Monthly Archives: November 2020
Rec funds to help improve Bruce Field

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Pickens officials are closer to meeting a goal of having the Doodle Trail extend to the Bruce Field complex, thanks to county recreation funds.
On Friday, County Councilman Wes Hendricks presented city officials with a check for $99,720.54 to fund enhancements at the field.
Hendricks said the project is an ideal use for recreation funds.
“That’s what it’s supposed to go for,” he said. “Having come through the system here, I know what it
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DHEC issues holiday travel, safety advice
COLUMBIA — The state health department is encouraging small gatherings for Thanksgiving celebrations and the use of video technology for larger celebrations.
The S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) is urging South Carolinians to limit activities in the two weeks leading up to any holiday gatherings to reduce any risk of spreading COVID-19.
“Thanksgiving is an important time for family and friends to celebrate and reconnect, especially
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Legion, Robinson’s to honor fallen veterans
EASLEY — Easley American Legion Post 52, along with Robinson’s Memorial Gardens on Powdersville Road, will be paying honor to fallen veterans at 10 a.m. Dec. 19.
As part of a national program, a wreath will be placed on every veteran’s grave in the veterans section of the cemetery. Special speaker will be retired Army Col. Jarrel Alexander of Pickens.
The public is welcome to attend the event.
Wreaths Across America is a program to enable designated cemeteries across America to place wreaths on individual graves as at Arlington National Cemetery. There is a fundraising program to help in the effort. A donation of $15 will help cover expenses.
Anyone wishing to donate to the project may make donations to “Wreaths Across America,” American Legion Post 52, 118A Legion Street, Easley, SC 29642 or call (864) 230-4765.
They’re painting the roses red
The Red Queen is a character in “Alice in Wonderland” by author Lewis Carroll. She’s not very attractive, but we’ve seen her kind many times before. The way she behaves is similar to the way Henry VIII carried on in England hundreds of years ago.
I don’t know what happened to the Red Queen to make her into the monster that she was. I don’t think her battle horse with its armor fell on top of her during a jousting tournament, leaving her out cold for several hours, like the accident that happened to Henry VIII.
Maybe she was just a run-of-the-mill, everyday,
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Courier Letters to the Editor 11-18-20
America, it’s time to heal
Dear Editor,
The answer to “What happened to Americans?” is found in II Chronicles 7:14. “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will save their soul and heal their land.”
According to Micah 6:8, God requires us to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God.
What a contrast to our present leaders. After four long, exhausting years, may God bless America
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Clean heart and right spirit
The early church began as a small group of Christians who believed in God and the Bible and considered their faith as their highest priority. However, we have sadly observed in recent years, a significant decline in morality and a falling away from the awareness and reverence for the Almighty.
When I was young, television would not even show a married couple’s bedroom having only one bed, but instead would have separate beds. Many will laugh at this as being ridiculous, but modesty and a sensitivity to purity was at one time very important to the general public. Having a conscience and spiritual respect for the divine standards of right and wrong was considered normal and accepted as the decency of our culture. It’s sad how quickly our modesty
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Thanksgiving coming early to Pickens area
PICKENS — Ready for a Thanksgiving feast before the big day? Look no further than the Pickens Christian School fundraiser.
On Friday, the school will host a Thanksgiving dinner a week early to raise funds. The event will feature some of the most delicious smoked turkey you will ever put in your mouth and will also include the fixings and fixtures of Turkey Day. The feast will also feature fresh apple fritters that will be made onsite by Yoder’s at Meece Mill.
The event will take place at the Pickens Mennonite Church at 558 Gravely Road in Pickens from 4-7 p.m. All plates are sold by donation only, with all the proceeds going to Pickens Christian School.
The menu planned will be smoked turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, gravy, cranberry salad and homemade pumpkin pie.
As an added bonus, local residents can also order their own smoked turkey for a family Thanksgiving dinner. The church is taking orders for whole smoked turkeys. To get a turkey, preorder by calling Ryan Strite at (601) 513-1933. Turkeys will be ready for pickup on Wednesday, Nov. 25, at the Pickens Mennonite Church. All orders must be in by Thursday, Nov. 19. All turkeys are sold by donations.
