Monthly Archives: January 2021
Courier Notice to Creditors 1-13-21
The publisher shall only be liable for an amount less than or equal to the charge for the space of the item in error in the case of errors in or omissions from any advertisement, and only for the first incorrect insertion.
All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of PICKENS COUNTY, the address of which is 222 MCDANIEL AVE., B-16
Courier Legal Notices 1-13-21
CIVIL ACTION NO.: 2020-CP-39-01150
NuCorp Investments, Plaintiff, v. Andrew N. Soresina, Scott A. Watson, and Cathy Marie Watson, Defendants.
TO: Andrew N. Soresina:
YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action and to serve
Opportunity in every difficulty
Moods are a very real part of our daily lives, but also an area we need to discern carefully. We seldom think about human behavior and why we fall into certain attitudes, but I believe it would be worth our time to examine our thoughts on a regular basis.
The Bible and psychology has much to say about the ups and downs of our emotions, and it’s critical to understand how our human nature can resist and oppose our relationship with God. The fine line between our mental impulses and our spiritual line of communication with the Lord are difficult to understand, however, this battlefield of the mind has everything to do with whether God or our feelings are
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City councilwoman resigns
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Councilwoman Donna Owen has resigned from Pickens City Council.
“Like everyone else, the past year has brought many changes and, in some cases, we have had to
make decisions that are simply in the best interest of our family,” Owen said. “As such, I have resigned my position on the Pickens City Council.”
Owen has served on council since December 2017.
“Serving as an elected city council member was a new challenge after
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Sugar Bowl leaves sour taste for Tiger greats

By Michael Crouchley
Courtesy The Journal
CLEMSON — It’s probably not how they envisioned it going, but Friday night’s Sugar Bowl was almost certainly the last college game for two legendary Clemson players — Trevor Lawrence and Travis Etienne.
When the second-ranked Tigers (10-2) fell 49-28 to the third-ranked Buckeyes (7-0), it was not a
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Virus still taking toll on county

COLUMBIA — As vaccinations slowly begin to roll out across the state, Pickens County added an average of two COVID-19 deaths per day over the past week as the county continues to be among the worst-hit areas in South Carolina in the battle against the deadly virus ravaging the
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Questions bubble about COVID-19 vaccine rollout
By Riley Morningstar
Courtesy The Journal
SENECA — While national and state health officials struggle to piece together a fluid vaccine rollout, South Carolina officials are asking for continued safety measures and patience.
S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) interim public health director Dr. Brannon Traxler said Monday the wide-scale vaccination effort is
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Chris Bowers named Pickens County council chair
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — During Pickens County Council’s first meeting of 2021, Councilman Roy Costner and Councilman Chris Bowers swapped roles.
Bowers was elected council chairman during the organizational meeting, while Costner was elected vice chairman and Councilman Trey Whitehurst was elected vice chair pro tem.
All votes were unanimous.
Before the meeting, Costner, Bowers and new council members Henry Wilson and Alex Saitta were sworn in by Pickens County
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Roper credits county council for ‘resilient local economy’
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Pickens County administrator Ken Roper believes that county council has created an environment that has allowed the local economy to weather the pandemic better than other places.
Roper discussed new jobs and the county’s unemployment rate during the pandemic during an overview of county council accomplishments at council’s meeting last month.
As that meeting was the last meeting for two council members, Roper thought it appropriate to look back on the past four years.
County council approved balanced budgets with no tax increases in fiscal years 2018, 2019 and 2020, he said.
“Maintaining a conservative budget was one of the goals that county council outlined for staff in 2020,” Roper said. “The 2021 budget continues the trend of balanced budgets with no
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Pickens volleyball team takes second in major tourney
NORTH CHARLESTON — The Pickens Carolina One 18 Elite volleyball team went 6-1 at the January Jam in North Charleston last weekend, finishing second among a powerful group of teams.
The Pickens Carolina One club volleyball team, which goes by the name “Pride,” features upper-
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