Daily Archives: 11/10/2020
Delegation set to meet
PICKENS — The Pickens County Legislative Delegation will hold a meeting at 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 19, on the steps of the Pickens County Courthouse.
The purpose of the meeting is to administer the oath of office and election of officers for the next legislative term. Judge Perry Gravely will perform the swearing-in of the delegation members.
The courthouse is located at 214 E. Main St. in Pickens.
Call the delegation office at (864) 850-7070 with any questions.
United Way of Pickens County recognizes donors, supporters

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
COUNTY — Thanks to the generosity of the community, United Way of Pickens County has been able to continue helping people through the COVID-19 pandemic and other events this year.
United Way of Pickens County held its annual meeting virtually last month.
“United Way truly is a community organization and is driven by community members who
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And now we begin again
We’ve all been through a very stressful time. Not just the coronavirus — it’s ongoing — but the election process itself.
At last, it’s over. And we can move forward. I’m happy about how democracy was put on display and how reassuring it is to know that even during the worst of times, democracy works.
One wonderful part of having it finished is knowing that that the constant barrage of political ads has stopped.
We have all been affected by the negativity, and it has been stressful. Even the dogs have suffered from anxiety.
The chihuahua has watched the coverage faithfully. He
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Letters to the Editor 11-11-20
What happened to Americans?
Dear Editor,
What happened to Americans?
Where and when did we lose our way? What happened to the bit of John Wayne, Audie Murphy and all of the champions of God, country, mom and apple pie that lived in us? Where are the bigger-than-life Americans who braved the wilds of the country in covered wagons in search of a country of freedom, opportunity and discovery, and a new life — yes, a better life, built with their own hands? Often in this new world they dreamed of, they paid with their lives. Still, they packed up and moved out, full of hope and an indomitable spirit.
The values they had, all of their suffering, bloodshed, lives lost and countries defended through our sacrifice of lives and treasure to save others from what the progressives are now trying to visit on our country, most blatantly through the theft of this presidential election!
Tony Mangan
Remaining steadfast
People talk about faith all the time and this a good thing, however, along with our confidence, there must also be a collection of other Godly character traits operating within us in order to have a balanced and sincere relationship with Him.
Faith is not just a magical wand that is used when we want something, but rather is an agreement with God’s will, which is a critical part of being His child. As to the election, we knew that half the nation would be glad while the other half would be sad, but how many were asking God about His prophetic timeline pertaining to
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Act now to change your Medicare plan
Have you finished making your decisions about your Medicare plan for 2021? If you’re going to make a change, you have only a short time to pick a new one. The deadline is Dec. 7.
There are so many options: Medicare Advantage, a supplemental plan or the traditional Medicare. And there are many things to consider within those options — the drugs we currently take, eye exams, hearing aids, annual preventive tests and more.
The place to start is with your current plan. By now you
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Letters reach out to troubled vets
We’ve been in a stressful period for many long months, and now here come the holidays. It’s going to be different this year: fewer (or no) family get-togethers, no parties, little shopping at stores … in other words, a potentially lonely time for many veterans who are sad or anxious or who have PTSD.
The Department of Veterans Affairs has done a randomized evaluation of its Caring Letters Program to test the effects of sending a written letter every month to veterans who have called the Veteran Crisis Line. One result was that when asked, 85 percent of psychiatric patient veterans agreed or
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CU mechanical engineering graduate looks to make a difference with Fulbright award

CLEMSON — McKinnon Reece knows engineers tend to make better-than-average salaries, but when the recent Clemson University graduate thinks about what he might be doing a decade from now, he has bigger things on his mind.
“Long term, I want to be able to make a difference in the world,” he said.
Reece plans to head to Taiwan in January to teach English and STEM to elementary- and middle-school children with the help of a grant through the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. He expects to remain abroad for
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PRA names challenge semifinalists
PICKENS — The Pickens Revitalization Association has announced the semifinalists for the newly named Pickens Revitalization Challenge, an entrepreneurial startup competition for the purpose of generating additional retail occupancy in Pickens.
Additionally, the challenge will provide a means by which local, area and regional entrepreneurs can advance their desire to
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