Six Mile Feast-O-Plenty this weekend

SIX MILE — Six Mile Baptist Church will host its 13th annual “Feast-O-Plenty” this Saturday, Nov. 21, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Last year, approximately 200 people joined the church for the dinner, and this year organizers are hoping to share with even more.
The meal will be served “to-go” fashion at the Roper Building, located at 150 N. Main St. in Six Mile. The event is a free Thanksgiving meal for anyone living in and around the town of Six Mile.
A traditional holiday meal of turkey, dressing and gravy, vegetables, cranberry sauce and desserts will be served “to-go” only.
Anyone wishing to receive to-go meals simply needs to go to the Roper Building and provide the number of meals requested, and meals will be provided free of charge.
The meal is being sponsored by Six Mile Baptist Church and through generous gifts by people in the community, as an outreach caring for the people in the area.
Anyone from the community who would like to volunteer to help with the meal may call 868-2392 or 506-0410. If you have any questions about the meal, call Pastor Ray Longenecker of Six Mile Baptist Church at 506-0410.
Courier Community Calendar 11-18-20
• Delegation plans meeting Thursday
The Pickens County Legislative Delegation will hold a meeting at 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 19, on the steps of the Pickens County Courthouse.
The purpose of the meeting is to administer the oath of office and election of officers for the next legislative term. Judge Perry Gravely will perform the swearing-in of the delegation members.
The courthouse is located at 214 E. Main St. in Pickens.
Call the delegation office at (864) 850-7070 with any questions.
• Christmas events set in Dacusville
Dacusville will soon be getting into the Christmas spirit with the annual Christmas tree lighting event and Christmas parade in December. The tree lighting event will be held at 7 p.m Dec. 11 at the old Dacusville school on Earls Bridge Road. The annual Christmas parade will be the next day on Saturday, Dec. 12, beginning at 2 p.m. For more information on participating in the parade, call David Norton at (864) 855-2920 or Randy Williams at (864) 270-1599.
• Liberty Christmas Parade set for Dec. 5
The city of Liberty will be holding its annual Christmas Parade on Dec 5.
The theme of this year’s Christmas parade will be “A Charlie Brown Christmas.”
This year, due to a required approval of a large event to comply with state COVID-19 guidelines, the city’s Christmas tree lighting will be held the same day prior to the parade on Saturday, Dec. 5, beginning at 6 p.m., with the parade following at 6:30 p.m. As a result of this change, and in order to be in compliance with state requirements, there will not be any visits or pictures with Santa hosted by the city this year.
Santa will, however, be in attendance in the Christmas parade as usual.
Due to COVID-19 requirements from the South Carolina Department of Commerce and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations, approved events in excess of 250 attendees require appropriate group social distancing and masks. The Liberty Christmas parade is an approved S.C. Department of Commerce event.
For more information about parade entries, contact Jan Petersen at
• Organizations team up for donation drive
The Steppin’ It Up Coalition and Behavioral Health Services of Pickens County are partnering for a “Helping Hands Drive.” Donations of non-perishable food items, personal care items and new/gently used blankets or coats will be accepted and can be dropped off at 303 E. Main St. in Pickens, next to the Burning Brick.
The two organizations realize that 2020 has been a hard year for a lot of folks and want to help in any way they can.
Donations will be given out at a drive-thru Helping Hands drive right before Christmas.
Contact Jessica Gibson at (864) 898-5800 or with any questions. Learn more about the coalition at
Courier Obituaries 11-18-20
CENTRAL — Melinda Roper Manley, 51, wife of William Richard Manley, passed away on Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2020, at St. Francis Hospital in Greenville.
Mendi was born in Easley, a daughter of Bennie and Pat Campbell Roper of Pickens. She was a graduate of Easley High School and was a former respiratory specialist with AnMed Health. She was a member of Mountain View Baptist Church.
Surviving, in addition to her husband and parents, are a son, Jonathan Roper Manley of the home;