Monthly Archives: April 2021
Liberty Community Scholarship Board announces 2021 scholarship recipients

LIBERTY — The Liberty Community Scholarship Board announced recently that the recipients of the 2021 Liberty Community Scholarship Award are William Kelly and Luke Proctor.
Kelly serves as an afterschool care grade teacher at Liberty Primary. He has participated in varsity golf and has earned Eagle Scout. Kelly is ranked eighth out of 109 in his graduating class. He plans to major in criminal justice, because he is passionate about improving the safety and quality of life in Pickens County.
Proctor is a member of Junior Leadership of Pickens County and the National Honor Society. Proctor works as a cabinet builder and serves
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BBQ and Jeep Fest is May 8
LIBERTY — Liberty Festivals & Events and the city of Liberty will present the annual Liberty BBQ & Jeep Fest on Saturday, May 8, from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. in downtown Liberty.
The festival will focus on a competitive barbecue cookoff and display of Jeeps.
The festival will kick off at 11 a.m. with an opening ceremony. Entertainment for the day includes performances from the Tim Eichelberger Band, Hot Foot Cloggers and Split Shot.
Festival activities will include the barbecue competition, Upstate food trucks, craft and artisan vendors, children’s activities including inflatables, face painting and games, and more.
For more information, visit
Pickens Chamber member of the month
The Gravely Agency Inc. was recently announced as the Greater Pickens Chamber of Commerce’s April Member of the Month. The Gravely Agency Inc. is an independent insurance agent and broker that offers auto, life, home and business insurance. Pictured are Debbie Gravely, Tommy Gravely, David Gravely, Lisa Bryant, Bill Gravely, Liza Holder, Connie Patterson, Anna Chastain and the company’s mascot, Roxie.
Open for business
Red, White & Brew Coffee Co. on Main Street in Six Mile helds its ribbon-cutting ceremony in conjunction with the town’s annual Issaqueena Festival on Saturday. Located in old fire station at 102 S. Main St. and owned by Jen and Jarred Brink, Red, White & Brew offers a variety of coffee drinks and kolaches with the convenience of a drive-thru. The Brinks are pictured with Greater Clemson Chamber of Commerce president Susan Cohen, Six Mile Mayor Roy Stoddard and their children Emberlee and Owen holding the ribbon.
Courier Community Calendar 4-21-21
• PHS Class of 1971 plans 50th reunion
The Pickens High School Class of 1971 will hold its 50-year reunion from 5-9 p.m. June 19 at the Lighthouse Restaurant and Event Center in Seneca.
The reunion will offer plenty of food, heavy hors d’oeuvres, a DJ, karaoke time and photos and memorabilia from those days for classmates
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Courier Classifieds 4-21-21
DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance – NOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-855-397-7030 #6258 SW
OXYGEN – Anytime. Anywhere. No tanks to refill. No deliveries. The All-New Inogen One G4 is only 2.8 pounds! FAA approved! FREE info kit: 833-833-1650. SW
Up to $15,000.00 of GUARANTEED Life Insurance! No medical exam or health questions. Cash to help pay funeral and other final expenses.
Courier Trespass Notices 4-21-21
In the state of South Carolina, trespass after notice is a misdemeanor criminal offense prohibited by section 16-11-620 for the South Carolina Code.
Those who enter upon the lands of others without the permission of the owner or manager shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor trespassing. All
Courier Notice to Creditors 4-21-21
The publisher shall only be liable for an amount less than or equal to the charge for the space of the item in error in the case of errors in or omissions from any advertisement, and only for the first incorrect insertion.
All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of PICKENS COUNTY, the address of which is 222 MCDANIEL AVE., B-16 PICKENS, SC 29671, within eight (8) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 62-3-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form