Monthly Archives: January 2021
Finalists named for PRA Challenge

PICKENS — Pickens Revitalization Association has announced the finalists for the Pickens Revitalization Challenge for 2020-2021.
The Pickens Revitalization Challenge is a new take on the Main Street Challenge of past years. It represents an entrepreneurial startup competition for the purpose of generating additional retail occupancy in Pickens. At the same time, it provides a means by which local, area and regional entrepreneurs can advance
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County library board sets
COUNTY — The Pickens County Library System board of directior recently announced the meeting schedule for the upcoming year. All meetings will start at 6 p.m.
The board’s first meeting was held on Jan. 21 at the Kimberly Hampton Memorial Library in Easley.
The board will next meet on March 18 at the Sarlin Library at 15 S. Palmetto St. in Liberty.
Other meetings are planned for May 20 and July 15 at the Hampton Memorial Library in Easley, followed by a meeting Sept. 16 at the Village Library at 124 N. Catherine St. in Pickens and a Nov. 18 meeting at the Central-Clemson Library at 105 Commons Way in Central.
December chamber member of the month
Cornell Dubilier was recently named the Greater Pickens Chamber of Comerce Member of the Month. The business is a family-owned business and is the largest North American supplier of screw-terminal, aluminum electrolytic capacitors. Cornell Dubilier’s corporate office is located in Liberty, and the company employs about 180 people locally. Cornell Dubilier has a total of four manufacturing facilities around the world. Its products are used in many different applications, from medical and energy to military and transportation. Cornell Dubilier helps power the world. You can learn more about Cornell Dubilier by vistiting Pictured are training/HR assistant Libby Carew, chamber board member Liza Holder, Cornell Dubilier plant manager Daniel Brazinski, human resources manager Teresa Owens and chamber board member Debbie Gravely.
Sour cream is full of surprises
By Olivia Fowler
For the Courier
The rich creaminess of sour cream is misleading. It tastes as though it has a zillion calories but in fact, two tablespoons of sour cream has fewer calories
than a tablespoon of mayonnaise.
Sure, the percentage of fat is high, but the total amount isn’t. Consider that a serving of sour cream is two tablespoons. That provides just 52 calories — half the amount that’s in a single tablespoon of mayonnaise. And that is also less saturated fat than the amount contained in a 12-ounce glass of 2 percent milk.
If it still worries you to eat sour cream, use the reduced fat variety. Remember that it isn’t necessary to eliminate everything tasty from your diet to eat healthy. Moderation in all things is the key. So, enjoy these sour cream dishes and use good judgment when you cook as well as when you eat.
Courier Classifieds 1-27-21
DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for [350] procedures. Real dental insurance NOT just a discount plan. [Don’t wait!] Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-855-397-7030 #6258 SW
OXYGEN – Anytime. Anywhere. No tanks to refill. No deliveries. The All-New Inogen One G4 is
Courier Trespass Notices 1-27-21
In the state of South Carolina, trespass after notice is a misdemeanor criminal offense prohibited by section 16-11-620 for the South Carolina Code.
Those who enter upon the lands of others without the permission of the owner or manager shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor trespassing. All persons are hereby notified and warned not to hunt, fish, cut timber or trespass in any manner whatsoever upon the lands of the undersigned:
Courier Notice to Creditors 1-27-21
The publisher shall only be liable for an amount less than or equal to the charge for the space of the item in error in the case of errors in or omissions from any advertisement, and only for the first incorrect insertion.
All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of PICKENS COUNTY, the address of which is 222 MCDANIEL AVE., B-16 PICKENS, SC 29671, within eight (8) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 62-3-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form (FORM #371ES) indicating the name and address of the
Courier Legal Notices 1-27-21
CIVIL ACTION NO.: 2020-CP-39-01150
NuCorp Investments, Plaintiff, v. Andrew N. Soresina, Scott A. Watson, and Cathy Marie Watson, Defendants.
TO: Andrew N. Soresina:
YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer to said Complaint upon the subscriber, at his office by mail at Post Office Box 11803, Columbia, South Carolina 29211 or by hand-delivery at 1901 Main Street, Suite 1200, Columbia, South Carolina 29201, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the
Man facing explosives charge
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — An Easley man has been charged with possession of an explosive device in connection with a federal investigation.
David Scott Halsey, 58, is charged with possessing, manufacturing or transporting a destructive device or explosive for damage, injury or death, according to a release from the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division.
SLED agents arrested Halsey on Sunday.
Halsey possessed the explosive on Nov. 2, 2020, the release
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