Monthly Archives: September 2020
Make your investments work as hard as you do
Labor Day has come and gone. Of course, this year, the holiday may have a different impact, given the employment-related stress and disruptions stemming from the coronavirus. Yet, it’s good to recognize the value of work and its importance in achieving your life’s goals. But if you’re going to retire comfortably and reach your other financial objectives, you also need to invest — and your investments need to work as hard as you do.
To help make this happen, you need to know why you’re investing in the first place. You likely have a
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Medical decisions made by neighbor?
How would you like it if you were admitted to a hospital, unable to express your wishes and ask questions, and a neighbor strolled in and started making medical decisions for you?
The Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General was asked to investigate after this happened to a veteran who was hospitalized for three weeks.
The OIG determined that the neighbor had no legal authority to make medical decisions for
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Courier Obituaries 9-9-20
PICKENS — Ervin McGill Brezeale Sr., 91, passed away peacefully in his sleep at his daughter’s home to be with the Lord on Monday morning, Aug. 31, 2020.
Born on Jan. 14, 1929, in Pickens County, he was the son of the late George Ervin and Cora Jane Brezeale of Six Mile. He drove a truck for most of his life along with Pony Express. He loved gardening and had a green thumb and always had a beautiful yard with lots of beautiful flowers. For one third of his life, Mac lived in Charlotte, N.C., where he and his wife, Lucille Daves Brezeale, grew their home and family of six kids
Being ready to give an answer
Today, just as there was in the ancient world, there is a need for the people of God to assume the role of a watchman. If Christians do not share the gospel and warn the world that Jesus is the only hope for our future and is returning soon … who will?
The watchman’s call 2,700 years ago is still valid today: “The morning comes and also the night!” Yes, the world is in distress and insecurity is increasing on many levels, but there remains one rock that cannot be shaken, and that is the Kingdom of God! Many are
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Seeds of Change

Efforts toward Racial Unity
Part 1
By Dr. Thomas Cloer, Jr.
Special to The Courier
Dr. Betty McDaniel, the vice chair of the Hagood Mill Foundation, is a miracle worker.
Racial tensions have heightened recently throughout America. The death of George Floyd after a police officer kneeled on his neck in Minneapolis spawned protests throughout the states.
Citizens of our county are looking for answers as to how we can build bridges and promote unity when there is so much racial strife.
McDaniel responded by saying, “We need to talk.”
In a family model, when there is strife, there must be communication. Marriages fail at alarming rates because of the lack of communication. So, how does this magical lady pull off such communication during a pandemic?
McDaniel, a grant writer extraordinaire, connected with the South Carolina Humanities, a state program
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‘The Game’s Afoot’ to open at Foothills Playhouse

EASLEY — “Come, Watson, come. The game’s afoot. Not a word. Come.”
Sherlock Holmes says these words to Dr. Watson in The Adventure of the Abbey Grange. Many may not know that this is a reference to Shakespeare’s famous Henry V “Into the breach…” speech. Audiences will have the opportunity to go into the breach and discover an evening of entertainment in the mystery-comedy “The Game’s Afoot,” being staged at Foothills Playhouse in Easley for three weekends, Oct. 2-18.
The story is set in 1936, at the home of William Gillette. For those not familiar with actor-producer William Gillette, here is a brief background. With the
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Troop 51 award Eagle to Styles and Nickell
Jayme Styles and Thackston Nickell of Scout Troop 51 in Pickens were awarded their Eagle Scout badge, the highest rank in scouting, at a ceremony on Aug. 23. Styles is the son of Cyndi Hooper and Dennis Styles and has been involved in scouting since 2013. During his scouting career, he earned 27 merit badges, served in many troop leadership roles, was a member of the Order of the Arrow and had more than 90 nights camping. For his Eagle project, Styles planned, organized, raised funds and completed a landscape project along the disc golf course at Hagood Mill. At the ceremony, Jayme also received his Bronze Eagle Palm. Styles is currently enrolled as a freshman at Tri-County Technical College. Nickell is the son of Amanda and Josh Nickell and has been involved in Boy Scouts since 2013, but was also a member of Cub Scout Pack 51, where he earned his Arrow of Light, the highest rank in Cub Scouts. During his scouting career, he earned 32 merit badges, served in many troop leadership roles, was a member of the Order of the Arrow and had more than 100 nights camping. For his Eagle project, Nickell held a fundraiser to stock Gleaning House, the local food pantry. At the recent ceremony, Nickell received his Bronze and Gold Eagle Palms. Nickell is currently enrolled as a freshman at Clemson University.
Sweet Potatoes make the cake

By Olivia Fowler
For the Courier
We take sweet potatoes pretty much for granted around here,
and I admit a really good baked sweet potato is hard to beat. They’re moist, naturally sweet and a real comfort food when the weather starts cooling off.
Baking is not the only way to cook sweet potatoes, and you may be surprised at their versatility. One of the things most pleasing things about sweet potatoes are their color. The bright, vivid color really adds to their appeal.
Courier Classifieds 9-9-20
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