Monthly Archives: July 2020
Founders’ views of a free press
America’s Founders regarded a free press as so vital to the new nation that they took care to include that right in the First Amendment to the Constitution.
Founders spoke glowingly about the press as a pillar of democracy and guarantor of liberty. Thomas Jefferson, for instance, famously wrote in 1787 that “were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.”
George Washington framed the issue of free expression in almost apocalyptic terms: “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like
Choosing to manage our time more wisely
In this modern world in which we live, the access of information is becoming an addiction. For many people, technology is emotionally stimulating entertainment, and as it continues to advance, we wonder if the intent is to influence us within this evolution of pleasure enhancement.
It’s amazing to consider that only 70 years ago the concept of computers controlling the masses seemed more like science fiction but now it has become a reality. Who would have dreamed that in this short period of time that most everyone would be connected
American Legion needs your help
I came across an unusual confab outside the coffee shop today. What was different this time was the presence of younger veterans.
“We’ll help you,” a young vet said to the group. “All you have to do is contact us and we’ll be here. Or there. Or wherever you are.”
I pieced together what was going on. The senior veterans were concerned about being able to form a funeral detail. One of their group was in the hospital and it wasn’t looking good, either for the veteran or the local American Legion Post itself. The younger veterans, probably
Courier Letters to the Editor 7-8-20
Human capital
Dear Editor,
We are capital already as humans. You can sell your time now, but people don’t notice that everything they do can be translated to money somehow.
Most Americans aren’t taxpayers, and most taxpayers are living paycheck to paycheck. They want to entertain themselves and not have a godly good time like they should.
Americans spend more time watching TV, surfing the internet and listening to the radio than they do working.
Americans need to focus more on passing down wealth to their offspring.
Jordan Cooper
Tax deadlines delayed for tornado victims

PICKENS — Pickens County residents affected by the April tornadoes may qualify to delay filing and payments to the Internal Revenue Service this year.
Following the disaster declarations for individual assistance issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the IRS said affected taxpayers in certain areas would receive tax relief. In addition to Pickens County, other South Carolina counties where delays are allowed this year are Aiken, Barnwell, Berkeley, Colleton, Hampton, Marlboro, Oconee and Orangeburg.
The declaration allows the IRS to postpone some tax filing and tax payment deadlines for taxpayers who live or have a business in the disaster area. Deadlines falling on or after April 12, 2020, and before Oct. 15, 2020, are postponed to Oct. 15, 2020. This includes 2019 individual and business returns that, due to COVID-19, were due on July 15. It also means that affected taxpayers will have until Oct. 15 to make 2019 IRA contributions.
The Oct. 15 deadline also applies to estimated tax payments for the first two quarters of 2020 that were due on July 15 and the third-quarter estimated tax payment normally due on Sept. 15. It also includes the quarterly payroll and excise tax returns normally due on April 30 and July 31.
In addition, penalties on payroll and excise tax deposits due on or after April 12 and before April 27 will be abated as long as the deposits were made by April 27, 2020.
The IRS automatically identifies taxpayers located in the covered disaster area and applies filing and payment relief. Affected taxpayers who live in or have a business located outside the covered disaster area should call the IRS disaster hotline at (866) 562-5227 to request this tax relief.
Officials worry about COVID-19 impact on student census count
By Greg Oliver
Courtesy The Journal
CLEMSON — Since the COVID-19 pandemic forced university students to go to online learning, many have returned home.
As a result, Central and Clemson officials recently expressed concern about how the absence of students will impact the census count that impacts funding.
“We’re going to get hurt depending on how they count people,” Central town administrator Phillip Mishoe said. “When the college kids left, they’re gone. We’ve put fliers on trashcans, and if we can get the permanent residents
AnMed reinstates no inpatient visitor policy due to surge in COVID-19 cases

PICKENS — In light of the surge in COVID-19 cases, AnMed Health has reinstated no visitation for any inpatient areas at its facilities — including AnMed Health Cannon in Pickens — with the exception of end-of-life and special circumstances “for the safety of our patients, community and staff.”
Effective this week, visitation will be limited to only one support person for end-of-life, labor and
Courier Obituaries 7-8-20
SENECA — William James Ables, born on July 29, 1940, to the late Olen Grandbery Ables and Keifer Whitfield Ables of Oconee County, went home to be with his Lord and Savior on Saturday, June 26, 2020.
Mr. Ables was retired from Duke Energy after 29 years.
He is survived by his wife, Judy Ables; a daughter, Sheri Ables; two sons, Jamie Ables and Wesley Ables (Zephlin Griffin); a sister, Dot Macijewski; a brother, Lane Ables; and a grandson, Grayson Levi.
A graveside service was held at Oconee Memorial Park on June 30.
The family is at the home of Sheri Ables.
Keowee Funeral Services is assisting the family.
PICKENS — Colie Stancil, 86, loving father, and loving husband of Ella Mae Hunter Stancil, passed
Run-ins with the dangerous creatures of the Jocassee Gorges

My children and grandchildren always loved the classic children’s book “Where the Wild Things Are,” by Maurice Sendak.
The Jocassee Gorges here in our county are full of wild things. While these wild animals may not be as bad as imagined by the main character, Max, in Sendak’s classic, there are still some dangers.
My ancestors and my immediate family have spent many wonderful hours collectively camping, picnicking, exploring, fishing, hunting and photographing in Jocassee and other wilderness areas in
Dooley receives service to Sherman College award
PICKENS — Brian Dooley, D.C., A.C.P., of Pickens, recently received the Service to Sherman College Award from Sherman College of Chiropractic in appreciation of his contributions, time and commitment to growing the chiropractic profession. The Service to Sherman College Award is given to individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary, unselfish and noteworthy service to Sherman College.
Dr. Brian Dooley is a 2005 summa cum laude graduate of Sherman College and has been in private practice in Pickens, since 2007. In 2013, Dooley joined the faculty of Sherman College, where he has served in numerous capacities as an assistant floor doctor in the Health Center, faculty member, and currently as chair of the Business Education Department. Dooley also serves as the Master of Ceremonies for Sherman College’s