Daily Archives: 09/29/2020
A guide to agreeably disagreeing
Back in the olden days when I was a child, our family had heated political discussion at the dinner table. Not heated in an angry way, but passionate, in an interesting way.
We all participated. And everyone contributed their opinions. But there was a rule, unspoken but followed. Everyone had the right to disagree.
When there was a point being debated, the arguments had to be backed up with facts. It was alright to hold different views on issues, but when your particular view was stated, the reason for your view on an issue had to be explained.
We could disagree. But we couldn’t accuse those who disagreed with us of stupidity, ignorance or insanity. We couldn’t call anyone a liar or get up and leave the
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Courier Letters to the Editor 9-30-20
Keepers of tradition
Dear Editor,
I read the story titled, “DNR denies permit for Jocassee Gorges event.” DNR said the decision was made to deny the permit for the cycling event after hearing the public comments.
I attended the meeting and agree with DNR’s decision, though my reasoning was a bit broader.
For those who didn’t attend the meeting or missed the article, the overall question was whether DNR should approve an event that could lead to the commercialization of the Jocassee Gorges.
Decisions that touch on or deal with local tradition center on the question of who has the standing
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SC Fiddling Convention re-scheduled for October 17 at historic Hagood Mill
PICKENS — Old-Time musicians near and far descend on the grounds of Hagood Mill to compete in the official state-sanctioned two-day South Carolina Fiddling Convention each year.
Due to special COVID-19 circumstances the event is looking very different in 2020. Tickets for the event are extremely limited to 200. The fiddling competition will occur on site and will be live-streamed to a virtual audience.
The mill will operate and will have living history
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Legion Post 52 and Robinson to honor vets
EASLEY — Easley’s American Legion Post 52 will partner with Robinson Gardens to remember and celebrate all American veterans of the United States military on Veterans Day, Nov. 11.
Post 52 members will participate in a commemoration event at Robinson Memorial Gardens at 1425 Powdersville Road in Easley. The program will begin at 11 a.m.
Amazing Grace to celebrate annual Homecoming Oct. 4
PICKENS — Amazing Grace Fellowship, located at 229 Pearl St. in Pickens, will be celebrating its homecoming on Oct. 4.
The Chordsmen Quartet will be singing during the 10 o’clock hour. Rev. Doug Saylors will be speaking during the 11 o’clock hour. Lunch will follow the service in the fellowship building.
Mill offers digital inclusion program
PICKENS — The COVID-19 pandemic has created a sudden, massive public need for trustworthy digital inclusion services.
Millions of Americans need support from digital inclusion programs: to get connected with affordable home internet, find affordable computing devices and learn basic digital skills.
“Digital Navigators” is an adaptation of traditional digital inclusion programming to this new reality, providing one-to-
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Courier Obituaries 9-30-20
LIBERTY — Howard Lee Spivey, 84, went to be with his Lord and Savior on Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2020.
Mr. Spivey was born in Polk County, N.C., and was the son of the late Oberian Spivey and Pearlie Searcy Spivey and loving husband for 60 years to Avis Wall Spivey.
Mr. Spivey was of the Baptist faith and attended when he could Potters Clay Fellowship. He was a lover of all animals. He carried dog and cat food with him always, just to feed the strays. He would say that taking care of the strays was what led him to be successful. His first job was with Reeves Constructions, and that brought him to this area. He moved on to being a business owner
Offense surges to lift Pickens to win in season opener

By Scott Sasser
Courier Sports
PICKENS — Facing a 16-0 deficit in the first quarter, the Pickens Blue Flame seemed poised to repeat the failures of last season against the Walhalla Razorbacks on
Friday night.
The Blue Flame, however, had other plans, staging a furious comeback and dominating the second half on their way to a 46-30 win — Pickens’ first season-opening victory since 2010.
“That was a good football team with a Division I athlete in the backfield,” Pickens head coach Chad Smith said of the Razorbacks and standout running back Zaire Scotland. “We proved a
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Red Devils still waiting for first game
By Clay Counts
Special to The Courier
LIBERTY — After watching the other three Pickens County high schools open their 2020 seasons on Friday night, Liberty fans are unfortunately still playing the waiting game after COVID-19 postponed the start of the Devils’ season.
School District of Pickens County spokesman John Eby announced on Sept. 18 that football activities at LHS had been suspended for two weeks due to positive
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