Daily Archives: 12/15/2020
Celtic Christmas set for Saturday at Hagood Mill
PICKENS — The music of the Appalachian region was heavily influenced by the influx of Scotch and Irish immigrants, and this influence has been integral in the development of American folk music traditions.
With Christmas approaching and the New Year beckoning, it is time once again to honor our musical traditions by listening to songs of the season. A local seasonal musical tradition is the Ed Harrison Memorial Celtic Christmas program, to be held at the Heritage Pavilion at the Hagood Mill Historic Site this Saturday, Dec. 19, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
The Ed Harrison Memorial Celtic Christmas program
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• Legion, Robinson’s to honor fallen vets
Easley American Legion Post 52, along with Robinson’s Memorial Gardens on Powdersville Road, will be paying honor to fallen veterans at 10 a.m. Dec. 19. As part of a national program, a wreath will be placed on every veteran’s grave in the veterans section of the cemetery. Special speaker will
Cookies with a taste of the holidays

By Olivia Fowler
For the Courier
We often associate cookies with Christmas, but I believe there are plenty of other holidays that can do with a good cookie, like Thanksgiving and Easter.
For one thing, there are usually so many rich foods on the table, even thinking about a heavy dessert can make a person a little queasy.
So maybe it’s time to turn to a treat that’s just a little lighter. One cookie will not have as much impact as one slice of pie or cake.
I really like the featured cookies this week.
You certainly don’t have to make all four varieties, and if you choose gingerbread men, remember, you can always use a different-shaped cookie cutter if you think it’s not the right time of year for the familiar figure to appear on the dessert table.
Please enjoy and have a safe, happy and possibly Zoom-filled holiday.
Courier Classifieds 12-16-20
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Up to $15,000.00 of GUARANTEED Life Insurance! No medical exam or health questions. Cash to help pay funeral and other final expenses. Call Physicians Life Insurance Company – 855-
Courier Trespass Notices 12-16-20
In the state of South Carolina, trespass after notice is a misdemeanor criminal offense prohibited by section 16-11-620 for the South Carolina Code.
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Courier Notice to Creditors 12-16-20
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Courier Legal Notices 12-16-20
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