastain said the society has been working on the
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Street Tacos now open
A grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony was held recently for Street Tacos, the newest restaurant to open in historic downtown Pickens. The new eatery is open Tuesday through Sunday, serving lunch and dinner, with eat in and carryout available. Street Tacos is located at 102 W. Main St. Menus are available at Street Tacos or the Pickens Visitor Center. Street Tacos is owned by Maria Balboa and her daughter, Joy. Pictured are Pickens Mayor Fletcher Perry with members of the PRA and the Greater Pickens Chamber of Commerce, along with the owners and staff, during the event.
5 years of service
City of Pickens grounds superintendent Jamie Gravley was recently recognized for his five years of service to the city. Gravley was thanked for his hard work and all he has done to make Pickens the best it can be. Pictured above, Gravely accepts a certificate and a gift for his service from Mayor Fletcher Perry.
Clemson community gathers for Habitat for Humanity home dedication ceremony
CLEMSON — Pickens County Habitat for Humanity, along with Clemson University Athletics and the Nieri Family Student-Athlete Enrichment Center, celebrated the completion of a brand-new Habitat home at a dedication ceremony in Clemson on Jan. 16.
New homeowner Tabitha Good was joined by family, friends and the many volunteers who helped to build the home, including Clemson University student-athletes and other community members.
The partnership represents the first-ever Pickens County Habitat home built by Clemson
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Courier Community Calendar 1-29-20
• Volunteers needed to paint Hope Globes
The Hope Globe is an Upstate South Carolina charity that was created to provide emotional support for children at Prisma and other hospitals of the Upstate.
The charity is currently looking for volunteers to paint globes and raise awareness, and the group is also asking for donations of any kind — furniture, appliances, cars, etc. — for its online thrift store. To find out more about the charity, visit or contact the
Sun-dried tomatoes brighten wintry days

By Olivia Fowler
For the Courier
In summer, we take for granted our unlimited access to juicy, delicious, mouth-watering ripe homegrown tomatoes.
But it isn’t summer anymore, and winter tomatoes tend to be tasteless.
If you still crave that rich tomato flavor, have you thought of using sun-dried tomatoes in recipes?
You don’t have to dehydrate them yourself if you don’t want to. They are available in most grocery stores and offer a versatility in dishes that may surprise you.
I hope you’ll try and enjoy these four recipes.