Daily Archives: 11/17/2020
Virus still widespread as Thanksgiving approaches
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Pickens County has never had more widespread incidence of COVID-19 “than we do right now,” county administrator Ken Roper said last week.
Roper discussed the county’s virus numbers during a Facebook Live update video posted Friday morning.
At that time, Pickens County had 607 active cases, he said.
“That’s 607 positive cases, according to DHEC, that have
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County still has SC’s highest rate of incidence
COLUMBIA — South Carolina officials have reported four new COVID-19 deaths in Pickens County over the past week.
In addition to three elderly deaths, one middle-aged county resident died of the virus this week.
Pickens County continues to trend in the wrong direction in transmission rate, with the 14th-highest rate of South Carolina’s 46 counties. A two-spot drop from last week, the county currently sits at 4,147.09 cases per 100,000 residents
Meanwhile, the county is the state’s worst in the two-week
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State grant to fund Table Rock pull-off

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Plans are in the works to make photographing Table Rock safer.
The popular picture-taking spot in front of Table Rock on S.C. Highway 11 is known as the Grant Meadow overlook, county administrator Ken Roper told county council members during their November meeting.
“The most photographed natural feature in the state of South Carolina, it’s right here in Pickens
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SDPC gets $845K technology grant

By Greg Oliver
Courtesy The Journal
EASLEY — The School District of Pickens County’s effort to improve distance learning technology in schools recently received a huge boost through a federal grant totaling more than $845,000.
The grant will allow 83 Clear Touch distance learning packages to be installed throughout the elementary schools in Pickens County, along with 13 Cisco Webex room kits and 11 room kit minis for the middle and high schools. The packages combine large touchscreens with video conferencing technology to allow students
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Graduation rate hits new record
COUNTY — The School District of Pickens County had a new record-high graduation rate in 2020, the eighth consecutive year the district’s rate has gone up.
Although some assessments were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the district’s four-year, on-time graduation was 87.7 percent, significantly above the state average of 82.1 percent.
“Our journey from 66.7 percent to 87.7 percent has created a new environment in our county, which will continue to transform the lives of the customers we
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Liberty school has 76 students quarantined
COUNTY — More than 10 percent of the students at Liberty Primary School were quarantined as a precaution to prevent the spread of COVID-19 last week, according to the School District of Pickens County.
In its weekly update, the district said five staff members and 76 students at the school were quarantined, though only one staff member and one student tested positive for the virus, with one of those attending school.
According to its website, Liberty Primary has an enrollment of
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Rec funds to help improve Bruce Field

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Pickens officials are closer to meeting a goal of having the Doodle Trail extend to the Bruce Field complex, thanks to county recreation funds.
On Friday, County Councilman Wes Hendricks presented city officials with a check for $99,720.54 to fund enhancements at the field.
Hendricks said the project is an ideal use for recreation funds.
“That’s what it’s supposed to go for,” he said. “Having come through the system here, I know what it
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DHEC issues holiday travel, safety advice
COLUMBIA — The state health department is encouraging small gatherings for Thanksgiving celebrations and the use of video technology for larger celebrations.
The S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) is urging South Carolinians to limit activities in the two weeks leading up to any holiday gatherings to reduce any risk of spreading COVID-19.
“Thanksgiving is an important time for family and friends to celebrate and reconnect, especially
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Legion, Robinson’s to honor fallen veterans
EASLEY — Easley American Legion Post 52, along with Robinson’s Memorial Gardens on Powdersville Road, will be paying honor to fallen veterans at 10 a.m. Dec. 19.
As part of a national program, a wreath will be placed on every veteran’s grave in the veterans section of the cemetery. Special speaker will be retired Army Col. Jarrel Alexander of Pickens.
The public is welcome to attend the event.
Wreaths Across America is a program to enable designated cemeteries across America to place wreaths on individual graves as at Arlington National Cemetery. There is a fundraising program to help in the effort. A donation of $15 will help cover expenses.
Anyone wishing to donate to the project may make donations to “Wreaths Across America,” American Legion Post 52, 118A Legion Street, Easley, SC 29642 or call (864) 230-4765.
They’re painting the roses red
The Red Queen is a character in “Alice in Wonderland” by author Lewis Carroll. She’s not very attractive, but we’ve seen her kind many times before. The way she behaves is similar to the way Henry VIII carried on in England hundreds of years ago.
I don’t know what happened to the Red Queen to make her into the monster that she was. I don’t think her battle horse with its armor fell on top of her during a jousting tournament, leaving her out cold for several hours, like the accident that happened to Henry VIII.
Maybe she was just a run-of-the-mill, everyday,
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