Daily Archives: 05/11/2021
New beginning

Ribbon cut on homeless shelter
PICKENS — On Monday morning, the Greater Pickens Chamber of Commerce held a long-awaited ribbon-cutting for the Pickens Shelter of Hope, Pickens County’s only homeless shelter.
The seedlings for the shelter began in January of 2018 out of a meeting of concerned citizens over the need for a homeless shelter in Pickens County. Led by Tracy and Sunshine Gantt, a group of 15 people went to work on the
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Easley man charged with tax crimes
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — An Easley man is accused of collecting taxes from employees and failing to turn that money over to the South Carolina Department of Revenue.
S.C. Department of Revenue agents arrested 59-year-old Daniel Mark East on Friday, according to a release from the department.
East is charged with five counts of failing to pay over withholding tax, the
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Residents express animal control concerns to county council
By Greg Oliver
Courtesy The Journal
PICKENS — Several Clemson residents appeared before Pickens County Council last week to urge it to address the county’s animal control ordinance they say needs to be strengthened to curb abuse and neglect
of animals.
“I’m here to ask you to fix a problem we here in Pickens County all share,” Susan Robinette said. “Although we have an animal control ordinance, animals here continue to suffer starvation, chaining, cruelty, neglect and abandonment. The ordinance needs to be strengthened with the addition of
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COLUMBIA — Despite having just two confirmed COVID-19 deaths in the past week, Pickens County continues to see some of the state’s worst numbers in the fight against the deadly virus.
According to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, two elderly county residents died of COVID-related causes in the one-week period
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No SDPC staff test positive for virus last week
First week with no cases since school year began
COUNTY — The School District of Pickens County hit a milestone in the fight against COVID-19 last week, as the district reported no staff members positive for the virus.
Last week marked the first week since students and teachers returned to the classroom in August that the district’s weekly report listed no COVID-19 cases
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Man killed after car turns in front of motorcycles
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — An Easley man died Sunday after a four-vehicle wreck.
Pickens County Coroner Kandy Kelley identified the victim as 37-year-old Maurice Washington of Pathfinder Circle.
The collision occurred at 2:24 p.m. on U.S. Highway 123 near Turner Hill Road, one mile north of Easley, according to
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County kicks off new litter program
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
COUNTY — Pickens County will be able to use some COVID-19 relief funds to enlist local nonprofits to take part in its “Pick Up Pickens” litter program, which officially launched Monday.
County officials held a press conference Monday afternoon to discuss the program, which aims to pay local nonprofits that sign up $250 for each mile of county roads the groups clean up.
The pandemic worsened the county’s litter issue in a couple of ways, county administrator
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Work to begin on Table Rock overlook pull-off

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
COUNTY — Many visitors stop on S.C. Highway 11 to take pictures of Table Rock, the most photographed natural feature in the state.
A project that will make stopping and taking those pictures safer at the Grant Meadow overlook has gone out to bid.
County administrator Ken Roper discussed the overlook and other park matters during his update to county council during its May 3 meeting.
“The county’s going to provide a safe and dedicated space to take that photograph and to pull over and enjoy the view,” he
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County establishing guidelines for American Rescue Plan funds

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
COUNTY — County officials want to be sure that any spending of Pickens County’s allocation from the American Rescue Plan does not come under federal scrutiny at a later date.
County Council passed a resolution during its regular May meeting establishing guidelines for usage of those funds.
The American Rescue Plan Act includes $65 billion in “direct, flexible aid” to every
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For want of a shoe, a horse was lost
Do you remember the old saying we learned in elementary school? Miss Moore, our sixth-grade teacher, cited it often. Thinking back, I recall hearing this when anyone didn’t show up with their homework.
“For want of a shoe, a horse was lost. For want of a horse, a rider was lost. For want of a rider, a soldier was lost. For want of a soldier, a battle was lost. For want of a battle, a war was lost.”
I was reminded of this while I searched for pine straw this week. Or pine
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