Daily Archives: 07/21/2020
Berry, Berry delicious dishes

By Olivia Fowler
For the Courier
Almost everybody likes blueberry pie, but this year’s
featured blueberry recipes are less well known.
The breakfast French bread casserole isn’t run of the mill. It is convenient, can be made ahead the day before and popped in the oven to fill up a crowd for breakfast.
The salad with cashews makes a light side dish, the blueberry lattice bars are a great snack and the blueberry lemon trifle satisfies the most persnickety taste buds.
So try something a little different and enjoy.
Courier Classifieds 7-22-19
DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for [350] procedures. Real dental insurance NOT just a discount plan. [Don’t wait!] Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-855-397-7030 www.dental50plus.com/60 #6258 SW
OXYGEN – Anytime. Anywhere. No tanks to refill. No deliveries. The All-New Inogen One G4 is only 2.8 pounds! FAA approved! FREE info kit: 833-833-1650. SW
BOY SCOUT COMPENSATION FUND – Anyone that was inappropriately touched by a Scout leader deserves justice and financial compensation! Victims may be eligible for a significant cash
Courier Trespass Notices 7-22-20
In the state of South Carolina, trespass after notice is a misdemeanor criminal offense prohibited by section 16-11-620 for the South Carolina Code.
Those who enter upon the lands of others without the permission of the owner or manager shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor trespassing. All persons are hereby notified and warned not to hunt, fish, cut timber or trespass in any manner whatsoever upon the lands of the undersigned:
Susan P. Gilstrap and
Courier Creditors Notices 7-22-20
The publisher shall only be liable for an amount less than or equal to the charge for the space of the item in error in the case of errors in or omissions from any advertisement, and only for the first incorrect insertion.
All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of PICKENS COUNTY, the address of which is 222 MCDANIEL AVE., B-16 PICKENS, SC 29671, within eight (8) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to
Courier Legal Notices 7-22-20
(Case #2019-CP-39-01230)
By virtue of an Order of Foreclosure in the Court of Common Pleas for Pickens County, South Carolina, granted in the case of Donald Worth vs. Charles A. Finley, Jr., Marie K. Finley, Charles A. Stillwell, Othella P. Stillwell, Jeffrey G. Black, Virginia Y. Black, Alan R. King, Roy G. Masceri, Elaine J. Masceri, South Carolina Employment Security Commission, State of South Carolina Department of Revenue, Department of the Treasury – Internal Revenue Service, and TD Bank, successor to First National Bank of Pickens County, James C. Alexander, Special Referee for Pickens County, will sell on August 3, 2020 at 11:00 AM at the Pickens County Courthouse, Pickens, SC, to the highest bidder, the following described property, to-wit:
All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying and being situate in the State of South Carolina, County of Pickens at the intersection of E. Cedar Street and Church Street, and being known as Lot 7, containing 1.17 acres, according to a survey prepared by C.E. Shehan Surveying, Registered Tier B Land Surveyor No. 88108, dated October 29, 1997, and recorded in Plat Book 287 at Page 9A in the Office of Register of Deeds for Pickens County, South Carolina, reference to which is hereby made for a more complete and accurate description.
Parcel #4191-13-14-8270
TERMS OF SALE: CASH to the highest bidder, other than Plaintiff, with 5% of the
successful bid due in cash or certified check as a deposit at the conclusion of the sale. The successful bidder shall comply with his bid within 20 days after the sale or the deposit shall be forfeited, applied to costs first and Plaintiff’s attorney fee next, and the property shall be resold at a subsequent Sales Day at the risk of the defaulting bidder. Purchaser shall pay any current or delinquent property taxes assessed against the property. Purchaser shall pay for deed preparation, deed stamps, recording the deed, and the auctioneer’s commission. Plaintiff waives its request for a deficiency judgment. If Plaintiff or its representative does not appear at the Sale, then the sale shall be postponed.
This sale is made subject to the United States of America’s statutory right of redemption for 120 days from the date of sale.
The foreclosure deed is not a warranty deed. Neither Plaintiff nor its attorney make any representations to third parties as to the status of the title to the property. Prospective purchasers should consult an attorney and examine the title to the property being sold.
Date: July 10, 2020
s/James C. Alexander
James C. Alexander, Special Referee
SC Bar No. 317
Attorney for Plaintiff
P.O. Box 738 – Easley, SC 29641
July 15, 22, 29
Cellco Partnership and its controlled affiliates doing business as Verizon Wireless (Verizon Wireless) are proposing to build a 199-foot Monopole Telecommunications Tower. Anticipated lighting application is medium intensity dual red/white strobes. The site location is 546 Brezeale Rd, Liberty, Pickens County, South Carolina 29657 (34° 49’ 34.7″ N, 82° 40’ 55.58″ S). The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Antenna Structure Registration (ASR, Form 854) filing number is A1166264.
ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS – Interested persons may review the application (www.fcc.gov/asr/applications) by entering the filing number. Environmental concerns may be raised by filing a Request for Environmental Review (www.fcc.gov/asr/environmentalrequest) and online filings are strongly encouraged. The mailing address to file a paper copy is: FCC Requests for Environmental Review, Attn: Ramon Williams, 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554. HISTORIC PROPERTIES EFFECTS – Public comments regarding potential effects on historic properties may be submitted within 30 days from the date of this publication to: L. King, Terracon, 2105 Newpoint Place, Suite 600, Lawrenceville, GA 30043; 770-623-0755; lauren.king@terracon.com. Reference Terracon Project No. 49207786.
July 22
The Pickens County Planning Commission will meet in regular session and conduct a public hearing on Monday, August 10, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. in the Main Conference Room at the Pickens County Administration Facility, 222 McDaniel Avenue, Pickens, SC.
In order to follow current CDC social distancing guidelines, seating will be limited.
The Planning Commission will hold public hearings on the following items:
1. LU-20-0005 Allan Fortner of Land Planning Associates, Inc is requesting Land Use approval for a Commercial Center generating greater than 1,000 Average Daily Vehicle Trips (Large Scale Project). The subject tract is located on SC 183 (Walhalla Highway) and Old Keowee Baptist Church Road, Six Mile. The property owner of record is Century Landscaping, LLC (Jarrett Jernigan).
TMS#s 4049-00-66-9058, 4049-00-66-8815
2. SDV-20-0002 Deborah Quick requesting a subdivision variance of the Pickens County development standards regarding minimum lot size and division of property off a private residential access. The subject tract is located on Knob Hill Road, Pickens. The property owner of record is Deborah Quick.
TMS# 4191-17-11-4369
3. SDV-20-0003 Daniel Kingsburry and Tony Gaylor requesting a subdivision variance of the Pickens County development standards regarding division of property off a private residential access. The subject tract is located on Amberway Road, Easley. The property owner of record is Jerry Richardson.
TMS#s 5049-10-25-7716, 5049-10-26-5345
4. SD-20-0003 Subdivision Land Use and associated Subdivision Variance request for a 22 lot single-family residential development with unpaved/gravel streets. The subject tracts are located on Old Keowee Baptist Church Road. Easley. The applicant and property owner of record is RSL Buildings, LLC (Mark Clayton).
TMS#s 4049-00-59-1085, 4049-00-58-5751, 4049-00-58-6074, 4049-00-59-5232, 4049-00-57-8898, 4049-00-59-3692, 4049-00-59-8238
More information for each item is available in the Planning Office in the Department of Community Development and is open for public inspection during regular business hours. If any member of the public requires special assistance please call 864-898-5956.
July 22