Daily Archives: 02/23/2021
3 Daniel football players, coach earn all-state honors

By Bru Nimmons
Staff Reporter
COLUMBIA. — Even a couple of months after achieving its ultimate goal of a state championship, the Daniel High School football team continues to receive honors.
Last week, the South Carolina Football Coaches Association announced its annual Palmetto Champions All-Star Football Team, and three Daniel players and coach Jeff Fruster were selected
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Wave fall at Flora in first round
By Bru Nimmons
Staff Reporter
COLUMBIA — The 10th-ranked Easley Green Wave boys’ basketball team drew arguably the toughest assignment in the state playoffs, having to travel to Columbia to face A.C. Flora in the first round after losing to Travelers Rest on Feb. 12.
The Falcons, ranked first in Class 4A in the final SCBCA poll, proved to be just as tough as their ranking indicated, beating Easley 67-47 to eliminate the Green
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PRA announces winners

PICKENS — Pickens Revitalization Association recently announced the winners of the Pickens Revitalization Challenge, formerly known as the Main Street Challenge, an entrepreneurial startup competition for the purpose of generating additional retail occupancy in Pickens.
Pickens Revitalization Association chose to award two cash incentives for startup businesses or new concepts, which must
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Clemson Downs donation
Clemson Downs, CARC Foundation Inc. and the Clemson Downs volunteers each made a $1,500 contribution totaling $4,500 to Tri-County Technical College’s Foundation to continue its support of the TCTC nursing program. The donation will support three future nurses as they continue their education at TCTC. James Hill, executive director of Clemson Downs, standing, center, and Tri-County president Galen DeHay, standing, seventh from left, are pictured with Dr. Bill Dowler (seated) Marian Benton (seated) representing the CARC Foundation, Inc.; and (standing) Kathy McGee, representing the Clemson Downs Volunteers; Courtney White, director of development for Institutional Advancement at Tri-County; Grayson Kelly, vice president of institutional advancement and business relations, Debbie Nelms, fiscal analyst at Tri-County; Ruthie Millar, director of community outreach at Clemson Downs, and Wendy Longo, chair of the Clemson Downs board of directors.
Clemson Extension announces 4-H projects now being offered
COUNTY — The Invisalign ChangeMakers Initiative, in partnership with the National 4-H Council, is now live and accepting applications through March 31.
All teens ages 13-19 who have made an impact in their community in the past 12 months are eligible
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Perfectly delicious traditional pound cakes

By Olivia Fowler
For the Courier
ofowler@thepccourier. com
The reason I prefer traditional pound cake recipes is for the flavor, the richness, the moisture and the texture. And there is no substitute for real butter if you want to make a really good one.
If anyone can find a better chocolate pound cake recipe than my friend Jane’s, then send me a copy. It’s the very best.
My grandmama’s old fashioned pound cake recipe calls for a dozen eggs, real butter and a pound of
everything. There’s no substitute for anything, and it can easily feed 25 people.
And the lemon pound cake recipe is not run of the mill.
It’s near the top on the all-time favorites list.
If you’re cutting out sweets, don’t start until after you bake one of these cakes. You will not regret it.
Courier Classifieds 2-24-21
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Courier Trespass Notices 2-24-21
In the state of South Carolina, trespass after notice is a misdemeanor criminal offense prohibited by section 16-11-620 for the South Carolina Code.
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Courier Notice to Creditors 2-24-21
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