Monthly Archives: April 2021
Courier Notice to Creditors 4-28-21
The publisher shall only be liable for an amount less than or equal to the charge for the space of the item in error in the case of errors in or omissions from any advertisement, and only for the first incorrect insertion.
All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of PICKENS COUNTY, the address of which is 222 MCDANIEL AVE., B-16 PICKENS, SC 29671, within eight (8) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 62-3-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form (FORM #371ES) indicating the name and address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the claim, and a description of any security as to the claim.
Estate: Ella Mae Vaughn Wise
Courier Legal Notices 4-28-21
Frank Laraia and Patricia Schuler, Plaintiffs, – versus – B. Alan Ross Trustee for the B. Alan RossTrust, Delinquent Tax Collector of Pickens County; Treasurer of Pickens County; Defendants and any of their heirs, Personal Representatives, Administrators, Successors, and assigns, and all other persons orentities with any right, title, or interest in the real estate described herein, and, also, any Defendants unknown claiming any right, title, or interest in the real estate described herein; Also, any persons who may be in the Military service of the United States of America, being a class designated as
Council takes issue with raises in budget proposal
No tax increases included in first proposed budget
COUNTY — The proposed Pickens County fiscal year 2021-22 budget is balanced and contains no tax increase, though some county council members did take issue with an across-the-board cost-of-living raise for all county employees.
Finance director Ralph Guarino walked county council members through the proposed budget during a budget work session last week.
“This is just a proposed budget,” he said. “It is not the final budget. Y’all can change the budget however you want to. This is only a recommendation on a proposal from the administrator. Ultimately it’s up to council on what they want to approve in the budget.”
Guarino said the proposed budget is available to view under Budgets on the Finance
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Perry chosen as Riley Mayor’s Design Fellow
PICKENS — Pickens Mayor Fletcher Perry has been chosen as one of a select group of mayors from around the Palmetto State to receive a fellowship for a project he envisions to tell the history of the city’s African American influences.
“The decisions on matters of design of and in our towns and cities often have lasting impacts,” said Joseph P. Riley Jr., who was the mayor of Charleston from 1975-2016 and the founder of the Riley Mayor’s Design Fellowship. “If the decisions are well thought out and wise, present and future generations of citizens will benefit, with their quality of life enhanced.”
Perry is one of a handful of mayors in South Carolina chosen this year to receive the Riley Mayor’s Design Fellowship. The distinguished program is honored to a select few mayors
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County offering COVID-19 shots
PICKENS — The Pickens County Emergency Services Vaccination Clinic is now accepting appointments for the first and second dose of the Moderna vaccine to be administered at the Pickens County Sheriff’s Office by Pickens County EMS staff.
The vaccination clinic is the combined effort of the sheriff’s office, Emergency Services, United Way volunteers and the National Guard to make the COVID-19 vaccine accessible to as many citizens as possible. Appointments can be made by
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County tops SC in Incidence rate
COLUMBIA — With death numbers rising slightly again this week and the county holding the highest two-week incidence rate in the state, Pickens County is still far from out of the woods in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control reported the confirmed COVID-19 death of three Pickens County residents and the probable death of another in the seven-day period ending on Monday, when the latest DHEC numbers
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Nonprofits could get paid with county litter program

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
COUNTY — County officials are excited about a litter cleanup program being developed that will enlist — and pay — nonprofits, civic organizations and residents to pick up trash along Pickens County roads.
County council vice chairman Roy Costner suggested that such a program be developed during county council’s April 5 meeting.
“We’ve had a real litter problem for a while, but because of COVID, it’s become more exacerbated,” he said. “We’ve talked about how people
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Liberty firefighters commended for saving woman’s life
LIBERTY — Two Liberty Fire District firefighters were recently recognized for life-saving efforts earlier this year.
During Pickens County Council’s April 5 meeting, county administrator Ken Roper brought up Fire Chief Chris Rowland and Lt. Jonathan Bryant.
“I want to read you a little bit about what these two gentlemen did recently, so you’ll know what our public servants in this county are willing to do and actually do” Roper told council.
On Wednesday, Feb. 17, the Liberty Fire Department was dispatched to a structure fire on Pickens
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Pill Take Back Day planned Saturday across county

COUNTY — The upcoming National Pill Take Back Day allows Pickens County residents to get rid of unwanted and expired prescription pills — and possibly leave the drop-off sites with a little extra in their wallets.
The spring Pill Take Back Day will be held from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. this Saturday, April 24.
In Pickens County, pills can be dropped off at AnMed Health Cannon Hospital (123 W.G. Acker Drive, Pickens), Prisma Health Baptist Easley (200 Fleetwood Drive, Easley) and the Clemson Free Clinic (1200 Clemson Blvd., Clemson).
Residents dropping off medications during Pill Take Back Day on Saturday may be randomly selected to win a gift card. There will be three random winners at each location.
Acting United States Attorney M. Rhett DeHart urges the public to participate in Take Back Day
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Blue Flame softball sweeps Liberty
By Bru Nimmons
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — The Pickens Blue Flame softball team opened last week with consecutive matchups against county foe Liberty, and despite a couple really close contest, the Blue Flame ended up taking both matchups.
The Blue Flame hopped out to a great start in their first game against the Red Devils last Tuesday night, as Amber Clark hit a leadoff home run.
The Blue Flame held the lead into the bottom of the second, when Liberty’s Madison Reece managed to even things up as she scored on a passed ball.
An RBI single by Ali Cannon in third gave the lead back to Pickens before
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